Just friends?



  • FatCatsRule
    FatCatsRule Posts: 37
    men and women can be friends but he'll still want to sleep with you at some point! Or at least think about it.
    So the answer is "no"
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    men and women can be friends but he'll still want to sleep with you at some point! Or at least think about it.
    So the answer is "no"

    Except in the real world, thinking sleep with someone and actually sleeping with them are two different things. I can't control my thoughts but I do control my actions
  • FitWithWit44
    FitWithWit44 Posts: 412 Member
    Since you have made a habit of cheering on his conquests, it sounds like you are deserving of such a man. Please do not use any form of birth control. You two breeding would be awesome. :noway:
  • RunnerStephe
    RunnerStephe Posts: 2,195
    Seriously? You know he's a cheater, so did you forget this? Most of my friends are female. I can relate to your friendship. If the friendship is important to you then hell no. Once you go there, it can never go back. Even though, I could be friends with ex's I never will. I just think this is a bad idea. Sounds like he's trying to get laid.
  • WanderingPomme
    WanderingPomme Posts: 601 Member

    Thanks for the responses!
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    Can men and women ever just be friends?

    Nope... not unless they are gay.

    That's not true at all...
    Sigh... Well then, I spent my whole life meeting all the ones that were anti-friends-only. They may have started out as just friends but it always ended with them wanting a piece of the action eventually.
    did you ever think the problem is you?
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    yes men and women can be "just friends"

  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    I have been in this exact same situation before. Do what you will, but don't be shocked if he doesn't change his ways because your relationship is supposedly " different." You know what you are dealing with from the beginning, and you have accepted him for who he is in the past. Not saying he won't be different with you, but he might not be. Also think about the very real possibility that it could ruin your friendship. Sometimes it is just better to leave things as they are. Good luck!
  • burning2much
    burning2much Posts: 4,846 Member
    I believe they can, at least it works for me. I have a great friend to whom I can tell everything, its better then talking to my guy friends. She's attractive and gets along with everyone, she and I have the same mind set. It took me the longest time to figure out what she is to me....she's like a sister, even better because I can talk about everything, she's a wingman and a buddy.
  • FatCatsRule
    FatCatsRule Posts: 37
    Can men and women ever just be friends?

    Nope... not unless they are gay.

    That's not true at all...
    Sigh... Well then, I spent my whole life meeting all the ones that were anti-friends-only. They may have started out as just friends but it always ended with them wanting a piece of the action eventually.
    did you ever think the problem is you?
    How can the problem be me if he decides he wants to sleep with me and I do not reciprocate?
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    I'm friends with plenty of women that I haven't banged.

    Also, OP, I think you've been watching too many RomComs.
  • morag_p2014
    morag_p2014 Posts: 39
    Scratching my head.
    Sure why not.
    Hmm but ....

    You guys are making me a cynic.

    All those who said no - why not
    All those who said yes - well.

    *Still scratching my head.
  • Sovi_
    Sovi_ Posts: 575 Member
    Just stay friends. ..you see how he is to others. Not saying you are not the romcom chick in the movie to win his heart and devotion, also change his filandering ways. However, do you really want to take a gamble and find that out?
  • morag_p2014
    morag_p2014 Posts: 39
    Ladies, let's say you have a guy best friend. You know all his exes and flings, how he lies to women and what he says to get them in bed, all about how he cheats and sneaks around. Basically, you know everything about this dude-- the good, bad and the ugly. Your friendship is weird because you cheer him on with his latest conquest. He'll call you to tell you about the girl he met the other night and that he banged her last night and you congratulate him. No jealousy whatsoever! Completely platonic. You know his friends, he knows your friends. He brings you along with him and his friends and you bring him with you sometimes too. Your friends and his think there's something going on with you two, but there really isn't. You two are just that close. You guys can hug without there being any malice. He can compliment you, and you him. He'll tell you *kitten* you want to know about straight up and not sugarcoat it. He tells you to go out and date. You scold him when he's being an as*h*le to the women, but he never listens. You're friends with him because some guys are just bad boyfriends but good friends, he's one of those people. You guys can talk about anything. He's just really a best bud.

    Then one night he suddenly jokes around about doing the deed together. *you get caught off guard because that's the first time that's happened) You scoff, laugh and say no. And then it happens again, he brings it up playfully and he even suggested that you two should date since you're single.

    What would you do in these situations? Or what have you done? (If you've experienced this already)

    Men, do you do this to your girl best friends if you have any? Lol

    I'll go all When Harry Met Sally on you guys...

    Can men and women ever just be friends?

    Go with YOLO.
    Can't post a gif or I will.
    Good luck.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I'm friends with plenty of women that I haven't banged yet.

    Also, OP, I think you've been watching too many RomComs.

  • morag_p2014
    morag_p2014 Posts: 39
    I'm friends with plenty of women that I haven't banged yet.

    Also, OP, I think you've been watching too many RomComs.


  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    I'm friends with plenty of women that I haven't banged yet.

    Also, OP, I think you've been watching too many RomComs.


    That would be quite ambitious!
  • DOM4U
    DOM4U Posts: 239
    they say shes just a friend..

    Oh baby please...

    You got what I neeed....

    They say shes just a friend....

  • laurie04427
    laurie04427 Posts: 421 Member
    Mm I've had this happen a slew of times yes. I tend to prefer guy friends in general, always have. But I choose not to make close guy friends anymore. For me anyhow it's how you describe, and in my mind it's platonic but they the guys inevitably make the move. I'm talking close guy friends, not just casual guy friends.

    Life is simpler now lol.
  • CoffeeBugg
    CoffeeBugg Posts: 75 Member
    You can have sex with someone and still be nothing more than "Just friends" with them.