Menopause messing with your weight loss!?



  • lawmaria
    lawmaria Posts: 184 Member
    hi, i turned 40 last sept. and after that it was down hill. i gained so much weight in less than a year. it is so much harder and i have noticed changes in my midsection that were not there before. i am presently doing T25 (first week). I am struggling big time. I used to be able to resist the temptations, but my other self says just eat it who cares. lol im not crazy, really im not. also i am always hot, my body heat is crazy and this is all day and night long. i have to sleep with a fan on me. i guess i am premenopausal. everyone feel free to add me. :) have a beautiful day!:drinker: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • ruthpatrice1
    I have joined myfitnesspal today determined to lose the weight gained in last 3 years. I went for a metabolic test yesterday and found out I am on the average line for losing the weight - I reckon I must have been on the fast burner spectrum prior to menopause as in those days I just had to put my mind to eat, eat well and lose a stone in a month. So the outcome of the test is that I have no excuse not to lose weight but I have to accept that I can only have 1400 calories a day and not less so that I don't go into the starvation mode - this to hopefully lose 2 pounds a week. Well here I was thinking that 1400 was piles of food but when you use the food calories table in this application it turns out that it doesn't take long to get to 1400 calories - I had been kidding myself about my calories. 1400 is 3 meals, 2 small snacks and no salad dressings - never mind adding in a treat or glass of wine!!!! So presuming that post menopause puts us woman on the average line for losing the weight really do have to keep track of the calorie intake!! The app has told me that I will be down 12 pounds in 5 weeks ... roll on 5 weeks and I will hopefully be confirming this!!!!:laugh:
  • hupsii
    hupsii Posts: 258 Member
    Yes, yes, I am in the same boat ! I am 52 and exercise every day but the kilos are stuck on me ....
    please add me :)
  • WorkingonmeAliG
    WorkingonmeAliG Posts: 19 Member
    Heading over to the group Menopause - Taking action
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    I am 60 and have been thru menopause. It was the hardest time but it does pass. It is easier for me to lose weight the past three years. I did not have MFP at 51 but it was my heaviest and the hot flashes and I felt like a black cloud was over me at times. Like I said it does pass thank goodness. I always carried weight in my butt and thighs and now I carry it in my stomach and never had a stomach before. Life is not fair, one of our stages we have to go thru.
  • tskvaughn
    tskvaughn Posts: 114 Member
    59 here and I have gained and lost the same 60 or so lbs 3 times. This time it isn't so easy. I am finding I am having to have a much bigger calorie deficit to lose less weight. I started on MFP January 5, 2014. I was so heavy (size 20W jeans) that I couldn't face the scale. My first weigh in was mid Feb and I weighed 221, which is one pound more than what I thought was my starting weight, so since I had already lost a size, I figure I was at least 10-20 lbs more than I thought. Since then I have been losing 5-6 lbs a month, with less of a deficit than I used to be able to lose 6-9 a month.
    Don't listen to the people (mainly guys) who say eat your exercise calories back. I tried that and gained weight. I eat 1200-1400 (with the occasional splurge meal) regardless of the exercise and that is working for me.
    I too have back problems from ruptured discs and failed surgery as well as fibromyalgia. Prior to getting a fitbit and walking 4-6 miles a day and losing the weight I was very unsteady. I seem to have gained my balance back.
  • GardenGirlie
    GardenGirlie Posts: 241 Member
    I am 49 and perimenopausal. I am having good success with weight loss but have miles to go with it. I also know as time goes on I will have more challenges based on age and changes so I would love to join and offer support while gaining wisdom from others on this specific subject. I have joined the group and am happy to meet and greet you all! :-)
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    We have a group. You're welcome to join us there as well!

    there are a lot of great ladies sharing their experiences, and triumphs there.

    Regardless, hope you all find what you need.
  • liz8392
    liz8392 Posts: 2
    I'm 52 and struggling with post men. weight gain as well. I will admit I need to move more and make additional changes to my diet. I order off the "light" menu at restarants if possible, skip breads, pasta, rice and potatoes as much as I can, exercise..(love my Gazelle), but still try to enjoy life! I'm in their with you gals!!
  • must_deflate
    must_deflate Posts: 183 Member
    I have exercised regularly all my adult life (both weights and cardio) and never had much trouble keeping my weight down until I hit my mid-40's. I'm 54 now and menopause is just now hitting in earnest (meaning no "visitations" for the last 6 months). I recently consulted a specialist in bioidentical hormone replacement but my tests are still being processed. I'm hoping some hormone replacement might help with the weight and other stuff.

    In the meantime, what is working is a low carb/high protein diet along with keeping the calories down. (I can't keep the calories down without doing low carb because I get too hungry). Currently I'm doing a modified paleo diet-- "modified" meaning I eat some dairy and soy. I stay away from grains, potatoes, bread, added sugars, etc. This is working pretty well for me and guess what?? The paleo diet allows wine!! :drinker:

    I've lost over 15 lbs since last fall-- and 10 of those were since March when I really got down to business with the paleo thing.
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    I have joined myfitnesspal today determined to lose the weight gained in last 3 years. I went for a metabolic test yesterday and found out I am on the average line for losing the weight - I reckon I must have been on the fast burner spectrum prior to menopause as in those days I just had to put my mind to eat, eat well and lose a stone in a month. So the outcome of the test is that I have no excuse not to lose weight but I have to accept that I can only have 1400 calories a day and not less so that I don't go into the starvation mode - this to hopefully lose 2 pounds a week. Well here I was thinking that 1400 was piles of food but when you use the food calories table in this application it turns out that it doesn't take long to get to 1400 calories - I had been kidding myself about my calories. 1400 is 3 meals, 2 small snacks and no salad dressings - never mind adding in a treat or glass of wine!!!! So presuming that post menopause puts us woman on the average line for losing the weight really do have to keep track of the calorie intake!! The app has told me that I will be down 12 pounds in 5 weeks ... roll on 5 weeks and I will hopefully be confirming this!!!!:laugh:

    You are so right here and that's why we older women have to exercise and move alot more, not less, as we age. That will give you more calories to eat so you can have a treat once and awhile. Otherwise it's not sustainable. It's great to be in control once again of my weight---I feel great. Best of luck to all. :smile:
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    That's awesome pita! I like the idea of keeping carbs 100 or lower - carbs really make you retain water. I want what you've accomplished. Okay...I will be patient :)

    I've been maintaining my weight by doing carbs between 100-150g daily BUT I separate lunch & dinner into one lowish fat meal and one lowish carb meal - ratios of 3:1 if possible. Works great!
  • looseseal
    looseseal Posts: 216 Member
    53 and am probably in the middle of it all? No clue really. lol Had hot flashes for three weeks in January and was like "Uh, no ... just NO" started taking macca daily, sweats and sleep disturbances gone.

    Always carried my extra weight in my middle (shaped like a persimmon or something!) and I still do. Crappy eating habits, lack of exercise, horrid 2013 all contributed to my weight gain.

    Count cals, measure and log your food, stay within that deficit, eat a variety of food -- nothing is off limits!, exercise with a variety of things ... cardio, intervals, hiit, weights, yoga, dog walks, pilates, mix it up! ... and it absolutely will and does come off.

    I am not missing those cramps, that's for sure! lol
  • majorfedfan
    majorfedfan Posts: 4 Member
    I am 48 and have been in perimenopause for a couple years, struggling mostly with moods and weight gain. I can lose some weight the first half of my cycle but once PMS hits I have no discipline and eat whatever I want. Then of course I gain the weight back plus some. Don't know how to get past this totally frustrating cycle.
  • catherine122
    catherine122 Posts: 4 Member
    I am trying to take my life back at 57. I have always dealt with yo-yo weight fluctuations but could drop the pounds easily until this
    menopause hit. I diet steadfastly and it seems the scale barely moves. With age comes renewed patience so I'm going to stay the course and just remain focused. I was so glad to read all your posts and realized that I am not alone in the struggle...and that there is safety, strength and motivation within this group of posters. Thank you all for giving me today back, I feel a new sense of ownership of my body .....
  • CindyMarcuzAdams
    CindyMarcuzAdams Posts: 4,006 Member
    So glad this thread was started...I now have an excuse for my weight gain... I wish ...although there is an excuse as so many of you have shared. I never gave menopause a second thought as I had a hysterectomy at 39 years of age although the dr left the ovaries in... This could be the reason for my 'troubles' losing weight. I am sure its not the cookies and other yummy things that have consumed me over thr years.
    I have been using mfp faithfully for the past week and plan on continuing using it in the foreseeable future. With friends like you all this will be a more enjoyable and educational journey.

    Cheers, Cindy♥♥♥
  • joashaw
    joashaw Posts: 1 Member
    This is my first day on MFP, and count me in! I'm turning 50 next month and have gained that extra "menopausal" 15 over the last few years. My husband has been experiencing success with MFP, and I can see why - it's simple and sensible. With a busy career, I just haven't exercised enough over the last few years. I can see that 's the main problem (and my love of wine doesn't help either!). It looks like I need to aim for 1500 calories a day....wish me luck!
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    Men waiting at a traffic intersection hasn't slowed my weight loss. Why you're calling them Men o' pause is fine by me, but I just keep moving. Best of luck folks.
  • Binnee95
    Binnee95 Posts: 93 Member
    Hi all,

    I'm in! I believe I am beginning Menopause (working on getting blood test)- all I know is everything has gone crazy!
    Weight loss has been slow but I am losing some weight.
    Anyone feel free to add me! :)
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,660 Member
    I finished menopause around age 43 and started gaining after age 45. I have pictures of myself in a bikini on vacations I took when I was between 35-40, and I remember the crap I ate on those vacations -- fried seafood, Dairy Queen, burgers, you name it. Now, I eat half of what I ate then and save the fried stuff for a very rare occasion, yet I'm at least 10 lbs. heavier, and for a while, I was even 20 lbs. heavier. I also work out twice as much as I did then, but the weight still sticks. The slowing of the metabolism is a killer. That being said, I still have my red wine and the occasional chocolate. If I'm going to live to be 100, I actually want to enjoy life!