

  • jfenner141
    jfenner141 Posts: 146 Member
    Just a quick note

    Heather, that cake is simply adorable!! Love the little boy and bunny on the top. I am sure it will be the hit if the day. :flowerforyou:

    Jill in western MA
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Good afternoon.
    Love the cake,Heather.:drinker: :drinker:
    Thanks for all your love and support with my gyn problem and my friend.U guys are amazing,luv u all.:heart::heart:
    Sun came out ,but still chilly for may-50`s.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Jane, I hope all goes well with your D&C. I'm sure it'll be a relief to get that over with.

    JB, continued good thoughts for little Mariah. Poor little thing has gone through so much.

    Robin, I'm giving my dogs a proxy hug for Bodi. I hope it comes around very soon and is back to his sweet self.

    Do we have any golfers in our little group? Here's the joke of the day:


    A young man, who was also an avid golfer, found himself with a few hours to spare one afternoon. He figured that if he hurried and played very fast, he could get in 9 holes before he had to head home. Just as he was about to tee off, an old gentleman shuffled onto the tee and asked if he could accompany the young man as he was golfing alone. Not being able to say no, he allowed the old man to join him.

    To his surprise, the old man played fairly quickly. He didn't hit the ball far, but plodded along consistently and didn't waste much time. Finally, they reached the 9th fairway and the young man found himself with a tough shot. There was a large pine tree right in front of his ball and directly between his ball and the green. After several minutes of debating how to hit the shot, the old man finally said, "You know, when I was your age, I'd hit the ball right over that tree."

    With that challenge placed before him, the youngster swung hard, hit the ball up, right smack into the top of the tree trunk and it thudded back on the ground not a foot from where it had originally laid.

    The old man offered one more comment, "Of course, when I was your age, that pine tree was only 3 feet tall."


    I hope everyone has a great weekend!

  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Not sure this will come thru. Having big probs with iPad. Can't add food or water,lots of sites not coming in,lost my home page etc. Just a mess........Going to Apple Monday. Was on the phone with a " helper" today & is worse than before.

    Have a nice wk end. Haven 't read any posts cause it shuts down in the middle of whatever I try. Patce in Ohio
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: Tell your DH I dreaded NY City but was pleasantly surprised at how nice the people were. I was there as a chaperone to almost fifty 13 & 14 year olds, :noway: :glasses: and people went out of their way to be kind. I hope he will feel as safe and comfortable as I did. :heart: The cake is wonderful! I’m thinking positive thoughts for your DS. I hope he finds joy in life again soon!:flowerforyou:

    Robin: Your big ol’ yellow fur boy will need you to be strong. Hugs again. You and Bodi are in my thoughts and prayers.:flowerforyou:

    JB: My prayers are with Mariah and the whole family.:heart:

    Sylvia: The golf joke is great. Thanks.:flowerforyou:

    Jane: Best wishes for your D&C results. I hope everything comes out healthy and good.:flowerforyou:

    We went to Portland Saturday Market today looking for a handmade cribbage board. The craftsman we hoped to find was gone for the weekend, but we had lots of fun anyway. We sampled Lebanese and Polish sandwiches and looked at booth after booth of beautiful handmade items. I bought a teddy-bear puppet from the woman who made it, (and also made similar puppets I bought for my own children when they were little.) She told me it all started as a way to earn a little income while a stay-at-home mom.:bigsmile:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    May Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least two glasses of water daily.
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Also have to pass though to compliment the LOVELY cake!

    So glad you posted a photo. Wondering if I want to face the fondant myself for Aaron's birthday cake. The cake itself is simple, just never tried the fondant and might pay the usual cake lady to do it.

    Menopause sleep sucks. Hoping tonight might be a little better than the past weeks, months, years. Actually, as many know it's a roller coaster ride and the past couple of weeks have been especially restless and sweaty.

    Perhaps I'll be better rested and more chatty tomorrow.

    Party on..

    xo-Gloria in Metro Detroit
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi everyone. It’s a wonderful day here…in the high 60s and sunny. I did a chapter (1 ½ left) and then did a bunch of planting in pots. Consumer alert….my estee lauder nail polish does not have one chip or crack after spending the afternoon digging with bare hands.

    Joyce: pick me! Pick me! Five days at the beach is my idea of paradise!

    Vicki; sounds like a productive weekend. I’m so sorry to hear of your co-worker!

    Kim: Friday was pacemaker day. Dad did fine except for the not breathing part. LOL. Hope your mom di well too

    Michele: you just keep going and going don’t you? Your days are so full!

    Eileen: cute picture!!!! Stay safe out there

    Robin: oh my goodness I am in tears right with you over your poor Bodi. Benny Beagle and even the cats send their thoughts and prayers for him. How old is he now?

    Heather; your cake looks marvelous!

    Katla; I had a nice looooong nap when I got home yesterday and boy did I need it!

    Margaret: we had frost last night!!!

    Patty: I wish I could make myself get up and go to deep water on Saturdays but I just can’t manage it!

    Jb: I continue to keep Mariah in my prayers. It sounds hopeful though at this moment. I hope she recovers from her operation soon and that the cancer is gone for good!

    Jane: hoping all goes well with the D&C

    Sylvia: being quite a poor golfer, I loved your story

    Well I’m off to do ….um…I don’t really know! Maybe I’ll just sit here….what the h***. Can’t remember ever doing that before LOL. Take care all Meg from Omaha where the sun is shining
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Heather the cake looks wonderful! It looks quite professional. I'm sure your family will be very appreciative of your efforts.

    Katla, I'm another that doesn't find NYC appealing at all. Maybe everyone was friendly to you because they felt sorry for you chaperoning all those young teenagers!!!:laugh: :laugh:

    Well so far my youngest daughter has not called or showed up to help me today. I didn't think she would.but will be thrilled if she comes over tonight. I left a message for my oldest to call me today to talk about the houses she sent me. She tried to face time me on the Ipad but for some reason it wouldn't connect when I selected accept on her call. She eventually called me on the phone. What a novel idea! She always puts the phone on speaker phone and the noise of my wonderful grand kids is so noisy it's hard to concentrate. She did put things in prospective though as far as the number of bathrooms. She reminded me that when a whole family of 28 are in our home we get by with just 2 bathrooms. Do we really need 4 or 5 bathrooms on vacation? She has changed her search back over to the South Carolina area. She is going to continue her avid search and keep me in the loop

    I told my husband last night that one of my problems that one of my problems is that I just wish every thing was back to where it used to be before he had his heart attack, atrial fibrillation and Parkinsons. Life is so unsure for me right now and i jsut want to turn back the clock to 3 years ago.

    Meg, I wish I could take you and all of the other women here who want to join us. Wouldn't that be fun??? Oh the pictures we would share of our grand kids, places we have been, sharing tips. I wish I had some one to talk critical care nursing with again. I know I would have fun but for some one who lives and breathes it as much as you do I'm not sure if you would. I just miss it.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Thank you all for your good thoughts on my Bodi.

    Meg- he will be 5 years old on 6/12/14. He is just a kid. But middle aged for big dogs.

    I have been working on my garden. I have finally completed the wall/planter I began in 2010 that some of you may remember me building. I will take some pictures next weekend when the final touches are in place.

    I am struggling with whether I should visit Bodi in the hospital or not. He will need to stay there for up to a week. He was so upset when we left him last night when they let us go back and see him. I wonder if it is better for him if we stay away until it is time to pick him up to come home. We are working on how to keep him confined to one floor and how to keep him and Ritter apart when they are alone so Bodi can rest and get better.

    Needless to say I haven't eaten too well today. :noway:

    Robin missing her Bodi and here with the Ritter bit in the sunny PNW
  • 2014885777
    2014885777 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 57 and just joined MFP 2 days ago. Anytime I start something I get so overwhelmed and confused. If anyone has any suggestion on anything it would be greatly appreciated. I need to loose at least 15 lbs. for health reason. I would love to join up with you ladies sounds like some great women. God Bless
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    2014885777- first off.. Think about exactly what makes you feel most overwhelmed? Is it logging food, trying to get exercise, navigating the MFP system, dealing with the daily struggles of life? Maybe you could break it down into small tasks and don't look at the whole picture all at once. If you need to lose 15 pounds and feel overwhelmed, then just start with thinking about losing one pound. Or even less if you have a scale that reads in decimals. Or just forget about the weight completely right now and focus on getting the hang of logging food and starting to get a little exercise. Once you start to see some tiny changes, then it will give you confidence to try for the next thing. It's all about baby steps. I find making lists is very helpful. I like to see a plan in black and white and check things off gives me a feeling of accomplishment. Keep checking in with us and tell us what is on your mind. I guarantee that at least one of us has dealt with something similar. This group is a vast warehouse of knowledge! And if you need moral support, that's what we do best!

    Oh, And tell us a little about yourself. Your name and area you live in is nice. Do you have family, pets, good friends to support you? Several of us have had some rather challenging family situations to deal with, so we can commiserate if that's an issue for you. Stick with us!

    Pittsburg, Kansas.
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,661 Member
    Hi all,
    Busy day - and I ate breakfast at Starbucks - it was a breakfast meeting - and I sorta (not really very hard) tried to pick good things... but 500+ calories at breakfast is not good for me and too many of them were sugar - I think I'll be over by a few.... oh well, tomorrow will come:laugh: and I'll get back on track. I did not write notes, but every one needing it (((((hugs))))) and to the newbie who was feeling overwhelmed. You did not gain the weight in a week and will not loose it in a week, so that means you can take this on in baby steps... Visit us often, and log every day, you'll be surprised how easy it is to get a routine that works ....

    Tomorrow is busy too.... thinking of you all.

    N. California
  • NenaC
    NenaC Posts: 21 Member
    Greeting to all in neighborhood! We have made another week. As I take stock of my goals met and failed I think I will just gold star all my successes and move the losses to head of the list for the new week. It was a grand day in middle Texas.:smile: I started my day early...4:30 a.m. My big project laying tile in my laundry is ...FINISHED! well except for the floor trim but that will be a walk in the park. I can not figure up all the calories from getting up and down 101 times. I hope it was at least 200 calories. I feel it all the same. It is 9:12 here so I am saying goodnight to all. Tomorrow is weigh in for me I don't know that I have lost but I sure feel better. Listing everything you put in your mouth sure makes one mindful.

    THE CAKE! is awesome. I could see the love that went into making it. Well Done!:happy:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :heart: Robin, I’m sending hugs to you and Bodi and Ritter from Sasha, Brandy and me

    :heart: Jane, hugs to you as you wait for the D&C

    :heart: Jb, sending hugs to you and Mariah and her family.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Heather, your cake is beautiful and looks like it was decorated by a seasoned professional.

    :bigsmile: All is well here
    no rain yet and a wonderful restful day with no big commitments….did some yoga today and held my plank for two and half minutes along with riding the exercise bike and walking the dogs a lot.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Robin, did they decide what was wrong with Bodi? If you're like me you are worried that he will be scared there without you. I'm sure he'll be happier at home. Is he a lab? I can't wait to see your wall planter. I saw a show on tv once about vertical gardening and have wanted to do that. Is yours something like that?

    We are out at the lake cabin tonight, and a few minutes ago I was sitting in the sunroom and heard a strange little sound coming from the living room. Sort of a buzzing noise. I got up to see and found Bruno looking out the window. He was GROWLING. It was so funny. He's a little scaredy-cat and that was the first time we had heard him try to growl.

    Supper tonight was chicken grilled on the George Foreman grill, corn on the cob from the microwave (my new favorite thing) and canteloupe. Pretty healthy, I think. So hubby finished his off with a moon pie. Silly goose.

    Good night!

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did 45 minutes of the chest, back and tri DVD of the Supreme 90 Day Challenge set. Tomorrow I'm planning to do the Yoga Burn DVD by Rodney Yee.

    I don't remember who said it, but someone said yesterday that they were inspired to check out the Jari Love DVD's. One of the things that I like about her DVD's is that the people who are doing the DVD with her are not 20 or 30-somethings. One of the ladies is 57 (of course, by now she's probably older). On Jillian Michael's DVD's the other people she has doing the DVDs are younger. Oh well...not a big deal.

    Robin - oh no, poor Bodi. And poor you. I do hope that the MRI isn't needed, but it might be a good idea to get it anyway just in case. Love to Ritter. Update: Glad he's a little bit better, but I know how hard it is to be away from our "kids".

    Heather - I know the social is months away, but I'm planning. Anyway, do you have any ideas how I can make a slide for a decoration on the side of the pool? I'm thinking about making a pool cake in the same pattern as our pool. I can't think right now of how to make the spa area, but I do need a slide. I'm just thinking of how I can make it so that it stands up. Any ideas? BEAUTIFUL cake. What is the little boy made out of? Did you make that from scratch or buy a notion? If you made it, what did you make it out of, how did you get the different colors?

    DeeDee - wasn't it gorgeous yesterday? Today's supposed to be nice, too. In a little bit we'll go out and do some more work on the front walkway

    Margaret - that Retro Rama sounds so so cool

    Cindy - I, too, love to look at the cakes on Pinterest. The problem I find is that when I see a cake that I like, there aren't directions as to how it was made (what was used for the decorations.)

    jb - thanks for the update on Mariah. She certainly is one tough cookie! Continued prayers

    Meg - YOU'RE such a busy lady, that's for sure.

    After exercising, Vince and I worked outside some. Some of those weeds have such strong roots!!! But we got the area in the front dug out. Then laid out by the pool. Oh, before we went out I made corn muffins (mini ones) for when Ronnie gets here and then put them in the freezer. After laying out by the pool I made ginger cookies, I remember Beat liked ginger cookies when we were there, and what's left I know one lady at the Y likes them and so does my hairdresser's mother, so I can get rid of them. I'll take them to the beauty salon when I go to get my bangs trimmed. Then made a banana chocolate bundt cake to have only part of it stuck to the pan so I turned it upside down. No sense wasting a perfectly good cake!

    Tomorrow I'll go to church then we'll probably work outside some (at least I think we will). Helped Vince with the last measurement so now he has a good idea of how much riverrock to order. I convinced him that we should order extra. The last thing I want to do is run out and then have to pay a delivery charge for just another cubic yard or so. This is going to be THE END of the riverrock (at least for right now). Tomorrow I will try to make these cheesemeatballs for when Ron gets here, I do have to make the pork chops and shrimp for next week. I'd also like to make these funfetti cookies and a key lime cake. We'll just see what I have time to do. The cheesemeatballs are something that I can make early in the day when Vince is sleeping since I don't need the mixer for that.

    After laying by the pool, came in and took a good shower to get the sunscreen off me. question for anyone - how much sunscreen do you use in a typical summer? Right now I'm just about finishing up my second bottle (or tube, whatever you want to call it). Admitted the last one was maybe only 1/2 full, but this one was totally full and it's almost empty now. Maybe I'm using too much?

    Robin - when any of our cats had to be hospitalized, we always went to see them. We didn't want them to feel that they had been "abandoned"

    2014882777 - welcome! Tell us more about yourself. Where are you from? Sylvia is right - we have all kinds of issues, someone will certainly relate to whatever it is you are going thru. We're here in good times and in not-so-good-times

    Kim - I know this sounds terrible, but sometimes if I don't know where it is that I'll be going for breakfast or lunch or dinner, when I get there and I say that I have to go to the bathroom. What I really am doing is checking their website to see what are decent choices.

    Sylvia - your dinner sounds real good.

    Michele in NC
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Heather, the cake is lovely! What a special thing to do.

    Sorry to hear about Bodi – we do love our pets and they are part of the family.

    Sorry to hear about Mariah. Our adult son had a brain injury several years ago and has made a wonderful recovery, so may she also heal over time. Will be praying for Mariah, and all the others’ needs that have been posted.

    Spent the day mostly at home. Cleaned house (DH vacuumed), I got the laundry done, cleaned bathrooms, dusted, cleaned the ceiling fans, etc. Late in the day we both had haircuts – thank goodness! (I was about to shave my own head.) We also ran a couple of other errands, including going to Wal-mart, as I needed a new battery for my FitBit. $81 later… One of the purchases were fun, daisy sort of flowers with a gaudy jewel in the center. The petals of one are like the red and white stripes of the flag and the other’s petals are the blue field with the white stars. Filled them in with some white ‘carnations’ in a red wooden container (already owned that), added gravel for weight and stuck the flowers in, all to go on the front porch. It looks really cute and patriotic. I’ll try to remember to take/post a pic.

    The $81 also included a pair of non-prescription sunglasses for me to use while I am waiting for the second cataract to be removed. The left lenses in all my eyeglasses are for my pre-surgery vision and thus, useless. Sunglasses are definitely needed when driving. It is weird how your brain learns so quickly which eye to use for a task. I can see fine to drive (even though the right eye vision isn’t corrected), but I have to close the left eye to read easily. I have to say it feels so n-a-u-g-h-t-y to drive without the prescription eyeglasses – LOL Brains are amazing!

    Did anyone else read this article? So touching…

    Laura/Tigress –Remember the jigsaw puzzle (… from the GA get-together last OCTOBER)? It had gotten to where the areas left were those nebulous grey and white parts and I grew to dislike working on it. Well, I finally had an inspiration. The main area with the cardinal in the snow, the pine cone clusters and berries, as well as the ornament shapes, have each been separated from the whole puzzle and glued on the back. Tomorrow we’ll mount portions of the puzzle to the canvases and create multi-media, collage sort of pictures. I’ll post a picture when they are done, but I have to say I haven’t felt so excited about a craft project in ages!! (And it will be nice to have the dining room table back. I need to sew a baby quilt – soon!)

    The irises are done in the garden for now and the daisies are about to open. Our hedge on the south is about to bloom. The peony will follow, I think, then hydrangeas and, finally, daylilies, hostas and the canna lily. There is lantana in bloom, too, which will go until frost. Blueberries are coming along, but since this is just their second year there are not tons of them.

    Need to get to bed. Sweet dreams to all... especially Gloria!

    Gail, metro ATL
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Robin, when our dog Buddy had been hit by a car and had a complicated fracture of his leg he was at the vet for about 3 or 4 days. They called us and wanted us to come check on him and see if his behavior was normal. He was to complacent, happy, letting everyone deal with him. We did, we were going to anyway, our girls were young and they needed to see their dog just as much as Buddy needed to see his family and know that we just didn't abandon him. They were amazed when we told them how complacent he was. He was just this jolly friendly sheltie that loved everyone. They hated to see him go.

    Changed my schedule tonight. I usually get on the computer after I listen to the news and weather, don't care much for the sports, unless our local guy would actually win a golf tournament on the PGA which I don't think is ever going to happen. So about 10:20 I turn the tv off, go take my meds and put my quiet music on, my bedtime pill is in my system and I calm my mind down. On Saturday nights after I turn the computer off and am ready to go to bed I go in the kitchen and fill up Charlie and my pill keepers for the week. I am usually groggy by this time. So tonight I did that first! No mistakes in the pill keepers tonight! I'm glad my husband is alert as to what he puts in his hand from his pill keeper.

    Good night you all, See you after church tomorrow. Daughter never came over. Let's see what she has to say when she comes over for supper. I won't mention it.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,373 Member
    Thank you all for your comments on my cake!:flowerforyou:
    It is only the second celebration cake I have made, the only other one being the christening cake for DGS two years ago. That was a steep learning curve, with my first time ever at using fondant or modelling figures and flowers from sugar paste. I bought a very good book that explained all the procedures and had all the quantities for cake, icing etc. I also looked on U tube for the myriad videos of people rolling icing, making animals etc. I also read the free bits of Amazon icing books, LOOK INSIDE!,. By the way, the little person is my baby grandaughter who is eight months and doesn't have a lot of hair! She is wearing a dress and stripey leggings and holding a daisy. Her name is Eliza Daisy. Known as Edie.
    Michele - I bought white sugar paste and moulded all the bits for the models with different icing colouring. I used rubber gloves! The yellow daisies I did with yellow fondant. I bought all my equipment on Amazon. I'm afraid I don't know how to make a slide, but sugar paste is very strong once it is dry. You dry it on foam, so if you could find a way of propping it up from below it should work.

    Got to make myself beautiful for today. I am wearing my ONE best dress. Going to colour my legs with temporary stain and wear black wedge espadrilles. Blue toe nails. My only problem is the heat as it is going to be our hottest day of the year so far. Poor old butter cream!

    I weighed myself this morning and I have put on about 2 lbs on holiday. Some of that is still water so a lb is real fat. Give me a week and I hope it will be gone.. I'm currently counting 522 for exercise and strength training. Mustn't eat too much christening party food!:bigsmile:

    Yesterday I packed up all the food gifts I had bought in France for my DS#2's birthday along with the espresso cups he asked for. I found a small wooden crate and wrapped it all in gold paper with loads of silver ribbon. It looks fab! I also wrapped the silver giraffe money box I bought for Edie. I had fun writing on a wooden heart label for her with my new pens. I do not consider myself artistic as I tend to play safe, but I was quite pleased with all my efforts. I used to be very hesitant with any artistic endeavour and did not have any confidence, but I am learning to be less self judging and I am more inclined to have a go, rather than just say I can't do it and therefore not try.
    DON'T LET THE PERFECT BE THE ENEMY OF THE GOOD! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :laugh:

    Love to you all. I can smell the coffee DH is about to bring me!:bigsmile:

    Heather in flowery and sunny Hampshire UK
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Hi everybody; don't have too much to say but am checking in.
    Special hugs to Bodi and family. :heart:

    Cynthia :flowerforyou: