Lose 10 Pounds by Valentine's Day!!



  • lisateachawa
    lisateachawa Posts: 166 Member
    SW 227 today 226 Happy for the one!
  • ninja88
    ninja88 Posts: 32
    checking in!

    SW: 163
    CW: 161.6
  • tarazona73
    tarazona73 Posts: 13 Member
    Monday #2 Check In:

    SW of Challenge 148
    CW 146.4
    GW by Valentines Day 138

    1.6 lbs weight loss yeah!
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member

    10 Glasses Water ~ 15 cups
    40% rule for Exercise- Take 40% of your Body weight and exercise that many minutes. ~ My 40% was 1 hr and 15 mins. I completed 2 hrs and 15 mins of exercise today. Went out to dinner so I had to burn some extra cals.

    And of couse Under Calories ~ Accomplished, thanks to those exercise cals.
  • Jessifer123
    Is it too late to join??

    Gained a few over the holidays

    start weight 203lbs.

    goal weight 193lbs.
  • forthefab5
    forthefab5 Posts: 187 Member
    Hi all, sorry for not posting earlier! I even had to get my butt kicked into gear by MrsSeaShell! Lol...

    I'm from Australia so I have to convert everything back to pounds from kilos... and I do it by .5 kilo increments, sorry for the hassle!

    SW: 166.1 pounds

    My weigh in day is tomorrow so I'll post back tomorrow night on whether there was a loss (or a gain!) :)
  • Boubat
    Boubat Posts: 7
    Weigh in (with new scales that I can actually read) 209.6 lbs.
    Loss so far for this round 1.4 lbs.
  • scottparise
    I'm in for this challenge.

    My starting weight is 203 as of this morning.

    Starting Weight: 203
    Current Weight: 203
    Goal: 185 by 14FEB
  • MrsSeaShell
    219.6 =( up 1.6 from last week, , i have to get back on the ball, and get my butt back to the gym!!!!

    **We now have 146 challenge member** Spreadsheet will be up friday, I will need more time then normal due to all the people, once it slims down, Wed night will be Spreadsheet & Top Ten Night =]***
  • mmheartspb
    I am hoping it wasn't too late to join.
    Yesterdays weight was 194.

    Tuesday Challenge:
    12 glasses H20 = done
    Under Calorie = done
    5 min add on to exercise = done

    I like the challenges...it makes me more accountable! Losing weight this way is fun :)
  • srsimon
    srsimon Posts: 60 Member
    made the 10 glasses of water! Didn't get the exercise in, I meant to, but after running errands and unpacking my room (which is somewhat like exercise..) I wanted a nap instead!

    However, I was happy to see the scale read 139.3 this morning! Which means I actually did lose weight this week!
  • mmnichol
    mmnichol Posts: 208 Member
    Weighed in, i believe I'm down 1/2 lb. I was 148.8 last week and today was an even 148.

    (That's my story and I'm sticking to it! LOL)
  • JodiS75
    JodiS75 Posts: 284

    WEIGH IN DAY!!! - Done, but not like I would like it!

    10 Glasses Water - DONE!

    40% rule for Exercise- Take 40% of your Body weight and exercise that many minutes. You can choose any activity...mix it up if you like, do weights, cardio, play basketball, whatever - DONE! Although I forgot this was my goal so it was really just pure coincedence because I would normally go for around an hour, not 80 minutes!

    And of couse Under Calories - DONE! Ate about 1300, but burned around 600-700 so life is good :drinker:


    H2O Tuesdays= 12 Glasses Water!!! Come on! This will be for EVERY TUESDAY!

    Under Cals and Add 5 Minutes of exercise to whatever your % was yesterday. So if you were "supposed" to do 45 minutes then today you are "supposed" to do at least 50 minutes! :grumble:
  • JodiS75
    JodiS75 Posts: 284
    219.6 =( up 1.6 from last week, , i have to get back on the ball, and get my butt back to the gym!!!!

    **We now have 146 challenge member** Spreadsheet will be up friday, I will need more time then normal due to all the people, once it slims down, Wed night will be Spreadsheet & Top Ten Night =]***

    Wow! Thanks for the dedication! There's no way I'd make it through all that!
  • curleyquenot
    Thanks for the challange, i will do it! yesterdays weight was 192.0

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • HeatherBunnell
    200 - down 4 lbs from last Monday! Woot!
  • ChristinaT0507
    ChristinaT0507 Posts: 123 Member
    forgot to post my weight yesterday - 159.6!
  • rondakaydudley39
    Is it too late for me to join I need to lose 10 by Valentines day starting weight is 194
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,428 Member

    Met the exercise challenge, didn't make the water, and was doing great on calories until we started watching a movie and the boys broke out the cheetos! grrr, I had already closed out my diary too.


    H2O Tuesdays= 12 Glasses Water!!! Come on! This will be for EVERY TUESDAY! -at 10 already, so know I will make this

    Under Cals and Add 5 Minutes of exercise to whatever your % was yesterday. So if you were "supposed" to do 45 minutes then today you are "supposed" to do at least 50 minutes! -played 18 holes of golf and that burns a ton of calories (and takes 4 hours!) so I definitely hit the exercise time goal and will be under calories because I just won't eat that many.
  • forthefab5
    forthefab5 Posts: 187 Member
    Okay, here goes...

    SW: 166.1
    CW: 165 (-1.1lbs yay!)

    Exercise = done
    Under cal = done
    Water = not done

    Exercise = done
    Under cal = done
    Water = not done