I'm not against plastic surgery, but................



  • sophrosynic
    I looooove heels. I don't mind the ache that comes with it. But no. Lord no. I'd just take them to the cobblers and see what they could do about my shoes rather than the other way around.
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    Hell no! I'd buy better heels!
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    Hell no. I think heels are ridiculous anyway.

    Also, get off my lawn! *shakes cane*

    (But seriously, they're stupid)
  • akh1981
    akh1981 Posts: 67 Member
    Nope I almost lost my pinky toe n a freak accident at the fair when a empty 4H pin fell and landed on it crushing all the bones. They told me that if it turned black and they had to remove it I would have to go through physical therapy to just be able to learn balance again and would never walk the same. I was worried how it would look in sandals. I did get to keep it but on the note of plastic surgery I have had some after having 2 kids and going through basic training with the army I lost all my weight plus some but found I had lose skin hanging off my stomach that would never tighten back up and my breast sagged and seemed empty more like tittie skins than boobs :( so I had them lifted which consist of excess skin being removed so my natural fat that was there would make be noticed and had the tummy tuck where they removed all the hanging skin. In this process they did remove 5 lbs of fat. I have found that since the surgery I struggle with fat in other areas since the fat cells were removed from my stomach I now gain in my thighs and butt which makes me look really unbalanced if my weight goes up and difficult for fitting clothes

    That's really interesting about the fat storing in different places. It makes sense - I just had never thought about it before.
  • tibby531
    tibby531 Posts: 717 Member
    I have enough balance/grace issues in flats with all five toes, as is. I could NEVER give one up for vanity! ...and, just for the record, I'm pretty vain. ;)
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Cinderella surgery
    Just read an article on this
    It's been around for years and lots of people get it
    It should be called "stepsister surgery."

    In the original Grimm's version, the sisters cut off their toes and heals, respectively, to fool the prince and fit the shoe.

    Wow! Now I will be hunting the internet for the original writings!
    If you've ever seen Into the Woods (the original Broadway version is on Netflix streaming), they use the originals and they have that in there. It was the blood pouring from the shoe as they rode away that alerted the prince.

    So, Cinderella finally tries on the shoe after both her stepsisters bleed all over it.
  • lijepa1979
    lijepa1979 Posts: 16 Member
    I have wide Fred Flinstone feet, but that never stopped me from wearing designer shoes. Ferragamo makes beautiful shoes and in wide width for those who like designer shoes. The idea of lopping off a toe to wear a shoe makes me sad.
  • SuperSexyDork
    SuperSexyDork Posts: 1,669 Member
    You question people about having their pinky toe cut off/altered for shoe fit but nowhere in your OP do you mention that's what she had done... and in the little bit of research I just did, I didn't find anything about amputating toes, only modifying the feet in different ways.

    What makes you think she had a toe cut off instead of her feet modified in some way?

    Perhaps because it wouldn't have been as controversial and wouldn't have gotten as many responses?
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Who said she had her pinky toe cut off? She probably just got bunions removed and here we are 5 pages of judging...
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Who said she had her pinky toe cut off? She probably just got bunions removed and here we are 5 pages of judging...

    Well I did suggest back on page 2 or 3 that she might have had six toes or something.
  • spirit095
    spirit095 Posts: 1,017 Member
    I'm not a huge fan of heels and I'm really short, but I wouldn't get surgery to be able to wear them. If that's what they want to do, let them do it.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    I have worn some pretty crazy serious heels, I wouldn't get any kind of surgery to allow me to wear any I couldn't get into how I am now. That being said, I wouldn't judge someone based on something another person told me. I need the facts from the horse's mouth. Gossip is just that. I've had BS spread about me and it can be pretty hurtful.
  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    buy a bigger she...my god wtf.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    While I am not a fan of my pinky toes.... no. I am not going to have them surgically removed unless necessary...
  • tomomatic
    tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member
  • Beautiful_Pain
    Beautiful_Pain Posts: 102 Member
    I only wear heels when im gonna be sitting down or not walking.. So nope!

    There are many many freaky procedures, if you can think it it can be done!
  • Rochelle951
    Rochelle951 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Everyone can't rock 5-6 inch stilettos. Poor thing :(
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    If I couldn't find heels in my size, I wouldn't wear them, but.....luckily, I can find them in my size. Don't judge me. They make my calves look fabulous and when my calves look fabulous, I feel fabulous.
  • goalss4nika
    goalss4nika Posts: 529 Member