Anyone looking to loose 100+ want to buddy up?



  • bmbaldridge
    bmbaldridge Posts: 15 Member
    I also have 100+ to lose and am looking for others in the same boat! I've sent a few of you requests - anyone feel free to add me!
  • Cuteymcpritty
    Cuteymcpritty Posts: 64 Member
    I am looking to lose 100+ lbs. Add me if you'd like. I log daily and am motivated to get to my goal.
  • GC527
    GC527 Posts: 272 Member
    I am in! Add me guys! I need help and I'd be happy to help you guys too!
  • RCWesler
    RCWesler Posts: 3 Member
    95 pounds to go in Tampa, FL......I am in!
  • valval099
    valval099 Posts: 1
    Sure this is my day one I am looking to lose 100+ too :)
  • Fattackler2013
    Fattackler2013 Posts: 142 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm looking to lose over 100+ lbs
  • hummingbrdhrt
    hummingbrdhrt Posts: 67 Member
    Feel free to add me. I have just over 100 lbs. to lose, log in every day, and try to be chatty in the community too! :smile:
  • JenniTheVeggie
    JenniTheVeggie Posts: 2,474 Member
    Hello! I've lost 135 but have been stalled (but still seeing and feeling changes). I would like to shed another 40-50. Anyone can feel free to add me. :smile:
  • s_khalif
    s_khalif Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! just joined and also looking to lose 100lbs! Would love to make encouraging friends!
  • Annienichole2003
    Annienichole2003 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm only a few weeks in lost 9 lbs so far and have at least 100 more to go. Feel free to add me.
  • sillyduckmoose
    sillyduckmoose Posts: 18 Member
    Me! I need to lose 100+ at a time. I just have it set for mini goals right now. :) Feel free to add me. Trying my best to get back on this thing.
  • ltooor
    ltooor Posts: 16 Member
    I have 100+ lbs to lose as well! Everyone feel free to add me !!
  • Hello there everyone!! There is so much to say, ask, and share...I am afraid to let go and get started and I need help so incredibly bad. I do not even know how to post an introduction post. I am starting this venture in my has been dragging me down for soooo many years. I have allowed it to happen. I have been in a certificate program at the local Community College where I live and I just finished my classes 2 days ago and I will be going to the ceremony on this Friday night. So I am busy for a couple of days here but I wanted to get my feet wet and try to start this process...I hope to be able to motivate some people on here. because right now I am so embarrassed about myself, probably because of the comments that my mom makes and the way I look in my sons eyes.. I NEED HELP SO BAD!! I hope this forum is useful because I used to keep ledgers and notes and then I finally gave up. I would go back and look at them and see that I have been writing the same things for years and years. Thank you and good night!!
  • Hello there everyone!! There is so much to say, ask, and share...I am afraid to let go and get started and I need help so incredibly bad. I do not even know how to post an introduction post. I am starting this venture in my has been dragging me down for soooo many years. I have allowed it to happen. I have been in a certificate program at the local Community College where I live and I just finished my classes 2 days ago and I will be going to the ceremony on this Friday night. So I am busy for a couple of days here but I wanted to get my feet wet and try to start this process...I hope to be able to motivate some people on here. because right now I am so embarrassed about myself, probably because of the comments that my mom makes and the way I look in my sons eyes.. I NEED HELP SO BAD!! I hope this forum is useful because I used to keep ledgers and notes and then I finally gave up. I would go back and look at them and see that I have been writing the same things for years and years. Thank you and good night!!
  • kingscrown
    kingscrown Posts: 615 Member
    I'm still trying to get there. 75 down right now though.
  • VixenArgentum
    VixenArgentum Posts: 91 Member
    I need to lose 100+ (250 down to 145 or so). I could use a friend!
  • Trinehar13
    Trinehar13 Posts: 19
    I have about 140-160 pounds to lose for my height. Feel free to add me (anyone!) and we can motivate each other!
  • jlastevens
    jlastevens Posts: 4 Member
    I have over 100 pounds that I need to lose as well.

    I would love to have more support and help in doing this. I get side tracked and I also have a binge eating disorder (which I've been working on) that makes it more difficult for me to lose weight.

    You guys should check out my blog:
    The support definitely helps.
  • I would love to buddy up. Let's keep each other motivated.
  • HamsterNut
    HamsterNut Posts: 78 Member
    im looking to lose 80-100 lb :-)