January 30 Day Shred Challenge! Anybody? Anybody?



  • AmyMooreOrLess
    AmyMooreOrLess Posts: 320 Member
    Wish you guys a TON of success with your 30 Day Shred. I wasn't able to start with you on the 2nd. I got a nasty cold around Christmas and I'm still fighting it. I'll be starting my round 2 of The Shred on Monday, Jan. 10th instead. I started a post on the message board so I can have some moral support, too. ;-) Good luck everyone!
  • semeyer
    semeyer Posts: 282 Member
    Did L1D2 last night and my calves were so tight! I have to wear heels to work and its killing me today. I did notice a little improvement in my endurance (although I might just me imagining it...) and I made it all the way throught the video using weights which seems small but its a feat for me since I have no arm strength. The last circuit is still killer for me though, my shoulders BURN! Good luck today everyone!

    Great job!!!!!!! The 1st circuit is the hardest for me -- I struggle SO hard with pushups!! After the first one the cardio seems like a rest haha :wink:

    What is the hardest part for all of you on Level 1???
  • Situps are definitely hard, and the side lunges with the weights! It's getting a bit easier now... I finished day 4 this morning!

    Last night my 7 year old and I did the first level together - she went on to complete all 3 levels!!! I couldn't believe it! I feel like such a wimp now:bigsmile:
  • semeyer
    semeyer Posts: 282 Member
    Last night my 7 year old and I did the first level together - she went on to complete all 3 levels!!! I couldn't believe it! I feel like such a wimp now:bigsmile:

    Haha little kids have endless energy I swear!!!
  • KTGator
    KTGator Posts: 78
    I find the side lunge with arm raises to be the worst! And those stinkin' jump ropes! I'm totally loving the ab workouts - I love the feeling of my ab muscles burning =)

    Completed Day 5 today and am finally noticing a difference in my endurance -- I didn't take nearly as many breaks. Yay!

    Hope everyone is enjoying themselves! Keep up the hard work!
  • i'm on day six and I want to tell you stick with it. The first 2 days I was so sore I could barely walk then not quite as bad the third day. Now not sore at all and I haven't really done any physical activities in several years. I'm loving it. The side lunges and the jump rope still make me want to puke, but I'm getting thru it all the way. Keep up the good work!:smile:
  • USAFwifey12
    USAFwifey12 Posts: 373 Member
    Didn't shred last night but I did do a great kickboxing aerobics class at lunch so I counted that. Need to get back on top of it and shred tonight...NO EXCUSES!
  • semeyer
    semeyer Posts: 282 Member
    Happy Day 7 Everybody!!!!!! -- Almost time for Level 2!!

    The weekend is the hardest time for me to stick with my exercises so as soon as I log off here, I'm doing Jilly!

    Did anybody else take before pics??
  • I didn't take before pics, but i did take before measurements. I'm on day 8 thinking of going ahead and taking pics now to see if there is any noticable difference at the end. Nervous about day 11, but today i felt great doing the shred
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