Most embarassing act at a gym?



  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Most embarassing act at a gym?

    Those laughable lifters who try to impress everyone by loading up the bars, grunting and yelling like crazy while pushing with the worst form, then making sure to drop it so it makes lots of sound and people look. They should be embarrassed/
  • Rogiefreida
    Rogiefreida Posts: 567 Member
    IDK about embarrassing (not for me anyways, but if I were them I would be), but last night while I was minding my own business warming up, I watch these 2 guys stop in the middle of a set (obviously very sweaty), and swap shirts. Right in the middle of the weight floor. :huh: :frown: :noway:
  • JeffInJax
    JeffInJax Posts: 232 Member
    My most embarrassing moment was doing skullcrushers one day the AC was broke at the gym and my palms/hands were very sweaty. I was concentrating and then a very attractive female walked a few inches by my head and my concentration broke, bar slipped and cracked me right in the forehead, had a big ol knot on my face for a day or two.
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    I fainted at my gym once.

    Was about 3 months pregnant - was on the treadmill for about 30 minutes - got off - started walking to the bikes - everything went black.

    I woke up with 4 employees staring down at me asking if I was okay - I was - I was just really embarrassed!

    yikes.. I saw a lady faint once at the gym... sorta scary :/

    Glad you were ok! I would imagine that would be very embarrassing
  • TriLifter
    TriLifter Posts: 1,283 Member
    So yesterday, I'm at the gym doing leg lifts with a medicine ball - and the area in my gym to do ab work is right in front of where all the attractive women are doing cardio...

    After 10 reps the ball - (8lbs) drops from my legs and smacks me right in the head in front of everyone - who all proceeded to laugh and laugh.

    - I laugh with them, and continue on like nothing happened and was a bit embarrassed.

    Having done a great deal of squats and the smith machine, my legs were beat, so as I'm walking up the steps to leave the gym in front of a few of the same people who saw the ball drop - I then tripped and fell down every stair on my way out.

    -_- I didn't laugh that one off.

    Anyone have a more embarrassing story to make me feeel better and for me to laugh at you? XD

    I'd be most embarrassed about using the Smith machine.
  • healthydoseofglitter
    healthydoseofglitter Posts: 532 Member
    straining to pick up a weight and 'pooting' :ohwell:

    hahaha this is why I can't take a yoga class .... something about downward dog that loosens up everything LOLLL :laugh:
  • One time back in high school, my friend told me to run as fast as the treadmill could go. I did and got super tired and just stopped. Needless to say, I was thrown off and hit a wall, thrown back on, where my face laid on it as it was still going. Two men stopped it and helped me up and all I could ask was "is my lip bleeding?" Lol. They told me a lot more than my lip was lol. I rushed out and missed school for two days lol. Never went back lol
  • firegood
    firegood Posts: 3
    These are brilliant

    I overestimated my prowess on the bench press once. With no spotter & attempting to train to failure I maxed out & got totally stuck under the barbell. Had to be rescued by someone. Cringe

    Smith machine from now on...
  • elbaldwin0525
    elbaldwin0525 Posts: 159 Member
    I was squating this morning, and farted pretty loud. I usually embarrass myself everyday :(

    but....girls cant fart though
  • sophiegrace543
    sophiegrace543 Posts: 143 Member
    My friend and I were at the gym and we were doing crunches. There was a group of attractive guys next to us and we were both trying a bit harder than usual to look good, as well as work out well. She started counting out loud so they would notice us and, sure enough they did. As soon as she got to 42, she let out a MASSIVE fart, I don't think I've laughed so much at the gym ever before :laugh: We now refer to it as 'the 42 incident'

    So, moral of the story: it's just easier to not try to look good or to pick up guys while working out....
  • monkeywizard
    monkeywizard Posts: 222 Member
    I regularly hit my head on the barbell when getting positioned for bench presses.

    Also when running on the treadmill if I'm adjusting channels on the TV, or changing songs on my phone I do the "almost run off the side of the belt" treadmill drunken wobble..
  • SaintGiff
    SaintGiff Posts: 3,679 Member
    Bench press. 2 plates on one side. 1 plate on the other because I got distracted and forgot to add the other one. No clips. Hilarity ensued.
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    My friend and I were at the gym and we were doing crunches. There was a group of attractive guys next to us and we were both trying a bit harder than usual to look good, as well as work out well. She started counting out loud so they would notice us and, sure enough they did. As soon as she got to 42, she let out a MASSIVE fart, I don't think I've laughed so much at the gym ever before :laugh: We now refer to it as 'the 42 incident'

    So, moral of the story: it's just easier to not try to look good or to pick up guys while working out....


    Some of these are brilliant!!
  • rieann84
    rieann84 Posts: 511 Member
    I was walking away from the squat rack the other day, and a poster caught my eye. I'm walking and looking at the poster and I slammed right into some machine and there was a guy on a different machine right there. He just laughs and says watch out or something, so I laughed with him and said that's why they make them padded.

    I left to get a drink of water before my last set of overhead presses and some dude straight up stole my rack. Ugh, I was so mad, I just decided to use the preweighted bars, I was determined to get the last set in. Well, my arms had been fatigued and trying to haul that bar up from about thigh height over my head didn't go so well. My arms buckled and the bar just fell right into me and smashed my poor boobies. Luckily, I don't think anyone was even really watching me, but dang, it hurt.
  • Mikkimeow
    Mikkimeow Posts: 1,282 Member
    Okay, first one isn't at a gym. My parents have a treadmill in their den that faces a tv, and a wall behind it. After track practice, I would get home and go run a mile, trying to cut down my times. Well, I was particularly exhausted one day and happened to kind of drift off while running (didn't know that could even happen). I was going a pretty good speed too. My head hit the front of the treadmill, my feet slipped from under me, and my entire leg slammed into the wall and went through the drywall. Luckily I was wearing the string that stops the treadmill if you pull, or I might have destroyed the entire back of my parent's drywall. Still, my dad was so pissed when he gets home and sees a gaping hole in the wall. It was so big, we had to replace and repaint. :/ To this day, he points to the spot "My daughter was a dumbass and broke a wall". haha.

    Secondly, I was fairly new to a gym when I experienced possibly the most embarrassing moment of my life. They had a daycare, and call you in if your kid needs a diaper change. Well, I am lifting and the intercom calls me in to the daycare room. My daughter had pooped. So, I am taking her to the bathroom to change her, and I kid you not, she explosively diarrhea's all over me, my face, my chin, my neck, my boobs, my thighs, my shoes. Then throws up on me as a kind of ending statement. haha. Everyone on the gym floor is watching me, looking at this woman holding a baby, covered in *kitten*. I had no change of clothes, had to line my car with paper towels, and didn't come back for a few weeks. I still wonder if they call me poop lady behind my back or something.
  • Abells
    Abells Posts: 756 Member
    These are brilliant

    I overestimated my prowess on the bench press once. With no spotter & attempting to train to failure I maxed out & got totally stuck under the barbell. Had to be rescued by someone. Cringe

    Smith machine from now on...

    I've totally clocked my chin a few times on push presses (had sweet bruises) :) -- waaay back in the day at a PF i set the lunk alarm off - dropped about 300# on the smith machine

    for bench press don't put clips on the ends - that way if you can stuck you can just dump the weight to either side :)
  • grillnchill
    grillnchill Posts: 772 Member
    I did see someone run at a 5k with *kitten* running down their shorts. It was not pretty.
  • monkeywizard
    monkeywizard Posts: 222 Member
    My friend and I were at the gym and we were doing crunches. There was a group of attractive guys next to us and we were both trying a bit harder than usual to look good, as well as work out well. She started counting out loud so they would notice us and, sure enough they did. As soon as she got to 42, she let out a MASSIVE fart, I don't think I've laughed so much at the gym ever before :laugh: We now refer to it as 'the 42 incident'

    So, moral of the story: it's just easier to not try to look good or to pick up guys while working out....

    well I was going to reference this sketch then I realized that I was getting Mr Show & Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy's numbers mixed up..
  • nmncare
    nmncare Posts: 168 Member
    I have two really bad recent ones.

    First one.. I usually work out at home but I went with a friend to her gym at work (where I used to work). W\ell.. I go commando when I workout. My friend asked if she could go put her ipod in my purse because it had died since her purse was at home. I asked her to bring my chapstick in my purse while she was at it. She couldn't find my chapstick so she brought the whole purse out and plopped it down next to my treadmill while laughing. This cute guy who I had a crush on when I worked there was on the treadmill next to me. I go into cool down and so did he.. and we start flirting. Once we finish we keep talking.. then he says "Well.. I was going to make some joke about seeing your panties on the floor soon.. but since I already have.." and he points down. Yep. Right on top of my purse for the whole world to see. Mortified. Then he walked away laughing.

    It gets better... just after that happened.. someone left some free weights on the floor and I didn't see them.. So naturally I trip over them.. Fall hard on my face.. they somehow slightly pull my yoga pants down.. and I moon the entire place. It was terrible.

    Edited for spelling. :)
  • Janice2210
    Janice2210 Posts: 3 Member
    I was doing squats with a really heavy bar and this thread from my black gym leggings was in the way so I yanked it in irritation. What I'd actually just done was pull out the seam in the crotch of my leggings and totally exposed my stark white granny knickers for everyone to see! A guy came up to me to offer me his towel to cover up! So embaressing!