Short Gals (under 5'3) unite!



  • kendall916
    kendall916 Posts: 4,222 Member
    I'm 4' 11". Feel free to add me! :smile:
  • I'm 5'1" and currently hovering around 155, which is a huge accomplishment from where I started out in the 170's. I wish I could give you all advice on how I sailed down through the 160's, but it basically happened on its own through several months of being really stressed out and not having any appetite. Oh well - proof that everything has a silver lining! Now that life is good again, I instantly gained 9 lbs back. But I REFUSE to ever see 160 again! All I can say now is make the most of your calories. Don't binge out on junk food just because MFP says you can afford it. Be good to your body and use up your daily calorie goal with superfoods - things that will fill you up, give you energy, and not leave you craving more in a couple hours. I've started making conscious efforts to eat organic whenever possible as well. I'm no scientist, and I have absolutely no proof to back up what I'm about to claim, but I SWEAR that organic food fills me up faster and leaves me satisfied for longer... not to mention, it really does taste better!
  • peanuttyist
    peanuttyist Posts: 19
    HI...I am barely 5ft.....57 yr female....and have so much to lose I sometimes think its impossible. Recently diagnosed as Type 2 Diabetic due to an emergency....otherwise I probably never would have known. Currently I am 260 lbs and have lost 10 down from 270...its a good start ! MFP worked before and as I long as I work it I know I can do this. Thanks for reading !
  • blushingbride2bee
    blushingbride2bee Posts: 39 Member
    Small but mighty! Hello all! I am 5'1. I was up at 165 and realized I needed to take charge of my health. My goal weight is 125-130. I am getting married in September, I want to lose 22 lbs in 19 weeks, my current weight is 158. Feel free to add me. Let's motivate each other.
  • DaddyMarbles
    DaddyMarbles Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, I'm 5'3 ( Though the afro pushes me up to 5'5 :P) and I'm currently 150 lbs. I'm trying to get down to 140, but I have no set ideal weight yet. I just want to get rid of my back-boobs and my stomach mainly. It's actually the sight of them that made me realize that I had let myself go. It was like a veil had been lifted and suddenly I wasn't so cute anymore. The numbers on the scale don't mean that much to me. I just don't want to look like the Michelin Man anymore.

    Since I've been logging my calories, I've actually been having a hard time eating enough. Healthy food doesn't pack as many calories as the yummy junk I'm used to, so I'm always at a deficit. Any suggestions for snacks that won't make me go over my allotted sugar or fat portions?
  • saistarxo
    saistarxo Posts: 14 Member
    I'm 5'2 and just starting my weight loss journey for the summer! I 'm about a week in and have lost 1.6 lbs!

    Looking for inspirational friends so feel free to add me, need all the support I can get. :-)
  • ramaben123
    ramaben123 Posts: 1 Member
    5'2 and I was a 117 when I started, but i'm 110 aiming to get to 105 maybe even 100 by the end of May . Let's see what happens!!
  • I'm 5'3 and about 112 ????
  • missfds
    missfds Posts: 3
    Hello im Lisa and I have become fed up of my inconsistency with my fitness... second time doing mfp and 2nd day in. I am in the Las Vegas area 173 goal weight a120 I'm looking for a fitness program that I love so I can stay consistent. Any ladies who our looking for their niche contact me and we can explore fitness options... even a long the lines of joining a dance class or sports team... look forward to connecting with you ... lets enjoy some friendly competition
  • mellowdeekay
    mellowdeekay Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 5'1" and terribly overweight at my current 259 lbs. Highest weight was 270 in March. I had surgery in October so it's taken a bit to get back at it. I don't record food but aim to reduce portion sizes a little at a time and to choose healthier foods. Sweets aren't really my issue but I tend to overindulge in carbs. I've been heavy since having my first baby almost 25 years ago. Recently I've had some health scares so I need to be really persistent and get into a habit of regular exercise. I've started a lot and eventually stopped... I know that I'm needing to make lifestyle changes and could really use some gentle and enthusiastic encouragement along the way.
  • AvesArdens
    AvesArdens Posts: 8 Member
    Hi! I'm almost 5'0" (under by a quarter inch or so ;o;) I started about a month ago at 193 and am at 184 just from increasing my water and being more conscious of my calorie intake. My goal weight is 115, which is about in the middle of my BMI, but at 125 I intend to stop and reevaluate. I've always been a little fluffy but more hard on myself than I was actually overweight. In 2005 I reached my goal weight of 118, but went through a period of unemployment where my diet was almost entirely cheap carbohydrates and my weight started to get out of control. I think I was too disappointed in myself to want to address it directly so I just kind of stopped thinking about my weight entirely once I went over 160.

    I like reading and drawing, and my cats are pretty fabulous IMO. I am also really shy so I would like to have friends if there are any other people who would want to be friends with me too!
  • lailabear
    lailabear Posts: 4 Member
    Hello! I'm 4'11" and weigh 136. I'm constantly looking for motivation so please feel free to add me! My goal is 110 and hope to be there by the end of summer.
  • surfergirljane
    surfergirljane Posts: 9 Member
    I'm about 5'1 and 97 pounds, looking to gain weight (started lifting this week) but would like to meet people looking to gain, lose or maintain :) Just looking to meet more people interested in being as healthy as they can be so please feel free to add me :)
  • Hi, I am 5'3 and I am around 190, looking to be 155, please add me :)
  • brittneylynna
    brittneylynna Posts: 1 Member
    I am 5'3 and currently 114.4lbs. Goal weight 104lbs.
  • 207melissa
    207melissa Posts: 2
    Hello, I'm 5'3 and currently weigh 200...started at 215 and my first major goal is to see how I feel at 165.
  • FionaAnne22
    FionaAnne22 Posts: 178 Member
    I'm 5'2 and still have over 100 pounds to lose, welcoming friends requests :)
  • evangelene12
    evangelene12 Posts: 196 Member
    I'm 5' 3" and 128 lbs. Although I've never been really overweight, I'm not naturally thin either. I struggle to maintain my weight anywhere between 110 and 145. My goal right now is to get to 115 and stay there (hopefully). Feel free to add me as well :).
  • I'm 5' 2" weighing in at 149

    My goal is to get to 130 but ultimately 120. I started with MFP a couple years ago but didn't stick with it and gained 20 lbs. I started cycling and strength classes at the gym this week. I haven't lost anything yet but I've got to keep the healthy habits up!

    Add me so we can motivate and support each other : )
  • Originalcool
    Originalcool Posts: 15 Member
    I am 5'2 and 150 pounds. I started two days ago.