What YOU should know about GLUTEN SENSITIVITY



  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member

    The fact that 2 people (8%, as I recall from the paper) did show evidence of non-placebo, gluten-specific changes,

    You would think this, unless you understand how probabilities work.

    If each participant chose their response by coin toss, there would be a 1 in 4 chance that they would respond to gluten and not placebo.

    Given 37 participants, the probability that at least two participants had a gluten-specific reaction would be > 99.5%

    Quit cherry-picking my responses to start an argument, because at this point, that's all you're doing.

    Let's look at my last response again, shall we? This time in full context. I'll even highlight the areas that put your cherry-picked quote into context and pretty much changes my entire point:
    The fact that 2 people (8%, as I recall from the paper) did show evidence of non-placebo, gluten-specific changes, further reinforces my previous statement that the media grossly misrepresented the study. I had already said that the study in no way, shape, or form, came to the conclusion that the media did. Even if someone were to argue that those two people are statistical outliers, or that their reaction was still placebo in nature, the media's conclusion is horribly invalid. Including those two make the media's conclusion even more absurd.

    Nowhere. I repeat nowhere have I stated that the two people that showed biomarker changes where statistically relevant to the study itself, and in fact, I acknowledged that they could be written off as statistical outliers (as they were, given the conclusions of the study). Nor have I used the fact that there were people who showed gluten-specific changes to try to say that the study found some kind of link.

    The media made a leap that could get them across the Grand Canyon. That is what I've been disputing.

    The two people that had gluten-specific reactions aren't statistically significant for the study, but they do help open the door for other studies that are more geared toward actually seeing if NCGS if real/testable (by raising questions like "why did these two people respond only to gluten, even on a low-FODMAP diet?" or "given Celiac's abysmal diagnosis rate, could these two people have undiagnosed Celiac, and can we find a new way to test for it?"), and (more to my original point) they refute the media's claim that the study "thoroughly proved that NCGS doesn't exist." If it actually did what the media claimed it did, then there wouldn't have even been those couple of people for whom biomarkers did change only for gluten.

    The tl;dr version for you, since you seem to insist on not actually reading what I'm writing: the study did not (nor did it set out to) "thoroughly disprove the existence of NCGS." All it proved was that at least part of the diagnoses of NCGS may instead be FODMAP sensitivity, that the placebo effect works both ways ("nocebo"), and that more research is sorely needed in this area.
  • lthames0810
    lthames0810 Posts: 722 Member
    Am I too late to get in?

    Nope! What do you have to add?:flowerforyou:

    I regret that I don't have anything useful to contribute but wanted to mark this thread so I could find it again later. I'll not use a smart alecky comment to do that in future.

    I find this topic strangely interesting, given that I don't have any of these issues myself, nor does anyone I know (that I know of.) I have learned a lot (and been entertained) by the back and forth in this thread.

    Anyway, I'm ashamed to say that I whine like a cry baby about merely having to restrict my calories a little. Things have been placed in a little more perspective now.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    My synopsis of this thread:

    There was a scientific study of 37 people that irrefutably proves there is no such thing as gluten intolerance

    The people concerned with these findings are NOT being jerks and pointing fingers, only concerned there may be more information that needs to be gathered, and that some people who are GF may indeed be better served to find the true answer to their health issues to avoid further damage to their bodies.

    A few people have NO empathy for those of us going through these health issues and their contributions have been "In" or oh noes, jump on a bandwagon.

    Given I never get involved in these threads I must say I have learned quite a bit about human nature, AND where to go to get REAL information on the issues that plague me.

    Interesting thread with a lot of intelligent conversation. I appreciate those that contributed to furthering my knowledge :flowerforyou:

    I'm assuming that the first sentence was pure sarcasm, but if not then it's not correct. I want to keep repeating this phrase: "this study found no evidence." The rest was a solid summary.

    Yes, sorry. The firs line was pure sarcasm. I am not usually prone to such things, but there it is.

    You were giving me much food for thought prior to going off on the "Big Gluten" comments. I learned a lot from this thread. Might not mean much to some, but to me it was well worth the time.

    I usually speak sarcasm quite well so no worries. Without humor I'm afraid these threads would drive me batty. As for the "Big Gluten" comment it was a play on the "Big Sugar" accusations I often see on here accusing those of us who don't think that sugar is evil of somehow being in bed with/paid by the sugar industry. You know, this isn't funny when I have explain it. :grumble: *kicks rocks*
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    My synopsis of this thread:

    There was a scientific study of 37 people that irrefutably proves there is no such thing as gluten intolerance

    The people concerned with these findings are NOT being jerks and pointing fingers, only concerned there may be more information that needs to be gathered, and that some people who are GF may indeed be better served to find the true answer to their health issues to avoid further damage to their bodies.

    A few people have NO empathy for those of us going through these health issues and their contributions have been "In" or oh noes, jump on a bandwagon.

    Given I never get involved in these threads I must say I have learned quite a bit about human nature, AND where to go to get REAL information on the issues that plague me.

    Interesting thread with a lot of intelligent conversation. I appreciate those that contributed to furthering my knowledge :flowerforyou:

    I'm assuming that the first sentence was pure sarcasm, but if not then it's not correct. I want to keep repeating this phrase: "this study found no evidence." The rest was a solid summary.

    Yes, sorry. The firs line was pure sarcasm. I am not usually prone to such things, but there it is.

    You were giving me much food for thought prior to going off on the "Big Gluten" comments. I learned a lot from this thread. Might not mean much to some, but to me it was well worth the time.

    I usually speak sarcasm quite well so no worries. Without humor I'm afraid these threads would drive me batty. As for the "Big Gluten" comment it was a play on the "Big Sugar" accusations I often see on here accusing those of us who don't think that sugar is evil of somehow being in bed with/paid by the sugar industry. You know, this isn't funny when I have explain it. :grumble: *kicks rocks*

    I am good then, huh :wink:

  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Am I too late to get in?

    Nope! What do you have to add?:flowerforyou:

    I regret that I don't have anything useful to contribute but wanted to mark this thread so I could find it again later. I'll not use a smart alecky comment to do that in future.

    I find this topic strangely interesting, given that I don't have any of these issues myself, nor does anyone I know (that I know of.) I have learned a lot (and been entertained) by the back and forth in this thread.

    Anyway, I'm ashamed to say that I whine like a cry baby about merely having to restrict my calories a little. Things have been placed in a little more perspective now.

  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    actually, re: beer - i have a skin disorder that flares up dramatically when i eat gluten. however, when i ingest SMALL amounts of gluten - like, for example, the amount that is in most beers - my skin disorder usually does not flare up. i still experience brain fog that lasts until the next day, but sometimes i ignore that symptom for the sake of having a beer. my body also does just fine with small amounts of most kinds of soy sauce.

    Its due to the fermentation process when the beer is made as to why you don't get the flare ups.

    IDK. When I first went off gluten there was a lot of trial and error, and research on my part. My son worked at a small craft beer place, and I went to spend an afternoon with him. Had a nice tall glass of something dark and delish.

    Unfortunately, I was out of work for 3 days.

    It kind of also goes to the people who said it might be psychological, as I hadn't the foggiest(pun intended)idea that the beer was full of gluten until I spoke with a friend.

    I love beer :sad:
  • luca15306
    luca15306 Posts: 111 Member
    bump for later
    I avoid gluten for diet reasons, works for me :)
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    My synopsis of this thread:

    There was a scientific study of 37 people that irrefutably proves there is no such thing as gluten intolerance

    The people concerned with these findings are NOT being jerks and pointing fingers, only concerned there may be more information that needs to be gathered, and that some people who are GF may indeed be better served to find the true answer to their health issues to avoid further damage to their bodies.

    A few people have NO empathy for those of us going through these health issues and their contributions have been "In" or oh noes, jump on a bandwagon.

    Given I never get involved in these threads I must say I have learned quite a bit about human nature, AND where to go to get REAL information on the issues that plague me.

    Interesting thread with a lot of intelligent conversation. I appreciate those that contributed to furthering my knowledge :flowerforyou:

    I'm assuming that the first sentence was pure sarcasm, but if not then it's not correct. I want to keep repeating this phrase: "this study found no evidence." The rest was a solid summary.

    Yes, sorry. The firs line was pure sarcasm. I am not usually prone to such things, but there it is.

    You were giving me much food for thought prior to going off on the "Big Gluten" comments. I learned a lot from this thread. Might not mean much to some, but to me it was well worth the time.

    I usually speak sarcasm quite well so no worries. Without humor I'm afraid these threads would drive me batty. As for the "Big Gluten" comment it was a play on the "Big Sugar" accusations I often see on here accusing those of us who don't think that sugar is evil of somehow being in bed with/paid by the sugar industry. You know, this isn't funny when I have explain it. :grumble: *kicks rocks*

    I am good then, huh :wink:


  • charleigh78
    charleigh78 Posts: 247 Member
    I have hashimoto's. Gluten triggers the auto immune response against my thyroid. I have no intestinal issues with gluten at all.
  • I have done no research but I can tell you that when I eat it, I bloat up like a prize heffer.
  • Done gluten free myself for a couple of years when I had horrible skin issues which cleared up eventually, seems ok now. I have friends that have gluten or lactose intolerances and even vegetarians, god forbid and do you know, they are not jerks or holier than thou and we all muck in to suit everybody. We all have our like and dislikes, medical or not and 'vive la difference'

    thats fine and dandy but when you become an *kitten* because of it people need to get hit over the head with that fact, its clear you have no clue what i'm talking about so you don't understand what i'm trying to say at all
  • My synopsis of this thread:

    There was a scientific study of 37 people that irrefutably proves there is no such thing as gluten intolerance

    The people concerned with these findings are NOT being jerks and pointing fingers, only concerned there may be more information that needs to be gathered, and that some people who are GF may indeed be better served to find the true answer to their health issues to avoid further damage to their bodies.

    A few people have NO empathy for those of us going through these health issues and their contributions have been "In" or oh noes, jump on a bandwagon.

    Given I never get involved in these threads I must say I have learned quite a bit about human nature, AND where to go to get REAL information on the issues that plague me.

    Interesting thread with a lot of intelligent conversation. I appreciate those that contributed to furthering my knowledge :flowerforyou:

    if you're a celiac i have sympathy for you

    if you don't then you're just full of it, plain and simple
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    My synopsis of this thread:

    There was a scientific study of 37 people that irrefutably proves there is no such thing as gluten intolerance

    The people concerned with these findings are NOT being jerks and pointing fingers, only concerned there may be more information that needs to be gathered, and that some people who are GF may indeed be better served to find the true answer to their health issues to avoid further damage to their bodies.

    A few people have NO empathy for those of us going through these health issues and their contributions have been "In" or oh noes, jump on a bandwagon.

    Given I never get involved in these threads I must say I have learned quite a bit about human nature, AND where to go to get REAL information on the issues that plague me.

    Interesting thread with a lot of intelligent conversation. I appreciate those that contributed to furthering my knowledge :flowerforyou:

    if you're a celiac i have sympathy for you

    if you don't then you're just full of it, plain and simple

    Well aren't you a bowl of sunshine, wrapped up in a rainbow.

    You do you, and I'll do me.

    ETA: No where did I ask for your sympathy, empathy or permission. FYI
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Done gluten free myself for a couple of years when I had horrible skin issues which cleared up eventually, seems ok now. I have friends that have gluten or lactose intolerances and even vegetarians, god forbid and do you know, they are not jerks or holier than thou and we all muck in to suit everybody. We all have our like and dislikes, medical or not and 'vive la difference'

    thats fine and dandy but when you become an *kitten* because of it people need to get hit over the head with that fact, its clear you have no clue what i'm talking about so you don't understand what i'm trying to say at all

    I work in a restaurant and find my attitude has a lot to do with the way my customers present their orders to me. Some bring in their own eggs because they want organic. What do I care if they want to pay for a full breakfast and give me eggs?

    When people ask me questions, I ask right back-nicely "Why" then if they say "I have reflux" I discuss what they CAN have on the menu and my cook is happy to put that together. Simple info as in whether we dust our home fries with flour is something we all should know in the food industry.

    Sure, I have been out to eat in a high end restaurant, and the table next to me wants the waiter to order for them when they have food allergies, but that was once.

    Mom used to say "If everyone around you is being an *kitten*, what do they all have in common?"
  • RedRider230
    RedRider230 Posts: 89 Member
    First of all, you probably shouldn't say an issue many people are dealing with doesn't exist. You may really upset some people. Also, this article is stupid because it says "science-it works" at the end but nothing in this article cited science. The subjects were "self-identified" as gluten insensitive. Also they cycled through high-gluten, low-gluten, and no-gluten meals blindly and their urine and stools were monitored for 9 days? Any gluten sensitive (professionally diagnosed) or celiac will tell you that 9 days is not long enough to get an accurate result. To have the tolerance testing you have to have had gluten in your diet for several weeks (at least).The urine and stool testing will only show proteins, ketones and malabsorbtion/malnourishment. If someone thinks they have celiac disease or are gluten intolerant they should see their doctor and not rely on a study published on Business Insider.

    if i may let me stop you in your tracks, people who assume they are celiacs or are self diagnosed as gluten sensitive are the exact same people who sit in a restaurant, complain about not having enough gluten free options and frown about it over a pint of beer, in the end its people just being people and finding the need to feel "special"

    i see this everyday and have seen it for almost 10 years, the worst are vegans and vegetarians but people alleging to be gluten or dairy sensitive are just as bad, considering they will eat gelato after drinking a beer

    (to clarity beer has gluten, yet these people drink it right in front of me after alleging to be "gluten free"

    to quote one of my favorite tv characters

    "people are *kitten* coated *kitten* with *kitten* filling"

    it has less to do with allergies and sensitivities and more with people feeling the need to be jerks and special

    trust me i'm right, i see this every single day and it has become a source of entertainment for me so in the end to quote the joker

    "thats why i'm always smiling"


    Thank you for making my day, LMAO! :laugh:
  • lwakeman1
    lwakeman1 Posts: 9 Member
  • Done gluten free myself for a couple of years when I had horrible skin issues which cleared up eventually, seems ok now. I have friends that have gluten or lactose intolerances and even vegetarians, god forbid and do you know, they are not jerks or holier than thou and we all muck in to suit everybody. We all have our like and dislikes, medical or not and 'vive la difference'

    thats fine and dandy but when you become an *kitten* because of it people need to get hit over the head with that fact, its clear you have no clue what i'm talking about so you don't understand what i'm trying to say at all

    I work in a restaurant and find my attitude has a lot to do with the way my customers present their orders to me. Some bring in their own eggs because they want organic. What do I care if they want to pay for a full breakfast and give me eggs?

    When people ask me questions, I ask right back-nicely "Why" then if they say "I have reflux" I discuss what they CAN have on the menu and my cook is happy to put that together. Simple info as in whether we dust our home fries with flour is something we all should know in the food industry.

    Sure, I have been out to eat in a high end restaurant, and the table next to me wants the waiter to order for them when they have food allergies, but that was once.

    Mom used to say "If everyone around you is being an *kitten*, what do they all have in common?"

    again even the sun shine's on a dog's *kitten* every once in a while

    it also depends on the restaurant, there is a big difference between working in a greasy spoon (which i wish more of them existed) an applebees and a fine dining establishment

    some places by design are there to accommodate any need, others are there to serve the best food possible regardless of what celery suckers and "gluten free" people have to say

    and to clarify i don't work front of house at all, i just watch from afar how much of a pain in the *kitten* gluten people as a whole usually are, not so much because they demand food to be cooked differently but because of how they act because of it

    people will always find ways to be *kitten* to each other, its the nature of our species, but in this particular case some false sense of dietary needs has created an entire section of people to be *kitten* in general

    unlike people in greasy spoons or at a chili's i have the ability to deny a customer's request (which i try to avoid but i will draw the line somewhere)

    usually its celery suckers and gluten free people that make dumb requests which i will usually deny because food quality should not be compromised because somebody farts a little bit more after eating a bit of bread but its the servers i usually feel sorry for because they are the ones that have to face these "people" and bear the brunt of their righteousness because they think their farts smell worse and they tend to scrach themselves when they eat gluten (if you haven't noticed gluten free people tend to be full of it if you ask me)

    so again you have no clue where i'm coming from and only see it as something small that as a whole shouldn't merit much criticism but take it from me, "gluten free" people (not including celiacs) are usually *kitten* and for no reason, you may not see it but from my point of view and how i see their interaction with others they are usually some of the worst customers one can ever deal with, so please go stage (thats an internship in fine dining) at a restaurant and see these *kitten* behave the way they do and you might find yourself that putting yourself in someone else's shoes might be refreshing, besides we are human, by design we have to find ways to be mean to one another
  • My synopsis of this thread:

    There was a scientific study of 37 people that irrefutably proves there is no such thing as gluten intolerance

    The people concerned with these findings are NOT being jerks and pointing fingers, only concerned there may be more information that needs to be gathered, and that some people who are GF may indeed be better served to find the true answer to their health issues to avoid further damage to their bodies.

    A few people have NO empathy for those of us going through these health issues and their contributions have been "In" or oh noes, jump on a bandwagon.

    Given I never get involved in these threads I must say I have learned quite a bit about human nature, AND where to go to get REAL information on the issues that plague me.

    Interesting thread with a lot of intelligent conversation. I appreciate those that contributed to furthering my knowledge :flowerforyou:

    if you're a celiac i have sympathy for you

    if you don't then you're just full of it, plain and simple

    Well aren't you a bowl of sunshine, wrapped up in a rainbow.

    You do you, and I'll do me.

    ETA: No where did I ask for your sympathy, empathy or permission. FYI

    to clarity some people just need to be called out for their stupidity as well as their wisdom and intelligence

    its clear the vast majority of the people who post here are westerners (usa, canada and western europe) which usually means we tend to not acknowledge stupidity unlike other people

    i refuse to feign politeness, courtesy or manners if it means giving people a sense of righteousness they truly don't deserve, instead of coddling these people they should be told they are full of it instead of being told how special they are and how they are right about their self diagnosis

    personally i don't pity any of them (except celiacs because i truly do feel bad for them)

    i view these symptoms of these alleged gluten free people and compare them with the false sensation of spiders crawling on an arm that most meth addicts deal with, neither of them exist and only get worse because you keep scratching at them

    just like climate change and evolution people need to be told when they are wrong, stupid and just plain idiotic

    more of a disservice is done to these people if they are being told repeatedly that their self diagnosis is right because they fart funny and scratch themselves

    as i recall none of us here are doctors or scientists but rely on the information that they provide to guide us make decisions and thus far science is telling us one thing and people who are *kitten* the other

    this isn't so much different that having a debate about climate change or evolution, one side is right, the other side is wrong, no space in between for anecdotes just plain fact

    and if you haven't noticed i have zero sympathy for gluten free people, absolutely none (except celiacs because my heart does go out to them)
  • JustAnotherGirlSuzanne
    JustAnotherGirlSuzanne Posts: 932 Member
    I don't have celiac (I've been tested), but if I eat gluten then I spend the next night in the bathroom spewing out of both ends....

    I'd say that gluten sensitivity exists....

    Trust me, I'd love to eat a whole pizza and if I could I would.
  • I don't have celiac (I've been tested), but if I eat gluten then I spend the next night in the bathroom spewing out of both ends....

    I'd say that gluten sensitivity exists....

    Trust me, I'd love to eat a whole pizza and if I could I would.

    that happens to me when i eat too many habaneros, that doesn't mean i have a pepper intolerance