Anyone looking to loose 100+ want to buddy up?



  • kitkat2369
    kitkat2369 Posts: 1
    I've got a long way to go myself. I would love the support and encouragement. Please feel free to add me too! We can all do it together!!
    ACASHMAMA Posts: 9 Member
    I'm in!
  • I'm right there with you...please add me! Thanks for reaching out...I'm excited to make new friends and have the support and accountability!
  • dafnalevi
    dafnalevi Posts: 1 Member
    Yes! I'd love to buddy up and have to lose about 125 pounds. Used MFP before and it works, but fell off the wagon for a long time and am restarting today with a new mindset....
  • Ldenzel
    Ldenzel Posts: 91 Member
    Feel free to add me! I'm back to logging daily and working towards my 100+ loss!
  • Feel free to add me - that goes for anyone else on here, too. Looking to lose a little under 170 and can use all the support I can get! I will, of course, be happy to provide support to anyone who needs it. :)
  • I just started back and I am also looking to lose over 100 pounds. I would love to meet new friends on this site!:smile:
  • NicciNite
    NicciNite Posts: 8 Member
    Definitely looking to lose 100+, and buddies will be great!
  • tlangenfeld
    tlangenfeld Posts: 2,330 Member
    feel free to add me I started out needing to loose over 100 lbs and still not at my goal but closer then I was
  • xostarchickaxo
    xostarchickaxo Posts: 15 Member
    Same here! I'm in the same boat and looking for good friends to help get there and STAY there!
  • andiefly83
    andiefly83 Posts: 2
    Oh my gosh you all are amazing! What a cool community it is on here. Please, any one else feel free to add me, I've accepted every one that I've gotten. Whoopie! Feeling healthier already :)
  • redwoodkestrel
    redwoodkestrel Posts: 339 Member
    Deleted b/c double post.
  • redwoodkestrel
    redwoodkestrel Posts: 339 Member
    Anyone is welcome to add me. My goal initial goal was at least 125 pounds lost... I've said goodbye to 36 of them so far! :)
  • MrsJennaKwasniewski
    MrsJennaKwasniewski Posts: 204 Member
    I have over 100lbs to lose as well. I have lost some already, however, I still consider this the start of my journey so anyone feel free to add me!
  • Haiyaku
    Haiyaku Posts: 26
    I have around 100lb to lose so anyone who wants to can add me :3 "I have a public diary too"
  • kilgore67
    kilgore67 Posts: 40
    Hi. I'm Michelle. I have about 200 lbs. to lose.:grumble: Friend me if you like.:smile:
  • Yes let do this one day at a time
  • traylee35
    traylee35 Posts: 5 Member
    Count me in.
  • hilarydurst
    hilarydurst Posts: 91 Member
    Hello!!! I could use another friend whose in the same situation. I have 155 lbs to lose- I'm 27 pounds down and 128 to go. Anyone interested in sending a friend request please send a message. Good luck to all of you! Together we got this :)
  • add me too :) .. not looking to lose that much but I still have a long way to go to get to my new goal