your worse or humiliating experience when fat?



  • dough21
    dough21 Posts: 216 Member
    1. Walking into any store (Other than Casual Male Big & Tall) and not being able to buy a shirt/pant.

    2. Not knowing what I weighed (thought I was around 350) and was asked to step on scale at work for Dumpsters. Came up 415 pounds. Co-worker laughed, I laughed too, but It was an embarrassing type of laugh.
  • TeenageMutantNinjaMike
    I don't remember how old I was, but I remember being at the pool with my little sister, and there were 2 girls there. One I had a crush on but the other had a horrible attitude and I didn't care for her too much.

    Well the not-so-nice girl decided to befriend my little sister and I remember walking out of the pool with my sister when this girl and her friends walked over and told my sister how pretty she was how lucky, etc etc.

    The girl then turned and looked at me and told me how fat and ugly I was and how she couldn't believe I was related to my sister on account of how ugly I was.

    Her friend stood there and said nothing, just let it happen.

    Not sure what I expected of the situation, but I remember walking away trying to pretend it didn't bother me, but it cut a pretty deep wound on my confidence.
  • withabandon
    withabandon Posts: 168 Member
    being told in high school by then-friends that i should have been grateful someone found me attractive enough to rape at a house party.

    Unreal. :( I'm so sorry.
  • ashleyisgreat
    ashleyisgreat Posts: 586 Member
    being told in high school by then-friends that i should have been grateful someone found me attractive enough to rape at a house party.

    JESUS. I'm sorry that people dismissed your experience in such an awful, cold way. Horrific attitude...
  • hollygoddess
    hollygoddess Posts: 78 Member
    Sigh....since I became fat at 12, I have YEARS worth of noteworthy embarrassing crap...
    As an adult, I broke my own living room chair at a Christmas table full of people,
    having to squeeze my wide fat *kitten* into chairs I had no other choice but to sit & look awful in,
    having a surgeon ask my newly-wed husband how & why I got so FAT (my spouse has never been the same due to the embarrassing humiliation),
    showing a co-worker a 1990 photo of my late twin sister (she had recently died) & I, and having to endure the shock & rage when she said: "what happened, why did you let yourself get so fat?"
    having men in parking lots, or stores stare at me, or say "hey big Momma.." or "you really got back!"
    As a new Mother pushing a stroller, in a cute summer dress (I WAS feeling good wearing) I suffered a up-under-the-skirt grab *kitten* & run...
    #1 LIFETIME hate on the list: have such a pretty face....
    As a teen: all the jokes & teasing about my bubble butt & thunder thighs... and all the pokes/ pinching & runs...
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    Being congratulated for being pregnant.
  • Technogoddess
    Technogoddess Posts: 1 Member
    Long story short, a guy was hitting on me at the market and asked me for my phone number. I declined, nicely. He too was nice about it. But then, he asked me if I was pregnant. Even if I WERE pregnant WHY would you even hit on a pregnant woman! :sad:

    If you can't tell, my stomach is my problem area. I am so happy it's disappearing!
  • KingaS32
    when my almost ex-husband told me that I don`t look like a women
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,592 Member
    being told in high school by then-friends that i should have been grateful someone found me attractive enough to rape at a house party.

    I read this and was not even surprised...fat women are just treated like ultimate worthless **** & what you experienced is a big glaring example of how disgusting people/society is. A fat women needs to feel lucky and privileged that someone felt her attractive enough to rape :noway: :noway: :grumble: :explode: :explode: :sad: :sad:

    I do not know why this does not anger more people I really dont . I am so sorry this happened to you how horrific
  • jigsaw_me
    jigsaw_me Posts: 616 Member
    I'm totally astounded. Either I hang out with nicer people or I'm too thick to notice people saying / doing nasty things.

    I've been (at least) obese all my life and I've never had anyone ask if I was pregnant; I've never had anyone call me a nasty name to my face (or in my hearing); my girls call me beautiful and have never commented on my weight. I've never had anyone criticise or comment on what I'm eating for lunch ... and the only time I had to ask for a seat belt extension on a flight the flight attendant was super nice - and as it turned out I didn't need it anyway as she offered me a row to myself, if i would like it and the seat belt there was bit enough to fit comfortably.

    The only time I can recall anyone saying anything 'mean' was in a plus-sized clothing store when I was trying on a skirt and the shop assistant said - "that's not going to hang right because your butt sticks out" ... and she was right.
  • KingaS32
    when my almost ex-husband told me that I don`t look like a women
  • KingaS32
    when my almost ex-husband told me that I don`t look like a women
  • makingamiracle
    makingamiracle Posts: 41 Member
    Porcelain toilet bowl in a public bathroom of a really old building broke in half after I did my business, as I was finishing up. Sent me sliding under the bathroom door in a log flume of, well, "logs" and water. Humiliating? Yeah, it was humiliating.
  • IIIIISerenityNowIIIII
    This was one of the absolutely most disgusting things anyone has ever said to me.

    My Mom died suddenly, and I was at her viewing, except I new she wouldn't want me to see her so I stayed by the back door the whole time and didn't look at the casket or approach. In walks an old friend of hers and she tries making small talk with me. Of course, I am so overwhelmed with gut-wrenching sadness and couldn't follow what she was saying until she tells me how fat I am now. Here is our conversation:
    Her: "You sure have gotten chunky!!"
    Me: "Um? Well, uh...well hahahaha you know my twins, they totally wrecked my body but I love them!"
    Her: "Oh now that's no excuse I had kids too and I'm nowhere near as fat as you!"
    Me: (glances toward my mother's casket) Um...yeah...I don't know..."

    Yep folks, this actually happened. I hope I NEVER see that horrible women again in my life.
  • rachaelruth3
    rachaelruth3 Posts: 27 Member
    I usually don't have negative experiences just some here and there but tonight was heartbreaking. My boyfriend and I were at the pet store looking to buy a puppy tonight when three teenagers came into the store, one guy and two girls. They were standing kind of near us and I heard the guy whisper something which I couldn't understand at first, then one of the girl's asked "What?" and he clearly responded with a half whisper "I hate fat people".
  • ashleyisgreat
    ashleyisgreat Posts: 586 Member
    This thread is crushing my faith in humanity. Added to some news stories I read earlier about Russia and whatnot, I am having a hard time believing that people can ever be good or kind unless there is something in it for them. :cry:
  • uconnwinsnc
    uconnwinsnc Posts: 1,054 Member
    This was one of the absolutely most disgusting things anyone has ever said to me.

    My Mom died suddenly, and I was at her viewing, except I new she wouldn't want me to see her so I stayed by the back door the whole time and didn't look at the casket or approach. In walks an old friend of hers and she tries making small talk with me. Of course, I am so overwhelmed with gut-wrenching sadness and couldn't follow what she was saying until she tells me how fat I am now. Here is our conversation:
    Her: "You sure have gotten chunky!!"
    Me: "Um? Well, uh...well hahahaha you know my twins, they totally wrecked my body but I love them!"
    Her: "Oh now that's no excuse I had kids too and I'm nowhere near as fat as you!"
    Me: (glances toward my mother's casket) Um...yeah...I don't know..."

    Yep folks, this actually happened. I hope I NEVER see that horrible women again in my life.

    I would have put that "old friend" in her own casket. Seriously, some people are completely clueless about their surroundings and what is going on. I guess it's their world and you're just living in it, huh?
  • raaachelmarie
    raaachelmarie Posts: 67 Member
    1. Had a guy tell me that my weight made me a practice girl, and there was no WAY he would ever date me.
    2. A boy tried to push me head first into my locker during high school, and then told me I was too fat to fit.
    3. My grandma on my dad's side asked if I was pregnant and when I told her no, she was delighted that I had only gotten fat and wasn't going to be a mom too.
    4. "But your sister isn't big like you."
    5. "But your mom is so small!"
    6. Oh, and one time in high school (what a treat it was for me) some douche stole my glasses and then asked why I didn't wear them more often because then I could see how fat I was.

    I'd like to blame a lot of what happened to me during high school on immaturity, but some people are just cruel. I can change my weight, but ugly comes from the inside.
  • IIIIISerenityNowIIIII

    I would have put that "old friend" in her own casket. Seriously, some people are completely clueless about their surroundings and what is going on. I guess it's their world and you're just living in it, huh?

    I'm pretty sure she is nuts
  • mammamaurer
    mammamaurer Posts: 418 Member
    Options, so meny things..... none of which are realy worth dwelling on