"You're beautiful, you don't need to watch calories."



  • Alassonde
    Alassonde Posts: 228 Member
    one more thing...americans in general dont understand what a normal weight even looks like on a person because EVERYONE is overweight. Even the people they think look good are overweight so it becomes the norm.

    The people that are actually the appropriate weight are viewed as crazy Gym fitness nuts who are obsessed.
    Totally agree ^^^
    I'm 5'6 and 120 pounds and I'm called "skinny". I'm not skinny, I'm healthy! :noway:

    Agreed! When I mentioned to my 12 year old son the girls in his school loked a little heavy he told me "they all look like that" and sadly they do, and it is the norm and not healthy :(

    They also tell me I have "california body" in a new england state and have to "fatten up"

    so disturbing

    It seems to me that lately the "fat acceptance" thing is swinging a little too far the other way, and all of the sudden people are slamming skinny people left and right. If I hear "real women have CURVES" one more time I'm going to scream! We should be accepting of ALL body types. The main goal should really be health anyway.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    I don't eat half of a slice of carrot cake, I eat the WHOLE piece!!!.....and it still fits into my calories. Moderation is the key word here. :wink:

    I actually don't like eating that much of it any more. It's too rich. But I love it in small bits. It's 1300 calories. That's a LOT of fat at a sitting. It makes me feel ill if I eat the whole thing.

    But YUMMY in small amounts.
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    All three times strangers have turned to me and said 'you don't need to watch your calories, you look great'.

    Isn't the appropriate response "Thanks, but I look great because I watch calories.."

    Then smile sweetly and go about your business looking mighty fine...
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    All three times strangers have turned to me and said 'you don't need to watch your calories, you look great'.

    Isn't the appropriate response "Thanks, but I look great because I watch calories.."

    Then smile sweetly and go about your business looking mighty fine...

    That is exactly what I did. And I was VERY flattered. But it did get me thinking about the underlying idea.
  • Fitfully_me
    Fitfully_me Posts: 647 Member
    I think people are just being kind, and... that they just don't know what calorie counting really means for you.

    I must say though, I don't get the correlation between watching calories and being beautiful.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    I think it's funny that three random strangers complimented you and this led you to rant.

    IN to see what happens when OP gets insulted.

    Once I see a real pic your dreams may come true. I am trying to make a valid assessment of the situation.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I think it's funny that three random strangers complimented you and this led you to rant.

    IN to see what happens when OP gets insulted.

    Once I see a real pic your dreams may come true. I am trying to make a valid assessment of the situation.
  • Siigh_duck
    Siigh_duck Posts: 161 Member
    I was at maintenance a few months ago and counted calories for a few months , it was completely fine for me, but people kept grating on me that it wasn't 'normal' to count calories forever, it got to me and I thought I was a freak so I stopped and guess what happened xD gained 15lbs in a month. not even funny.
    Some people know how to eat sensibly without counting calories and good for them , but I grew up greedy and I am excellent at being in denial about what I eat if I don't track it.
    Especially in today's society where calorie laden foods are so easily available, it's almost ridiculous to think you can let your guard down like that if you've always struggled with a weight problem like I have.

    If losing weight is meant to be a lifestyle change, and I used calorie counting to lose weight, well then calories are my lifestyle and the strategy I have to eat what I like in moderation.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I think the title is the problem. Three times in the last week people have noticed me logging food on my phone at a restaurant or on a plane. Yesterday I was recommending this awesome carrot cake to my mother-in-law and mentioned that I always split it with my husband because it has literally half the calories I get for the day.

    All three times strangers have turned to me and said 'you don't need to watch your calories, you look great'.

    Flattering. But that's the problem. I look fine because I do watch what I eat. If we did it right, we'd never have to 'lose' weight because we'd watch what we ate our whole life and just maintained.

    For me, I did that fine until I got older and my metabolism slowed down faster than my eating.

    Watching what you eat/calories shouldn't be associated with dieting. They should be associated with living - it's a prevention activity, not an intervention. Just like brushing your teeth prevents calories, it's not something you just do after you get cavities to make them go away.

    End of rant.

    I agree with you completely!!! I'm not on a 'diet'...I'm living a healthy lifestyle. MFP allows me to track to calories so I know I'm on the right path and to gently (LOL...in big red letters) remind me when I've gone over. There will always be people in the world that just don't get it. It used to bother me....now I just ignore them:wink:
  • Collier78
    Collier78 Posts: 811 Member
    All three times strangers have turned to me and said 'you don't need to watch your calories, you look great'.

    Isn't the appropriate response "Thanks, but I look great because I watch calories.."

    Then smile sweetly and go about your business looking mighty fine...

    TRUTH! Also as a side note...I will never have a "California Body" I am 5'10" mother of 3 with a larger frame. Even at a healthy weight and toned I look a little on the heavy side..books and covers people.
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    I get this. And while I may not always agree with it, I smile and take it as a huge compliment.
    I guess I don't see the point in getting all up in arms about it.

    Seems kind of like people getting mad about being offered donuts.

    Smile say thanks and go on your merry way.
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    All three times strangers have turned to me and said 'you don't need to watch your calories, you look great'.

    Flattering. But that's the problem. I look fine because I do watch what I eat. If we did it right, we'd never have to 'lose' weight because we'd watch what we ate our whole life and just maintained.

  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    I don't eat half of a slice of carrot cake, I eat the WHOLE piece!!!.....and it still fits into my calories. Moderation is the key word here. :wink:
    wow where do you get that carrot cake? It's usually so high calorie that to have a piece that's almost all I'd get to eat that day!!!
  • Galatea_Stone
    Galatea_Stone Posts: 2,037 Member
    I don't eat half of a slice of carrot cake, I eat the WHOLE piece!!!.....and it still fits into my calories. Moderation is the key word here. :wink:
    wow where do you get that carrot cake? It's usually so high calorie that to have a piece that's almost all I'd get to eat that day!!!

    I'd like to know, too. We usually split a piece between 4 people in a restaurant, and I still expect it to be over 300 calories for my 1/4 piece.

    I guess I could make it at home, but I don't like shredding carrots.
  • _Pseudonymous_
    _Pseudonymous_ Posts: 1,671 Member
    I am morbidly obese. Though I may just be obese now, I need to check my BMI again and check, but I have heard this same thing. "You are beautiful!" or "YOu carry your weight so well!" or "You don't need to lose weight, you are beautiful just the way you are". Which is all good and dandy and it's nice to know that I can be moderately attractive despite my unhealthy weight.

    The thing a lot of people don't realize is that this whole weightloss thing, getting healthy, exercising, taking care of ourselves. We don't do it for everyone else. At least, I don't. Sure, I enjoy hearing that I am attractive but what good is it for other people to find me attractive if I am not comfortable with how I look?

    Furthermore, we should take pride in ourselves and respect our bodies enough to take care of them because this is the only body we have and if we want it for the long haul then we need to take care of it... I mean, we are stuck with these bodies!

    So all in all, our bodies, what we do to take care of them, it's no one elses concern really? You think I look great? Awesome, that's great to hear but other people opinions have no weight in my personal aspirations for myself. Just keep reminding yourself of that. They don't know your body or what you really want for yourself. You keep doing what you want and need to do for yourself and just smile and nod at the comments of others.
  • ilfaith
    ilfaith Posts: 16,769 Member
    I don't eat half of a slice of carrot cake, I eat the WHOLE piece!!!.....and it still fits into my calories. Moderation is the key word here. :wink:
    wow where do you get that carrot cake? It's usually so high calorie that to have a piece that's almost all I'd get to eat that day!!!

    I'd like to know, too. We usually split a piece between 4 people in a restaurant, and I still expect it to be over 300 calories for my 1/4 piece.

    I guess I could make it at home, but I don't like shredding carrots.

    I would guess the "whole" slice of carrot cake is a normal human portion and not the ginormous dessert you would get at Cheesecake Factory or some similar restaurant.

    As for not needing to watch calories, I do believe that most people with shall we say "enviable" bodies (particularly those beyond their 20s) are mindful of what they put into their mouths. I am not saying they log every bite they take, but I imagine they do pay attention to the amount they are eating, eat healthfully most of the time, and look at desserts or "junk food" as a treat.
  • happysquidmuffin
    happysquidmuffin Posts: 651 Member
    Just more evidence that people don't understand, 99% of healthy, skinny people aren't just magically gifted with "skinny genes" (see what I did there). It's BECAUSE she counts calories that she is able to stay at a healthy weight. People get the cause and effect reversed. Plus, it's not a stranger's darn business to tell you what to eat.
  • __freckles__
    __freckles__ Posts: 1,238 Member
    I think the title is the problem. Three times in the last week people have noticed me logging food on my phone at a restaurant or on a plane. Yesterday I was recommending this awesome carrot cake to my mother-in-law and mentioned that I always split it with my husband because it has literally half the calories I get for the day.

    All three times strangers have turned to me and said 'you don't need to watch your calories, you look great'.

    Flattering. But that's the problem. I look fine because I do watch what I eat. If we did it right, we'd never have to 'lose' weight because we'd watch what we ate our whole life and just maintained.

    For me, I did that fine until I got older and my metabolism slowed down faster than my eating.

    Watching what you eat/calories shouldn't be associated with dieting. They should be associated with living - it's a prevention activity, not an intervention. Just like brushing your teeth prevents calories, it's not something you just do after you get cavities to make them go away.

    End of rant.

    You're preaching to the choir here. If their comments really bug you let them know. But really you should learn to ignore what other people think and not worry about it.
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    I don't eat half of a slice of carrot cake, I eat the WHOLE piece!!!.....and it still fits into my calories. Moderation is the key word here. :wink:
    wow where do you get that carrot cake? It's usually so high calorie that to have a piece that's almost all I'd get to eat that day!!!

    The Cheesecake Factory has a 990 calorie slice.


  • __freckles__
    __freckles__ Posts: 1,238 Member
    Just more evidence that people don't understand, 99% of healthy, skinny people aren't just magically gifted with "skinny genes" (see what I did there). It's BECAUSE she counts calories that she is able to stay at a healthy weight. People get the cause and effect reversed. Plus, it's not a stranger's darn business to tell you what to eat.

    Most people I know that maintain a healthy weight never count calories. I went 30 years without counting calories and maintained my weight just fine. Now I'm counting to bulk, but before that I thought calorie counting was weird.