Pepsi addict! Help!!



  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    If you can find a way to watch it, I'd highly recommend "Hungry For Change". The extreme changes may not be for everyone, but certainly the documentary addresses A LOT of great health issues. Sugar being one of them! Diet Pop (diet soda) being another.

    Best of luck to you!

    I am officially diet pop free since watching this documentary! (and of course regular pop).
    Lol, yes, watch a ridiculously biased documentary with an obvious agenda, and then base all your decisions on that. Who needs unbiased research anyway?
  • SaintBock
    A lot of angry people here!
    If you don't like diet sodas and don't want to use it to help you with weight loss, then don't do it?
    Whatever works for you...

    If it helps other people with weight loss, and they otherwise eat healthy stuff, whatever.
    You trade off some things for weight loss. Sometimes you can't completely give things up.
    I've mostly given up ice cream, cookies, chips, candy, but I still drink Coke Zero. I think it's a good trade off.
    Better than stuffing my face with tons of sugars.
    Sometimes you just want something sweet and syrupy... without the calories. :P

    It helped me while losing around 40 lbs (I'm 121 lbs now), and has helped some friends as well.
    So if it's not for you, then don't do it. It can be very hard to try to give up EVERYTHING while losing weight.
    It's all about moderation. I find it much easier to slowly take yourself off of things until you're almost never having them. Because when you try to give up everything you used to drink/eat, I find you're more likely to crash and burn and have a full on snack binge because of all the cravings. If you leave one or two things that you can still have, it helps for those moments. Coke Zero is one of those things I still keep in my fridge. :P
  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
    My rule is if you can't see through it, don't drink it!
    Can't see through milk.........................

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Many people would argue not to drink milk lol
    I know I can't because of lactose intolerance (but I can drink Lactaid), but overall milk is a pretty good choice.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Lol me either. Everyone is going to find something wrong with someone else's diet, though :/
  • blshender
    As for the whole gaining weight on a zero calorie food: if it tastes sweet your body will prepare itself for receiving sugars. Just because the sugars are never received doesn't mean your body can retroactively not release the insulin already released. Your body will still begin to turn sugars to fat to compensate for the extra carbohydrates it thinks are being flooded in your system (your body trying to not become diabetic). The fact that the sugars never arrive just means your sugar level will decrease. Ever get headaches after drinking diet something on an empty stomach? Stick with water and don't eat things made by Round Up's parent company. Fun fact: aspartame was invented as an insecticide.
    Clinical study for this?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Although, apparently Monsanto sold off aspartame and doesn't make it anymore.
  • odearja
    I love pepsi more than anything but to get off of it, you have to play mind games with yourself. If you drink 8 cans of pepsi a day (you said 6-8), you are consuming 270 lbs of sugar a year in pepsi alone. Go to the supermarket and load 54 5lb bags of sugar into your cart. Does that give some perspective? Also, your body doesn't know how to deal with High Fructose Corn Syrup (a major ingredient in pepsi and coke). When you have a craving for the sweetness and then have a can, the mechanism in your body that triggers the satiety of having enough isn't triggered. That makes you want even more.
    When it comes to the caffiene, I highly recommend replacing your pops with tea as much as you can stand. Slowly take yourself to lower levels over the course of a few weeks until you drink mostly water. Nothing against tea, it has great antioxidants, but dark tea doesnt have as many as lighter teas and it still isnt as good for you as water.
  • mikejo28
    mikejo28 Posts: 2
    Hi all -
    I'm not sure if there is a more recent topic on giving up Pepsi, but I just want to put in a few facts to scare people OFF of cola or diet cola soft drinks !
    BTW your photo is very cute... (laybabe821)
    I'm 64 and been a Pepsi & cola addict since I was 18, back when I was in perfect heath.
    I have been using from 1 to 4 liters a day, and have now switched to diet Pepsi. I keep giving it up every month, and then sliding back...
    Why it isn't good for me:
    It causes overeating, since excess sugar and diet sugar consumption cause insulin spikes and they cause hunger,
    It gave me excruciating joint pain in my hips, starting when I was 35 or so, so walking is a chore,
    because long-term phosphoric acid exposure from any cola (or diet cola) causes OSTEOPOROSIS, in your bones, like in an 80 year old !
    Drinking sugar Pepsi caused my diabetes, along with my weight gain. I went in for a minor operation, and they discovered
    that my blood sugar was 350 instead of the normal 100 !!! I had no idea I had this huge diabetic problem.
    Before I got it under control, this problem fried the nerves in my toes, and a little in my fingers and also one favorite organ- so if you like your nerves, stop sugar and colas !
    BTW, You guys are right, the best colas are Pepsi, diet Pepsi, PepsiMax, Coke Zero. I was a connoisseur, and I loved them but can't have them anymore, they will kill me.
    I am trying to replace diet Pepsi with Oolong tea, etc,- I have to find something to drink since I hate water.
    I am not a nutritionist,
    but an endocrinologist I know, who feels freer to voice more scientific facts than a normal US doctor, who might get sued I think,
    says- yes all colas cause osteoporosis, so if you hate having shooting pains when you walk, don't drink cola now!
    The phosphoric acid, that is in all colas, leeches calcium out of bones ! My skeleton is still very weak, and I take calcium pills now, but I wish I had never seen a Pepsi when I was 18 !
    Also, see the Mayo Clinic website.
    BTW, caffeine itself, causes joint disease. This is a new finding. So I don't want to change over to coffee, rather do tea that doesn't have a lot of caffeine. Caffeine is probably the main reason I loved Pepsi- it is very very very addictive...
    BTW, all colas and diet colas aren't good for your mouth, and I have a lot of receded gums for my age, a lot, its not pretty at all.
    So- maybe some of this warning will help you get a better recreational drink !!!???
    Cheers and good luck with fitness !