Valentines Challenge! Starts 1/1/2011!



  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,544 Member
    Hey ya'll , my normal weigh in day is Sunday so I will post then how I have done. so far it's not looking good but even though I have been under calories, they haven't been the best calories (can you say baby back ribs????). Good luck tomorrow everybody!
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    I'm in.
    Thanks for starting the tread and keeping it near the top.

    Good luck!
  • 77Lola
    77Lola Posts: 37
    We are weighing in on Fridays. I have been peeking though....soooo excited and pleased with what a little exercise and food accountability can do :)

    Me too!! I can't go all week without weighing!! I'm happy too!!
  • lemmyhead
    lemmyhead Posts: 116 Member
    Well, in my part of the's Friday! I have been dreading it...and peeking...and then got a pleasant surprise this morning! I have lost 2 pounds! I thought I was barely going to lose 1! So today I am 151.

    I've learnt a lot this week! I think my body has been in starvation mode, and I think I make healthy choices, but often they're not as good as I think! Next weeks mini goal for me is to plan and make better choices with my food!

    I also learnt that when I work at home all day, my water intake is great! But when I actually go to work, it is a real struggle to keep it up. Something else for me to work on this week, as I will be back to my normal hours at work from Tuesday onwards.

    And on that note...I'm off to work! Good luck everyone!
  • shreddin_mama
    shreddin_mama Posts: 1,076 Member
    I'm looking forward to weighing in too. the beginning of a new year has motivated me
  • I am so proud of how much I increased my water intake. Replaced all the soda I would normally drink with water. I feel great, too. Way more energy! Really looking forward to the weigh in tomorrow. I feel so much more motivated with all this extra energy.
  • FitWithMae
    FitWithMae Posts: 68 Member
    Our first weigh in is coming up in a couple of days. Is everyone ready???

    Iam thinking no gain but no loss for me :(

    What day are we weighing in?

    Friday so tomorrow
  • count me in...does any one know how to do points here ?
  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,516 Member
    I guess today is weigh in day. My starting weight was 169.6, and today I weighed in at 169. The number on the scale certainly doesn't reflect how hard I've worked this week (up at 5:15 every morning to work out) and I have been pretty good about tracking and staying within my calories despite having company all week. I think that my downfall was going out to dinner for my husband's birthday last night. I was good on portion control, but it is hard to control how much bloating salt they put in the food! Guess we should have delayed it a day! Oh well--hopefully I'll see a big loss next week!
  • esorcel
    esorcel Posts: 459 Member
    I weigh 151 today! I am one pound less from my starting weight.
  • histex
    histex Posts: 16
    I lost 1lb this week. I can't complain, at least I didn't gain. I really tried to focus on eating breakfast and making good food choices the first week, which I did. This week I plan to keep up the food choices and add more exercise. I hope you all had a great week and look forward to an even better one this time around.
  • coronalime
    coronalime Posts: 583 Member
    weight was 159 today 153 net total 6 pds.
  • histex
    histex Posts: 16
    weight was 159 today 153 net total 6 pds.

    Great job!!!
  • cataclysm
    cataclysm Posts: 109
    1lb loss for me!

    216.8 to 215.8

    Not bad considering I ate so much crap! :)
  • amandal15
    amandal15 Posts: 108 Member
    Start weight was 144, today's weight 142! 2 pounds lost...8 pounds to go!!!
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    5 lbs for me. This is my first weel with MFP. I'm hooked.
  • I'm in! I need something to kick start me after the holidays. I was doing pretty good there for a while. I've hit a plateau so I'm getting discouraged. My goal is lose 5 pounds since I've started late.

    SW: 164
    CW: 154
    1st mini goal: 153 by 1/14/11
    2nd mini goal: 151 by 1/28/11
    3rd mini goal: 150 by 2/411
    4th mini goal: 149 by 2/14/11
    GW: 140
  • start weight 168
    current weight 165 lost 3 llbs:laugh:
  • Starting weight 174lbs
    Now at 171lbs!

    I'm doing it!!!!
  • melkneec
    melkneec Posts: 309 Member
    Weigh in!! I was so nervous this morning! But I did it!! 3lbs down!!

    Starting weight 12/31/10 - 233
    Jan 7: 230.0

    :) Only 12 more to go!!

    Congrats everyone!!!!
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