your worse or humiliating experience when fat?



  • missjones513
    missjones513 Posts: 345 Member
    My pants split in the inner thigh area while I was at work one time. I went home sick that day.
  • FredSetToGetFit
    FredSetToGetFit Posts: 286 Member
    I can relate to many of these posts.. sadly i too have had my share of countless experiences like this.. but somehow i don't think these incidents have motivated me to loose weight quicker. More often than not, I get into a depression mode once anything like this happens. Its really sad when people look at you as an object which is to be made fun of.

    Now I am trying to work against this feeling. I hope my real weight loss journey will kick start soon.

    It will. You have a set number of days. Make today count. Just go for it. :wink:
  • bandedmorwong
    bandedmorwong Posts: 1 Member
    I guess I don't want to hate who I was/am by remembering horrible experiences. I have more than my fair share.
    The plan should always be move forward in your journey, and take motivation from the little successes you have on the way.
    Little steps, little wins.
  • greeshu_89
    greeshu_89 Posts: 136 Member
    I can relate to many of these posts.. sadly i too have had my share of countless experiences like this.. but somehow i don't think these incidents have motivated me to loose weight quicker. More often than not, I get into a depression mode once anything like this happens. Its really sad when people look at you as an object which is to be made fun of.

    Now I am trying to work against this feeling. I hope my real weight loss journey will kick start soon.

    It will. You have a set number of days. Make today count. Just go for it. :wink:

    Thank you :)
  • Juliebug33
    Juliebug33 Posts: 15
    Opened my husband's closet to get a towel and he says "what are you doing, nothing in there would fit YOU!" The divorce will be finalized soon.
  • lbs32724
    lbs32724 Posts: 23
  • ntftnm
    ntftnm Posts: 55 Member
  • surfinbird_1981
    surfinbird_1981 Posts: 946 Member
    It was more what people DID than what they said, for me. I commute to work a long distance (50+ miles), so I ride a commuter train, and people would always, without fail, avoid the empty seat next to me. I guess they thought that I'd "crush" them or something. It was actually pretty embarrassing. And one day, I saw people STANDING on the train rather than take that seat - I was like, "Oh, come on, I can't be THAT bad." Only... well, yeah, I was that bad.

    105+ pounds lost later, and now everyone seems to pick that seat first instead of last.

    People gave my husband looks, too. (He's 5'8" and 160 pounds.) At the time we got married, I was nearly double his weight and I would just cringe when I saw people looking at him. I KNOW they were thinking, "Why her, he could do so much better." :sad: Bless my husband, though, he NEVER thought that or even paid attention to other people.

    Wow, this made me feel very sad, people are pricks!!
  • DWBalboa
    DWBalboa Posts: 37,259 Member
    Opened my husband's closet to get a towel and he says "what are you doing, nothing in there would fit YOU!" The divorce will be finalized soon.

    That is just horrible, it’s his loss.
  • britt113
    britt113 Posts: 2 Member
    When my friend's 3 year old came up to me, rubbed my belly and said "Is there a baby in there?" :|
  • emzilee
    emzilee Posts: 96 Member
    I was at one of those hands-on interactive museums when I lived in Chile and they had one of those cool ball things that spin you round until it finds your centre of gravity. I walked up and the attendant looked me up and down, then asked how much I weighed. I was about 1kg below the limit and they turned me away. And then my friends all asked why had happened when I walked back to them.

    Then when I was studying abroad in Japan, I lived with mainly tiny Asians and was definitely the biggest girl in the dorm. I was invited to a special meal at a lady's house, and her husband only knew a few words of English but he made me sit at the end because I was "very big guy" and apparently wouldn't fit at the side of the table.

    I didn't buy a single item of clothing in that whole year because nothing even came close to fitting.
  • bmbaldridge
    bmbaldridge Posts: 15 Member
    Like others have said, just the looks! Luckily, I haven't had anyone say or do anything regarding my weight that embarrassed me. I'm not sure why, unless they're afraid to confront me? Regardless, the looks can be very insidious because they're just full of judgment.
  • caperchick78
    caperchick78 Posts: 426 Member
    I'm near in tears reading some of the experiences shared on this topic. I have had various humiliating experiences. There were some when I was more "chubby" than fat when I worked in retail. I had a customer ask for a winter coat for her "bigger" daughter, who she proceeded to tell me was my size and asked if I would try on the coats. One of the worst was 2 years ago when I could, for the first time, no longer buckle the belt on the plane. I flew without it, and was mortified having to ask the flight attendant. My ex-boyfriend told me he wasn't attracted to my body and thought it was gross and said he was embarrassed by me. We were together for 3 years (the best 160 pounds I could ever lose!). Oh, and I had a client come to my office once to talk to me about opening a restaurant. I never met him before that day, and he told me I was fat and should come to his restaurant lol. I`m like thanks for pointing out the obvious. I think the last one was when I read my doctor's comments about my weight. He had my file open on the computer, and he wrote something to the effect of me being "extremely overweight."

    While these make me feel sad when I think about them, I try not to dwell. I just take it one day at a time knowing I'll get to where I feel comfortable and heathy with myself and that is all that matters!
  • caperchick78
    caperchick78 Posts: 426 Member
    I just remembered my horrifying experience in Peurto Escondido, Mexico! Lol I must have blocked it from my memory because I was so humiliated! I was with my bf at the time, and we were in a travel agency booking a flight back to Mexico City. They had a wicker bench, and I was sitting on it. I stood up to sign some papers. When I went to sit back down, the bench broke! My bf was so embarassed! The women were really kind, but omg it was awful! I wanted to just curl up and cry!
  • lifechanger09
    Went to Fiesta TX and couldn't fit in one of the roller coasters so I had to get out. EVERYONE was watching. Including my husband. He felt so bad for me and just held me as I cried. I have never ever been back to Fiesta TX. Once I lose the weight though I sure will!
  • fittocycle
    fittocycle Posts: 826 Member
    I haven't read all the stories but from those I have read, I can't believe people could be so flat out mean! I'm so sorry you all have went through those experiences.

    I was overweight in high school (which was back in the dark ages). We ordered our caps and gowns and mine would not zip up. I had ordered the largest size and it wouldn't fit. I was so mortified by the idea that I started dieting, just so it would fit in time for the ceremony. Best thing that ever happened to me. After being overweight since I was a kid, I found out what it felt to be closer to an average weight-and I liked it! By the time I went to college, people couldn't recognize me.

    Sometimes, a negative situation can be a positive experience after all! Don't give up!
  • metalkim85
    metalkim85 Posts: 72 Member
    I was always heavy. even as a child. Children would call me 'Fatso' and 'Kimbo'. I was always the 'fat friend' My dad told me that I needed to lose weight because I was getting too heavy (which he was right and also he was worried about me getting diabetes)

    A big one though was me going to the Waffle House and not being able to fit in the embarrassing.
  • kirili3
    kirili3 Posts: 244 Member
    I got excluded a lot and made fun of because of my weight.

    During my early teens, when I was in my home country, a usually very nice boy asked me why I was so fat. I told him to *kitten* off. I rather think it's that one little moment - and he did look embarrassed - that helps offset the other things. I told at least one of them to *kitten* off (well, the equivalent in our language). My cousin was with me and she did put her hand over my mouth but she laughed too. I know it's a tiny thing, but it felt... good. I'm sure he didn't mean any harm and he really is a nice person, but hopefully he'll think twice before casually insulting people. It's one nice thing that somehow helps to offset years of name-calling and exclusion at school.

    I can honestly say that being excluded and made fun of hasn't inspired my weight loss journey.
  • kirili3
    kirili3 Posts: 244 Member
  • littlelaura
    littlelaura Posts: 1,028 Member
    Waiting in line for a good half hour to get on a scrambler ride with my daughter only to not have the bar close over my belly and because they couldn't shut it I had to get off the ride. Another lady offered to have her ride with her and her kid but my daughter wouldn't go and so she didn't get to go on the ride. She yelled at the ride attendant guy saying his ride was stupid because her Mommy wasn't fat! I was embarrassed for myself but more so sad and humiliated that my child had to experience that because of me.