Why does my Nutritionist hate that I eat Pork rinds??



  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    In the uk we get three types of pork rind - scratchings, crackling and crunch.

    One thing that pork rinds are is a good source if gelatin (rich in glycine).
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    I log ALL my food, exercise and fluids. I am accountable for what I eat. They are a good source of protein and virtually no carbs. They are not deep fried. They are puffed up in the microwave.

    I'll add that they are also delicious!!! My only "issue" is that they're high in sodium. Oh... And that you aren't sharing them with me. :smile:

    I'm sorry...i"m not a good "sharer'' lol :laugh:

    Lol that's okay. I have some in my pantry right now. And I am currently in negative calories so...

    MOAR FOR ME!!! :happy:
    (And now I want a Jell-O shot... :bigsmile: :drinker: )
  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    My question is, what's the transfat content? THAT is what you should be careful of.
  • autumnblade75
    autumnblade75 Posts: 1,661 Member
    Ok. So I'm hearing "you need other nutrients and pig skin is nothing but collagen" and I'm wondering where you guys stand on Jello?

    I sink in jello. :wink:

    If you take a bowl of jello, close your eyes, and shake it...well it makes an interesting sound; but I digress. If you combine the pork rind with beans will it provide the needed amino acids, and/or can we just eat pork and beans from a can?!? Interesting food combination// black bean and pork rind OR navy and rind of pork. Hmmm.....

    LOL I didn't quite mean that so literally. Thanks for the humor, anyway.

    I haven't had Pork N' Beans from a can in a long time. I might need to get some.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    My question is, what's the transfat content? THAT is what you should be careful of.

    Man made trans fats - none

    The fats are a combination of polyunsaturated and saturated.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    So, you had a a surgery, have health concerns, are monitored by a team of drs, nutrtionists etc, and you are asking for validation from internet strangers that ignoring the advice your team is giving you is the right thing to do? Why? If you doubt the validity of what they are telling you, why aren't you looking for a different nutritionist, different dr etc?
    You will find here all types of posters, from the ones who are healthy themselves and can share their personal experience, to ones whose diet is causing their own health to suffer, from drs to people being impressed by every new fad diet, from people advocating eating everything to others praising the benefits of a fat only or banana only or raspberries only diet. How does taking the average opinion of all of us, the good, the bad and the simply crazy, will help you? Especially since none of us knows your medical history or understands what extra restrictions it means?
  • GypsygalWI
    GypsygalWI Posts: 27
    Detailed nutritional info for pork skins:

    Indeed, the amino-acid profile is pretty effed up, but it seems to be mostly lacking in Tryptophan and Methionine. I think (don't quote me on this) that dairy is a good source of both, so drink a glass of milk or eat a cube of cheese with your pork rinds and you've got a complete protein.

    Also, they're delicious and much cheaper than jerky...

    Yes, they are cheaper than Jerky, and cheaper than what I was eating. Ostrim (Ostrich meat and Beef meat together in a jerky form)...found at GNC or Amazon.

    Meat and cheese together is always a good idea, not only for the protein, but also it keeps your blood sugar in check. A fat and a protein.
  • GypsygalWI
    GypsygalWI Posts: 27
    What the heck kind of peanut butter are you eating that it's 210 per one tablespoon? I can have 2 tablespoons and get 150-200. :P


    According to MFP, that is what is in the database for Skippy peanut butter. I know many food products in the database here do not have the correct nutritional content on them and I have to add all my food, otherwise I get the wrong amount of calories.
  • GypsygalWI
    GypsygalWI Posts: 27
    So, you had a a surgery, have health concerns, are monitored by a team of drs, nutrtionists etc, and you are asking for validation from internet strangers that ignoring the advice your team is giving you is the right thing to do? Why? If you doubt the validity of what they are telling you, why aren't you looking for a different nutritionist, different dr etc?
    You will find here all types of posters, from the ones who are healthy themselves and can share their personal experience, to ones whose diet is causing their own health to suffer, from drs to people being impressed by every new fad diet, from people advocating eating everything to others praising the benefits of a fat only or banana only or raspberries only diet. How does taking the average opinion of all of us, the good, the bad and the simply crazy, will help you? Especially since none of us knows your medical history or understands what extra restrictions it means?

    ***I am asking no validation from no one. My initial question was, Why does my Nutritionist hate that I eat Pork rinds? I got many different types of answers, in which no answer/reply left me angry or upset at no one. Life is too short for that. From that simple posting, most people assume that I eat pork rinds on a daily basis, which I do not. What I was basing it on...was animal fat vs. plant fat....if peanut butter is in the category as a plant fat...as it is the product of a plant. Simply....calorie content in peanut butter or calorie content in pork rinds. Carbs too. Since I count all of that in my diet.

    To clear things up...I'm a pretty healthy person. I have pork rinds 1x a week and ONLY if I have met all my other protein requirements for the day. Except for this one food product, I eat pretty clean, making all my own food including my own Greek yogurt, I never eat out at fast food places, I like to know what goes into my food and how it's prepared, ( don't get me started on McDonalds food, that should not be consumed by anyone). I eat chicken and beef that are solely organic, I have access through family for some awesome meats. Even though other pork was awesome, I simply cannot digest any chops or anything like that. Bacon is ok...everything in moderation.

    Since losing close to 217lbs, my BP has gone very low, in which I need that salt to bring it back up, and yes I have dumped salt into my hand, licked it and washed it down with warm water to get it into my system faster, I'd rather do that than pass out. Per my PCP, that is fine. I"m a believer that we all need fats in our diet....just in moderation. So, I"m not asking if it's ok to eat it. I am accountable for everything I eat.
  • GypsygalWI
    GypsygalWI Posts: 27
    Aren't pork rinds deep-fried? I wouldn't know, I'm a vegan. Fried anything is not all that good for you but I believe anything in moderation can't hurt.



    I make these kind, which are made in the microwave. Some store brands are probably deep fried, I don't buy those.

    Contains only one gram of carbohydrate per serving
    60% less fat than other pork rinds
    Perfect for low-carb snacking; just throw in microwave and eat
    Made in USA

    Just pork rinds and salt are the ingredients.
  • dsalveson
    dsalveson Posts: 306 Member
    Pork isnt good for your health...that is probably why. If a nutritionist says you shouldn't eat it then I would listen to him/her and not random people on the Internet

    Not any random internet stranger, but there are definitely people on this site I would trust over most "nutritionists", which is a title any bonehead can give themselves...
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member

    I am referring to micro nutrients...not Macro nutrients for for clarification.

    The most that you could get from the references provided in this link would be to advocate that people only consume properly cooked pork.

    If you can show me evidence of increased disease incidence from toxins contained in properly cooked pork then I'm all ears.
  • PJPrimrose
    PJPrimrose Posts: 916 Member
    Dishes prepared with pork rinds are part of the everyday diet here in Mexico.
    My favorite is " Tacos al Albañil " ( tacos construction worker's style ).
    Make a nice Pico de Gallo, add crumbled up pork rinds, add chopped avocado and serve in warm soft corn tortillas with lime/lemon juice and hot sauce ( red or green to taste ) on top......delicious !

    That sounds amazing and I've never even eaten a pork rind.

    I second this! Then again, I'm crazy about Mexican food. Especially stuff with avocado!
  • culo97
    culo97 Posts: 256 Member
    Thanks. I could go for some pork rinds right about now.
    Ditto. I have some of the old fashioned, pre-inflated kind in the kitchen.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Aside: I've been known to eat the %$#^ out of some pork rinds. Like multiple bags of them. Spicy ones.
  • pander101
    pander101 Posts: 677 Member
    Nutritionists are not licensed. Personally, I wouldn't trust them.

    ^^^ THIS!!! Anyone can be a nutritionist. Don't need a specialized degree for that.

    Pork rinds are freaking delicious.
  • kwantlen2051
    kwantlen2051 Posts: 455 Member
    You like them? You log them? Eat them.

    This. Totally this. Hit your micros/macros, make the deficit, eat what you like :)

    Yes, yes!
  • FarmallMom71
    FarmallMom71 Posts: 49 Member
    Maybe the nutritionist's real creep out issue is more what they are made out of than how? Cracklins or pork rinds are pig skin fried. Maybe she lived on a farm at one point and knows way too much about them little piggies to want to eat them (kind of like why I creep out over hot dogs)
  • MzOnree
    MzOnree Posts: 124 Member
    GypsygalWI thanks for this topic. I love pork rinds! I had no idea they made ones that went into the microwave. So thanks for the link! I'm going to order some.
  • C1ndyK
    C1ndyK Posts: 1
    Pork Rinds have no nutritional value why do you want to eat empty calories? Plus they are highly processed which is not good either.