

  • sherryar
    sherryar Posts: 12 Member
    I slipped a little but now I am back and determined this 2011 is the year I am going to shed these extra lbs!
    I just found this thread and happy I did.
  • bkrbabe57
    bkrbabe57 Posts: 395 Member
    Good Evening ladies, :flowerforyou:
    Well it looks like we have all gotten through the holidays without too many casualties. I am going to try to lurk less and post more this year. I started out strong but fizzled out along the way. The good news is that I did continue to log in my calories and I am happy to report that I managed to still lose weight through the festivities. :drinker:

    *** Bragging Alert ****
    My DF and I were going to a concert on the 27th and my pants were so large on me they kept falling off and we had to scramble to find an old belt of DF’s (I don’t have any) and punch a hole in it so I could keep my pants up!! We have a Goodwill outlet fairly close to us so a few days later I went there and found a bunch of clothes that will fit me now. They sell clothes, shoes, and belts for $1.49 a pound. I spent $23.00 and when I got home I tallied up everything and it was over $123.00 worth of clothes including a coat that had been at the Goodwill for $19.99!! Needless to say I am SO happy!!!! There were even a few things that didn’t have a tag on them ( a pair of brand new Tennis shoes ) :bigsmile:
    At this point I am thinking of changing my goal to drop another 30+ pounds but I really like the fact that I am so close to falling off my ticker so I may wait a little longer. I still need to make exercise a daily habit so that is one of my New Years resolutions.

    To all the Newbie’s….. Welcome!!! I am having fun getting to know you.

    I had a lovely Hello letter for everyone but I have misplaced it so I will sign off for now and visit with everyone next time!!!!

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I was back at it today. 10.5 miles walked 66 squats 74 crunches 45 minutes of ab videos 7 pushups and 18 glasses of water right now. healthy food and I FEEL GOOD!
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    DH has asked me not to lose any more weight!
    Ooh, that means you are getting close to perfection! :laugh:
  • Darlis
    Darlis Posts: 191 Member
    Just a quick post and then it'sbedtime for me....

    Karlene, hope you feel better soon....hang in there, even though mine was something quite different, it took way to long to get a diagnosis!!

    Went to my first water aerobics class tonight....awesome!!! Loved it and get to go again on Thurs. WOOHOO!!!!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    :sad: :sad: The wifi on my laptop wasn’t working yesterday so I didn’t get much computer time. DH uses the office computer a lot including when he is on the phone so I had to be creative and sneaky to get to the computer just to post my food and exercise and tend to my e mail……the wifi comes and goes for no apparent reason.

    :cry: :cry: My pedometer had been acting up, too. Yesterday morning the clock reset itself and the steps didn’t…..then in the afternoon, the clock reset itself again…..this morning the battery was dead…..I changed the battery before I got dressed to take the dogs out but the steps still didn’t reset to zero so right now my pedometer has the correct time but says that I have walked over 37,000 steps. I won’t know until I get up tomorrow morning whether the steps will reset the way they are supposed to.

    :bigsmile: One of the things that has helped me the most on MFP is joining only a few threads and being part of the community
    knowing the names of the other people and where they live and what their challenges and successes are……I don’t post on many other threads unless I have already responded to the threads that are a part of my life. You are all as real to me as the women I dance with (and a lot more interested in my weight loss journey and supportive of the challenges and successes that I’ve had with it).

    :flowerforyou: Cindy, I am the opposite of you on the subject of having a walking partner. I have never found anyone I could count on and for me, if I waited for someone else to be available to walk with me, I’d be sitting in my house all day……of course, I have my dogs who demand that I take them to the dog park every day rain, snow, or shine so maybe they are my walking partners who won’t let me slack off.

    :flowerforyou: Robin when we had a golden retriever and lived in cold, snowy country, we bought doggy boots for her so she could go out in the snow……the poodles can handle colder weather and they love to play in the snow……they have been to the dog park every day even in way below freezing weather.

    :flowerforyou: Amanda, are you happy with your current weight or just your husband?

    :bigsmile: Darlis, I’m so glad you liked the water aerobics.

    :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: I didn’t put this in my goals but I have been trying to go to bed earlier which means shutting the TV and the computer off by 9 PM :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    Just popping in to let you know I am alive and kicking. We are forecasted to have freezing rain overnight, and then some warming. Doggies are content to stay inside and keep warm.

    Bradley is officially the lone survivor of his canine family. My friend, whose late MIL was his human momma before her death, took the other two Yorkies that were Bradley's com padres in his original home. They were the litter-mates of her Yorkie, Sadie, who would have been 16 years old in another three months. Unfortunately, Sadie declined very suddenly in the last few days and yesterday my friend had to make the sad decision to have her euthanized. The other two, Butch and Buster, died within two weeks of each other this summer.

    I am trying to get myself out of the holiday eating mode and back to basics. I am still using up some things that I don't usually keep in my kitchen, and upping my water consumption. I think I will need to do a veggie detox to get myself out of sugar and carb craving mode. Even though I gained a little in December, I didn't stress over it, as I know what I need to do to get back in "losing mode." Its 13 weeks until my birthday, which will be two years since I started my lifestyle change.

    I would like to have my ticker show me down 100 lbs., but that may or may not be realistic. I have to get back on the exercise bandwagon, despite our lousy weather. Just don't have a lot of time right now to do anything.

    BTW, for anyone whose Wi-Fi is intermittent, before you assume it is the wireless network, check and see how you have the electric power connected to your modem. A few years ago, I was in the office of the management company that used to manage our condo complex, and the property manager was lamenting their up and down connection. He said their network tech had been called several times but could never find anything wrong. While we talked, he was online, but after someone else came into the officethe connection went down. I happened to notice that the visitor had used the fax machine.

    My days as an internet support tech taught me a few things, so I checked on how the modem was connected to the electricity and found it was plugged into a surge protector, along with the fax machine AND the computer. A modem is very sensitive to changes in voltage, so it is better off with its own connection, not sharing a surge protector or power strip with any other device. I suggested they change things around so the modem used another separate plug. A week later, I got a call from the property manager telling me they hadn't had any network problems in a week. Their "network problem" was actually the modem losing connectivity with the internet, which caused the wireless router to lose connectivity with the modem = no internet connection.

    Another thing that can affect a wireless connection is CORDLESS landline phones. I have learned that if I am going to use my laptop, I better not talk on my cordless landline, or I will lose connectivity with the wireless network. Newer cordless handsets don't have this problem, but the one I have is about 7 years old. If you find your wireless connection drops for no apparent reason, and you have cordless phones in the vicinity, observe if your wireless woes seem to come about about the time the cordless phone(s) is/are in use.

    Have a good week, everyone.

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi ladies

    :flowerforyou: Karline I hope you are feeling a bit better today. You are right not to exercise. You was so busy thinking about everyone over Christmas that you weren’t thinking about yourself. I hope your specialist finds out what is wrong.

    :flowerforyou: Amanda wow 79 inches, well done you have done, I envy you your slim legs, mine are so chunky! Don’t overdo things, by the sound of it, the bronchitis hasn’t completely gone yet. If you take it easy for a few more days your recovery will be so much quicker.

    :flowerforyou: Peggy well done to you too. I think you are the only person not to put on weight over the festivities. I put on a couple of pounds, but almost lost them now and back to my ticker weight loss. Congrats on falling out of you pants mine are a little loose, but a long way to go before I fall out of them.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Robin, you have made a good start, you have inspired me to be more active and when I finish on here I am going to get my exercise video out and do at least 15mins hopefully 30mins. I’m not at work this morning (sorting paperwork out for Derrick with my dad) and I’ve half an hour to spare if I get a move on.

    :flowerforyou: Darlis good luck with the water aerobics it sounds fun.

    :flowerforyou: Barbiecat I’m like you in that I’ve only joined one other thread besides this one. I too like to get to know everyone, and laugh and cry during the good and bad times. I feel as if I know most of you (and getting to know the newer people) I look forward to hearing from you and miss you when you are not posting.

    :flowerforyou: Barb a veggie detox could be what I need too. How’s the weather? You are lucky that your little piggies like to keep wrapped up and warm, ours demand that they go out whatever the weather! There’s only been about 2 times this winter that we haven’t taken them out on an afternoon/evening walk because it had been so slippy that I didn‘t want to risk falling. They did settle down eventually once they realised we were definitely not going out, but the grumbled a lot.

    :smile: Well I need to get my half hour exercise in so I’ll get going.

    Much love to everyone:heart::heart:

    Viv xx
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Hello All, I'm a new old member. Mom passed in August. Gained some weight back. Want it off. Back on here because I know this is the place for help and support.

    Hope to see you all soon.

  • debieanne
    :drinker: :flowerforyou: kathy good morning and happy new year so sorry to hear about your mom prayers out to you glad you came back to debi(momof10)
  • debieanne
    :drinker: water having my water break with a warm cup of tea i'm happy to say i have did my first walk a mile today. this is so not easy not that i can't do it cause i am very thankful i can its giving the time to do it i had up beat music playing so it was kinda of better this afternoon when its a ittle warmer i am going to bundle up and go outside for a walk up and down the street i need to let me know this is for me i do want to do this . i went to the cable company and pick up the cable box for my bedroom so i now can get execrise tv in my room to many people on the living room tv everyone is gone this morning so it was good for me. ok i want to read some post and see how everyone is debi(momof10)
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Well, I have Word open and a cup of coffee and was looking forward to reading and responding, then my co-worker reminded me we have a department meeting in 4 minutes! I guess I need to update my work calender for 2011 today.

    Hubby is sick now, but all others in the house are either on the mend or mended. I started back on the bike yesterday and a healthy dinner is cooking in various appliances while I am at work: Crock-pot chicken with rice and steamed green beans.

    Both kids have started in their new schools only to find friends from their old schools starting with them. I guess we aren't the only parents to realize it was time to leave the old school behind mid-year.

    Welcome to everyone new, welcome back and good to hear from all the old-times from previous months.

    1 minute till the meeting............................

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Trying to move as much as possible today. I had a good session at therapy and for once I came out with a smile on my face.

    I've been going through my clothes again today and I have a HUGE pile of stuff to get rid of. The only thing I'm keeping that is too big for me is my wedding dress. As far as I'm concerned, I will never be any bigger than this again.

    Barbiecat, I'm very happy with my husband and I'm pretty happy with my weight - BUT, I will see if I can get any lower (weight wise, not husband wise!)

    Tomorrow I am starting my aqua fit classes again, which I'm looking forward to more than I expected. I'm also looking for a local zumba class that will fit in with my schedule.

    I've realised that we have a plethora of important functions this year; the christening for the grandtwins; the wedding of my DS and his GF; my sister and her husband are having a blessing to celebrate 30 years together (they started going out when my sister was 15 - the only boyfriend she's ever had); our annual themed garden party (not sure what we are having this year - last year was Australian) and then we've got my dad's 80th birthday. I'm sure there will be other big events too ..... testing times, plus I want to look really good for them all. The ballgown that I bought for the charity ball that was cancelled in December is now too big and I am not sure if I'm going to get it altered just yet - not much point if I'm going to be losing more weight.

    Must get moving now.

    Happy thoughts and wishes go out to you all.

    Amanda x
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Tis Wednesday!

    Kathy (plantlady) welcom back:flowerforyou: so sorry to hear about your Mom, mine passed in October so I understand what you are going through. We are here to help you.

    Amanda - Did you ever think you would see the day that something new is too big:noway: Back in Dec 2008 I bought several dresses because I couldn't choose just one for #1 Sons wedding and now I have 4 dresses brandnew with tags, bought on sale and all are too big:ohwell: not sure what I'll do with them...it's too long ago to return them. 79" is a lot of inches to be gone and that is quite the accomplishment you are to be congradulated:drinker:

    Jeannie, glad to hear that there are some of your kids friends from their previous school at the new one, it helps in the transistion.


    Well the Mega Millions went to two people one in Washington State and one in Idaho...so I guess I'm not retiring yet:laugh: :laugh: so I'd best get to the papers on my desk.

    Eating, drinking and logging it all...finally did a bit of exercise last night...and I do mean a "bit" will have to up it in the next few weeks...

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Greetings to all you lovely ladies!!! :happy: Just dropping by to say that I lost 1 of the 2 pounds I gained over the holiday:):blushing:
    Will be getting quite busy at work because I work in an accounting office and .....IT'S TAX SEASON!!! Already staring to get swamped but just sending out blessing and hugs to all!!!!:love:
    Remember...you've got a lifetime to enjoy the new you.....but you only have to change "One Day ata a Time!!!
    God Bless!!!
  • mookiemoomoo
    mookiemoomoo Posts: 53 Member
    hi every one im back after yet another operation . my last i hope . well i have gained a little but back on track now . i can see some of my friends are now grandparents since my last visit , congratulations going to read the posts and get up to speed with every one
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Hello everyone!
    Just dropping in to say Hi. Believe or not I have tried to post two long posts and addressed everyone and lost it!!!:blushing: :angry: :grumble:
    I don't have time today but am glad to see everyone doing well. Sorry about the sickness and viruses that some are having. We had our share of that too.
    I am just thankful things are as well as they are.
    We are expecting more snow here...we'll see. Nothing is ever as predicted in our weather.
    I have gained some during the holidays but am back to working hard on getting that back off.

    Have a good day all!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Drizzly grey day here today so it looks like a walk is not happening right now - perhaps later on this afternoon. I have an ongoing foot issue that I thought I had pretty much licked. I tripped and landed in a ditch a couple years ago and landed on the toes of my left foot. I really messed up tendons and ligaments and have been wearing a metal plate in that shoe most of the time since then. Lately I have been able to go without it quite a lot and when I got some new walking shoes I didn't transfer it to the new shoes.
    That was a mistake.:sad: It was ok for the gym and elliptical and treadmill but NOT for my country driveway! Apparently the uneven terrain played havoc with my problem. It has taken two days for my foot not to hurt constantly after a 2.5 mile walk up and down my drive (10 round trips). If I can get in a walk today I sure will put the plate in my shoe!

    I called the town hall Monday and got the runaround about the gym. The YMCA closed Dec 31st and the town will make a decision as to what to do about taking it over by the end of the month. Then who knows how long before they reopen if they do decide to do so.:grumble: I think they are purposely waiting until everyone interested in the gym has given up and gone elsewhere or stopped caring before they make a decision so that they can then say there isn't enough interest to reopen the facility. I'm thinking they want to cherry pick the biggest money makers – after school care, kids sports and the pool and eliminate the gym.

    I called Anytime Fitness in the two towns “near” here and they want a year contract. I don't want to do that and then have my town restart the gym here. Just for the heck of it I figured out the mileage to the local gym vs the closest of the two towns I will have to use should my gym close permanently. If you figure I go 5 days a week every week, which I do except for vacation and maybe Christmas week, it's 3,120 miles vs 8,840!

    Now naturally I would get my shopping and other errands done while I was out but dang this is an eye opener. I could figure the gas mileage I get and the average price of gas but I don't think I even want to go there! :noway: Perhaps I had best use this month trying to find ways to get fit at home. I think my main problem would be getting good cardio in – I really like the elliptical for that. Maybe I had best research a good elliptical to purchase. Do any of you have one you like?

    Amanda – You are amazing - 79 inches is terrific! :bigsmile: I do hope you don't push yourself too hard until your cough goes away completely. I've been there and it seems I relapse if I push too hard too soon.

    Karlene – I hear you on the praying for patience regarding your health. It is so hard to do. I so understand wanting an answer and a fix NOW.

    I think the fix to my major health problem is me and my fork and spoon. If I weigh less, there will be less of me to carry around and then hopefully less arthritis. For my fingers, I'm thinking of not only making my new GGS a baby blanket but continuing to knit as therapy for my fingers. I'll see how that goes.

    Peggy – Good find on the clothes! I need to do that soon. I have one more size down that I can shop my closet for and then I'll join you in the resale shops. I love the falling off your ticker thingy.:laugh: I'd keep that up a while longer too. You have to grin from ear to ear every time you see that! Great accomplishment!

    Robin – You are going to be rocking your dress at the wedding at this rate. You sure can exercise up a storm.

    Barbie – That's a bummer about your pedometer. Hopefully you have it sorted out now. I am with you and Viv about having only a few threads you are a part of. This is the only one I comment on regularly.

    Barb (weaklink) – Thanks for the tech info. I have wireless issues from time to time and hadn't thought about the cordless phone thingy. Ours are quite old too so that just may be the problem. We can get all kinds of help here in our group!

    Jeannie – So glad you got the kid's school sorted out and that they have some of their old friends at the new schools. It's a shame you have to pay extra to keep your kids safe and well educated but it's sure worth it! Maybe enough will go the same route that the public schools will start doing a better job.

    Well, it's raining hard now and I have set here for way too long. I'm going to look on Netflix and see if I can't find something to get myself moving here. Only thing is I have limited space here in the computer room but I'll find something that works.

    Oh, one more thing. My scale here at home is quite erratic but I never cared much as I weighed myself at the gym. I had done well in December until Christmas week. One cookie led to two and one roll led to another..... then there was the pumpkin pie...... I am about done craving junk now. I have been gradually getting back eating as I should since Monday. Today I think I am finally over the carb crash syndrome I always get with refined carbs. So, I'm not sure what exactly what I gained last week but I think a safe guess would be 2 or 3 pounds. I am well on the way to getting rid of them and will not update my scale until I weigh myself on a better scale. I guess I better put a new scale on my shopping list.

  • sw2134
    sw2134 Posts: 4
    Hello and Happy New Year!

    I am pretty new to the web-version of my fitness pal (I have the I-phone condensed version). I've a 57 yr old grandmother of three beautiful girls and I could really use some support to loose weight. Please friend me.:flowerforyou:
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Welcome sw2134, this is a great forum to be part of. You can get lots of encouragement here and there are those that are just beginning like you, some have lost over #100 and everything in between and some of us on maintenance. Jump right in and tell us about yourself.
