Looking for those who have 100 + to lose



  • markdonnelly
    markdonnelly Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Laura, 100 +++ for me, good luck.
  • Ready2lose4ever
    Hi Laura, 100 +++ for me, good luck.

    Thanks Good luck to you too!
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Hi Laura (and everyone else too) I am 25 pounds into my journey of more than 100 pounds to lose. I would love to have some friends with a similar weight loss goal.
  • doggydolph
    Hello, my name is Kira and I am a 22 year college student. I am about end my senior year, and next year I will begin a year long student teaching internship. I am not sure what my current weight is, but the last time I weighed myself I was above 300 pounds. Since I am about to enter the job market, I need to loose the weight so i wont be discriminated against.

    SW- Above 300
    First Goal- under 300
    Second Goal- 250
    Third Goal 200
    Final goal 180
  • Ready2lose4ever
    WHen i loose all my weight i will have a total of around 160ish lbs lost ...soo funny i want to loose more than i actually want to weight...HOping to get around 155, which means I still have 100 lbs to go.

    You can do it!! You are doing awesome and we will all succeed.!!

    I just sit down and figured out how much I actually have to lose and it's 180.4. However, my ticker is not set to that I have set it to get to 200 pounds first and then go from there. It's a little mind blowing to see that I need to lose that much weight but I know that I can do it. I want to lose more than I actually want to weigh too b/c my goal weigh is 115 pounds. I am very short 5'1 1/2". Thanks!! You are doing awesome and I know you will succeed too!!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    WHen i loose all my weight i will have a total of around 160ish lbs lost ...soo funny i want to loose more than i actually want to weight...HOping to get around 155, which means I still have 100 lbs to go.

    You can do it!! You are doing awesome and we will all succeed.!!

    I just sit down and figured out how much I actually have to lose and it's 180.4. However, my ticker is not set to that I have set it to get to 200 pounds first and then go from there. It's a little mind blowing to see that I need to lose that much weight but I know that I can do it. I want to lose more than I actually want to weigh too b/c my goal weigh is 115 pounds. I am very short 5'1 1/2". Thanks!! You are doing awesome and I know you will succeed too!!

    My ticker isn't set to it either. I decided yesterday to break it up. SO it is set to 218 (which is 100 lbs loss for me) , then i will do 33 more lbs to 185 and then 30 lbs to 155.

    This is really all a guess since i never h ave been 155 as an adult, but sounds good :smile: I am 5'6 so i figured as much. The trainer at the gyms said that sounded realistic.

    we will do it !!!
  • Ready2lose4ever
    WHen i loose all my weight i will have a total of around 160ish lbs lost ...soo funny i want to loose more than i actually want to weight...HOping to get around 155, which means I still have 100 lbs to go.

    You can do it!! You are doing awesome and we will all succeed.!!

    I just sit down and figured out how much I actually have to lose and it's 180.4. However, my ticker is not set to that I have set it to get to 200 pounds first and then go from there. It's a little mind blowing to see that I need to lose that much weight but I know that I can do it. I want to lose more than I actually want to weigh too b/c my goal weigh is 115 pounds. I am very short 5'1 1/2". Thanks!! You are doing awesome and I know you will succeed too!!

    My ticker isn't set to it either. I decided yesterday to break it up. SO it is set to 218 (which is 100 lbs loss for me) , then i will do 33 more lbs to 185 and then 30 lbs to 155.

    This is really all a guess since i never h ave been 155 as an adult, but sounds good :smile: I am 5'6 so i figured as much. The trainer at the gyms said that sounded realistic.

    we will do it !!!

    It overwhelmed me when my ticker didn't move when I lost weight, so I set it to 200 and then when I reach that I will reset it. I have never been 115 as an adult but I asked my doctor about it and she said that was fine for me b/c I am so short. I hate being short.

    Yes, we will do it!!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I'm short too. I'm shooting for 150 or 160. We will see when I get close to that if I want to go any lower or just tone.
  • Ready2lose4ever
    I'm short too. I'm shooting for 150 or 160. We will see when I get close to that if I want to go any lower or just tone.

    How tall are you?
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I'm short too. I'm shooting for 150 or 160. We will see when I get close to that if I want to go any lower or just tone.

    How tall are you?

    I'm 5'2"
  • Ready2lose4ever
    I'm short too. I'm shooting for 150 or 160. We will see when I get close to that if I want to go any lower or just tone.

    How tall are you?

    I'm 5'2"

    1/2 inch taller than me.
  • Fred77
    Fred77 Posts: 132 Member
    well you can count me in on this as well. i want to lose about 200lb, and its quite a daunting prospect. the frustrating thing for me is that i lost most of it about 10 years ago then slowly put it back on again. i'm finding the food diary really helpful though, its not something i have done before, and with the phone app i can keep track and not forget to put something in. i'm also trying to combine the food diary and calorie counting with going to the gym. i think for me it has to be a lifestyle change as this wont be a quick fix, and when i lose the weight this time i want to keep it off. its small short term goals for me, all the old clichés like one day at a time spring to mind but they are the only way to do it.
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    Hi all, I see that a good majority of you that say you have at least 100 pounds, some more, have just become members! So I wanted to offer something in you all will allow me. In 9 days it will be one year since something happened inside me, really happened inside me. I was sitting at 306, (probably more that was just the last weight that was actually seen on a scale months before). I had been gaining weight, steadily, for 16 years, since our last child was born. I was constanly tired, I was constanly making sure my fat rolls were covered, (still have some just a lot smaller), I constantly had back and foot pain, I could barely get my seat belt on in the car, I detested airplanes, movies theatres, sports arenas, and anything with those LITTLE seats. Bottom line, I was MISERABLE. I was a size 26, or 3x sometimes 4x pant and a 3x shirt and it was so difficult to find clothes and from sheer embarrassment I would only shop online. I did not sleep well and tossed and turned all night long and the smallest of things had me huffing and puffing.

    Well I don't know how I can even explain it to you but I just knew it had to stop. Of course I had said that EVERY year when the new year would turn and I would work a it for like two weeks and would always stop. I just couldn't be like tha any more and on 1/14/10 I was watching a health show and a piece of exercise equipment came on! I told myself I had to do this, I had to. I ordered this piece of equipment and vowed to do it! I gave myself a year! I said "I can do this for a year!" I wanted to do it for a year because I knew if I committed to that, that by the time the year was over there was probably no way I would just stop and go back to how it was before. I also said if I could lose 100 pounds in a year, that would be great.

    I won't give the complete years details, but instead tell you that it has sometimes felt long, it has sometimes felt like I couldn't do it, I have sometimes felt like I wanted to pig out on sweets, I have sometimes tried to give myself the OK to not work out, I have sometimes been depressed because I wasn't seeing results, and so on. But it is all part of the process and as long as you work at it, to the best of your ability, day in and day out, befriend people here who help support you, and always (ALWAYS) remember your end goal, you will get there.

    Let me tell you some of the things that happen along the way! You begin to have more energy, you begin to sleep through the night and actually have a restful nights sleep, your pains slowly go away and you can't believe how amazing it feels to be pain free. Your clothes will start to get loose and then one day you will just not be able to wear those anymore, you will have to get some new clothes and donate the others to goodwill. Your face will begin to get slimmer and you will actually look at yourself the mirror more. Then one day you will be in XL pants and large shirts, your shoes will be big because your foot size has shrunk, you can go to a store and stay in the same section as her instead of going over to the plus size, and, wait for it, you will go to get your normal hair cut and our hairdresser, of 12 years, will be so proud of you that she will ask if she can do a complete makeover on you and you let her.

    You all can do this. One day at a time, but you can do it and with each month that passes you will gain more confidence and be more proud of yourselves.
  • overit
    overit Posts: 273
    Welcome, Fred! I can relate. I was down to about 70 pounds and put it all back on because I moved out of country, quit exercising, quit watching my food intake, just quit all together and let it happen. Good luck on your journey and I hope you can find great support here.

    Tracie, thank you for sharing your story. What an inspiration and great encouragement. Do you mind me asking what exercise equipment you bought? Just curious.
  • Ready2lose4ever
    Hi all, I see that a good majority of you that say you have at least 100 pounds, some more, have just become members! So I wanted to offer something in you all will allow me. In 9 days it will be one year since something happened inside me, really happened inside me. I was sitting at 306, (probably more that was just the last weight that was actually seen on a scale months before). I had been gaining weight, steadily, for 16 years, since our last child was born. I was constanly tired, I was constanly making sure my fat rolls were covered, (still have some just a lot smaller), I constantly had back and foot pain, I could barely get my seat belt on in the car, I detested airplanes, movies theatres, sports arenas, and anything with those LITTLE seats. Bottom line, I was MISERABLE. I was a size 26, or 3x sometimes 4x pant and a 3x shirt and it was so difficult to find clothes and from sheer embarrassment I would only shop online. I did not sleep well and tossed and turned all night long and the smallest of things had me huffing and puffing.

    Well I don't know how I can even explain it to you but I just knew it had to stop. Of course I had said that EVERY year when the new year would turn and I would work a it for like two weeks and would always stop. I just couldn't be like tha any more and on 1/14/10 I was watching a health show and a piece of exercise equipment came on! I told myself I had to do this, I had to. I ordered this piece of equipment and vowed to do it! I gave myself a year! I said "I can do this for a year!" I wanted to do it for a year because I knew if I committed to that, that by the time the year was over there was probably no way I would just stop and go back to how it was before. I also said if I could lose 100 pounds in a year, that would be great.

    I won't give the complete years details, but instead tell you that it has sometimes felt long, it has sometimes felt like I couldn't do it, I have sometimes felt like I wanted to pig out on sweets, I have sometimes tried to give myself the OK to not work out, I have sometimes been depressed because I wasn't seeing results, and so on. But it is all part of the process and as long as you work at it, to the best of your ability, day in and day out, befriend people here who help support you, and always (ALWAYS) remember your end goal, you will get there.

    Let me tell you some of the things that happen along the way! You begin to have more energy, you begin to sleep through the night and actually have a restful nights sleep, your pains slowly go away and you can't believe how amazing it feels to be pain free. Your clothes will start to get loose and then one day you will just not be able to wear those anymore, you will have to get some new clothes and donate the others to goodwill. Your face will begin to get slimmer and you will actually look at yourself the mirror more. Then one day you will be in XL pants and large shirts, your shoes will be big because your foot size has shrunk, you can go to a store and stay in the same section as her instead of going over to the plus size, and, wait for it, you will go to get your normal hair cut and our hairdresser, of 12 years, will be so proud of you that she will ask if she can do a complete makeover on you and you let her.

    You all can do this. One day at a time, but you can do it and with each month that passes you will gain more confidence and be more proud of yourselves.

    Wow, thank you so much for sharing this. You are an inspiration to me. Welcome Fred!
  • Ready2lose4ever
    well you can count me in on this as well. i want to lose about 200lb, and its quite a daunting prospect. the frustrating thing for me is that i lost most of it about 10 years ago then slowly put it back on again. i'm finding the food diary really helpful though, its not something i have done before, and with the phone app i can keep track and not forget to put something in. i'm also trying to combine the food diary and calorie counting with going to the gym. i think for me it has to be a lifestyle change as this wont be a quick fix, and when i lose the weight this time i want to keep it off. its small short term goals for me, all the old clichés like one day at a time spring to mind but they are the only way to do it.

    I can relate too. I have been on MFP for 2 years. I started here on January 1, 2009 under another name and I lost 52 pounds but I let life and stress get in my way and I gained it all back plus 3 pounds. So, I just gave up and deleted my account. I tried to start back in September but I failed at that too, hence my start date of September 2010. I have made up my mind that 2011 is going to be my year. I started back on January 1, 2011 and every day I have been doing great as far as food and exercise go. I will do this no matter how long it takes me to get it off.
  • Msmeme82
    Hi Laura...I too have more than 100 pounds to loose..I know it can be done because so many others have accomplished this goal..So I encourage you and wish you the best... if you need any idea or would like to share some with me add me as a friend.
  • Msmeme82
    OMG that has really inspired me as well, I thank you for sharing... that motivates me with so much hope you can't even imagine...
  • merryxmas15
    merryxmas15 Posts: 45 Member
    I with you!!! This is my (our) year!
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    Hi!! I'm Tausha and I have over 100 pounds to lose as well! My goal is to have lost 80 by October to go on vacation with my husband to Hawaii!! Would love to support you through this major life changing journey!