how old were you when you got your first grey hair?



  • siport
    siport Posts: 7,429 Member
    when the children arrived in my life :-)
  • litsy3
    litsy3 Posts: 783 Member
    27. I'm 32 now though and still only have one.
  • klingonbarbie
    klingonbarbie Posts: 23 Member
    a few years ago I'm 56 now!!!! luckily I've inherited my mothers hair quality, she really only went fully grey a few years after she had cancer and she's 74 now
  • Crimson_Fire
    Crimson_Fire Posts: 2,504 Member
    19...I blame nursing school.
  • booboox94
    booboox94 Posts: 15 Member
    I had 3 sprout up when I was 16, taking my A-levels was so stressful! They were swiftly plucked out and luckily no more have sprouted, I think they got the message!
  • Veggie_mama
    Veggie_mama Posts: 77 Member
    26 for the first gray, but I rock this look! (I'm now almost 38 and have one large patch at the bang area that I'm letting go. A la Rogue from X-Men.)
  • sjduggins
    sjduggins Posts: 7 Member
    My now husband was going through a brutal divorce and I think that it definitely took it's toll on me, the first one I found was when i was about 24 I think. I'm 26 now and there are a bunch, I haven't dyed them yet but I'm sure I will eventually!
  • Tatiyanya
    Tatiyanya Posts: 255 Member
    ~17 years old when first line decoloured and the grays were fancily on my bangs only,
    ~23 when they just started being modestly territorial
    Now its spreading quite fast so i became a redhead :D
    31 y/o.

    It's always connected with some trauma, fathers death, motherss death and now i have grandfather in hospital because his alzheimer progressed so fast...
    Scared to look at my roots lately =/