What time do you weigh yourself...



  • MelissaA007
    MelissaA007 Posts: 22 Member
    Well I must be the freak ..I weight in when I wake up, nakid, after I " do more than pee" ..no negative feed back ..I was being honest.
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    In the morning after I go to the bathroom, naked is best.
  • carieeng
    carieeng Posts: 10 Member
    First thing in the morning. :)
  • iandroid989
    iandroid989 Posts: 62 Member
    Every Morning Snakid (and afraid), after bathroom before shower and before hair product
  • kali31337
    kali31337 Posts: 1,048 Member
    ^ Totally this
  • Aeramis13
    Aeramis13 Posts: 135 Member
    I weigh myself every time I workout, with my workout clothes/shows/ipod on, likely after a full work day and a number of meals & snacks, but prior to actual exercise (unless I workout at lunch at the office). The treadmills at my gym ask for my weight when i start, which is a great reminder since I always start my warmup with a swift, high-incline walk.

    If I don't make it to the gym (which is at least 1 weekend day each week), then I don't weigh myself. I do have a scale at home, but I like the consistency of using the same one. And I think our weight fluctuations are really interesting, so it doesn't give me any stress to weigh every day and see if bounce up and down.
  • jgsimon1
    jgsimon1 Posts: 61
    In the morning after I go to the bathroom, naked is best.

    Absolutely!!! ^
  • princessmommy122
    princessmommy122 Posts: 135 Member
    First thing in the morning. Naked. After I pee...before I shower...

  • MellissaBairstow
    MellissaBairstow Posts: 2 Member
    Always first thing in the morning, not just because I'm lighter then, but so many other factors through the day can alter your true weight.
  • KrisBitz
    KrisBitz Posts: 23 Member
    The best time to weigh yourself is first thing in the morning after using the bathroom! :D You can do this naked, or just in your undies (it won't really add anything). Depends on where your scale is and your comfort levels. I use my Wii Fit board to weigh myself, and it has the option of selecting how heavy your outfit is! Hope this helps!
  • rissa876
    rissa876 Posts: 38 Member
    First thing in the morning.
  • i weigh first thing in the morning about once a week. doesn't really matter when you weigh, but be consistent in the time to properly track it. if you weigh today in the morning, don't weigh sunday in the afternoon. :)
  • liathao
    liathao Posts: 2
    Usually in the early mornings.. but for me now, the way my clothing fits me, is my scale!
  • Usually in the early mornings.. but for me now, the way my clothing fits me, is my scale!

    i agree! i use to weigh daily religiously....now i limit myself to one day a week. and i don't even worry about it much. if what i see in the mirror is changing, and i feel it in my clothes, that's all that matters!
  • ajbemine4ever27
    ajbemine4ever27 Posts: 75 Member
    every Monday... so I can watch my food during weekend
  • dviper10
    dviper10 Posts: 1
    First thing in the morning so I can start my day with in the "get fit" frame of mind! Seeing progress excites me for the day and seeing lack of progress makes me know I have to work a little bit harder so tomorrow will be better! :D 1 day at a time and I will reach my goal!
  • fat2skinny50
    fat2skinny50 Posts: 104 Member
    First thing in the morning :)
  • kat201415
    kat201415 Posts: 8
    First thing in the morning, naked after using the restroom and showering. Although, I only do it once a week. Anymore than that is excessive and frustrating
  • cherrilovee
    cherrilovee Posts: 194 Member
    First thing in the morning. Naked. After I pee...before I shower (or put on gym clothes).

    Yepp, same here.
  • bexcobham
    bexcobham Posts: 107
    First thing in the morning. Naked. After I pee...before I shower (or put on gym clothes).

    Yepp, same here.

    I'm glad other people do this too.