Just hit 300lbs. Can't keep doing this to myself.



  • jillb55
    jillb55 Posts: 3
    Best of luck Sherry, it is the road to success we will travel, together if you like. I know what I do is say, I believe in myself and I KNOW I CAN..........IF I WANT TO. It is our choice to make and I have lost 41 lbs and want to lose 30 more. So I have a journey also. I quit smoking three years ago and also went back to school and now I am getting my Master's. Yes you can!!!!!! Let me know if I can be of NY HELP JILEJILW@YAHOO.COM, I CAN LISTEN, RECOMMEND, AND SUGGEST AND SUPPORT BUT
  • michelle220615
    You can do this!! Every day that you try is better than never even attempting!!!!:wink:
  • HoustonMom2014
    Sherry - be proud of taking that first step. It's the hardest. Today is my first day with My Fitness Pal and Fit Bit. Add me as a friend. I'll cheer you along. Ellen:smile:
  • SDFIT30
    SDFIT30 Posts: 5 Member
    Good luck Sherry! You absolutely deserve to do this for yourself - feel free to add me and we can help each other out. There are going to be ups and downs but just keep at it and we can all live a healthier life! :)
  • carisone
    carisone Posts: 31 Member
    Hi Sherry! Well done for starting your journey, please feel free to add me and we can support each other. I just started too!
  • Nonni2three
    Hi Sherry,

    I'm 51 and I started my journey at 376 pounds. I didn't start logging my weight until I'd already lost a bit, but I'm at 332 now so you're starting at a lower weight than what I'm at now. Maybe we can encourage each other! I know what you mean about feeling embarrassed. I have three sisters and a daughter and I'm the only huge one in the family and I can tell you for certain that with the MFP community support and some work you'll be losing weight and feeling more confident as the weight comes off.

    I was so big I was having to walk with a cane, but now I don't need it now. My aches and pains have diminished and I am no longer huffing and puffing when I walk down the driveway to get the mail.

    I'm not an expert by any means, but I've seen this advice posted by many MFP members and it is so true: track, track, TRACK! Track your food, every little thing that you put in your mouth, and if you have a bad day, don't give up, just get up and brush yourself off and keep going. It took us a long time to gain this weight and it won't go away overnight, but slow weight loss leads to changes in habits and that leads to permanent weight loss.

    Pamper yourself a bit and treat your body well. I know that I was extremely depressed because of my weight and didn't care about taking care of my body or what I was eating. If I wanted it, I ate it, and I wanted chips, ice cream, sweets, canned pasta, etc. A pint of Ben and Jerry's would be gone in less than ten minutes. I was sick a lot and had a hard time dragging myself out of bed in the morning to go to work.

    Now I'm very careful about what I put into my mouth (no GMOs, no high fructose corn syrup, no high carb or overly processed foods, etc.) and I've planted a garden so I'll have access to some fresh, organic produce without the fresh, organic price! I love my skin and use coconut oil on my dry elbows and when I'm going to be in the sun (it has a natural SPF of 4 and I have a darker, Italian complexion)) soaking up vitamin D. I also drink a glass of water with a splash of Bragg raw organic apple cider vinegar in it first thing in the morning. It seems to energize me and after reading about all the benefits of the stuff I figured it wouldn't hurt.

    This is your journey, but MFP is full of wonderful and supportive people all in various places on their own weight loss journeys and all willing to help and support you along the way. I won't wish you the best of luck, because luck has nothing to do with it, but I will say that you can do this. We can do this! After all, we deserve it.

  • bengle
    bengle Posts: 2 Member
    Oh Gosh, I here you on that I put on 30 pounds and I'm having a terrible time losing weight, I have stayed within my calorie count on MFP, but after 10 days only.6 loss UGH, I know better as well.
    I just thought I'd send an encouraging note, you can do this, don't give up, show'em how it's Done Stay determined ! Barb E
  • paulawatkins1974
    paulawatkins1974 Posts: 720 Member
    friend request sent! Congrats on your decision to get healthy!
  • ihad
    ihad Posts: 7,463 Member

    I will second this. Take some time to read through these links and think about how to apply it.
  • juliezum
    juliezum Posts: 92 Member
    Hi Sherry. I've been doing this for a bit with mfp and going to the gym. I started at 275lbs and I know it all can feel a bit daunting. But this site is a great support system and it can offer accountability. Friend request sent. Good luck! :smile:
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    I was devastated when the scale hit 302 pounds, so I know how you are feeling. After just about a year I'm down to 196.6. Fifty pounds to go, but I think I can do it if I just stick with it...and so can you. Best of luck finding what works for you ad sticking with it. Please let me know if I can help somehow.

  • mdscarrott
    mdscarrott Posts: 2
    Hi Sherry - I had a similar moment of realisation when I hit a certain point and had to just say - that's enough. MFP has been a great help - education about food and calories has been the key for me, opening my eyes up to just how good/bad each 'treat' I allow myself is.

    I would also recommend a FitBit device - I have the flex and it is a great reminder to get up and do something, park a bit further from where I am going and generally walk a bit more. Makes a massive distance and having the ability to check my activity for the day helps me to make better informed decisions.

    Good luck, this is a good community who are always here to help and provide support.
  • RavenLibra
    RavenLibra Posts: 1,737 Member
    welcome and good luck... read, read, read.. and be patient... and forgive yourself... this is not a diet.. it's a change in your lifestyle... and these changes take time and effort... a bad day is not failure.. it's a bad day... there are plenty of good days ahead... Best of Luck
  • chaemd
    chaemd Posts: 38 Member
    Sherry, you've come to the right place. As you can see, these people are sooooo supportive and they really want to help. I love this site!:heart:
  • chaemd
    chaemd Posts: 38 Member
    I started at 298 in January. The first couple of months were easy. It as been a little more difficult as time goes by. I am now at 259. Add me as a friend.

    Good for you on your progress! I bet you will be an awesome support for Sherry.
  • chaemd
    chaemd Posts: 38 Member
    Congrats on your first step. You can do it! I've lost 92 lbs and am 54 yrs old. Feel free to add me.

    Woo Hoo! That's fabulous - you go, Girl!
  • aprilmarie80
    Welcome! You will love it! Congrats!
  • pjarellano
    pjarellano Posts: 18
    Yay You! I am proud of you. Biggest and Thank God the easiest thing you can do. Change Carbonated Drinks to Water or Crystal Light type drinks. If you have been drinking a lot of caffeine, tea might be in order. Nothing with carbonation! Not carbonated water, soda I mean nothing. The problem is the carbonation is filling your stomach with gases. Which in turn stretches your stomach like a balloon. And p.s. ditch the straw. As you are sucking air through them as well.
    Shop the walls in the food stores. This is where the actual food is. You know meat, fruit veggies. Processed food is everything in the isle. And remember you are the example your kids will ultimately follow. Eat and exercise as if they are watching your every move. Don't let a day go by without coming here. Writing in a journal or at least stopping by a mirror and reminding yourself. You are worth today. Remind yourself it is o.k. to say no. So you might offend someone for not eating the cake they made. They will get over it! Did you know it is something like 90% of obese people have a hard time saying no to anyone. The reason why is different for everyone. But we tend to put off our exercise, because someone "needs" us to do something. Or eat something we don't want to because someone really wants us to go have ice cream. It is o.k. to say I really can't. And let people know "I am not around from (enter your exercise time here)" Also check to see if your insurance covers therapy, obese is usually hiding a cause. If not journal all you can. It is a good way to check back with yourself. This can be the hardest but most important part of loosing and keeping weight off. I know you can do this!
    I have been fighting for a long time. With therapy and a doctor that is on top of my health. But mostly a every day accountability to me. I have lost 30lbs. Set small goals to start. Try by saying I will only eat if I am hungry and I will stop when I am not hungry. That is way different then eating until your full.
  • _EndGame_
    _EndGame_ Posts: 770 Member
    Good for you, Sherry.

    I was where you are a year ago, only I weighed 404lbs! Now I'm down to around 275lbs, with 5 days away from my anniversary.

    Once you get into the swing of things, I would like to suggest you take up swimming (assuming you live to near to or have access to a pool) it has been instrumental in my weight loss and overall health!

    Good luck and feel free to add me!