Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    Robin- I'm sorry you're feeling down lately. I wish your friend had poured some sugar on her job advice before she gave it to you.'re wanting to cut down on sugar, so maybe that wouldn't have been welcome! :wink:
    Anyway, I think you will find your niche in the job market if you want to go out and pursue employment. I don't think sounding 'developmentally disabled' should stop you. We have a man with Down Syndrome that cleans our clinic, and we had hired a woman in the lab at one point who was almost completely deaf. There are ways to work around the things that other people might see as disabilities.

    Kaye- Happy Birthday! I don't find starting a fun run at 930 super appealing either. :smile:

    Maybe I'll have time for more personals later. Just getting caught up on reading the last couple pages, and wanted to update my miles before making the kids and I brunch.
    Saturday is my weigh in day, and I've been either up or holding steady for the last month of so....but today....HURRAH! I am down 3 lbs! I haven't been this low since last July. Yay!

    5/22: 3.38 miles completed!
    5/23: Rest Day
    5/24: 5.93 miles completed!

    Under calories: 13/31
    7-8 hrs of sleep: 11/31
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning everyone. It is a nice but cloudy day here. Not letting that slow me down though. I am going hiking in a couple of hours with my sil and the kiddos. Hoping my son will come but not sure yet. The last couple of days haves tripped along just fine. No complaints at the moment :tongue: I swear though yesterday my little pom was calling me out. It rained all morning so instead of walking the dogs I worked out with the wii. Well it cleared out in the afternoon and he kept going to the back door looking outside and then looking at me. I know he was saying the rain is gone mamma lets go now. By late afternoon it worked and he got a short walk:laugh:

    Robin I am so sorry you are still not feeling well. I hope they are able to find you some releif soon.
    Kaye happy belated bday. It sounds like you had a wonderful day with your family.

    Well I better get moving if I am going to get some stuff done around here before I leave. Have a great day everyone:flowerforyou: :drinker: :heart: :drinker: :drinker:

    May Challenge:
    5/1: 3 miles
    5/2: 2.5 miles
    5/3: 0 miles
    5/4: 2.4 miles
    5/5: 2.93 miles
    5/6: 5.43 miles
    5/7: 3.07 miles
    5/8: 0 miles
    5/9: 3.68 miles
    5/10: 3.44 miles
    5/11: 3.89 miles
    5/12: 5.76 miles
    5/13: 2.5 miles
    5/14: 3.2 miles
    5/15: 0 miles
    5/16: 1.5 miles
    5/17: 3.6 miles
    5/18: 0 miles
    5/19: 2.3 miles
    5/20: 3.11 miles
    5/21: 3.18 miles
    5/22: 3.19 miles
    5/23: 2.81 miles

    Total: 61.49
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Thumps, lumps, and BUMPS!
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Robin- Sorry I went to bed last night after I finished posting.

    May Challenge is miles of exercise or walked during the day. Your choice based on what you want to record. I will be back later to post the exact details for our virtual race. Set a mileage goal, record your miles done each day by posting here. I will post status update once a week with some fun facts thrown in for fun.

    I need to run, brother has mulch that I get to unload--YEAH:grumble: Just when I started on here,

    Will be back later.
  • littleshadowfeet
    littleshadowfeet Posts: 109 Member
  • mzrubyredz
    mzrubyredz Posts: 3 Member
    hello everyone :smile: im new here, and my goal is to lose at least 30 lbs by december.... anyone wanna come along with me on my journey? but seriously.... i want to lose 115 lbs....
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Update on my thumb, no fracture -- not sure of ligament damage at this point, but definitely severely sprained. I'm in a splint for two weeks and then back to doc for new x-ray and re-evaluation--could need MRI at that point, time will tell. Need to get swelling down, so on high doses of Naproxen. I'm limited to lower body exercises only--never realized how much I need my thumb! I can't even text normally. :laugh:

    May Mileage:

    5/23/14--.42mi (abysmal, Fitbit was charging and at doc in afternoon)

    Total Miles: 77.59 Miles
  • LauraJayne8digs
    LauraJayne8digs Posts: 30 Member
  • RobinB0812
    RobinB0812 Posts: 236 Member
    I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it, and I know, I know, I know.... well, you get the picture, I'M EXCITED!!!

    My 5k this morning was AWWEESSOOMMEE!! Considering I had ZERO time to prepare (mentally or physically) because I only found out about it YESTERDAY, I did phenomenally!! I achieved my initial 5k goal that I set back in March! It was a timed race and I finished in 1:00:30!!! My goal was to finish in an hour or less, and well, 1 hour and 30 seconds.... HELL YEAH, I'LL TAKE IT!!!!

    During the race, I decided my 5k season is probably OVER until the fall! Walking this morning in the humidity while temperatures climbed to 90+ degrees, yeah, I'm not doing that anymore! Even though about 70% of the race we were shaded by the vegetation throughout the zoo, the humidity was nothing nice!

    After the race we hung out for the awards. A high school classmate of mine (the one who's Facebook post is how I found out about the race) won a medal for top male finisher in our age group. Then, since our registration fee included free admission to the zoo, Chelsea and I stayed and walked around for a few hours to see the animals we hadn't seen during the race. All tolled, we racked up just over 7 miles today!

    Until next time; wishing everyone peace, love and weight loss!
    Don't sweat the small stuff, just SWEAT!!
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 604 Member
    Saturday Success: Well, my exercise is sure up to par :laugh: I am kicking myself just a bit for increasing my goal to 150 miles for the month. I am tired... worn out... but I have 31 miles to go in the next 7 days and I will NOT fail. That's how stubborn I am. With all the cardio comes the increased endurance... my hard work sure is paying off. I need to work harder to get my HR up to where it needs to be for an effective workout, which my trainer said is a fantastic improvement in my fitness level. :bigsmile:

    Since I have been exercising so much I am going over by dribs and drabs but not worried as I am still in a deficit. I have been trying to increase my fruits and veggies, but then my protein suffers as a result. I do a lot of casseroles with quinoa/beans and veggies, and protein packed smoothies with fruit. I am out of additional ideas other than a big ol' container of raw veggies.

    RobinB: congrats on your 5K and nailing down your time goal. I fear entering any races yet, walk or run. As competitive as I am, I don't know that organized racing would be for me.

    L2T I am feeling almost exactly like you in regards to this month's challenge. I have 31 miles to do in the next 7 days, and have been pushing myself to get the extra mileage done. I really believe that I need at least one full rest day a week, but have only taken 2 this month so far. I don't want to injure myself but have been walking/hiking/running with sore calves and a tweaked ankle the last few days. But the competitive me will not stop. I have to make that goal.

    Fitbit goals: (12,000/8 km): 22/31

    Goal mileage: 150 miles
    5/1: 6.7 miles
    5/2: 4.8 miles
    5/3: 3.9 miles
    5/4: 5 miles
    5/5: 2.2 miles
    5/6: 5.2 miles
    5/7: 3.1 miles
    5/8: 6.7 miles
    5/9: 3.7 miles
    5/10: 10.1 miles
    5/11: 0
    5/12: 2 miles
    5/13: 6.9 miles
    5/14: 3 miles
    5/15: 4 miles
    5/16: 9.5 miles
    5/17: 0
    5/18: 9.3 miles
    5/19: 5.5 miles
    5/20: 8.6 miles
    5/21: 3.1 miles
    5/22: 8.8 miles
    5/23: 8 miles
    5/24: 8.9 miles

    Total: 129 miles
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    Back for personals! What a great day....beautiful weather, got a lot of housework done, got my long run done, dinner at Subway and Cherry on Top Ice Cream Shop for dessert! Thank you, Running, for making ice cream so easy to fit into my day!

    Rain- Mmmm...frozen yogurt. As long as it fits into your goals for the day, go for it. I've been eating ice cream most days this week and I'm down 3 lbs.

    Tanya- Yay for your HR! Sounds like your body is getting more efficient. That's awesome!

    RobinB- Congrats on meeting your time goal! The zoo run is such a great idea for a 5K.

    Kah- Oh no! I hope the swelling goes down quickly and you're back to full body workouts soon....and normal texting. :laugh:

    Laurie- Unloading mulch is a great workout! I'm looking forward to reaching for a higher mileage goal in June.

    Jt- Glad your pom is keeping you on your feet! Hope your hike today was great.

    Naceto- Dang vending machines. They just installed one in our waiting area at work. (Why on earth would we want to encourage our patients who have chronic inflammatory diseases to eat chips and junk is beyond me, but I don't get to decide these things...:grumble: ) Anyway, I never eat out of them normally, but the other day I was thinking about it! It's not's the machines!

    Tom- Thanks for posting our group mileage sheet. Wow! We're fantastic movers!

    L2T- I don't think we're ever done improving on ourselves. It's a life long project.

    Susan- I hope Cyrus enjoys the time he spends with his coach and has fun, too. My husband knows the problem of people expecting you to be an athlete just because of your body type. He was blessed with great height and broad shoulders early in high school, so the football coach begged him to be on the team. Unfortunately, he's not the tackling type. :wink:

    Skinny- You are obviously a wonderful teacher! It sounds like you really devote yourself to your students...not just with today's tears, but all the lessons and grading you're always working so hard on.

    LittleShadow- Slowly, but surely. With weight loss and with parenting...just keep taking it one day at a time. :flowerforyou:

    Mowmow- I bet you're busy settling in with your new furbaby this weekend!

    p1xyn1xy- I hope you and the kids enjoyed your 5K!

    Nettie- And the job offers keep rolling in...congratulations on getting your positions for the summer!

    Welcome to all the new faces! You've found a wonderful place for support. Keep coming to the thread and check in with us often. :flowerforyou:
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,211 Member
    Brian and I went to see the new Xmen movie this morning then ran around doing errands. We BBQ-ed for dinner tonight. I made a tricolor pasta salad with roasted veggies - asparagus (from the garden), broccoli, garlic, red onion. I tossed it all with some black olives and sun dried tomatoes. I used herbs from the garden, olive oil and fresh squeezed lemon juice for the dressing. I also threw some beets and corn on the cob on the grill. (Brian had hamburgers and hot dogs to go with everything else I made) It was quite a yummy dinner. Though I ended up drinking quite a bit of mango moscato while preparing everything. :blushing:

    MyMowMow - Congrats on the new fur baby. I am so happy for you. Please post a picture or two when you get a chance!

    RobinB - Congrats on the 5K. That's great that you met your goal on your time. Congrats again. I truly am happy for you!

    Laurie - Thank you. I think they finally have begun to notice me. I hope the new jobs come through for me. It would be great to have some extra pocket money and get my face known in 2 more schools within the district!

    Kaye - That is fantastic that Nicole received a wonderful review. I wish her continued success!

    thyldburg - Welcome!

    Skinny - I am with you on the exercise. I definitely feel like I have not gotten in enough. I have been doing a lot of work outside. However I have been neglecting strength training. I want to get back on track to a better routine next month.
    Have fun at the bachlorette party and good luck with Gunner's check up. I took Harvest Moon in last week for her annual. She has to go in for surgery the beginning of June. My vet is doing a dental procedure, have to remove 1 tooth that is not looking good and doing a cleaning while she is under. I get nervous any time I have to put her under for procedures. :cry:

    Susan - I was thinking the same thing about it possibly leading to a FT position in the fall.

    Kelley - I must have missed your original post on you thumb. Sorry to hear about it. Hope you feel better soon.

    mzrubyredz - Welcome!

    My Miles:
    5/1 - 3.41 miles
    5/2 - 3.74 miles
    5/3 - 6.92 miles
    5/4 - 2.13 miles
    5/5 - 4.73 miles
    5/6 - 5.64 miles
    5/7 - 4.39 miles
    5/8 - 3.28 miles
    5/9 - 2.91 miles
    5/10 - 4.53 miles
    5/11 - 4.47 miles
    5/12 - 4.08 miles
    5/13 - 3.1 miles
    5/14 -2.23 miles
    5/15 - 2.11 miles
    5/16 - 1.42 miles (laziest day ever!)
    5/17 - 3.24 miles
    5/18 - 7.37 miles
    5/19 - .79 miles (Fitbit died, should be more)
    5/20 - 2.54 miles (Fitbit charging, should be more)
    5/21 - 3.37 miles
    5/22 - 2.2 miles
    5/23 - 4.07 miles
    5/24 - 3.32 miles
    Total: 85.99 miles
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Well, I finally made it back on here today. After helping my brother unload the mulch, I made dinner and finished the cake I made. I just need to decorate the cake at this point. A friend came over for dinner tonight with my dad and I so that was nice to have company. Mom was able to get out and have some fun for a change, so I got to Dad sit. My friend keep him entertained which was great.

    Robin B- Congrats on your 5K, that is truly awesome.

    Nettie-How was the movie? I am thinking about going to see it.

    Tanya- You can make this goal but don't pressure yourself into meeting it. Think about it in terms of I only need x amount of miles per day. Which is about 4-5 miles per day. You can also do easy rides instead of high intensity every workout. You've got this.

    My Saturday success was completing the swim workout today. It was a nice feeling knowing that I could handle the group 3 (slow group) workout. I did a good job with it and the more I do it the faster I will get.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    1 week left in our May Virtual Exercise Challenge.

    Goals: You set the mileage goal that you want to achieve this month.

    Tracking- Report your mileage on the thread at least 1-2 times a week

    Miles- MAY be based on exercise only- numbers from machines or exercise tracker apps, fitbit miles (daily), # of steps per day translated into miles or exercise time (class time or workout time) 20 minutes=1 mile, or 30 min=1 mile based on your level fitness and physical limitations.

    reporting format
    5/26= x miles
    5/27=x miles
    5/28= x miles
    5/29= x miles
    5/30=x miles
    5/31=x miles

    We have set up different milestones to celebrate our achievements and to put a perspective on the # of exercise miles we accomplish this month.

    You can still join in the challenge if you like. We will be repeating this challenge in June so start thinking about your goals.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Kah, sorry about your thumb. I have arthritis at the base of each thumb, so I understand how hard it is when they don't work right.
    RobinB, good job on the run. I love the zoo. We are going this summer with grandkids. They have a nice zoo in Boise.
    Tanya, I hate to set goals because I really hate to not meet them. You are doing great.
    Nettie, good luck with the jobs. Your veggies sound great.

    Amy brought her family over for breakfast so we had 20 for waffles this morning. Afterwards I played my favorite board game with 3 of the grandkids. It was a brutal game, and so much fun. I really took it easy the rest of the day. I only had to fix dinner for dh and me. We went to a wedding reception, and then had a nice walk. The weather was perfect! Today's mileage-4.46.
    Have a great Sunday. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Kaye - what a wonderful gathering for waffles. Do you ever get tired of your large family and wish it were smaller or got together less often? Let me tell you about mine. Quite different from yours entirely. I have only one sister that had children - she married an FBI agent and had 3 great kids, but because of his career they travelled a lot and she shielded him and her kids from our side of the family - his family was considered "OK" by him, but he ruled the roost and decided we were not meeting the criteria set forth to be within the FBI fold, so gradually she has cut us out of her life and told her children the same, so now there is no contact between us. With all olther relatives dead, cousins dead, and parents dead, that leaves myself, 2 single brothers and 1 single sister here in Omaha.
    We got together last nite at my condo to celebrate my birthday, which is tomorrow. I made a nice family meal, stuff they like me to cook, and we sat in my new comfy chairs and had great conversation beforehand. So I brought up that now that I was feeling better I'd like to have them come over once every six weeks or so and we'd have a family dinner and start spending more time together. To a person, as if with one voice, they all responded - no, I wouldn't want to do that. - We talked some more, I kept offering alternatives, and it came out that most of them even dreaded the holiday obligations and they'd prefer to even stay home than go to another Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner. Baically they all are great at meeting their work obligations (not all retired yet, or retired with part-time jobs) but once that obligation is met they don't want to have to deal with people. After the 2 brothers left, even my sister said to me that "this" was all the contact she wanted to have she didn't want to increase it or get closer, things were just fine as they stood.
    I just don't get it. I just don't understand people like my family. Its a great disappointment to me.
    Thanks for letting me vent.
    I'm so glad I have my friends as substitute families, and I'm glad I'm a sociable person and get along with people easily. I'm not at all like them, so I don't understand them.
    I'm so glad for my MFP friends here on this thread - You've all been such an important family to me for years. Some of you have come and gone and I miss the heck out of you. When you return after a long absence my heart leaps with joy - but I try not to put that burden on you, I know how hard it is to start over, I don't want you to have not only your own anxieties, but the pressure of me looking over your shoulder too. All I can say is I love each and every one of you!
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,211 Member
    I forgot to share last night about the latest critter sighting in my backyard. Friday after work I was about to step outside onto the patio to check the gardens then go mow the lawn. I have a stone half wall that surrounds my patio. I spotted a large critter sitting on the stone wall near my bird feeders. Initially I thought it was a cat, after a second glance I noticed it was a big ole woodchuck. I grabbed my phone to take a picture but he/she spotted me and took off for the woods. I managed to get some photos of it later on that evening when it ventured out again. This morning I spotted it waddling around under my rhododendron. Did I mention that I absolutely love where I live and all the wildlife?

    Laurie - The movie was good. Out of all the Xmen movies this one was my least favorite, but I really did like it a lot.

    Robin - Happy Birthday!!!! I hope you have a fun day ahead of you!
    So sorry to hear your siblings were not willing to get together more frequently. That is crummy on their part. I couldn't imagine not spending time with my family (Parents and brother). All you can do is keep extending invitations to them to get together and hope that eventually they will say yes. Don't give up on them just yet. :smile:
  • lmackbethl
    lmackbethl Posts: 156
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Happy Birthday Robin!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Sorry your brothers and sisters are being crummy but isn't it wonderful that you have so many friends - both online and in person - who love you?!!! I hope to be returning to the thread more often, now that my incredibly stressful job is drawing to an end. :smile: Enjoy your day!!! :drinker:
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,211 Member
    I never got around to posting pictures of my floors. Here is a picture of my foyer.


    The woodchuck. Sorry for bad photo quality. I had to zoom in and was taking the picture through a window.