cottage cheese = YUCK!



  • pleasurelittletreasure
    pleasurelittletreasure Posts: 236 Member
    I find this fascinating. I never even imagined so many ways to eat cottage cheese. Mind you, most of them turned my stomach. (Sorry. I'm a wimp.) I can only eat it plain. Perhaps on top of a cracker. But my favorite thing is to have it with my steak. Some people must have mashed potatoes or perhaps steak sauce. I love the tang of cottage cheese with my tenderloin.

    My husband will not be seeing this topic because HE would probably try every one of these suggestions and I would have to watch. :laugh:
  • My personal opinion is that if you haven't tried small curd, 4% milk fat cottage cheese, you really haven't tried it at all. The low fat, no fat versions are HORRIBLE! I WILL NOT eat that kind!!!!! :)
  • countdown70
    countdown70 Posts: 2 Member
    Today for breakfast I had cottage cheese (2%) with some fresh pineapple, fresh cantaloupe and fresh blueberries and toasted chopped pecans ( about 2 tbsp.). It was very good!:happy:
    Sometimes I have cottage cheese on toast with nutritional yeast. Sometimes I have it on toast with sliced fresh figs or pear.
    Sometimes I blend equal amounts of cottage cheese and plain tomato sauce together with a bit of garlic, pepper flakes, and cinnamon for a lovely sauce for pasta. But heat it very gently, and not to boiling or else it will curdle. It's a sauce that can be made in the time it takes to boil the pasta.
  • 1FearlessFighter
    1FearlessFighter Posts: 114 Member
    Why would anyone eat cottage cheese when you can have sirloin steaks and blue cheese?

    please don't get me started on blue cheese
  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    How can you hate cheese??
    My Wisconsonian family would lynch you!
    We have DEEP FRIED cheese curds (not cottage cheese). Soooo deliciously greasy.
  • Effpcos
    Effpcos Posts: 350 Member
    Wai..? Wha..? WEIRDOS. It belongs in lasagne or cheese sauce, eaten plain, OR my favourite, mixed with fresh chopped chives and onion powder.
  • kikityme
    kikityme Posts: 472 Member

    but i've got 1 and 1/2 600g pots of the lumpy stuff in the fridge just sitting there

    Just a question, before you added what might possibly be the least complimentary add-ins to cottage cheese that I've ever heard of, did you try a spoon?

    It isn't sour. Even the no-fat shouldn't be sour.

    I eat it plain, by the giant tablespoon, right out the container. (usually while the fridge door is still open!)

    My Polish grandfather used it to make Pierogi when proper farmer's cheese wasn't available.
  • 1FearlessFighter
    1FearlessFighter Posts: 114 Member
    you're right, with it plain it wasn't as sour as before, but i just cant get over the texture, the lumpy curd texture, oh that gives me the shivers
  • kikityme
    kikityme Posts: 472 Member
    the lumpy curd texture

    Hah, that's what I love! Ah, there's something for everyone, I will never have passionfruit in my house, that gelatinous gloop that the seeds sit in *shudder* :)
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    i usually use something like that when i use greek yoghurt, are you saying cottage cheese is more for savoury dishes

    Oh yes. Some weirdos mix pineapple with it...but that is heresy.

    If it tells you anything cottage cheese is often substituted for ricotta in lasagna.

    Personally I mix it with nothing. Plain, with a spoon, from the container.

    This guy has it right.
  • Tracey_B_72
    Tracey_B_72 Posts: 1,021 Member
    I keep seeing that people don't like the texture but I love it, the little curds remind me of space ships and I like pushing them up on the roof of my mouth after they have been after I've sucked the juice off them, please tell me I'm not alone!
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    I keep seeing that people don't like the texture but I love it, the little curds remind me of space ships and I like pushing them up on the roof of my mouth after they have been after I've sucked the juice off them, please tell me I'm not alone!
  • aliwhalen
    aliwhalen Posts: 150 Member
    Gag! I can't eat cottage cheese with fruit. It tastes like vomit. I like it with black pepper. Sometimes I'll have it with tomato and Italian dressing. Nom.
  • caitology
    caitology Posts: 50
    I love plain cottage cheese. Doesn't need anything mixed in. I prefer 2%. I've tried a few different brands but I've liked Land O Lakes the best, the 2% has a lot less sodium (244mg in a 125g serving vs Hiland, which has 526mg in the same serving size). I actually like the texture too.
  • gingabebe
    gingabebe Posts: 165 Member
    Has no one mentioned peaches with cottage cheese?- yum!
    Second best way to eat it is with homegrown tomatoes and a bit of pepper.
    Stay away from the fat free kind, they taste wrong.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    i wanted to try cottage cheese since i herd that its very popular. its high in protein and wanted to try something else rather than greek yoghurt. so i bought a pot yesterday, fat free, scooped some passion fruit in, mixed with some seeds, nuts and pinch of cinnamon and nutmeg. i put the first spoon in my mouth and just wanted to spit it out YUCK! :sick: . i tried again just to make sure and still the same. i dont know what it is- the lump texture? sour taste?, but how do people eat this?

    I feel this way about mashed potatoes. Disgusting texture, no taste unless you smother it with butter. To each his own.

    So I'm guessing you wouldn't agree with me that plain mashed potatoes taste quite nice with cottage cheese, and perhaps a bit of steak, all together. Adds a pleasant tang.
  • PinkyFett
    PinkyFett Posts: 842 Member
    I agree. I can't stand it. I've tried it so many times and just don't like it. It's the texture for me.
  • 1FearlessFighter
    1FearlessFighter Posts: 114 Member
    i wanted to try cottage cheese since i herd that its very popular. its high in protein and wanted to try something else rather than greek yoghurt. so i bought a pot yesterday, fat free, scooped some passion fruit in, mixed with some seeds, nuts and pinch of cinnamon and nutmeg. i put the first spoon in my mouth and just wanted to spit it out YUCK! :sick: . i tried again just to make sure and still the same. i dont know what it is- the lump texture? sour taste?, but how do people eat this?

    I feel this way about mashed potatoes. Disgusting texture, no taste unless you smother it with butter. To each his own.

    So I'm guessing you wouldn't agree with me that plain mashed potatoes taste quite nice with cottage cheese, and perhaps a bit of steak, all together. Adds a pleasant tang.

    no, not really......
  • Merlin813
    Merlin813 Posts: 21 Member
    heavy black pepper...makes it perfect for me...
  • fancyface1955
    fancyface1955 Posts: 90 Member
    i wasn't that crazy about it either. I got the fat free daisy cottage chesses. when I opened it you see that it's all tiny balls- kinda like dipping dots or pearl onions.
    I scooped some and poured it into a strainer and got rid of the cream and it just left these little "pearls". It tasted so much better- I sprinkle it on my salad kinda like feta cheese. it tasted like mozzarella.
    Don't know if that will work with the cottage cheese u have- but this works for me.