

  • LizPlus
    LizPlus Posts: 117 Member
    Good Morning All;
    We finally have sunshine :love: ...still a bit chilly but at least the sun is there...DH is gone for half a day...so maybe I can get some exercising done...been awhile because the last few wks have been hectic and I am still lying down during the day having naps..the Chronic Fatigue is working overtime :sick: ....I purchased some giant twirly things to put on my deck..but we are 11 stories up and I won't try to do it alone :noway: ...I get the willies when I go out to set on the deck.....our next apartment is going to be much much lower..2nd or 3rd floor :love: ...
    Our SIL has made this death of my DH mom so much harder....she did the same thing with her husbands death 2 years ago...she stepped in and took over..my DH looked after his mom for 24 years....making sure during her passing that she was taken care of...daily washing..meds to help with the pain.....she tried to stop the washing her and went trying to up her meds...she snuck back and took everything out of his moms room ( we live 1hr and 30 min away)...we were planning on going there and doing it the next day..a few things there was my hubbies but she gave them away...also her family bible which MH was supposed to get....
    Why can't people be more gentle and think of the others feelings at this time....she took away the last thing MH could do for his mom...he was grieving so strongly and hurt by what his SIL had done...he could fight this but he is just drained and is a Christian man who tried to do right for his mom...and not one to make waves...he is struggling with it all...looking for closure...and I think him having not been able to take care of his moms things has kept him from doing so....he is so hurt and shocked that his SIL would do this:cry: ...I hurt for him.. so much :cry:
    He looked after his mom for all those years without help from any other family members ( 2 brothers)...then to have his brothers wife ( he passed on)...take over and do this to him :noway: ...his heart is hurting....sorry for going on about this.....what can I do to help him thru this???? Being Christian people we have prayed to God as what to do...and we feel it is better to let it go...we know now what kind of person she is...and I pray no one steps in when her mom passes and takes away her able to do for her mom the right thing...to take care of her one last time....:cry::cry:

    I pray each and everyone of you have a glorious day....enjoy your family while you can...all you moms... have a Super Mothers Day :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Liz fr Halifax NS
    To All You Moms;
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,770 Member
    Good morning!

    Sylvia ... the image of you putting regular clothes on over your "tiny jammies" made me giggle! Enjoy your pottery tour!

    Joyce ... I never liked kashi ... bear naked is better ... but my family really prefers homemade granola.

    Michele... Pinterest has a "recipe" for cleaning tile/shower doors .... warm vinegar and dawn dish soap. It really does work, but oh my you have to rinse well ... it becomes so slippery! There's also a product called Citrasolv (spelled correctly). A citrus based, non-toxic cleaner ... that cuts through anything ... have to be careful with plastics as it can eat through. I've had great success with it too. You'll probably laugh, because it's evident you are an entirely different class of exercise person, but I bought a Leslie Sansone walking DVD. Have to start somewhere with the home exercise! My son couldn't stop laughing because I don't hear too well and miss the beat ... he's been banished from ever watching me again!

    It's going to be warm and rainy ... lots to do here. Have a great day!
    Beth in Western New York
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Morning everyone,

    It's been a pretty busy week so I haven't posted too much.

    We went last night in support of our DIL graduation from community college. Not fun at all. We left early. She is pregnant and needed to eat so we slipped out. We ended up at Wendy's my most unfavorite fast food place of all. Got a snack wrap and small frosty. Didn't eat all of either thing. DH finished off the frosty. That man can put away some ice cream .

    Exercise is out of the way and I'm off to grocery shop, then back home to do some laundry and house work.

    Hope you all have a good weekend.

    Happy Birthday Meg!

  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 405 Member
    Good morning Beautiful Ladies,

    It is a beautiful morning in OK! After our workouts Hubby and I are going to the garden centers to get flowers for some containers and the flower beds. I am so glad he loves having pretty containers on the patio and in the flower beds. I found one of my favorite rose bushes had been attacked by deer yesterday. :angry: It is close to the bird feeder, hope he was stuck by the thorns....

    Sylvia, love the tiny Jammie story. Congrats! Enjoy your trip!:smile:

    Michele, sorry, I thought Brian called. :brokenheart: I also am on a constant search on how to clean tile, and we have hard water on top of that. I use lots of vinegar in my house.:flowerforyou:

    Beth, thanks for the cleaning tip!:smile:

    Liz, so sorry hubby's sister acted that way. :cry: I too have a similar experiences with family. Remember, God sees everything and will make things right one day. Thank you for the beautiful graphic!:flowerforyou:

    Sandy, welcome back!:flowerforyou:

    Hope you have a wonderful day everyone!


    Cindy in OK:heart:
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Good morning It's mighty gloomy here this morning with the rain.

    Sounds like you had fun on the beach skip skip skip the melou skip skip skip the melou skip the melou my darling.

    I'm sure all the failing has nothing to do with you. But maybe lazy students.

    Tiny pj's how nice is that.

    Dee dee
    You will have a new house after all that work on the house.

    Well for me I'm sitting on 200 on the wii this morning. So hopefully under tomorrow so I can wear the necklace I got for getting under 200. I only got to wear it for 2 days. The scale snuck up on me.
    So need to get ready to go to city going to get new flooring for trailer for sure. And maybe for kitchen and dinning room and hall. Depends on hubby.
    so may all that enter here have a great day. Good luck to all.

    see you all lighter
    Linda in Northern Ontario
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Happy Mother's Day to all the mom's here.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I will take whatever I get this weekend. One set of kids off on vacation and might see the other one maybe tomorrow. If not ....I will take a text. They are busy kids too!!! Jobs, babies & friends.....

    Lily in sunny but still crispy Saskatchewan
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    DeeDee: Your dog skips? I would LOVE to see that.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: Sorry your contractors are Drama Queens, Kings, or boys. It will be good when the work is done and you can enjoy your peace and improvements. At least they’re providing attractive scenery.:wink::smokin:

    Liz: I’m so sorry your SIL interfered in your DMIL’s final days. She probably thought it was her “Christian Duty.” That doesn’t change the fact that she interfered and the family lost important mementos because of her. :brokenheart: I’m sending healing thoughts to you and your DH.:flowerforyou:

    Linda in N ON: Enjoy your shopping trip. New floors! :bigsmile: Our son put one of the Pergo style floors in his home in Colorado, did the work himself, and had an excellent outcome. He didn’t use the brand name product but got a great deal on nice stuff. Be sure to let us know what you like, don’t like, and what you choose. Happy shopping!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    My yoga teacher is having a tough time with the morning class schedule. Some of the regular students moved and we’re down to two people one morning, and just me on the other. I want to invite my neighbors to come, but I’m shy about stuff like that. :embarassed: I keep thinking that nobody will want to participate and talk myself out of doing anything. If you have advice, or can suggest a script for me, I’d appreciate the input.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    May Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least two glasses of water daily.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,079 Member
    Good morning,

    Welcome newcomers:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Deedee I know what you mean about workers. We have had many over the years. Some great others well. The worst was when we had our trim painted. The failed to warn us the used sanders to strip down the wood. We had fine dust all over our carpet and furniture. Had I known I would have put down old sheets on the carpet and furniture. I hate to say it but men usually just don’t think of these things and we (women end up cleaning up the mess.) Just keep thinking how great it will all look when you‘re done.

    Sylvia glad you made it safely. We did have some storms yesterday. Congrats on the smaller size pjs !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Katla hope you finds more yoga buddies.

    Sandy good to see you back.

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:

    Meg Happy Birthday!:flowerforyou: When students ask me my age I say old enough to know better. :wink:

    Joyce love the picture. Sounds like quite the yard project.

    Beth I wish I could say these two pounds are water. For me it is portion control and fewer of these medjuol dates I love to eat.

    Michele to get off soap scum I use a paste of baking soda and dishwashing soap. I also like Deedee idea of the vinegar for daily use to prevent build up and make tiles sparkle.

    Liz love the basket of roses.

    Today I will work on portion control so I wake to a healthier tomorrow.
    2014 word: contentment
  • jfenner141
    jfenner141 Posts: 146 Member
    Hi all!

    Meg - belated Happy birthday!! Only 55 - such a youngster :flowerforyou: Glad to hear DD #2 learned from her mistake. Great job just having string cheese, too!

    Michele - Happy you heard from Brian even if it was an email. The communications door is still open :heart:

    Rita - Like Katla, I have also done better living though chemistry to deal with depression. Took medication for about 6 months or so and it made a world of difference for me.

    Happy Mother's Day to all the moms/grandmoms out there!!!

    Jill in western MA
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Happy Friday to all,

    I kicked Shaun T to the curb (for the first time in 6 weeks and just for today) to go back to my morning Zumba class. Miss it so much but it's been hard to get out around people since my mom's illness, death. Was SO glad I went. My weeks with T25 made a very challenging hour seem sort of easy and lots of fun. Need to reform my habit.

    Also need to do better at my grocery shopping next week. Forgot how hungry Zumba makes me and I didn't have anything ready when I walked in....so I ate the leftover whole wheat orzo with pesto. Got some fabulous spinach and lettuce at the farmer's market this morning so tonight is looking good...unless it storms which will throw off the grilling plan so I need a plan B.

    Wishing everyone a happy day!

    xo- Gloria in currently sunny and warm (storms a comin) Metro Detroit
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,647 Member
    Jacqueling – welcome

    Rori – DoNOT send those thunderstorms my way please! I am petrified of thunder! :frown:

    Sylvia – great jammie nsv!! You should take them off at least once a week for a washing LOLOLOL:laugh: :laugh:

    Kayzoola – l love rhubarb hope your pie is great! 67 years – Wow!!!!

    Joyce – a yellow light will not attract as many bugs and I have an LED light in mine and that seems to be less of a bug magnet than the traditional bulb.

    Liz – That was so wrong of your SIL, my family is full of those! :frown: I know DH doesn’t want to make waves but it is really impossible to forget, and hard to forgive without saying anything – would writing SIL a letter – even if it is not sent – to vent out how he feels help? Sending good thoughts to you both.

    Beth – good for you for banishing him :grumble: – I am somewhat tone deaf and don’t hear many beats so dancing or anything with music is out for me, but I don’t want to be made fun of either.

    Liz – good job – kept it up!

    Katla – you can do it!:smile: You don’t want her to cancel the class - I would come but the commute is a bit much lol:happy: - Let’s see how would I want you to ask me…. “Hi Kim, I have been taking a yoga class at the xyz-location, the instructor is great! A couple of folks have moved so there are openings in the class, any chance you are interesting in joining us? We could even carpool. “ I would want to know what it cost and the exact times, so you should know that - and if I said no I wasn't interested then the follow up question is do you know anyone else who might be interested.

    Well went to garden club last night; sat in a folding chair for 2 hours listening to a good speaker but OH my aching back when I got up - this morning is not good - another chiropractor appt. in an hour... grrrr:grumble: :grumble: :noway: :noway:

    Kim in N. California
  • unfinishedwoman
    unfinishedwoman Posts: 1 Member
    Happy Friday Ladies,

    I am interested in joining this group. You seem to be a dynamic and motivated group of women and I am in search of a group to help motivate me. Please tell me how/if I can join. :flowerforyou:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Good news unfinishedwoman. You are a member! You post and you're in. We are quite a chatty group and one reason why we seem to know each other so much sometimes is because we all share our lives. So tell us a little about yourself.

    The sun isn't out but at least it isn't the bad storms right now that will be coming. But we survived the night OK.

    Sure wish I could see the scales move :grumble:

    Joyce, Indiana
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Oh for goodness sake. A very thoughtful, well meaning friend just sent me a lovely little Mother's Day cookie bouquet, knowing that this has been an especially difficult week. I know I also mentioned my frustration over working so hard and not losing any weight. :ohwell: I'm so touched by the gesture and know that eating a big ol' shortbread cookie iced with artificial colors isn't really going to do much harm.

    Despite the sabotage factor, food on a stick does have a way of brightening a very sad heart.
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member

    Unexpected and fast trip to DD's college yesterday as she was having problems breathing, felt pressure in her chest, and heart was racing; nurse practitioner (a sweetheart!!!) at college called me when she decided the situation needed an ambulance emergency room trip when there was no response to the IVs and meds she gave. So here I am; she's sleeping at the moment and I'm trying to sort out extensions on papers and exams as graduation is only a week away. She has a sinus infection and severe costochondritis which is an inflammation of the cartilage in the ribs and breastbone---hence the difficulty breathing. Also she over treated herself with Advil Cold and Sinus which was responsible for the cardiac racing…….and she was dehydrated!!! OMG!!!! What a way to finish, but it's not a clot!!!….this I can deal with. She's on an antibiotic, Singulair, Motrin, and Ultram if needed. I am on her computer; don't know how long I'll stay. Slept 14 hrs. when released from ER and on her second nap today, so she's pretty sick.

    Just a very few notes:

    Meg…..Happy Birthday!!!

    Cynthia………..I am so sorry about your Charlie, my condolences.

    Heather……Have a great trip!!

    jb……Cancer is horrible and I'm sad to learn about Mariah's relapse…..may they have a successful course of treatment again.

    All for now,
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,812 Member
    Good Friday morning. I am not sure what is going on with me, I have just been feeling (blah) and mindless eating:cry: . But today is a new day and going to act the way I want to feel. Yesterday was my day off and I got nothing done as planned. Did go to the chiroprator and he said my back is going to take several weeks for the swelling to go down and painfree. But does feel some better, just have to be careful when and where I sit. I did go to Sears yesterday and bought myself a new pair of PJs and they are size xlarge. Big difference from 4-5x this time last year. So I need to remember the postive and let the rest go. Woke up before 4:30 this morning so going to be a long day. When I get off work today going to Hastings and have my nails done. Thinking maybe I will stop doing that, but then I do like having them look nice. Just a hassle trying to fit it in sometimes as when they dicide to break or peal it really upsets me. I want them to look nice for DGS graduation tomorrow. His mom and DS split up when he was under a year and even tho DS has paid child support she has made visitation bad, so DS let it go. I have never been happy about it,but have stayed in contact and DH and I are invited and not DS. All I say is DGS and DS have to work this out between them and everyone else needs to stay out of it. Once he is out of her home maybe that can happen. Not sure what all that has to do with my nails. Thanks for letting me vent.:grumble:
    This is my weekend to work. Tomorrow we have a grandson graduating so only working until noon. Then DS has invited us to a cookout for mother's day. Sounds like we could get some rain this weekend.

    Meg--Happy birthday a day late.:flowerforyou: Hope the cake is good, sounds like DH did well is getting one made.

    Joyce--glad to hear you are feeling a part of the choir and I am sure God understands. We put an LED light on our porch and a yellow tint and don't have bugs.

    Heather--congrates on starting your holiday mius the pound. Have fun and looking forward to hearing all about it.

    Patty--Sounds like you are getting all lined up with the PT classes. Glad it is working out so well for you.


    DeeDee and Cindy--I just got this new broom and it has a piece of foam in the middle and it sure makes a difference. Love it.

    Add my name to the list that cleans house before we go somewhere. Makes coming home alot less stressful.

    Sandy--have missed you! Hugs!!:heart:

    Linn--Congrates on the TOPS loss and wii. Do something speical for you to celebrate.:flowerforyou:

    I have signed up for a fittness challenge at work starting for next week. Walking 200,000 in 30 days. I ordered a fitbit and it should be coming anyday. So have to really up my steps to do this. But get money off insurance for the next quarter so going to give it a try. DH is signed up also so something we can do together in the evenings.

    Syliva--Enjoy the NSV. Thanks for the words of wisdom on friendship.

    Liz--Hugs and to you and DH.:heart:

    yanniejannie--How scary. Glad things are under control.

    Well ladies hope you all have a good rest of the day and remember we are not in this alone.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • tammytylerjones
    tammytylerjones Posts: 109 Member
    yannie jannie! Oh my! Glad you could get up there and be with your daughter to help her through it all... and sooo glad it's not worse!
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Hi everybody, still flying under the radar, but I wanted to thank everyone again for the kind words.

    Not remembering much at the moment, but I do send good wishes to everyone struggling.

  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 405 Member
    Happy Friday Ladies,

    I am interested in joining this group. You seem to be a dynamic and motivated group of women and I am in search of a group to help motivate me. Please tell me how/if I can join. :flowerforyou:

    Unfinishedwom, you just joined. Tell us a little about yourself. What is your first name and where are you from? Come back to this thread often!

    Have a nice evening everyone.

    Cindy in OK
  • namacheri
    namacheri Posts: 12
    Hi everyone, Hope you all had a good Friday.
    Today I feel bad because I didn't do a workout. Not feeling too well. Oh well I guess missing 1 day a week is okay, huh? In hind site, I probably should have worked out because I broke my diet at lunch yesterday. My sister, niece and I went out to lunch at a Mexican restaurant. We celebrated the 1st year anniversary of my mom's passing. So, now today I'm feeling ill from all the rich fatty food. But goodness was it worth it!! Funny thing is I thought I was missing out not eating these "Forbidden" foods. After a month of not eating any sugar, fried foods, full fat items, etc I find I don't have a taste for them anymore. (And apparently my digestive system doesn't like them either!!)
    Has anyone else find this happening to them? I'm curious to see. Have a great evening and talk to you all tomorrow.
    Cheri in Oak Grove, Mn