I want to cut gluten...



  • kimiejo76
    kimiejo76 Posts: 24
    i ate the protein bar last weekend. i dont eat them on the regular. i like special k cereal.

    and yes.. i WILL cut out all gluten. I have checked labels before, when i cut dairy out of my diet for my child. i learned all the tricky ways they put dairy on labels, i can do it with wheat too.

    jees... and i am AMAZING insurance, the copays, time missed from work, numerous tests and pure aggravation that i am trying to avoid.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    To people wondering about cost: First of all, why are you all so damn defensive? I eat GF and I grantee I spend less on food than you. I eat brown rice, veggies, protein, oatmeal...it isn't the end of the world. Also yes, I had a blood test done, it cost me $200.00 and my health insurance didn't cover it.

    I grantee that I'm entertained
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    People... im not going to start eating small children to see if that helps my digestive issues. cutting something out that i dont need. There is no need in my diet for gluten. Except a filler.. it's fluff.

    and why dont i want to go to the dr? Because i would end up going to 14 different doctors, missing out on work, just to be put on zantac or some other reflux med. Ive been to the dr for it.. and they tell me to cut alcohol and caffeine. Do i want blood work taken, sure... why not. Do i want a camera stuck up my butt... nottttttttt really. I dont want to take off work and pay 14 copays just to get told i should cut gluten.

    So.. ill cut gluten. Ill eat potatoes, and veggies, and fruit, and the gluten free girl scout cookies i have in my kitchen (kidding). It's not a big deal. I really didnt realize gluten was such a controversial topic.

    Again.. im not going to hunt you down and switch to a diet consisting of your children... thanks for the advice from everyone.

    Did you cut out the alcohol and caffeine?
  • aliciap412
    aliciap412 Posts: 170 Member
    Many people with Celiac will test negative on the blood test so there is a good chance you would need an endoscopy for a diagnosis, and even then with no intestinal damage you still may have it. And as you already know, a diagnosis will lead to treatment - a GF diet. A lot of work for a piece of paper to make your relatives and friends stop dismissing your diet as a trend.

    **But most importantly, not talking to a doctor about your symptoms and just cutting gluten is not a good idea for one reason: you could very possibly have other health problems that your doctor may want you to consider or rule out before you cut anything out of your diet. For this reason, talk to your doctor about this regardless of whether you start a GF diet.
  • Galatea_Stone
    Galatea_Stone Posts: 2,037 Member
    If you truly think you have Celiac Disease, it is important to get the blood test and intestinal biopsy while still eating gluten.

    Yes, OP, you should get tested for Celiac. It's a simple blood test.

    DO NOT STOP EATING GLUTEN BEFORE GETTING BLOOD WORK. If you stop eating gluten before test, you will test negative.

    Eh, no, takes like 3 months to get it out of your system. Garuntee it would still pick it up if she got it any time in the near future.

    Considering I've been tested for Celiac multiple times and EACH time my doctor told me not to stop eating gluten prior to having the blood work because it can give a false negative, I'm 99.9% sure you are wrong.

    Three months is a long time to go without pooping.

    OP, if you don't have a medical condition that necessitates avoiding foods with gluten, you might make things worse. The most common complaint doctors see with people who self-diagnose and stop eating gluten is constipation, lethargy, and bloating caused by the constipation. Those grains are where most people get their fiber. Have you tried changing up what sorts of gluten-containing foods you eat? Try some with fiber.
  • _mlee_
    _mlee_ Posts: 90
    That really sucks that you feel so crappy! Hopefully you figure out the cause soon! I just want to add that I work for a surgeon who does upper GI scopes which is another way to test for celiac and I can tell you that honestly 99% of the patients that come in thinking their bloating and abdominal pain is caused by celiac or gluten sensitivity find out it is not. Most times it is actually caused by gastroesophageal reflux. Just something to look into. There are so many different symptoms related to GERD, most people confuse their symptoms with other disorders. Good luck :)
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    **But most importantly, not talking to a doctor about your symptoms and just cutting gluten is not a good idea for one reason: you could very possibly have other health problems that your doctor may want you to consider or rule out before you cut anything out of your diet. For this reason, talk to your doctor about this regardless of whether you start a GF diet.

    Another reason why I stressed the importance of going to the doctor, specifically a gastroenterologist. OP, you are just assuming the problem is gluten. But you could have a number of other things going on…… gallstones, kidney stones, Crohn's, IBS, colitis, etc. Some of those require medical attention. You may not WANT to have a colonoscopy or endoscopy but I know you want to find out the cause of the problems you've been experiencing. Trust me, both procedures aren't a big deal. The worst part is the prep, honestly. What are you going to do if you cut out gluten but still experience the symptoms you are having? Then what? What I'm saying is it's better to deal with it now than wait… especially if it's something serious. I doubt it is but just saying.
  • Apalachn
    Apalachn Posts: 4 Member
    Just a small FYI. I understand that if you did want to get tested for Celiacs, you need to have some gluten in your system. So, testing after cutting it might not give accurate results. Also, there are no tests, as far as I know, to test for non-celiacs gluten sensitivity. Based on what I understand, checking symptoms on an elimination diet is how to diagnose that. I hope you find what ales you. It does not sound fun.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    i ate the protein bar last weekend. i dont eat them on the regular. i like special k cereal.

    and yes.. i WILL cut out all gluten. I have checked labels before, when i cut dairy out of my diet for my child. i learned all the tricky ways they put dairy on labels, i can do it with wheat too.

    jees... and i am AMAZING insurance, the copays, time missed from work, numerous tests and pure aggravation that i am trying to avoid.
    so you don't want to know if there's anything wrong with you? You'd rather make some dramatic gesture of cutting out gluten rather than actually investigate the problem. So you're doing it for attention because if you really had a problem you'd want to get a solution

    I'm out
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    That really sucks that you feel so crappy! Hopefully you figure out the cause soon! I just want to add that I work for a surgeon who does upper GI scopes which is another way to test for celiac and I can tell you that honestly 99% of the patients that come in thinking their bloating and abdominal pain is caused by celiac or gluten sensitivity find out it is not. Most times it is actually caused by gastroesophageal reflux. Just something to look into. There are so many different symptoms related to GERD, most people confuse their symptoms with other disorders. Good luck :)

    This. Sorry you felt attacked OP but just trying to save you some unnecessary trouble. Out as well.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    That really sucks that you feel so crappy! Hopefully you figure out the cause soon! I just want to add that I work for a surgeon who does upper GI scopes which is another way to test for celiac and I can tell you that honestly 99% of the patients that come in thinking their bloating and abdominal pain is caused by celiac or gluten sensitivity find out it is not. Most times it is actually caused by gastroesophageal reflux. Just something to look into. There are so many different symptoms related to GERD, most people confuse their symptoms with other disorders. Good luck :)

    And this is why OP's doctors told her to cut out caffeine and alcohol. Both are triggers for GERD.

    Also why they told you to take Zantac.
  • EricJonrosh
    EricJonrosh Posts: 823 Member
    Gluten allergy is on the rise. Read up on why, you may be shocked. I've been gluten free for 2 years due to allergy and haven't missed the heavy, lethargic feeling of eating flour since. Haven't had a late morning sugar crash, sickness is much less frequent, several of my digestive problems have gone away. You can live without white paste very easily. When I was a kid my mom used flour mixed with water to hang wallpaper or do paper mache, that's basically what it feels like to eat it anyway.
  • merisaOct3
    merisaOct3 Posts: 197 Member
    OMG. This thread is ridiculous. I'm sorry I'm not sorry people are so offended by the notion that there might actually be something to eating (or not eating) in a manner that makes you feel better. Medical tests have their limitations. We're talking in circles and everyone is just defending their own positions - you're not "winning the argument" because we're already convinced in our own beliefs. Yes, you will need to have your own toaster/toaster oven and read labels, and do a lot of homework on it.

    P.S. my entire wedding cake is going to be the most amazing organic gluten free wedding cake EVAH and ALL of my friends (including the half dozen of us who are GF) are going to eat the **** out of it!
  • incantarix
    incantarix Posts: 35
    OP, I do not have celiac's, but have discovered that going over a certain "threshold" of foods with gluten will make me sick. I tried cutting it all out, then reintroduced it all slowly back in, and figured out more than a few slices of bread, OR a bowl or cereal, OR a serving of pasta, will give me terrible stomach issues. Like have to leave work in a panic issues.

    So you do what's best for YOU. If you discover your threshold is very low, then just eat less gluten. If you find you can't eat any, then don't eat any. Maybe your speciak K bar in the morning is all you can tolerate.

    You could get a blood test, but even if it comes back negative doesn't mean that glutens aren't upsetting your stomach. I wouldn't recommend going totally gluten free because it's probably unecessary, just try and find that "place" that works for you.
  • lolosensan
    lolosensan Posts: 251
    i ate the protein bar last weekend. i dont eat them on the regular. i like special k cereal.

    and yes.. i WILL cut out all gluten. I have checked labels before, when i cut dairy out of my diet for my child. i learned all the tricky ways they put dairy on labels, i can do it with wheat too.

    jees... and i am AMAZING insurance, the copays, time missed from work, numerous tests and pure aggravation that i am trying to avoid.
    so you don't want to know if there's anything wrong with you? You'd rather make some dramatic gesture of cutting out gluten rather than actually investigate the problem. So you're doing it for attention because if you really had a problem you'd want to get a solution

    I'm out

    Not eating one type of grain is a dramatic gesture? Maybe that is a form of investigating a problem?
  • kimiejo76
    kimiejo76 Posts: 24
    my daughter was diagnosed with GERD at 3 months... at a gastroenterologist.... she was allergic to dairy. Im not replying to this post anymore, waste of my time. Thank you to the people who messaged me with helpful advice.
  • waffleflavoredtea
    waffleflavoredtea Posts: 235 Member
    its very possible to enjoy yummy carbs without having gluten! Why cut out gluten? If you're allergic or feel you may lose more weight without it, then I totally understand because I am highly allergic to gluten too! Going gluten free is so cheap and fun IF (big if) you have the motivation to learn how to cook your own breads, cookies, crackers, etc. Buying special and expensive gluten free breads is often not that tasty... I don't know what it is but I swear everything I make myself is a hundred times yummier, healthier, and lower fat/calorie!
    Anyway, do what you can manage - it sounds like you are getting 'fed up' with cutting foods from your diet, and that's definitely not a mindset that is going to help you make healthy changes for life! Find a way of eating for you that is based on whole, fresh foods that you test over time to see how your body responds. Some people can't seem to lose weight if they eat that magic combo of high fat and carbs, so watch out and make sure your diet focuses on one or the other, I hope I could help, I wish you luck with your health!
  • lolosensan
    lolosensan Posts: 251
    my daughter was diagnosed with GERD at 3 months... at a gastroenterologist.... she was allergic to dairy. Im not replying to this post anymore, waste of my time. Thank you to the people who messaged me with helpful advice.

    Yep, people getting hella condescending on here. If you or anyone else wants to message me about eating GF, I've been doing it for a long time and would be happy to give advice or talk recipes or just talk.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    my daughter was diagnosed with GERD at 3 months... at a gastroenterologist.... she was allergic to dairy. Im not replying to this post anymore, waste of my time. Thank you to the people who messaged me with helpful advice.

    A gastroenterologist specializes in the digestive system. An allergist/immunologist specializes in the treatment of asthma and other allergic diseases. Hence the reason a gastroenterologist isn't going to test for food allergies. Most 3 month olds have GERD. In fact, food allergies can cause GERD.
  • kimiejo76
    kimiejo76 Posts: 24
    yea, i GET that. my iq is higher than 7. Just proves how quick drs are to put people on meds instead of suggesting WHY my child had eczema and intestinal issues (common signs of a food allergy). Just because I want to cut gluten out of my diet doesnt make me mentally handicapped. holy crap. This site is worse than a pregnancy website i was on with a bunch of women, but the controversial topics werent as lame as gluten.