Pregnancy 2011 - January



  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    Love the pics littlespy! I can't wait for my next US.

    Just checking in. Weighed in today at 169.8, a 2.8lb gain thus far. I have set a goal for myself to burn at least 8000 calories this month. That would mean working out 4-5 times a week with the intensity that I usually work at. So far I have burned 301. Only 7699 to go! Hehe. If anyone wants to join me in this challenge, feel free. I'll probably update you each Monday with my progress and weight.

    Got my first maternity shirt today. My MIL ordered it for me for Christmas. It is so pretty! Here's the link: It doesn't fit in the belly or boobs yet, but will fit perfectly in a couple months. Maybe I'll wear it for my birthday :)

    Hope everyone's weeks have started out well.
  • Mamatoabunch
    I haven't exercised in 4 days. I was sick, anyway, dreaded working out today, but it was fine. Did a cardio dvd w/ weights. I had to switched my workout time b/c of starting school back up today.
  • kjrosa
    kjrosa Posts: 34
    Neat thread :D I'm currently 20 weeks pregnant and just recently got over my morning sickness...I have gained quite a bit of weight so far (25 LBS) ugghhh...odd thing is i have not changed my diet that much...i eat as healthy as i ever did (i added 200 calories to my diet because my nurse recommended me to for the baby to gain more weight; so i currently eat 1400 calories a day). the big change though is that prior to getting pregnant i was burning off an average of 2000 calories a day give or take since i was exercising intensely about 4 hours a day. now my best work out is just going for a walk (on days that i was unable to work out much prior to getting pregnant i ate 1200 calories but i still always burned no less than 600 calories that day)...i really need to get back into working out i just am afraid to since i have had complications with working out in past pregnancies. i think the best thing for me is to probably start swimming 2 hours a day (that has got to be the lowest impact exercise i can think of...what do you guys think???).
    lol the ironic thing is two weeks before i met my one year goal of loosing 100 lbs i got pregnant...i knew that something was up when i gained 10 lbs (right after loosing my 100 lbs) over night and no matter what i did to try to loose it it wouldn't go away...once i found out that i was pregnant i stopped exercising in fear that something might happen with the pregnancy.

    highest weight: 275
    starting mfp: 225
    pre-pregnancy weight: 175
    current weight: 200
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    I love the pictures :D

    I had a vaginal ultrasound as well. My Dr. said they do those before lke 15 weeks because it is easier to see everything.

    I told my boss today :D She was excited for us. She can be unpredictable so I was glad she had a positive reaction. Her first comment to our staff this morning at the meeting was that she had a grandbaby born over the break and she was all oooing and aaing over him.... I thought to myself PERFECT TIMING she is in babyland right now :D

    I also told my basketball team. They were all very excited. Its fun to see high schoolers excited about things like that.

    Still feeling sick, but getting used to throwing up. Being back to work is tough though.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    <snip> My nausea
    seems to have worsen the last few
    days but i'm trying my best to control it
    with snacks.

    That's funny -- we're so close & my nausea has gotten worse over the last few days, too. Wonder what that's about -- I thought women typically started feeling better right about now!
    I thought I was feeling better for several days last week & then suddenly I was feeling worse again. Boo!

    I made my sex determination ultrasound appointment -- 1/24, just 3 weeks from today! I really really really hope they can get a good view & give me a good sex guess. I'm trying to prepare myself for being told one thing in 3 weeks & possibly being told another thing altogether at my anatomy scan 6 weeks later. :laugh:
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    Baby has been kicking in weird spots since yesteray. I think his head is in my right side rib cage. It is not comfortable. But glad to feel him moving just the same.

    Have any previous moms suffered from post partum depression? I'm curious to hear your thoughts. I did. So many people don't understand it and think it is a made up thing, but it was like someone flipped a switch one night. Just curious on any plans to deal with it again, or if you had it once and didn't have it with your next births?

    I have had postpartum depression in the past with my second child. I am worried about it this time around. I am always a little down (which I know is normal due to hormones and all) after the baby is born because I enjoy pregnancy (and this is definitely our last). I even cry every time I have to pass the doctor's office after my little ones are born.

    I was on Lexapro for postpartum depression to help after my second child (not soon enough though). It was almost as if I had become a completely different person and wanted out of my current life. It lasted awhile and I put my family through a lot. Took me some time to admit I needed some help and needed to make some changes. Fortunately I had no true depression after my third was born and never went back on Lexapro. I know there is a major difference between feeling a little blue and post partum depression.

    I am fortunate that my doctor takes it so seriously. He is always asking how I am feeling. He is especially concerned after my births and understandably so. Have you discussed your concerns with your doctor and are you using the same doctor as you did previously? Hopefully all will work out.

    I've discussed my previous PPD with this doctor, but am hoping that things will be different this time. My Section was infected and I wasn't sleeping at all b/c I had a high fever and my doctor at teh time wouldn't call me back. I was so naive back then. I even went to the Pregnancy hospital ER which at teh time was very lac luster. They have changed so much since then. After about 6 days home I just handed my son to my husband and walked to the bedroom and got in bed. It was so weird. Finally when I called the doc and said, I don't want to hold my son, they saw me. They drained a cup (no lie) of fluid from my incision and I got up off the table like a new woman. She gave me effexor for depression that same night, I took it for only a couple of weeks. Once I started draining my incision daily I felt blue on some days, but not like those first couple of nights. It was very strange. It is like nothing I've ever experienced and am hoping not to experience it this time.

    I do have a new doctor and she is aware. I will remind her as we get closer. My husband is very aware of my moods and what is normal and what isn't.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    Hi to all of the newcomers! Congrats to those who found out they are expecting, and good luck to those who are trying to conceive!

    I've been feeling pretty good lately, still a little queasy here and there, but nothing a few crackers won't take care of. I've been feeling a little pressure, or growth, or something like that in my lower belly lol I don't really know how to explain it. I'm guessing it is from my uterus expanding, the best way to describe it is feeling really full.

    Is it possible for me to be feeling movement yet? I swear I've been feeling the same type of movement for about a week now. It feels like tickling, or real soft gracefull types of movements. Or is it gas? :laugh:

    Thursday couldn't possibly come soon enough!!!!!

    I felt movement at 15-16 weeks this time. It is very different from Gas. it feels like a tickle of flutter across the bottom of the abdomen area.
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    Does anyone experience migraines during their pregnancy? I would get them a lot before, and now it seems I get them even more frequently now that I am pregnant. The problem is I obviously cannot take the pain pills that would even faze a migraine. I don't know what to do to prevent them or to control them once I get them. The last one was so bad I threw up 6 times and lost 2 pounds in one day. If any of you do, what kinds of things do you do for relief?
  • Mamatoabunch
    Does anyone experience migraines during their pregnancy? I would get them a lot before, and now it seems I get them even more frequently now that I am pregnant. The problem is I obviously cannot take the pain pills that would even faze a migraine. I don't know what to do to prevent them or to control them once I get them. The last one was so bad I threw up 6 times and lost 2 pounds in one day. If any of you do, what kinds of things do you do for relief?

    I don't normally get them, but started to get them w/ my 9th. I drank a cold coke and that often helped or going to a dark, quiet room.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    <snip> My nausea
    seems to have worsen the last few
    days but i'm trying my best to control it
    with snacks.

    That's funny -- we're so close & my nausea has gotten worse over the last few days, too. Wonder what that's about -- I thought women typically started feeling better right about now!
    I thought I was feeling better for several days last week & then suddenly I was feeling worse again. Boo!

    I made my sex determination ultrasound appointment -- 1/24, just 3 weeks from today! I really really really hope they can get a good view & give me a good sex guess. I'm trying to prepare myself for being told one thing in 3 weeks & possibly being told another thing altogether at my anatomy scan 6 weeks later. :laugh:

    It should be correct, at 15 weeks it is supposed to be pretty darn accurate. Besides if its a boy you'll definately be able to see his part. My doctor has told me 3 times that it is a girl and I still worry because with the nst scan they do not give you an anatomy scan. My last u/s was at 19+2 so it better be accurate, lol. If not I will have a boy all pretty in pink :laugh: I have been so down lately with all of the pain and didn't hear back from my doctor today. Hopefully it will be bed rest soon so I can get through the next 11-14 weeks. Delivering at 37 weeks like with my first sounds pretty awesome right about now. On the bright side it is time to start planning my shower. My cousin and aunt will be paying for it, yay! We are so lucky because there is no $ in the budget for it right now.
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Love the pics littlespy! I can't wait for my next US.

    Just checking in. Weighed in today at 169.8, a 2.8lb gain thus far. I have set a goal for myself to burn at least 8000 calories this month. That would mean working out 4-5 times a week with the intensity that I usually work at. So far I have burned 301. Only 7699 to go! Hehe. If anyone wants to join me in this challenge, feel free. I'll probably update you each Monday with my progress and weight.

    Got my first maternity shirt today. My MIL ordered it for me for Christmas. It is so pretty! Here's the link: It doesn't fit in the belly or boobs yet, but will fit perfectly in a couple months. Maybe I'll wear it for my birthday :)

    Hope everyone's weeks have started out well.

    I would love to join you in the 8000 calories burned challenge. Today I burned 740 calories and will keep track with you.
  • hilton9
    hilton9 Posts: 24 Member
    Alright ladies...i need some advice...Soo i took my test tuesday night, it was positive...all 6 actually...anyways thursday, i started spotting...went to the doc, drew blood, did an ultrasound, and they said they saw the water sac...nothing else. I had to go again for blood tests, and one last time monday so they can compair my levels...

    is this normal? still spotting, some times its heavier than others....they told me not to stress, sit, no heaving lifting, and well go from there...

    i cant help but be worried, and nervous....:cry:

    This is exactly what happened to me with my son. When I went to the Dr the first time after the positive test I thought I was 8 weeks. They ended up only seeing a sac and had me come in a week later. I worried non stop all week about a blighted ovum. Went back in for the second ultrasound and there he was. Tiny heartbeat and everything. It turns out I had actually ovulated a whole 2 weeks after I thought, so I wasn't as far along as I thought. Good luck to you!
  • Lisak22
    Lisak22 Posts: 47 Member
    Alrighty, heres a bit of an update...if you can call it that...

    Had my blood taken Sat, and my HCG levels arent going up as fast as they should. They went up only like 1000. SOO I had another ultrasound, and the water sac is getting bigger, granted its still not very big. She also saw some white stuff, in the water sac....which she said SHOULD be the baby :)...SO now what?...

    I go back wednesday, and we should know 100% by then. I got more blood drawn today, and she gave me a pill called Prometrium, which is something that MIGHT help prevent miscarrages. I think im just earlier than what they are saying cuz of my last period. I dont know tho. Im not ultasound tech, BUT it was waaay clearer today than thursday, which is why i think that....

    Ideas? Thoughts? Has this happened to you?...Am i nuts?...for some reason, i feel at ease..which is i guess best for me and the baby :)
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    Back to work for me today... :sad: It's been so nice to be off for the holidays! I know I was blessed with that much time, it just seems like it goes so fast!

    Went to the doctor yesterday and had the 1 hour gestational diabetes test. It didn't taste as bad as what others have said, but it still wasn't tasty. It just tasted like really sugary orange kool aid to me. My results are suppose to be back today, but they said no news is good news. So hopefully I won't get any phone calls from them today! According to their scale I have gained 8 lbs this month....grrrr. I always to in the afternoons though after I eat lunch, so I trust mine at home more, when I weigh weekly. The doctor said she thought it was water weight though .... however I have been REALLY bad eating whatever I want, and not exercising....:embarassed: I really need to start walking and stretching...I can really tell I'm starting to tighten up, and having a little bit of the restless legs syndrome I think. Really need to up my water too. Hopefully since I'll be back to work I can get back to my schedule and routine...being off I didn't drink that much water, but while at work I constantly have to refill my bottles, etc so I'm hoping that will help.

    Still hoping to be in our house soon...they're suppose to be building the porches today and the contractor said *maybe* everything will be done by the end of this week. Not getting my hopes up...We were originally suppose to be in Dec. 15th! Our lease is up on our rental jan. 15th, soooo they better hurry!

    Hope everyone has a good day today...I'm struggling to stay on task you can tell by my sitting on MFP instead of doing something productive... :laugh:
  • mommystrong
    I am SO glad I found this message board! When people ask why I am trying to lose weight, I respond "because I want to be healthy for baby number two". They seem baffled because what woman wants to lose weight, to gain weight a litle later for a pregnancy (WE DO!). I find it important to be healthy going in, throughout, and when baby arrives it's so much easier to pick up and continue that lifestyle change. SO I am so glad to meet all of you. I do need a little encouragement since I am new to the website I hardly have friends so I would love to find a MFP encouragement mommy buddy! :-)
    My goal is to lose the weight (extra 20-25 pds) before july, beacause that's when we want to try and conceive. YEAH FOR HAPPY HEALTHY MOTHERS, MOTHERS-TO-BE, AND SOON-TO-BE-WOMAN-CONCEIVING! :-)
  • glitterkitten24
    Hi all,
    Glad i've found this thread!
    I'm currently TTC and really enjoying using MFP to help with my weight losss journey!

    My quetion is, to those ladies who are lucky enough to be pregnant already or are already mums - How did you manage your fitness and nutrition while PG?
    Did you have to increase your daily calories allowance? Was there any particular excercise that you found worked best for you and your changing body?

    I feel like i'm on such a roll with my fitness and nutrition that i don't want to let it all slip when i'm PG, so any tips you ahve would be very gratefully recieved! :)

    Thanks in advance!
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    Love the pics littlespy! I can't wait for my next US.

    Just checking in. Weighed in today at 169.8, a 2.8lb gain thus far. I have set a goal for myself to burn at least 8000 calories this month. That would mean working out 4-5 times a week with the intensity that I usually work at. So far I have burned 301. Only 7699 to go! Hehe. If anyone wants to join me in this challenge, feel free. I'll probably update you each Monday with my progress and weight.

    Got my first maternity shirt today. My MIL ordered it for me for Christmas. It is so pretty! Here's the link: It doesn't fit in the belly or boobs yet, but will fit perfectly in a couple months. Maybe I'll wear it for my birthday :)

    Hope everyone's weeks have started out well.

    I would love to join you in the 8000 calories burned challenge. Today I burned 740 calories and will keep track with you.

    Yay! I'm glad someone wants to do it with me. It'll keep me more accountable. I'll be getting my behind to the gym this afternoon.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    Back to work for me today... :sad: It's been so nice to be off for the holidays! I know I was blessed with that much time, it just seems like it goes so fast!

    Went to the doctor yesterday and had the 1 hour gestational diabetes test. It didn't taste as bad as what others have said, but it still wasn't tasty. It just tasted like really sugary orange kool aid to me. My results are suppose to be back today, but they said no news is good news. So hopefully I won't get any phone calls from them today! According to their scale I have gained 8 lbs this month....grrrr. I always to in the afternoons though after I eat lunch, so I trust mine at home more, when I weigh weekly. The doctor said she thought it was water weight though .... however I have been REALLY bad eating whatever I want, and not exercising....:embarassed: I really need to start walking and stretching...I can really tell I'm starting to tighten up, and having a little bit of the restless legs syndrome I think. Really need to up my water too. Hopefully since I'll be back to work I can get back to my schedule and routine...being off I didn't drink that much water, but while at work I constantly have to refill my bottles, etc so I'm hoping that will help.

    Still hoping to be in our house soon...they're suppose to be building the porches today and the contractor said *maybe* everything will be done by the end of this week. Not getting my hopes up...We were originally suppose to be in Dec. 15th! Our lease is up on our rental jan. 15th, soooo they better hurry!

    Hope everyone has a good day today...I'm struggling to stay on task you can tell by my sitting on MFP instead of doing something productive... :laugh:

    The good thing is the 1 hour test is only a screening test, not diagnostic. I was border line on the 1 hour so they made me go back and do the 3 hour GGT test and it was fine. Now I have to redo the 1 hour next week, because they can't figure out why the baby is growing so fast. My SIL failed her 1 hour miserably and still was barely able to pass teh 3 hour.

    I hope you fasted before your 1 hour, they don't tell you to do that, but it gives false readings if you don't. My SIL ate 2 donuts and coffee with sugar before she took hers DOH.

    I'm like you the drink wasn't as bad as some women make it out to be. The 3 hour is more concentrated so that can bring on the gag reflexes. But it tasted like a Hurricane, without the alcohol in it. The 1 hour taste like orange fanta with no fizz. Hope it comes out well.
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member

    The good thing is the 1 hour test is only a screening test, not diagnostic. I was border line on the 1 hour so they made me go back and do the 3 hour GGT test and it was fine. Now I have to redo the 1 hour next week, because they can't figure out why the baby is growing so fast. My SIL failed her 1 hour miserably and still was barely able to pass teh 3 hour.

    I hope you fasted before your 1 hour, they don't tell you to do that, but it gives false readings if you don't. My SIL ate 2 donuts and coffee with sugar before she took hers DOH.

    I'm like you the drink wasn't as bad as some women make it out to be. The 3 hour is more concentrated so that can bring on the gag reflexes. But it tasted like a Hurricane, without the alcohol in it. The 1 hour taste like orange fanta with no fizz. Hope it comes out well.

    My dr. told me I didn't have to fast but she did tell me to not eat much sugar that day; stick to hopefully it will come out ok. haha I probably would have liked to eat 2 donuts though!!
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Yay! I'm glad someone wants to do it with me. It'll keep me more accountable. I'll be getting my behind to the gym this afternoon.

    I am all done for the day and just finished walking 6 miles and burned 706 calories today. That puts me at 1446 calories burned so far this week.

    Hope you have a great day at the gym!