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What Has Been Your Biggest Issue Losing Weight?



  • plzsiga
    plzsiga Posts: 8 Member
    Not a doc, but had similar issues with bronchitis. I found if I used the inhaler before the exercise, and after if needed, I was able to avoid another episode, and eventually gradually eliminate the inhaler completely.
  • spikedholly
    spikedholly Posts: 38
    Trying to figure out how many calories I'm actually supposed to be eating for "healthy" weight loss.

    I finally just decided to eat at my BMR # and then eat (if I want) any calories I burn during exercise rather than try to figure my activity level.
  • jmcdonald2011
    jmcdonald2011 Posts: 181 Member
    My biggest issue is scheduling and my location. I have a full time and a part time job as well as kids ranging from 5-16 years. I don't get a lot of me time to exercise - the eating right is ok, and actually not that difficult since I live in a small town with really no access to crap food unless I drive to get it. but that also leaves me with no access to a gym. I am pretty much left to walking and eventually jogging hopefully. but in the winter when its -30C that isn't easy.
  • heathl39
    heathl39 Posts: 46
    I kept my weight pretty even, but have always had to fight so hard! I haven't been eating enough, but killing myself to loose weight. My whole life has been resisting food. I gained 65lbs being on bed rest with my daughter and gained a bit after she was born. I thought if I just didn't eat I would go back to my slightly overweight self. NOPE! I gained a few more pounds. I started going to the gym busting my butt and didn't loose a pound. I was finally ready to listen and heard the truth. I have to eat! To me 1200 calories is so, so much and I am on day 7 and most days I am pretty close or on the button. However, I go to the gym at least 4 days a week and burn 400-600 calories a workout. So I am now told I need to be eating even more. By the way I am not loosing weight. Food is my issue! Food!!!
  • bald_navy_wife
    bald_navy_wife Posts: 81 Member
    food and impatience
  • StarChanger
    StarChanger Posts: 605 Member
    Finding the correct numbers. I think that my metabolism must be slow or something...when I use the numbers from MFP or from any TDEE calculator, I don't lose weight. I use a food scale, I use a heart rate monitor to record cardio, I know I'm logging accurately, and I keep lowering my goal, but I have yet to hit the magic number for consistent results.

    I just purchased a Bodymedia Fit Link to hopefully fix this.

    You and me both....except I've gone FROM the the BodyMedia Fit Link to a Jawbone Up24, in the last couple of weeks. So far the Jawbone is telling me I'm NOT as active as my armband said I was. I wore the armband pretty much 24/7 for the last 2.5 years...
  • heathl39
    heathl39 Posts: 46
    I get that and you have come such a long way! Amazing on so many levels! I have to agree that the thought of a new me is a bit (wicked) scary, but I know I am so much more then the person I have allowed myself to become! I can't wait to meet her!
  • weblur
    weblur Posts: 140 Member
    Being OK with not eating until I am in pain.
    ^This. To do that I had to learn to accept my emotions and not try to fight them off or stuff them down. Also, finally caring enough about myself (and in a future) to take care of the body I live in.

    and what Velum_cado said:
    I didn't care enough about myself. I had always been fat, I had it in my mind that I would always be fat. Really low self-esteem. Bullied relentlessly. I literally just accepted, by the age of 21, that I would die young. At my heaviest of 400 lbs, I was still getting around and doing things for myself - I never saw myself as becoming bed-bound or anything like that, because I assumed I'd die long before I ever got that big. I just didn't see myself as worth fighting for.

    For me the hardest part has been the emotional side of extreme weight loss, figuring out who you are now that the old you is gone. It's like I am meeting this person I am for the first time..
    ^This is a scary scary thought for me but luckily I'm also determined to take the chance.
  • stothedonia09
    stothedonia09 Posts: 5 Member
    Wrong mindset.
  • WisheeNY
    WisheeNY Posts: 72 Member
    Probably cravings. There are so many things (fast food and restaurant items of course pfft lol) that I used to eat sooo much that just do not fit anymore. I'm talking food that is like 1,500-2,000+ calories and as much as I crave that food, it just never fits into my day. The only solution I've thought of is splitting it with someone. I've been craving this lasagna I used to eat from this Italian restaurant around here and it's over 1,000 calories and the sodium in it is more than my sodium intake is supposed to be for an entire day!
  • laciemn
    laciemn Posts: 77 Member
    cookies, cupcakes, ice cream.

    Yup, and also
    chocolate, cake, pie, and cobbler.

    In all seriousness, sweets are the biggest hurdle for me. Just love them, but they have lots of calories an almost nothing else. I like fruit too, but it's not the same.
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    Fighting the urge to rocket a General Tso's chicken dinner combo, an order of crab rangoon, a spring roll, half a cup of duck sauce and a liter of coke into my stomach at the first pang of hunger has definitely hampered my weight loss over the years.
  • happygolucky721
    happygolucky721 Posts: 26 Member
    it continues to be hard work, man... Nothing's just "falling" off of me here. I have to whack it down and stomp its head with the biggest stick on a consistent basis

    SO TRUE! I couldn't have said it better!
  • Lemetriab
    Lemetriab Posts: 14 Member
    My struggle has been discouragement. I get personal trainers. I work really hard and eat right for a couple of months and see no change besides that little water weight that comes off in the beginning. Then I think "what the hell, why work so hard and see no change? Screw this, I am not torturing myself for NOTHING".
    Later, I realized that it had to do with stress. Lots of personal stressors, one right after another, in my life and my choice in handling was not eating. My calorie intake was low because I wasn't eating. That was something I could control. When I did eat, I ate healthy. I still struggle with that today.
  • marisarinde
    marisarinde Posts: 54
    Alcohol, no support, and emotional eating.
  • lautour
    lautour Posts: 89 Member
    What a great thread!

    My biggest issue is shame. Shame about my weight, which doesn't inspire me to lose but actually convinces me it's impossible to be anything but obese. Shame about the kinds of foods I like, which makes me want to hide when I eat. Shame over overeating, describing my eating as "shoveling" food, "hoovering" it or eating "the world" which is dehumanizing and catastrophic thinking. Shame when I stop losing, or heaven forfend, gain a bit, because now that I've lost so much I don't want to lose face.

    The only effective counter I've found is taking a scientific, observational, mindful approach. If I'm overeating, like a scientist I can investigate the root causes. If my weight fluctuates, I can observe what might trigger it and decide if it's something normal or a concern. Separating emotional responses from physiological by using mindfulness to discern the difference and accepting emotions without either fighting them or diving into them, always keeping a part of myself separate from how I feel in the moment. And as for body shame, I try to have a lot more going on than just trying to lose weight, other ways to be proud of my body that aren't tied to a scale or BMI chart, whether it's fitness, trying new strategies to cope with fibro and pcos, getting a new hairstyle or fly outfit etc. Finally, keep myself mentally and spiritually engaged.
  • shrcpr
    shrcpr Posts: 885 Member
    I've worked my entire life to maintain a healthy weight and was successful until around 5-6 years ago when I put on 30 pounds or so. I'm extremely introverted and my parents had to move in with me so I am NEVER alone in the house. So, I started drinking ALOT. Plus I have a job that requires a great deal of interaction with people, which is not good for me on top of living with people. So, drinking to cope with having to be around people is my biggest issue. I have no desire for alcohol when I'm alone but throw others in the mix and it's really challenging. I've just had to make up my mind that to lose the weight I'm just going to have to tough it out at home. Work functions are another story and continue to be challenge.
  • SammieDQ37
    SammieDQ37 Posts: 37
    Prior to really reading posts on MFP and doing things the MFP way, I'd have to say it was thinking weight loss meant any or all of the following:

    1200 calories
    Chicken breasts and veggies all the time
    No treats, no sugar. If you're serious about your health, why eat this stuff?!
    Possible intermittent fasting
    Possible appetite suppressants, because who the hell eats that little?

    I did have internal conversations with myself to the tune of, if this is what it takes to be thin, I'd probably just rather be fat

    Now that I realize I couldn't be more wrong about what it takes to lose weight, my issue now would be that food tastes damn good and towards the middle or end of the week I'm still negotiating with myself on how to balance the numbers. I'm losing my steady 1/2 lb per week but it continues to be hard work, man... Nothing's just "falling" off of me here. I have to whack it down and stomp its head with the biggest stick on a consistent basis

    THIS!!!!!:flowerforyou: :wink:
  • nicolebenke
    nicolebenke Posts: 19 Member
    My biggest issue was inconsistency. I would be on a kick, do well, have a relapse, then quit, then overeat, realize i need a change, then be on a kick, and the vicious cycle continued. After after going through that cycle over 200 or so times (no exaggeration there: since high school, college to now late 20s) I began to feel that I would never be successful. It disappointed me hearing testimony of other people who after making "one big decision to change" lost weight. I felt I would never rise than my vicious cycle.

    This is me... :(
  • T_Ciku
    T_Ciku Posts: 133 Member
    When I would start losing weight, i wud be great at first then usually after losing 2-4 kg id get excited and start eating junk and skipping gym weird ryt?!!!:sad:

    Oh my gosh!!! This!!!! Exactly. I thought I was the only other weird person who thought like this. My clothes start getting looser and then I'm like "I've got this" and I stop being so diligent and the weight comes right back!! It's reached a point I'm even afraid to lose weight because I get complacent. I've lost 2 kg so far and I'm so scared that I'll gain it back. It'll kill me to do that. Tomorrow is weighing day. Fingers crossed!