You people are sooooo mean!



  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    I am persistent, I wont shut up, and I don't care if I was wrong with my well intentioned post that you guys attacked me for.

    I have my own advocations and you will not see me stop until at least one person's view on how this situation was handled is changed. It's revolting that I have to call you humans too. Where the crap is the compassion? And all you can come back with is "oh she's a baby", "she can't let it go", "so sensitive", etc... which again are CLASSIC abuse excuses from mean beating their wives.

    If you're lucky, this thread will get tossed too; reminds of some guy arguing for 1,100 posts about Paleo. Yep, his crap got tossed too.
  • bannedword
    bannedword Posts: 299 Member
    Still doesn't say much about you. Your PhD gains you less respect than actually having respectful behavior.

    I'm not a PhD. I'm a Juris Doctor. I also don't practice medicine. And you definitely would not want to see my bedside manner.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member

    thank you for these handy instructions on how to ignore just you. :drinker:

    I'm sure they are needed.

    ETA: I thought it would be tacky to demo them on somebody else.
  • _Pseudonymous_
    _Pseudonymous_ Posts: 1,671 Member
    Seriously...this whole thing could be settled with a good dance fight.

    COME ON! 5,6,7,8,

    I often find my self crouched over and snapping while circling my prey before a dance number...

    if only it weren't true...
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member

    And hows your bedside manner doc? I don't care what you have to tell me if you're going to tell me in a way that is insulting to my well being. I have the right to protect myself from attacks even if that means remaining ignorant. Because as a DOCTOR should know that one teaches others how to treat them. I'm new to this whole diet and exercise stuff, but psychology I am not. And I can tell you with 100% certainty that I endured cyber abuse today. Which didn't stop short of all the classic abuse signs and symptoms. From convincing the victim that they are deserving of the abuse/ or that I asked for it to the very obvious belittling. But then again, I don't expect much to be educated on abuse here or this probably would not of happened.

    You do know that PhD.s don't actually practice medicine, right? And as such, they have no need for bedside manner?

    Still doesn't say much about you. Your PhD gains you less respect than actually having respectful behavior.

    I have a feeling he doesn't really care if you respect him.

    I actually find his depth of knowledge worthy of respect.
  • KseRz
    KseRz Posts: 980 Member
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,089 Member
    In.....and cracking up at the butt hurt!!!
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    oh how I want this thread to roll!!!!!
  • _Pseudonymous_
    _Pseudonymous_ Posts: 1,671 Member



    Thanks for reminding me that I have to leave work early for mother's day dinner at the finest burger place in town with thick slabs of bacon!!!

    Catch you kids on the flip side!!!
  • KseRz
    KseRz Posts: 980 Member
    I'm sorry, the glory of all that lies within this shirt can only be seen through the power of love farts. And you don't want to know what you have to do to get that power. Lets just say I'm still removing glass from my *kitten*.

    It's always great when a newbie jumps on these boards and demands attention.

    Where's that "muppet-attention-*kitten*" gif when I need it?

    I certainly didn't try to get this attention. Who would? *Smacks you upside head* Use your common sense!


    Nice detour... Who would want all this negative attention? Why can't I just post without having it? It appears you guys are calling me an attention wh0re when all you guys are doing is giving it to me. Not only is it counter productive but a huge contradiction. How on earth can you call me an attention *kitten* when you are the ones showing all the attention?! This logic boggles my mind.

    Guess what? Your "medical proof with no proof" post about something completely asinine is NOT the first to be posted! Not everything is about you. You might want to take a vacation from the interwebz today.

    It seems you guys can't help but to make it about me. Has this thread not turned into the same attackers from earlier making the same lame points and jokes? Maybe you should scroll the comments and read again to get a better view before you go accusing people of liking the horribly excused behavior you all seem to exhibit.

    This thread isn't about YOU -- it's about the MFP noob cliché.

    You posted BS that has been posted and debunked a million times before. You reacted in a way that most do (poorly, with name calling and meanie response threads).

    I didn't see a single debunk. I can tell you what i saw, but I think you know. Quit making excuses for bad behavior. Like I deserved it or something. WOW!

    Okay..debunk. Lets see. Here is the citation you provided for why eating the amount of protein most people eat is "medically proven" to be bad for you.

    Keep in mind this is the citation that you yourself provided to back up your claim.

    I invite you to now actually read your own citation.

    That is from 1996.

    You know what is more recent?

    You should be familiar with that. But here's the summary, one more time: Recent epidemiological, isotopic and meta-analysis studies suggest that dietary protein works synergistically with calcium to improve calcium retention and bone metabolism. The recommendation to intentionally restrict dietary protein to improve bone health is unwarranted, and potentially even dangerous to those individuals who consume inadequate protein.

    I bolded the part that specifically references the '96 study.

    By all means then, attack me for not keeping up with this massive amount of information out there where people can easily get confused.

    Again, Making me look dumb does not make you look smart. Just makes you look like an as$hole

    Not attacking you for being confused, attacking you for propagating and disseminating mininformation in a public forum before bothering to get your facts straight by investigating the publically available research. If you don't know enough about a subject, don't talk about it publically or if you do expect people to chime in with any critisisms.

    And i'm supposed to trust that you know you're *kitten*?

    I don't think you trust me at all know. I don't think mentioning my Ph.D. in molecular biology or my focus on protein biochemistry would actually convince you either, nor should it. Ones correctness does not stem from ones authority or ones study but on what citations and research one can provide to back up ones claims.

    And hows your bedside manner doc? I don't care what you have to tell me if you're going to tell me in a way that is insulting to my well being. I have the right to protect myself from attacks even if that means remaining ignorant. Because as a DOCTOR should know that one teaches others how to treat them. I'm new to this whole diet and exercise stuff, but psychology I am not. And I can tell you with 100% certainty that I endured cyber abuse today. Which didn't stop short of all the classic abuse signs and symptoms. From convincing the victim that they are deserving of the abuse/ or that I asked for it to the very obvious belittling. But then again, I don't expect much to be educated on abuse here or this probably would not of happened.
    Sitting back and reading your responses, most of them start with attacks on the person you are responding to. While it is possible for people to take a high road when replyin to you, the continual abuse you spew through your keyboard makes that less likely.

    The only thing you can change in the world is yourself and how you react to situations.

    Some of you people can even read this?
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member

    And hows your bedside manner doc? I don't care what you have to tell me if you're going to tell me in a way that is insulting to my well being. I have the right to protect myself from attacks even if that means remaining ignorant. Because as a DOCTOR should know that one teaches others how to treat them. I'm new to this whole diet and exercise stuff, but psychology I am not. And I can tell you with 100% certainty that I endured cyber abuse today. Which didn't stop short of all the classic abuse signs and symptoms. From convincing the victim that they are deserving of the abuse/ or that I asked for it to the very obvious belittling. But then again, I don't expect much to be educated on abuse here or this probably would not of happened.

    You do know that PhD.s don't actually practice medicine, right? And as such, they have no need for bedside manner?

    Still doesn't say much about you. Your PhD gains you less respect than actually having respectful behavior.

    I have a feeling he doesn't really care if you respect him.

    I actually find his depth of knowledge worthy of respect.
    I probably do, too. I just don't understand his more technical posts because he knows more than I do. lol
  • MissJenniLee
    MissJenniLee Posts: 108 Member

    And hows your bedside manner doc? I don't care what you have to tell me if you're going to tell me in a way that is insulting to my well being. I have the right to protect myself from attacks even if that means remaining ignorant. Because as a DOCTOR should know that one teaches others how to treat them. I'm new to this whole diet and exercise stuff, but psychology I am not. And I can tell you with 100% certainty that I endured cyber abuse today. Which didn't stop short of all the classic abuse signs and symptoms. From convincing the victim that they are deserving of the abuse/ or that I asked for it to the very obvious belittling. But then again, I don't expect much to be educated on abuse here or this probably would not of happened.

    You do know that PhD.s don't actually practice medicine, right? And as such, they have no need for bedside manner?

    Still doesn't say much about you. Your PhD gains you less respect than actually having respectful behavior.

    I have a feeling he doesn't really care if you respect him.

    Which is exactly why I don't. So good for him if that's his goal. Don't see why anyone would want that, but fine. And I know what I'm up against here. Like I've never encountered trolls. I think I'm holding up just fine to this specific pack of animals
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    oh how I want this thread to roll!!!!!

  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    I'm sorry, the glory of all that lies within this shirt can only be seen through the power of love farts. And you don't want to know what you have to do to get that power. Lets just say I'm still removing glass from my *kitten*.

    It's always great when a newbie jumps on these boards and demands attention.

    Where's that "muppet-attention-*kitten*" gif when I need it?

    I certainly didn't try to get this attention. Who would? *Smacks you upside head* Use your common sense!


    Nice detour... Who would want all this negative attention? Why can't I just post without having it? It appears you guys are calling me an attention wh0re when all you guys are doing is giving it to me. Not only is it counter productive but a huge contradiction. How on earth can you call me an attention *kitten* when you are the ones showing all the attention?! This logic boggles my mind.

    Guess what? Your "medical proof with no proof" post about something completely asinine is NOT the first to be posted! Not everything is about you. You might want to take a vacation from the interwebz today.

    It seems you guys can't help but to make it about me. Has this thread not turned into the same attackers from earlier making the same lame points and jokes? Maybe you should scroll the comments and read again to get a better view before you go accusing people of liking the horribly excused behavior you all seem to exhibit.

    This thread isn't about YOU -- it's about the MFP noob cliché.

    You posted BS that has been posted and debunked a million times before. You reacted in a way that most do (poorly, with name calling and meanie response threads).

    I didn't see a single debunk. I can tell you what i saw, but I think you know. Quit making excuses for bad behavior. Like I deserved it or something. WOW!

    Okay..debunk. Lets see. Here is the citation you provided for why eating the amount of protein most people eat is "medically proven" to be bad for you.

    Keep in mind this is the citation that you yourself provided to back up your claim.

    I invite you to now actually read your own citation.

    That is from 1996.

    You know what is more recent?

    You should be familiar with that. But here's the summary, one more time: Recent epidemiological, isotopic and meta-analysis studies suggest that dietary protein works synergistically with calcium to improve calcium retention and bone metabolism. The recommendation to intentionally restrict dietary protein to improve bone health is unwarranted, and potentially even dangerous to those individuals who consume inadequate protein.

    I bolded the part that specifically references the '96 study.

    By all means then, attack me for not keeping up with this massive amount of information out there where people can easily get confused.

    Again, Making me look dumb does not make you look smart. Just makes you look like an as$hole

    Not attacking you for being confused, attacking you for propagating and disseminating mininformation in a public forum before bothering to get your facts straight by investigating the publically available research. If you don't know enough about a subject, don't talk about it publically or if you do expect people to chime in with any critisisms.

    And i'm supposed to trust that you know you're *kitten*?

    I don't think you trust me at all know. I don't think mentioning my Ph.D. in molecular biology or my focus on protein biochemistry would actually convince you either, nor should it. Ones correctness does not stem from ones authority or ones study but on what citations and research one can provide to back up ones claims.

    And hows your bedside manner doc? I don't care what you have to tell me if you're going to tell me in a way that is insulting to my well being. I have the right to protect myself from attacks even if that means remaining ignorant. Because as a DOCTOR should know that one teaches others how to treat them. I'm new to this whole diet and exercise stuff, but psychology I am not. And I can tell you with 100% certainty that I endured cyber abuse today. Which didn't stop short of all the classic abuse signs and symptoms. From convincing the victim that they are deserving of the abuse/ or that I asked for it to the very obvious belittling. But then again, I don't expect much to be educated on abuse here or this probably would not of happened.
    Sitting back and reading your responses, most of them start with attacks on the person you are responding to. While it is possible for people to take a high road when replyin to you, the continual abuse you spew through your keyboard makes that less likely.

    The only thing you can change in the world is yourself and how you react to situations.

    Some of you people can even read this?

    I'm building a pyramid!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Some of you people can even read this?

    My job requires me to interpret stuff like this and reword it into understandable English, so yeah. :wink:
  • MissJenniLee
    MissJenniLee Posts: 108 Member

    And hows your bedside manner doc? I don't care what you have to tell me if you're going to tell me in a way that is insulting to my well being. I have the right to protect myself from attacks even if that means remaining ignorant. Because as a DOCTOR should know that one teaches others how to treat them. I'm new to this whole diet and exercise stuff, but psychology I am not. And I can tell you with 100% certainty that I endured cyber abuse today. Which didn't stop short of all the classic abuse signs and symptoms. From convincing the victim that they are deserving of the abuse/ or that I asked for it to the very obvious belittling. But then again, I don't expect much to be educated on abuse here or this probably would not of happened.

    You do know that PhD.s don't actually practice medicine, right? And as such, they have no need for bedside manner?

    Still doesn't say much about you. Your PhD gains you less respect than actually having respectful behavior.

    I have a feeling he doesn't really care if you respect him.

    I actually find his depth of knowledge worthy of respect.
    I probably do, too. I just don't understand his more technical posts because he knows more than I do. lol

    Knowledge is power, but by no means makes someone respectable since we all have the capability for learning. Unfortunately it has been proven not all of us have the capability for compassion.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member

    And hows your bedside manner doc? I don't care what you have to tell me if you're going to tell me in a way that is insulting to my well being. I have the right to protect myself from attacks even if that means remaining ignorant. Because as a DOCTOR should know that one teaches others how to treat them. I'm new to this whole diet and exercise stuff, but psychology I am not. And I can tell you with 100% certainty that I endured cyber abuse today. Which didn't stop short of all the classic abuse signs and symptoms. From convincing the victim that they are deserving of the abuse/ or that I asked for it to the very obvious belittling. But then again, I don't expect much to be educated on abuse here or this probably would not of happened.

    You do know that PhD.s don't actually practice medicine, right? And as such, they have no need for bedside manner?

    Still doesn't say much about you. Your PhD gains you less respect than actually having respectful behavior.

    I have a feeling he doesn't really care if you respect him.

    Which is exactly why I don't. So good for him if that's his goal. Don't see why anyone would want that, but fine. And I know what I'm up against here. Like I've never encountered trolls. I think I'm holding up just fine to this specific pack of animals
    Do you know what "masochist" means? I think you might be one.
  • crohnsfighter
    crohnsfighter Posts: 689 Member
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member

    And hows your bedside manner doc? I don't care what you have to tell me if you're going to tell me in a way that is insulting to my well being. I have the right to protect myself from attacks even if that means remaining ignorant. Because as a DOCTOR should know that one teaches others how to treat them. I'm new to this whole diet and exercise stuff, but psychology I am not. And I can tell you with 100% certainty that I endured cyber abuse today. Which didn't stop short of all the classic abuse signs and symptoms. From convincing the victim that they are deserving of the abuse/ or that I asked for it to the very obvious belittling. But then again, I don't expect much to be educated on abuse here or this probably would not of happened.

    You do know that PhD.s don't actually practice medicine, right? And as such, they have no need for bedside manner?

    Still doesn't say much about you. Your PhD gains you less respect than actually having respectful behavior.

    I have a feeling he doesn't really care if you respect him.

    Which is exactly why I don't. So good for him if that's his goal. Don't see why anyone would want that, but fine. And I know what I'm up against here. Like I've never encountered trolls. I think I'm holding up just fine to this specific pack of animals
  • bannedword
    bannedword Posts: 299 Member

    Which is exactly why I don't. So good for him if that's his goal. Don't see why anyone would want that, but fine. And I know what I'm up against here. Like I've never encountered trolls. I think I'm holding up just fine to this specific pack of animals

    Oh, bless your heart.