Cat needs a fitness pal



  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    You're right, commercial pet food is awful. But you're not doing much better feeding your cat cooked meat. Please consider a vegetarian diet for your pet. Anything else is just cruel, to your pet and the animals you're feeding it.:sad:

    If you are truly concerned about the welfare of a cat, then you wouldn't do that to them. They are freakin' carnivores.

    Ugh. Let's protect nature by messing with it! Yay! Protect them from themselves! Yay!

    That's a big Cranky style NO :angry: right there.

    :mad: :mad: :mad:

    You do know this is all a joke, right?

    I knew the overall thread was a joke. I thought that ^ was serious (because there have been a few people that have talked about turning their cat vegan).

  • skinnysushicat
    skinnysushicat Posts: 138 Member
    And can I just say, we're all so PROUD of you for facing up to your problem and asking for help, you are on the road to a new, thinner, happier, more morally superior cat! Yay!
  • MelisMusing
    MelisMusing Posts: 421 Member
    Are you tracking treats? Crunchies? MOTHS?? ALL food must be logged.

    Clearly you're to blame for your cats obesity. How dare you put this all on a poor innocent feline. He probably has a thyroid issue too, you monster.
  • mslovecats
    mslovecats Posts: 49
    Boogie has got to want this for himself, you can not force your lifestyle on him. He is your pet and you love him, you must also love how he chooses to be. Stop enabling his behavior, refuse to help him sabotage his health.


    I know this sounds like a good idea. But if I refuse to help him sabotage his health, he will sabotage mine.
  • mslovecats
    mslovecats Posts: 49
    You're right, commercial pet food is awful. But you're not doing much better feeding your cat cooked meat. Please consider a vegetarian diet for your pet. Anything else is just cruel, to your pet and the animals you're feeding it.:sad:

    If you are truly concerned about the welfare of a cat, then you wouldn't do that to them. They are freakin' carnivores.

    Ugh. Let's protect nature by messing with it! Yay! Protect them from themselves! Yay!

    That's a big Cranky style NO :angry: right there.

    :mad: :mad: :mad:

    You do know this is all a joke, right?

    I knew the overall thread was a joke. I thought that ^ was serious (because there have been a few people that have talked about turning their cat vegan).


    IT IS SERIOUS!!!! No one is giving me answers.... :cry:
  • skinnysushicat
    skinnysushicat Posts: 138 Member

    Also, try to give the cat at least its body weight in water. Does milk count as water? I'm not sure, but I do know that water is important.

    What d'you wanna do, DROWN the poor beast?

    He should drink nothing but protein shakes and his own urine. Or your urine, if you prefer.

    Hey, I read a blog post somewhere on the internet that told me to drink water all day every day, so it must be true.

    Ah, I stand corrected. Fair enough, if you read it online, it' good advice. I probably have not covered than in my Cat Sport Science Fitness Nutrition Coaching Diploma yet.
  • skinnysushicat
    skinnysushicat Posts: 138 Member
    Are you tracking treats? Crunchies? MOTHS?? ALL food must be logged.

    Clearly you're to blame for your cats obesity. How dare you put this all on a poor innocent feline. He probably has a thyroid issue too, you monster.

    Mmm, I wondered about a hormone imbalance, or possibly a metabolic disorder, but I doubt it - the vet gave him the all clear.
  • mslovecats
    mslovecats Posts: 49
    Are you tracking treats? Crunchies? MOTHS?? ALL food must be logged.

    Clearly you're to blame for your cats obesity. How dare you put this all on a poor innocent feline. He probably has a thyroid issue too, you monster.

    WHoa... Boogie was checked for hormones and thyroid. He is fine. I am tracking treats, but he wouldn't catch moths, trust me. And Boogie is far from innocent - ask the Rottweiler next door. Seriously, that dog is afraid of Boogie.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    You're right, commercial pet food is awful. But you're not doing much better feeding your cat cooked meat. Please consider a vegetarian diet for your pet. Anything else is just cruel, to your pet and the animals you're feeding it.:sad:

    If you are truly concerned about the welfare of a cat, then you wouldn't do that to them. They are freakin' carnivores.

    Ugh. Let's protect nature by messing with it! Yay! Protect them from themselves! Yay!

    That's a big Cranky style NO :angry: right there.

    :mad: :mad: :mad:

    You do know this is all a joke, right?

    I knew the overall thread was a joke. I thought that ^ was serious (because there have been a few people that have talked about turning their cat vegan).


    IT IS SERIOUS!!!! No one is giving me answers.... :cry:

    Mew okay? Just meow calm down meow...It'll be meow'lright.

  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    Could it be possible that Boogie is in starvation mode?
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    Are you tracking treats? Crunchies? MOTHS?? ALL food must be logged.

    Clearly you're to blame for your cats obesity. How dare you put this all on a poor innocent feline. He probably has a thyroid issue too, you monster.

    WHoa... Boogie was checked for hormones and thyroid. He is fine. I am tracking treats, but he wouldn't catch moths, trust me. And Boogie is far from innocent - ask the Rottweiler next door. Seriously, that dog is afraid of Boogie.

    Is this Boogie?!

  • MelisMusing
    MelisMusing Posts: 421 Member
    Have you tried catnipketones? Catnipketones are the next wave in the weight loss revolution. Boogie won't even have to DO anything. Just slip him his magical ketones and the weight will just melt right off!

    (I saw it on Dr. Mowz, so it HAS to be true!)
  • skinnysushicat
    skinnysushicat Posts: 138 Member
    Have you tried catnipketones? Catnipketones are the next wave in the weight loss revolution. Boogie won't even have to DO anything. Just slip him his magical ketones and the weight will just melt right off!
    Reporting this too. Go flog your snake oil elsewhere,
  • mslovecats
    mslovecats Posts: 49
    Could it be possible that Boogie is in starvation mode?

    Hm, he would def like me to think so. But he is 7 kg, and for a moggie that is not little. His fur does not fall out, and the vet found him perfectly healthy, although a little bit overweight. But, it's like Boogie just heard you (could he be a psychic?) - he is yelling again. Time for a snack. Dunno whether to give it to him, he just had a slice of ham 5 mins ago. and that's on top of everything else he's been given today (4 full meals and 11 snacks). He eats more than me on some days. I am not in starvation mode, but then I am a vegetarian. Gosh, I'm so confused now.... His meowing is so annoying.... What should I do with this bottomless barrel that he has for a stomach?
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    Per your reply in another thread, cut his dairy and make him hula hoop.

    I don't give him dairy. LOLZ hula hoop. That fat *kitten* won't be able to - he don't have a waist
    You know... Maybe you should step aside and let Boogie make his own posts on MFP, instead of being so controlling and dissing him in a public forum. This doesn't sound very supportive... I'm just sayin.
  • mslovecats
    mslovecats Posts: 49
    Are you tracking treats? Crunchies? MOTHS?? ALL food must be logged.

    Clearly you're to blame for your cats obesity. How dare you put this all on a poor innocent feline. He probably has a thyroid issue too, you monster.

    WHoa... Boogie was checked for hormones and thyroid. He is fine. I am tracking treats, but he wouldn't catch moths, trust me. And Boogie is far from innocent - ask the Rottweiler next door. Seriously, that dog is afraid of Boogie.

    Is this Boogie?!


    Nope. Too much exercise for him.
  • mslovecats
    mslovecats Posts: 49
    Have you tried catnipketones? Catnipketones are the next wave in the weight loss revolution. Boogie won't even have to DO anything. Just slip him his magical ketones and the weight will just melt right off!

    (I saw it on Dr. Mowz, so it HAS to be true!)

    Sounds interesting, but I can't find anything on em. Google doesn't know anything about these catnip ketones. But the word catnip makes me nervous - Boogie never had it. If he becomes addicted to it the way he is addicted to food.... I fear he might follow in the footsteps of Amy Winehouse.
  • mslovecats
    mslovecats Posts: 49
    Per your reply in another thread, cut his dairy and make him hula hoop.

    I don't give him dairy. LOLZ hula hoop. That fat *kitten* won't be able to - he don't have a waist
    You know... Maybe you should step aside and let Boogie make his own posts on MFP, instead of being so controlling and dissing him in a public forum. This doesn't sound very supportive... I'm just sayin.

    Trust me, if Boogie could make his own posts, he wouldn't even be here on MFP. Instead he would be checking out how to unlock the fridge. yes, he already knows how to open it, so now there is just this annoying safety fridge lock left to be dealt with.
  • _KitKat_
    _KitKat_ Posts: 1,066 Member
    You really need to accept him the way he is, and a poster above was correct your behaving like a controlling pet caretaker, Boogie can make his own posts and decisions. Just support his choices and don't be shallow. We all offered advice.... Eat clean foods only avoid starvation mode and need to log everything or weigh the food, I am sure boogie can eyeball it and be way under goal.

    Edited to add....fat free and sugar free is a MUST
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Maybe he needs to try water walking/jogging?
