

  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good evening,

    Volunteered at a community festival today; certainly didn't feel like it after all the uproar with DD's move but had promised I would help. I am terrified for her in addition to being kind of numb and extremely angry at her for throwing her education away on such a totally worthless menial labor "job". The past two weeks have been he!! between rushing out to the college when they sent her to the hospital with the poss. pulmonary embolism, staying there pushing to get her through the final papers and exams when she was sick, then graduation, then the sudden "job" and move.

    Today I ate junk, junk, and more junk.

    Have read all but can't remember anything but:

    YAY for Bodi being home.

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Good evening.
    Such a beautiful day out.Walked to church and relaxed today.
    Waiting for Violet to come over for a sleepover.
    Hugs to u all:heart::heart: :heart:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,004 Member
    :heart: :heart: Sending hugs to all of you especially those of you with personal or pet health challenges and concerns about parents and children. All is well here. Jake and I groomed the dogs yesterday and were all ready for a nap when the job was done.

    :flowerforyou: :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    We just got home from visiting my sister. I had fun meeting her two big draft horses, two miniature horses, and two previously wild mustangs. They were all beautiful and very sweet. I love horses. We went to the cemetery to visit my folks graves. We left just ahead of a big storm that hit her place just after we left. We just got a few sprinkles on the drive home.

    Candace, welcome! I'd love to hear what life is like in Alaska!

    Bodi, welcome home!!!!! I hope you feel better really soon.

    Good night everybody!

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,400 Member
    Did an hour of Leslie Sansone 5 Mile Walk today. Tomorrow I'll do more of the 10 Minute Solution Pilates DVD, hold my plank and then I'm going to do 10 Pounds Down DVD because jess needs to have someone drive her to the eye MD so I'll most likely be finished by then. Update: she needs to take her car at 7:30, then the eye MD at 8:30, so I'll take her with her car, take her to the eye MD, then come home and workout.

    Made a key lime pie, was going to have that for dessert tonight only now Vince and Jess decided to go to Buffalo Wild Wings. I know they have a veggie burger so that's what I'll get and I think they have something with carrots and celery, don't remember if they have anything else. But I do remember that there was at least one fairly decent thing on the menu

    Cynthia - I *so* understand. BTDT too many times

    Cindy - Jessica can't understand why like yesterday we had coleslaw. I put some in the dish for me without sauce. She couldn't understand why I didn't want it without the sauce. Ahhh...youth I preferred it without the dressing. I still like my cheese, tho

    Sylvia - I found a zippered vinyl mattress cover at Target. It is next door to Kohl's, so when Kohl's didn't have it (I know I got it there a few months ago), I just went to Target. Usually, I find their prices higher (than WalMart) but if I had to...I had to.

    Candace - welcome. Tell us more about yourself. Yes, it is great to have a place where everyone understand what you're feeling because they have gone thru it or will be, so you can get some great tips for when the time comes.

    Renny - thanks for the review of the movie "Fed Up" It'll definitely be on my "to see" list

    Went in the pool today even tho it was cloudy. Then went into the spa for a bit with Jess and Vince.

    Deb - I don't know if I mentioned this here or not, but right before we were scheduled to move to NC, Vince was putting one of his cars up on a bed to tow, he jumped off the ramp and he didn't keep his knees soft. Actually, he misjudged how far it was to the ground. Well, he didnh't keep his kees soft and wound up with a tibial plateau fracture. Put off our move for about 2 months. So we paid for an apt down here for 2 months and didn't live in it! He went the full walker route and then a cane. We moved down here while he still had the cane. Fortunately, we had gotten a first floor apartment. For the longest time I was doing a squat improperly. Then a personal trainer mentioned it to me. Now I'm constantly checking my form in the mirror to be sure that I'm in correct alignment. Hope your sister's arms aren't too sore!

    Robin - so glad Bodi is home! We have a cage that Jessica used when she trained the service dog. Unfortunately, you might have to do something like that so that he doesn't play. Let me tell you right now, it'll kill you. But you'll also know that he's safe

    I may not be on much the next few days. My girlfriend from Switzerland will be here for a few days, and being with her and her hubby, I sorry, will take precidence over MFP. But know that you'll all be in my thoughts.

    How I wish I'd prelogged. I had a small piece of this banana chocolate cake and that put me over on the calories for the day. Not by much (less than 100) but still over. Well, I didn't count in my exercise calories so I'm sure it'll all even out.

    Hope everyone has a great holiday.

    Michele in NC
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Hello Friends and welcome to the new ladies in the community.

    It’s great to be caught up with your stories of courage, faith, family and fur-babies. Yay for Bodi coming home. Get well soon. :smile:

    Wish you all heartfelt good wishes for a blissful weekend and progress towards your goals. :happy: :happy:

    Crazy weather month here in Colorado.:angry: Afternoon thundershowers are not unusual this time of year, but the hailstorms have been more frequent and forceful. Yesterday, just as DH and I were about 2 miles from home heading to see a play, quarter inch sized hail started to hit the car. We ducked into the last open drive-thru lane at a bank which had a roof over it. As we were sitting there waiting for the hail to pass, sirens went off, and we were alerted to a funnel cloud heading right in our direction. Oh great! Couldn’t drive for another 20 minutes. :noway: :noway: :noway: No way we were going to make it to the show, so I called the theatre and they graciously switched our will call tickets for a show in two weeks. Fortunately, the funnel did not touch down, and our neighborhood hasn’t sustained much damage or flooding. Other parts of the state are much worse off.

    After returning from a business trip in NYC, I conveniently forgot all about MFP. Well, let’s just say I was taking an unintentional break from logging, and boy did I learn a hard lesson. I’m back to doing my food and exercise journals, and the weight I gained has come right off. :drinker: Whew! Have to say that getting a massage really helped, too. There’s something about getting the kinks worked out that gets the blood flowing and the energy up.

    Next week I’ll be on vacation but it will be a hectic time. Tuesday, we're scheduled to have cork floors installed in great room and kitchen. :bigsmile: On Thursday, we'll take off on a road trip to Taos, New Mexico for the weekend. Haven’t been there in years, so looking forward to the beautiful vistas and green chili. :glasses: :glasses:

    Stay well,

    Rori in the Colorado Foothills

    May Goals and progress to date:
    Strength training 90 minutes per week. > Missed one week.
    Try out an aquatics class and check out Masters swim. > not done. Will need to carry over to June.
    Three times a week, consume fewer than 50 carbs. > Missed one week.
    Pick up the phone and call a friend or relative 1x per week just to check in. > Done. Great reconnecting!
    On a daily basis, list 5 things I’m grateful for. > Forgetful! Have not made this a daily practice. Will carry over to June.

    My word for 2014 = Release
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,661 Member
    Robin – Welcome home Bodi!!! This will be hard, but good to have him with you.
    Vicki – good job – gardening and fence building is a great workout.
    BJ – control is tough but you did so good!!!

    hanging in - saw my best girl friend today - I had not seen her since I started dieting - we talk on the phone but live about 2 hours apart - so she did not know I had been dieting - I put on my most flattering outfit - and she did not say anything. :huh: I was so disappointed. Oh well I'll see her again in July, maybe then she'll notice. I really am stuck in a melancholy time...

    N. California
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    OK, who else is with me here. who else hates it when they stop walking but their thighs are still moving for a couple of seconds. It's just disgusting. My waist, hips, chest, belly, feet, everything else is smaller. But those wonder thighs just keep on moving. What can I do to get those off??????

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 453 Member
    Good morning everyone,

    I hope you all have a great Monday. We have finally had some rain here in central Oklahoma. I was starting to see cracks in the ground around my fence!

    Robin, more healing thoughts for Bodi.:heart:

    Barbie, wonderful graphic to remind us to remember and pray for those protecting us.:flowerforyou:

    Rori, so glad you got home safely during the storm.:flowerforyou:

    Joyce, I do some leg exercises holding dumb bells. I still have some jiggle on my upper thighs but using weights has made a big difference. It only takes about 15 minutes twice a week to work my legs.:smile:

    Kim, hugs! Hang in there, so disappointing. We know what you've accomplished! Bet she notices next time.:heart::heart: :love:

    Have a wonderful Monday everyone,

    Cindy in oK
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Robin:smile: So glad Bodi is home with you:heart: !!!

    Rori:smile: What a storm! Glad you`re safe:flowerforyou: ! I so need a massage, I think they are so therapeutic! I`m about ready to go get another pedicure just so I can sit in the massage chair:blushing: ! Have a wonderful time on your weekend trip:bigsmile: !!!

    Michele:smile: Hope you have a wonderful time with your friends:love: !!!

    I`ve read all the posts and wishing everyone well!!! Welcome to everyone new, come in often and chat!!!

    Sylvia:smile: Call the Dr. tomorrow:flowerforyou: !!!!

    My deck guys are here finishing up today:bigsmile: ! Well they have to come back either Friday or next Monday, they are waiting for the base of the columns to come in, but I can use my deck right now:bigsmile: , it is absolutely gorgeous:love: !!!

    Time to go:cry: ! Have a wonderful day ladies! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in gorgeous NC....thanking all of our military for keeping us safe:heart:
  • NenaC
    NenaC Posts: 21 Member
    Happy Day:laugh to everyone. Projects await so I got to be quick, but I just wanted to pop in with my morning coffee. It is a great picker upper for even this gray day. Can you say RAIN:smile::smile: :smile: Cindy I understand about the cracks! Oh my it is not something I grew up, but have had to learn to cope with here in mid Texas. I am so grateful we got rain off and on all day yesterday and last night. Reports say we should get even more around noon.:laugh: The farmers and ranchers are having a real tough time in the southwest. I wake up everyday being water wise. Like the food that goes in my mouth I am careful when I turn on the faucet. Mindful.....my word, my goal!
    Robin I am so glad Bodi is home. I bet Bodi is happy to be family too:heart::heart:
    Kim......are you sure your friend did not notice. She could have been at lost for words:blushing: How did you feel about the way you look. Self-confidence is a good thing, have always struggled with not having enough.
    Joyce....girl you rock. You have enjoyed succes. You are my role model. Keep moving. It will show up.:love::love:
    Candace, welcome, welcome:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: and anyone else I missed. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    :Think, count, watch......mindful and drink water.....got to run. :drinker:
  • Fatfree1957
    Fatfree1957 Posts: 1 Member
    Good Morning from NH! I am new to MFP and looking for some well needed inspiration and motivation! I have been losing and gaining the same 10 lbs over the past 5 months and I am ready to conquer this weight battle. I have about 40 lbs to lose and it's just daunting to me.

    I am hoping to find others to motivate me in this journey! Karen NH
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Today is Memorial Day in the US..........a time to remember and honor those who have served our country, especially those who have died.

    Here are the numbers; I found this tally particularly poignant.

    Revolutionary War.........................4,435
    War of 1812....................................2,260
    Mexican War...................................13,283
    Civil War (Union)...........................364,511
    Civil War (Confederate)................133,821
    Spanish-American War................2,246
    Korean War....................................36,574
    Iranian Hostage Rescue Mission.8
    Lebanon Peacekeeping.............. 265
    Urgent Fury, Grenada...................19
    Just Cause, Panama....................23
    Persian Gulf....................................383
    Restore Hope/Somalia................ 43
    Operation Uphold Democracy/Hati.....4
    Operation Iraqi Freedon.............. 4,423*
    Operation New Dawn-Iraq..........66*
    Operation Enduring Freedom-Afghanistan...2,187*

    Total: 1,144,886

    *...........as of May23,2014
    source: Defense Causalty Analysis System, U.S. Department of Defense

    Looking at the raw numbers just stuns, doesn't it? I was rather surprised that they had split the tally for North and South for the Civil War and also that a lot of us have lived through so many of those listed.............I've been around since Korea
    that's more than half of those listed.

    Please pause a moment today to remember.

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,781 Member
    Good Morning!

    I've been reading all the posts ... just want you all to know that you are all appreciated!

    Sylvia ... to the doctor!
    Kim ... I found very few people commented on the first 20 pounds lost ... only if they knew I was working at losing weight ... do not despair!
    YannieJannie ... those numbers make me tear up ... too many lost.

    Have a great day!
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Hope you all have a meaningful Memorial Day in the US and time to enjoy a day with friends and family!

    The devastation of the Civil War is still haunting....I have been to Gettysburg.

    We had Victoria Day here last week with Chuck and Cam.....but that backfired on poor Chuck all over CBC, BBC,+ CNN.
    Not a good "commonwealth" moment.

    Today is the first hint of a hot summer day, it should reach over 80 F. On Friday, people were wearing coats against the wind, today, bikinis. Life is like that!

    Best to all,

    BJ, SWOnt
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: wishing all my American friends a good Memorial Day. Yanniejannie, thanks for the list. It is poignant indeed.

    Vancouver Island, BC
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Joyce, I know exactly what you mean about the thighs! I like wearing those really tight yoga pants. Mine are capris. They pretty much stop that jiggle when I'm exercising. But to be honest, I kinda like feeling the leg jiggle most of the time. It shows me that something is working! Now, arm jiggle? That drives me nuts. I wish I could find tight sleeves that stop that jiggle.

    Karen, welcome! Start by putting that 40 pounds completely out of your mind and think about one pound instead. It's less overwhelming. Once that pound is gone, then think about the second. Before too long you will see the numbers really adding up. Baby steps! And stick with this thread. I can't tell you what a huge help it has been for me.

    YannieJannie, those numbers are staggering. I can't help but wonder what a different world this would be if those individuals had been able to live out their lives, making great discoveries, creating inventions, creating works of great art, learning, teaching, leading, inspiring etc. What could they have contributed to this world! Also, I wonder how many of those soldiers might not have been lost at all if they had today's medical technology. And how many of the soldiers from today's wars might have been lost if they suffered those same injuries 100 or 200 years ago. But the biggest question is why can't we put our energy into preventing wars instead of fighting them. What a terrible waste.

    BJ, had trouble figuring out who Chuck and Cam are. Funny!

    Have a great day everyone!

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Memorial day to you all.
    Violet spent the night and is planning on going to the pool today.
    Have a good one.
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,661 Member
    Joyce - I don’t have that problem yet – but I am betting it would be things like leg lifts that work on the thigh muscles.

    Bodi – take care!! Levi ran and barked at the squirrels for you this morning – 3 squirrels running on the fence, wires and telephone poles – great fun:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Cindy – seems so weird to hear about rain, I won’t see rain again until October…
    DeeDee –enjoy that deck!

    Karen – welcome!

    Yanniejannie – wow- the numbers are staggering. :brokenheart: and when you multiply it by the families who were affected...
    I have/had family participate in some of the wars but not die - at least back to WW1....

    Sylvia and BJ – I too had a hard time figuring out who Chuck and Cam were – but Google to the rescue!

    Wishing all a good Memorial Day.

    Kim in N. Cal
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,379 Member
    Phew, phew phew ! ! ! ! ! !
    I am exhausted!:tongue:
    Today is a holiday and we had nothing planned. The weather was dreary and drizzling. I thought, as I always do on such occasions, "What can I cook today to get ahead for entertaining occasions?" I remembered I had bought some ricotta last week and I had frozen spinach. So my brainwave was - ravioli! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! We bought a pasta machine a couple of months before I started my diet so since June 2 years ago it hasn't seen much action! I made ravioli once for the couple who are splitting up!:ohwell: So I had the bright idea of making the dough in the processor. BAD IDEA,! The first lot of pasta was unusable and we ended up thtowing nearlt all of it away.:sad: Managed to salvage enough tagliatelli for tomorrow, even if it is a bit thick.:cry: I very nesrly threw in the towel then, but I had the filling already mixed up so I made another batch by hand. That went through fine, so now we have 19 large ravioli for some lucky visitors in the freezer. Any takers? ? ? :laugh: Then follows the mopping up of the surfaces and the sweeping of the floor - all covered in flour. This major operation I could only do because DH helps me with the rolling of the pasta sheets and the making of the ravioli. He paints on the water. It really is like a military operation, but soooooo satisfying once it is done and the pasta is safely in the freezer. The perfect task for a bank holiday afternoon!:tongue: I had a very dark moment though when the first batch didn't work:embarassed: .Nearly threw in the towel.
    I also made squid stew for dinner and DH made an apple and blackcurrant compote for dessert.

    Kim- watercress is used like arugula and is peppery in flavour. I put it in sanwiches and salads. It also makes a most delicious soup. I recommend only buying bunched watercress, not the sort that comes in plastic bags.
    My tandoori chicken, or fish, or prawns is very simple and uses very little fat. I don't have a recipe, but I throw together in a bowl some ground ginger, ground cumin, paprika, turmeric, chilli powder, with the ginger being the most, and anything else I take a fancy to like a pinch of ground coriander. You can buy tandoori powder, but it is highly likely it has colouring in it. I sometimes grate in a bit of garlic and then I add plain unsweetened yoghourt and a sqeeze of lemon juice. Season. So you probably end up with a couple of tablespoons of spices to a small pot of yoghourt for two people. Stir it all together and add what you like. Chicken should be skinned and slashed to allow the spice to penetrate. I use legs that I split into two pieces. I often use chunks of monkfish. You can marinade that for as long as you've got - a few hours or over night. Then, because I haven't got a tandoori oven:laugh: I turn up my oven as far as it will go and LINE a baking tray with two layers of foil, because this will burn. I thread fish on skewers and lay the chicken on the foil after I have oiled it. It will still stick, but you have to try. Bake in the very hot oven until its singed sround the edges, the fish is quick 15 - 20 mins. I turn the chicken half way through and reckon on 40 mins. There is a lot of smoke! ! ! ! ! It singes, but it is really good. For one person I would make double portions as it is delicious cold. You could put boneless chicken thighs on skewers too. They would take less time. It is one of my favourite things and I have it with salad and a cucumber, scallion, garlic, mint and yoghourt sauce (raita ). Often a tiny bit of rice and tomatoes.

    I am more than ready for my Pernod tonight at 6 pm!

    Love to all from still dreary Hampshire UK