What's your average time running a 5K?



  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    Takes me about 40 minutes and I hate every single minute of it.

    I can relate! :laugh:
    And complaining about or hating it isn't going to help. I used to hate it but learned it made it worse. I'm more of sprinter to be honest.

    I think we're joking around and you're too serious.:wink: Some of us run and don't like it. I've been trying to run for several years and have continued to dislike it. However, I'm a masochist, so I do what I don't like sometimes.:smokin: Mostly I do it because it helps me with another sport. 5K's can be a fun social event whether you like running or not. I'll continue to hate running, continue to run, and continue to do 5K's.
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    Takes me about 40 minutes and I hate every single minute of it.

    I can relate! :laugh:
    And complaining about or hating it isn't going to help. I used to hate it but learned it made it worse. I'm more of sprinter to be honest.

    I think we're joking around and you're too serious.:wink: Some of us run and don't like it. I've been trying to run for several years and have continued to dislike it. However, I'm a masochist, so I do what I don't like sometimes.:smokin: Mostly I do it because it helps me with another sport. 5K's can be a fun social event whether you like running or not. I'll continue to hate running, continue to run, and continue to do 5K's.

    P.S. You're a 24 year old male. I'm a 41 year old woman. I'm a powerlifter. I'm not going to try to change my body or improve my running to the detriment of my overall fitness goals.
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    sorry i've got some technical issues and can't get rid of this post---extra post by accident
  • EmmaGutteridge83
    My first 5K race I ran in 37 minutes... i was tough, but I was happy to finish it. My second was done in 34 minutes, and the most recent one I did in 29 minutes. Since my first 5K I have run a number of 10Ks as well as a couple of half marathons, longer runs definately helped me imporve my speed without really doing any speedwork. I did however recently started doing speedwork over the last few months which have enabled me to occassionally get my time down between 29 - 30 minutes.

    I think sometimes it is easy to get caught up in whether you are running too slow, but I think as long as you are challenging yourself, and it makes you feel good, it really doesn't matter...!!

    You will probably find though as you enter races, that you will want to beat your last time!! There are lots of good training plans online that incorporate speedwork if this is what you want to do... although after I finished C25K, I found I wanted to run further as opposed to faster, speed came later for me.
  • mtneerjk81
    mtneerjk81 Posts: 65 Member
    I'm not really a fan of 5K races. I'd much rather run either a half or full marathon. It usually takes a little while after the start for me to really feel like I'm in that groove with my pace. By the time I hit that point in a 5K, the race is almost over! But anyway, for a 5K race, I'm generally somewhere between 21 and 23 minutes depending on the course. Every race that I run, I try to just do a little better.
  • jasonbrad1983
    to be honest mate didn't you say you gave up after 1 -2 months of running, and yet you chose to criticize a 41 year old lady for being honest and mention other women that can do it much better even though she stated she was a power lifter, at least she consistantley exercises and doesn't quit,she was just having a laugh with another lady anyway, and btw i'm 30 years old and my p.b. is 16mins48secs, stop trolling.
  • jasonbrad1983
    to be honest mate didn't you say you gave up after 1 -2 months of running, and yet you chose to criticize a 41 year old lady for being honest and mention other women that can do it much better even though she stated she was a power lifter, at least she consistantley exercises and doesn't quit,she was just having a laugh with another lady anyway, and btw i'm 30 years old and my p.b. is 16mins48secs, stop trolling.
    It's funny you say you are joking and then you confirm once again you are serious about what you said.. I was mostly criticizing you for complaining about it. Too serious? I'm sorry but seriousness is what got my *kitten* going on running. I'm serious because it works and being smart is going with with whatever works. Don't ever tell I'm too serious when I'm serious about the right things. It's cool you want to do power lifting even I think upper body workouts are boring.

    Big deal you are 41 years old(look younger to me), so i have edge to you when it comes to the terms of energy but i know women your age that can easily do better. Also I don't like it when people throw the age thing as a negative thing.
  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    I will say this....

    ANYONE who has enough courage to sign up and run a 5K deserves props.
    No matter the time!
    I know my mom signed up for some in her late 50's and medaled in her age group...but just walking fast!!!

    My best times was 20:28. My goal is to break 20 minute at some point but that may be awhile off!
  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    I'm not really a fan of 5K races. I'd much rather run either a half or full marathon. It usually takes a little while after the start for me to really feel like I'm in that groove with my pace. By the time I hit that point in a 5K, the race is almost over! But anyway, for a 5K race, I'm generally somewhere between 21 and 23 minutes depending on the course. Every race that I run, I try to just do a little better.
    Ive done a couple of HM and loved them.
    I almost prefer the actual HM race over the 5K. After a 5K i am wiped out during the day and need a nap,, but after the HM's I was energized all day and evenint!
  • erinbeth85
    erinbeth85 Posts: 34
    I did my first real road race 5K last year at 40:25... it was a super slow time, but I was just happy that I finished it and that I didn't walk at all lol. I did the same road race just a couple weeks ago and finished at 35:53, which I was super happy with. To me, it's more about personal progress than comparing myself with an average or with pretty much anyone else.... although I admittedly did check my standings in the race as a whole, and was happy to see that I finished in the middle 10% or so. At 37 minutes, it would depend on the race, but that should put you in the top 2/3 would be my guess. Honestly though, just the fact that you're doing it is fantastic, and your time will only get better as you run more. I'm also planning on doing my first 10K (hopefully in the fall). Good luck, and feel free to add me if you'd like :-)
  • soxobsessed
    soxobsessed Posts: 130 Member
    My first 5k was 38 minutes, I just did one last week and got it done in 32, running on a treadmill is much different then outdoors so try that out before you sign up for a race
  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    My first 5k was 38 minutes, I just did one last week and got it done in 32, running on a treadmill is much different then outdoors so try that out before you sign up for a race
    I suggest outside as much as possible, but if you HAVE to do it on a TM go at an at least a 1 incline, preferrable a 2.

    You have the friction on the ground and pushing off to deal with when you run outside and also wind, hills, etc. A 1-2 incline wont really help with hills but what it does is helps simulate the extra excertion from pushing off on the ground on each stride where the treadmill pretty much does that for you.
  • ViperAlexHusband
    Ok having completed my first ever road race tonight, I now know:

    0:24:04 (as opposed to 0:23:04 as my Personal Best on the treadmill)
  • iorahkwano
    iorahkwano Posts: 709 Member
    I'm 25, female & 5'7".

    My best 5k was in a local race at 28:35:65 in 2011.

    The next year I ran it in 28:39:68

    The next year (2013) was 29:58:19 with a sore knee.

    I don't really run regularly, I practice a few times before the race but that's about it.
  • serenasaakshi
    My first 5k was 26:40 and my last one yesterday was 26:04 but I've been training with my cross country group so it pushes me harder! The time for me doesn't matter as much as how proud you feel when you do finish! And as you keep running, your time will improve anyways!
  • bespatter
    bespatter Posts: 73 Member
    Mine is between 30 and 34 minutes. I'm not a fast runner, at all, but I do 5Ks just for the sheer fun of it. I love them!
  • burnsgene42
    burnsgene42 Posts: 102 Member
    My first 5K was 24min. and change. My last one was 17min35. The good ol days:smile:
  • graciiekim
    graciiekim Posts: 72 Member
    PR: 25:13 2 years ago

    My most recent one was last Tuesday, 25:58, but I injured my knee and I haven't run since :(
  • burnsgene42
    burnsgene42 Posts: 102 Member
    Yes! Running is addictive. And when I didn't get my daily fix I used to get cantankerous and grouchy. According to my Kids and Wife:laugh: