your worse or humiliating experience when fat?

as a fat person what has been your worse or humiliating experience with other people?
whether it be through social situations drs visitis sex family get together or with strangers AND were these moments your wake up call or did they make it worse for you ?


  • saunderl
    saunderl Posts: 12 Member
    About 5 years ago at Christmas my then 5 year old niece asked her mom if Santa was fat like Aunty, I think it is kinda funny although I was no where near as fat a Santa. It sure made me think about how others viewed me though.
  • cursiny
    cursiny Posts: 907 Member
    "You are too big to date"
  • lumyrainstar
    A. Anything to do with clothes shopping.
    B. When I had my hair hacked off I was walking through a store when a little kid with his dad asked , "daddy is that a boy or a girl".....
    C.right after my gallbladder surgery my mom pops in with, "would you ever consider bypass".
    Thanks mom.
  • SundayGirl1989
    My family were commenting on my weight-gain behind my back when my little cousin (3yrs old) overheard and started saying "amy fat" over and over. The worse part though was my aunty encouraging it and other relatives finding it hilarious.
  • RockingGranny
    RockingGranny Posts: 64 Member
    Until a series of events sent me into a funk (depression), I never had a weight problem, but within 6 months I put on probably 40 pounds. At a work related social event, a male coworker asked me, "when are you due?" For a moment, it shocked me, but it did not pull me out of my funk. I wrote it off to him just being stupid. A couple more years went by and I added 60 more pounds. I realized how big I was, when I looked at pictures and I needed to buy a size 20 to be comfortable. I refused to buy a size 20, I am 5'5", and started walking for my health again. Now that I have lost 60 pounds, friends tell me hear how good I look. Crap, I am still fat, so if I look good now that tells you how bad the extra 60 pounds looked on me.
  • RockingGranny
    RockingGranny Posts: 64 Member
    One more thing, a "look" can be worse than words. At some point, I quit keeping track of my weight. I think I hit somewhere near 250 lbs on my 5'5" frame, before I came out of my funk. The "look" was common, when my husband and I would go out to eat. He does not have a weight issue. I felt the "look" of disapproval no matter what food choices I made. Who knows the "look" I am talking about?
  • dmschm2
    dmschm2 Posts: 36 Member
    Couldn't ride my favorite roller coaster last summer. Had to get off and wait for my nephew to ride alone. It was just the one ride, the seat belt is a little shorter than most. Horrible. It was a wake up call, and is still a motivator for me, but still took me a while to get serious about doing someting.
  • lucishannon
    I decided to go to a gym and start getting into shape. They had little curtained areas for one to dress in, and they had a small metal foldable stool for sitting on. When I sat on it, it completely collapsed and broke, and sent me sprawling! How embarrasing! At that time, it did not send me on a quest for getting in shape, but rather set me back to the point I just hid and ate for the next several days! I was soooooooooo depressed! But that was then, this is now, and I'm back on track! :blushing:
  • AshTrixxy
    AshTrixxy Posts: 507 Member
    A few years ago, I was driving with the windows down and stopped at a stoplight when I heard something coming from the car next to me. There were two guys in their 20s in the car next to mine and they were looking at me saying "moo!!" When I instinctively looked over, they said "How's it going cow?" and mooed at me until the light changed. I was so devastated that it crushed my self esteem and made things worse for me for a while. People can be so cruel. That experience just sticks with me. So simple, but so traumatic.
  • Ftw37
    Ftw37 Posts: 386 Member
    On a crowded patio, I broke a plastic patio chair trying to sit down for lunch at a local pub. I wedged myself into it and the right armrest snapped off. And when I got up to move, the chair remained stuck to my lower half. People laughed out loud.
  • Ftw37
    Ftw37 Posts: 386 Member
    One more thing, a "look" can be worse than words. At some point, I quit keeping track of my weight. I think I hit somewhere near 250 lbs on my 5'5" frame, before I came out of my funk. The "look" was common, when my husband and I would go out to eat. He does not have a weight issue. I felt the "look" of disapproval no matter what food choices I made. Who knows the "look" I am talking about?

    Oh I know that look. Here's what's going through their heads.

    "Look at that fat guy eating a hamburger! Happy heart attack, fat boy!"

    "Look at that fat guy eating a salad! Not working for you, is it, fat boy?"
  • l_ashley
    l_ashley Posts: 154 Member
    Having a nosy church lady ask my DAD when my baby was due. :( He won't tell me who asked him, because she and I would have to sit down and have a nice long chat about sticking noses where they don't belong.
  • ge105
    ge105 Posts: 268 Member
    Sadly I have a few:

    A guy threw fries at my face. His friends laughed.

    Family ganging up on me, laughing at how awful I looked in a bathing suit...

    A neighbor teased me for years calling me and a friend fat lesbians- which was good thing cause no one would ever have us.
  • xDinMammax
    A few years ago, I was driving with the windows down and stopped at a stoplight when I heard something coming from the car next to me. There were two guys in their 20s in the car next to mine and they were looking at me saying "moo!!" When I instinctively looked over, they said "How's it going cow?" and mooed at me until the light changed. I was so devastated that it crushed my self esteem and made things worse for me for a while. People can be so cruel. That experience just sticks with me. So simple, but so traumatic.

    Had a similar experience, except they called me a horse.
  • JBcat123
    JBcat123 Posts: 211 Member
    I told my friend that im on a diet. and he said on the train in front of everyone " you know its a good idea that u r on a diet, next time I wont be so squished". talk about embarrassing!
  • ChristinaCCRN
    ChristinaCCRN Posts: 89 Member
    I'm an ER nurse and in saying this I see ALOT of pregnant ladies.....
    I get asked WEEKLY, "How far along are you?!" "Oh your pregnant too?!" Or worse! Some of the doctors I have worked with... "I didn't know you were expecting!" Me.... And almost always my response "I'm not pregnant, I'm fat."
    Never again! This sucks! I'm short and carry all my weight in my mid section.
    I swear once I get in shape.... The only time I will ever be asked this again is when I am pregnant and lucky enough to even get there.
  • IamUndrCnstruction
    IamUndrCnstruction Posts: 691 Member
    One more thing, a "look" can be worse than words. At some point, I quit keeping track of my weight. I think I hit somewhere near 250 lbs on my 5'5" frame, before I came out of my funk. The "look" was common, when my husband and I would go out to eat. He does not have a weight issue. I felt the "look" of disapproval no matter what food choices I made. Who knows the "look" I am talking about?

    Oh I know that look. Here's what's going through their heads.

    "Look at that fat guy eating a hamburger! Happy heart attack, fat boy!"

    "Look at that fat guy eating a salad! Not working for you, is it, fat boy?"

    Oh this. This a million times!!!
  • ge105
    ge105 Posts: 268 Member
    My family were commenting on my weight-gain behind my back when my little cousin (3yrs old) overheard and started saying "amy fat" over and over. The worse part though was my aunty encouraging it and other relatives finding it hilarious.

    Thats terrible. My family teased me for years too. Never get over stuff like that.
  • joanthemom8
    joanthemom8 Posts: 375 Member
    1, I've "affectionately" been called "Big Girl"...used like a term of endearmeant - like "dear", or "sweetie";
    2. Being asked (1 time) if I was pregnant;
    3. My college roommate, upon seeing her after about 12 years later (and 1 kid later)..."you've gained weight!"
    4. Being handed weight-loss flyers by those annoying people on the street.
    5. When I was diagnosed with gallbladder issues and was going to have it removed, a nurse told me that the general profile of those patients were the "3 -Fs - Forty, Fat & Female (I was only 34 at the time).:sad:
  • vinny76063
    vinny76063 Posts: 133 Member
    One more thing, a "look" can be worse than words. At some point, I quit keeping track of my weight. I think I hit somewhere near 250 lbs on my 5'5" frame, before I came out of my funk. The "look" was common, when my husband and I would go out to eat. He does not have a weight issue. I felt the "look" of disapproval no matter what food choices I made. Who knows the "look" I am talking about?

    Oh I know that look. Here's what's going through their heads.

    "Look at that fat guy eating a hamburger! Happy heart attack, fat boy!"

    "Look at that fat guy eating a salad! Not working for you, is it, fat boy?"

    Oh this. This a million times!!!

    This except not with a husband it was with my ex wife she is beatiful and weighed no more than 110 lbs and i was 320, always got that look, also no matter what when i was big the slightest bend or squat i would have butcrack showing. I hated that