

  • julieoem
    julieoem Posts: 37 Member
    Good evening everyone! I hope that you all had a good day! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I am working 5 days this week which is unusual and is sending my "ritual" over the edge!!! I am finding it hard to work, come home do everything that needs to be done, making dinner and then walking on the tread mill! I just don't have much enthusiasm or energy!! But I am rewarding myself with red stars on the calendar...and believe it or not...that is what is keeping me going! I don't want to look at the month and miss seeing a star in each box!!! A VERY inexpensive motivator for me!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Good luck to everyone tomorrow! I will be thinking of you all!
  • joylaut
    joylaut Posts: 68
    Welcome sw and sherry and mook. I am relatively new here but what I find inspirational is seeing everyone's tickers and the weight that has been lost by all the members.

    Faye, seems like you are still ahead of the game despite the indulgence over the holidays. Trust me, i was right there with you. Once I indulge my sweet tooth, it's hard to stop. Too bad about the Y closing. Hardest thing for me about exercising at home is motivating myself as opposed to having a class to go to. Problem is my work schedule does not correlate with many class times. But there is my dear doggie who loves walking so I feel more guilty when I don't take her out. And I'm feeling very guilty this week, the weather has been sunny, not the torrential rains we've been having...but work has been crazy this week. I know I shouldn't make excuses but there are only so many hours in the day.

    So RJ, where do you fit into a day all that working out in one day?! Are you a morning person and get started early?

    Karlene, sorry you are having a hard time physically. Sometimes, when that is front and center, it's hard to focus on anything else.

    Amanda, WOW - 79 inches and 114 lbs is a whole other person! And Laura, having to go shopping for a new dress cuz the others don't fit is awesome.

    Kathy and Laura, sorry to hear about your moms. Last year was not a good year for parents. We lost my MT fatherinlaw in Sept and my best friends mom passed in Oct. As crazy as mine used to drive me, I am grateful that she is alive and healthy.

    So I am committing to resuming my 3 mile hill walking on Friday. Came in under my allotted calories today, even with a little bit of dark chocolate. I need to get to bed earlier during the week nights so I have time in the morning for a little wii fit or zumba.

    It sounds like the 1st week of the new year has us off to a running start...
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    Good evening lovelies.

    Feeling pretty GOOD, Danced off Belly fat 20 mins, played wii at least 30 mins and did a little mat work every day this year (so far).:happy: Had a light beer this evening with work buddy :drinker: before dance class but still stayed under calories.

    Sad news at line dance class. :cry: One of our best, most fun, warmest, wonderfullest dancers has to stop dancing entirely due to health issues. :sad: :sad: :sad: Don't know if its for a few weeks, months or permanently. Just heartbroken. :brokenheart: Please remember dancing Debby in you prayers.

    Amanda 79 inches? WowwowWOW!!!

    Barb thanks for the modem tips both power and cordless phones. Terrier barked greetings to 16 yr old Bradley from 15 yr old Robby and don't we wish we could turn back the hands of time.

    Debi(mom of 10) Con VERY Gratulations on your first mile! Now you've done the hardest part.

    Kathy Plantlady So sorry for your loss... glad you're back.

    Lynn and Darlis we WILL get there, just look at RebelRenny, and even further like Amanda, BirdieM, MacMadame, Laura, Robin and our teensy elven leader BarbieCat (and all the other inspirations sorry for my bad memory).

    Joy I'm not ready to forego the whites entirely yet, but limit the sourdough bread to weekends along with the booze, and use more Splenda and Honey than white sugar. Those who have eliminated the white sugar and flour report great success, and teach us to recover from a slippage in only 2 days with help of cider vinegar.

    MacMadame You're down from a 22 to a 2??? What an inspiration!
    When did size 12 become size 8? Means back when I was a size 10 it would now be a size 6 or even 4? Yikes!

    Michele awhile back you gave a link to hummus recipes, would you post it again? Will keep good thoughts for your Denise, and for you too. What a terrible situation!

    Viv I can't find an undo tab in the posting window either, but sometimes holding down the Ctrl while pressing Z works the same way...

    To all the others (Faye, Peggy, Birdie, Laura and all the rest) who I forgot to respond to, please forgive me, but my eyes are heavy and I'm falling asleep.
    Warmest hugs to all!
  • joylaut
    joylaut Posts: 68
    'Those who have eliminated the white sugar and flour report great success, and teach us to recover from a slippage in only 2 days with help of cider vinegar. '

    I've just scoured pages of the previous posts because I remember seeing the cider vinegar thing somewhere -- couldn't find it. Could someone please repeat the info about apple cider vinegar? Amount, frequency, etc.
  • kerrynev
    kerrynev Posts: 20 Member
    Hi to all members.
    Just marking my spot for later lurking. Back on track after 2 months. I have been drinking my 64 plus ozs of water and still walking my 3 to 5 miles a day. I just have not been logging my calories. I have stayed the same weight but not losing any either. Today I am back to logging calories to get the last 25 pounds off. Everyone have a safe and wonderful day.
  • debieanne
    8:40 a.m.
    good morning all. just had a nice breakfast with hubby children are all in school no granchildren this morning. today is my day off no work i am going to be crafting alot but i am not going to be sitting a lot. i have been learning about exercising in chairs and in an hour i am putting on my walk a mile .i sent away for the sixweek body makeover and i was really happy with what i learn i can do for toning so i have set that up onmy door .i think i am building my own home gym this is good .ok i am heading to the reciepe part i hope everyone has a good day debi(momof10)
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Joy here is a link to a thread that Suzy posted a while ago about vinegar

    I have time to exercise because I don't do anything else. I am unemployed and have no social life.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    another day with 10 plus miles in the books. on track for my squats, pushups and crunches goal and was able to do 21 glasses of water again yesterday.

    I took the dress to the seamstress yesterday to see if she can make it fit. I go back next Friday for another fitting.

    I am tired and sore but I am pushing thru because I really don't like being this puffy. I am on my period and that is making me super cranky so I will talk to you all later.
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Morning everyone,

    Just finished a 30 minute workout on the elliptical. My girlfriend gave me a 30 day pass at her gym. We went and did the body pump class she likes so much yesterday. I'm sore today but not excessively so.

    She is a diabetic and has just retired. I told my husband I will go with her for this trial membership but I know this isn't in our budget. I'm really doing it to help her get in the routine of going regularly. So if I benefit from it that's great too!

    Have done well with my eating so far this week and will be looking forward to seeing the scale move in the right direction.

    Off to the shower and then to get some groceries.


  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    A quick hello to congratulate those of you loosing and back on track so soon after the holidays. Warm hugs and well wishes to all. The new school(s) schedules are taking a toll on us to get use to. It might be awhile before I can post during the week.

  • edmontonukeplayer
    edmontonukeplayer Posts: 45 Member
    Good Morning to all,

    Better day today! Two day "attack" over: yeah! Thanks to all for words of support.

    I generally don't share much with friends/family about what is going on with my health as it is not simple to explain and I have no diagnosis. If I talk of it, most will ask about what I eat or talk about reducing stress. I know this is always support & help, but internally for me my frustration sometimes increases as I have made so many adjustments to diet, stress & work in my quest to alleviate symptoms with minimal improvement. However, it is because this ongoing quest that I found MFP.

    So much learning has happened for me by recording intake and activity on MFP. I am more accountable and the information on my MFP gives me the ability to go back and see what did I eat or what did I do before the "attack". The interesting learning from this attack because of MFP: I know exactly what my weight was before the attack, know exactly what I ate for the last few days and despite eating less and still drinking a lot of water my weight was up 2.5 pounds this AM. This has to be due to floating liver enzymes???. I am hoping this level of information may help my specialist in helping track down the mystery of what is going on. If not, this info is still good for me and the accountability MFP allows me is empowering (I don't understand why I just know I feel empowered in a small way over what is happening to me).

    Darlis, I celebrate with you the loss of 2 pounds. Yeah for you!

    Cindy, Yeah for workout on the elliptical and with your girlfriend. How great: to be with and help a friend & get exercise!

    rjadams: Great exercise. I admire how much you are able to do and understand the desire to push through the "crankiness"

    debieanne: I am with you on the walking dvd. I will put on the walk a mile dvd and think of you/send out good wishes for your day.

    For all others: I wish you a good day and healthy in.

    Take care,
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Hey everybody,

    Its been a slow day for me. I've gotten sorer and sorer (from that body pump class) as the day has gone on. But I have so far stayed with in my daily calorie range.

    It's been cold and I have stayed inside almost all day. Well, I hope all of you have had a good day and have stayed on track.

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Back from my aqua fit class - wow, he put us through it tonight! I ache already! x
  • debieanne
    :drinker: good evening karlene so glad your feeling better and we are all good listerener so you just talk here when ever needed . i love this walking dvd its winter here in mass. an just to cold most days to get out but i did one day this pass week.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    I keep having this snack reoccurring everyday on my food diary: Lindor truffles. I hope now that I ate the last one they will stop showing up on my dairy.

    Have a great evening all,

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I keep having this snack reoccurring everyday on my food diary: Lindor truffles. I hope now that I ate the last one they will stop showing up on my dairy.

    Have a great evening all,


    I hate when that happens. I had the same issue with Fruit Delights.
  • mrsanderson404
    Hi all....just getting started on Myfitnesspal and so far I really like the food diary....I'm doing so much better than before but still fall short of meeting my daily goals of about 200 calories...I need to add some exercise to meet those goals...but I remind myself, it is a process. It's only day 3 but just keeping this diary has stopped me from snaking on cookies at a meeting, candy in the workroom, etc. I enjoy reading about everyone's journey! Thanks for inviting others along for the ride....
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,394 Member
    Jackie - that's a great idea putting the tin in your husband's car. Out of sight! I'm so sorry about your mother. I know it's so hard on you

    Karlene - feel better fast

    Amanda - WOW on the inches lost. That's just wonderful

    Welcome sherryar. Tell us more about yourself.

    Peggy - congrats! Doesn't it feel so good to have your clothes falling off you!

    Darlis - I'm going to take a water aerobics class tomorrow. One of the things that I like about water aerobics is that when you're doing them, it really doesn't feel like you're doing anything at all. But the next day......watch out. Also, to me it seems that when I'm doing water classes, after a while the cellulite doesn't seem as apparent. Glad you liked your class.

    Barbie - wish I lived closer, you can count on me. What I need, tho, is someone who will push me to go at a good clip, it's just too easy for me to fall into a leisurely walk.

    Kathy - WB. So sorry to hear about your mom.

    Did a DVD by Bob Harper. It's pretty good. Was about an hour. Going to go to the water class tomorrow, then yoga Sat.

    Now for some sad news: my aunt passed away. See, she was very special to me, she was my mother's only full-blooded sister (the others were half sisters). She always had a cheery attitude. Admitted, she was 86, but she was spry and with-it right to the end. Sat. evening I'll fly up to Washington, meet up with Jess, stay the night at her place, then we'll drive up to Eynon (5-1/2 hrs from Reston), the service is Mon, we'll drive back to Reston Mon and I'll fly out of Washington tuesday a.m. Since I'll be flying, I won't be able to take any snacks with me (except what I can take in my pocketbook). Then, Thurs we leave for Europe.

    Welcome sw2134 and mrsanderson

    Everyone, have a great evening.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    Hi all....just getting started on Myfitnesspal and so far I really like the food diary....I'm doing so much better than before but still fall short of meeting my daily goals of about 200 calories...I need to add some exercise to meet those goals...but I remind myself, it is a process. It's only day 3 but just keeping this diary has stopped me from snaking on cookies at a meeting, candy in the workroom, etc. I enjoy reading about everyone's journey! Thanks for inviting others along for the ride....
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Welcome to the group that will save your life.....take it one day at a time.....the learning comes in baby steps so just keep on keeping on and you will discover that you have made the changes.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: I have read all the posts and welcome all the new members but instead of stressing that I can't respond to everyone, I'm just responding and getting on with my life.

    :flowerforyou: my current frustration is that Haifa, the 15 year old cat, is sitting on the computer table and getting in my way....what he really wants is the soft chair and he is patiently waiting for me to go away so he can have it. :laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Michelle, I am sorry to hear about your aunt.:sad: .....good that you can be there for your service before flying to Europe.

    :flowerforyou: karlene, you've just shared another great reason for loving MFP....I wish you some relief from your health issues....your positive attitude is one of your greatest assets.

    :flowerforyou: Kerry, I'm glad to hear from you again and glad to hear that you're on the path to get rid of those last pesky pounds :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Kathy (plant lady):heart::heart: I have missed you so much.....I am so sorry about your mom :sad: :sad: :sad:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Welcome to the newbies!!

    Kathy (plantlady)--So sorry to hear about your mom, but glad you have rejoined the group.

    I can't respond to everyone but want all to know that even though I am too busy to get on here the way I used to, I think of you all.

    Have a good rest of the week.....TGIF tomorrow!!!
