What YOU should know about GLUTEN SENSITIVITY



  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member

    Thank u for keeping up:flowerforyou:
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member

    Thank u for keeping up:flowerforyou:

    I saw you posted and was hopeful you had locked this thread.


    Oh well...

  • is there a rule i'm not aware of as to the length of threads or are you just being "funny" about this?
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member

    and like i said before, science backs my argument and lately its becoming comic fodder (watch jimmy kimmel's glutten free skit)

    When your argument seems to consist of "gluten sensitivity doesn't exist because all gluten sensitive people are buttholes when they order in restaurants" then even I am failing to see the science supporting that.

  • and like i said before, science backs my argument and lately its becoming comic fodder (watch jimmy kimmel's glutten free skit)

    When your argument seems to consist of "gluten sensitivity doesn't exist because all gluten sensitive people are buttholes when they order in restaurants" then even I am failing to see the science supporting that.

    one of the articles i posted (the huffington post) i think references the study you initially posted, plus take into account the rate at which the GF market is growing (which said video is in that same huffpost link)

    the there is the link i posted from the telegraph that goes more into detail why this GF trend is a fad that takes advantage of people

    don't just read the article read the responses especially by those who disagree with the articles and you will see that GF people (not including celiacs) are jerks

    i know its weird for me to call anybody or any group of people jerks but if i have to be a jerk to call somebody or a group of people out, so be it

    thats 2 links i posted, one citing a scientific study, the other citing how much of a scam it is based on the size of the population with the actual medical need instead of faking it to feel special and a video by a noted food journalist on huffpost live basically agreeing with me as to why these people are @$$holes (he won't say that but i will for the sake of argument)

    you may call me a rabid dog but i'm not so crazy afterall

    (and if you're wondering why i'm still responding, i'm at home stuck with the flu and i can't get to sleep hahahaha)
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    is there a rule i'm not aware of as to the length of threads or are you just being "funny" about this?

    Something special happens in 34 posts...

    ...well, now 33.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member

    and like i said before, science backs my argument and lately its becoming comic fodder (watch jimmy kimmel's glutten free skit)

    When your argument seems to consist of "gluten sensitivity doesn't exist because all gluten sensitive people are buttholes when they order in restaurants" then even I am failing to see the science supporting that.

    one of the articles i posted (the huffington post) i think references the study you initially posted, plus take into account the rate at which the GF market is growing (which said video is in that same huffpost link)

    the there is the link i posted from the telegraph that goes more into detail why this GF trend is a fad that takes advantage of people

    don't just read the article read the responses especially by those who disagree with the articles and you will see that GF people (not including celiacs) are jerks

    i know its weird for me to call anybody or any group of people jerks but if i have to be a jerk to call somebody or a group of people out, so be it

    thats 2 links i posted, one citing a scientific study, the other citing how much of a scam it is based on the size of the population with the actual medical need instead of faking it to feel special and a video by a noted food journalist on huffpost live basically agreeing with me as to why these people are @$$holes (he won't say that but i will for the sake of argument)

    you may call me a rabid dog but i'm not so crazy afterall

    (and if you're wondering why i'm still responding, i'm at home stuck with the flu and i can't get to sleep hahahaha)

    What I want to know (as, like Jof, I wait for this godforsaken thread to roll off my topics) is what your reaction would have been if the study had gone the other way.

    For most of us here, we would have accepted the results of the study either way assuming that the design was equally strong. I'm betting you would not have done so.

  • and like i said before, science backs my argument and lately its becoming comic fodder (watch jimmy kimmel's glutten free skit)

    When your argument seems to consist of "gluten sensitivity doesn't exist because all gluten sensitive people are buttholes when they order in restaurants" then even I am failing to see the science supporting that.

    one of the articles i posted (the huffington post) i think references the study you initially posted, plus take into account the rate at which the GF market is growing (which said video is in that same huffpost link)

    the there is the link i posted from the telegraph that goes more into detail why this GF trend is a fad that takes advantage of people

    don't just read the article read the responses especially by those who disagree with the articles and you will see that GF people (not including celiacs) are jerks

    i know its weird for me to call anybody or any group of people jerks but if i have to be a jerk to call somebody or a group of people out, so be it

    thats 2 links i posted, one citing a scientific study, the other citing how much of a scam it is based on the size of the population with the actual medical need instead of faking it to feel special and a video by a noted food journalist on huffpost live basically agreeing with me as to why these people are @$$holes (he won't say that but i will for the sake of argument)

    you may call me a rabid dog but i'm not so crazy afterall

    (and if you're wondering why i'm still responding, i'm at home stuck with the flu and i can't get to sleep hahahaha)

    What I want to know (as, like Jof, I wait for this godforsaken thread to roll off my topics) is what your reaction would have been if the study had gone the other way.

    For most of us here, we would have accepted the results of the study either way assuming that the design was equally strong. I'm betting you would not have done so.

    if the study had shown that gluten sensitivity does exist then in my line of work it is something that i would have to pay close attention to, afterall it is my job to feed people and if the study had gone the other way it would have provided a bigger awareness as to what extra steps can be taken to ensure the possibility of cross contamination is even more greatly reduced, and i would be much more open to adapting other cooking techniques to be more friendly to people with gluten sensitivity (i.e the use of aggar aggar, guar gum, carageenan etc etc) and how i can apply said techniques as to be more welcoming to GF people, seeing as gluten sensitivity is proving to be more of hoax then i won't have to, i'm open to changing my mind if there are facts and science to back up that claim, looking at the science and the growth of the GF market and its clear its all a scam, a fad, a trend and a lie so people can throw away their money and end up being mindless sheep

    if future studies show i am wrong as it stands now then i am wrong and i adapt to whatever scientific data shows, but seeing that i'm right my current views on food and how it relates to GF people hasn't really changed and won't change, the only difference is i am willing to voice my opinion while many on this thread still coddle these people when in reality they should be told to snap out of it and to research the low FODMAP diet for the sake of their own health and to quit being a pain in the *kitten* in general (but most for the sake of their own health)

    all in all if the study would have gone the other way i wouldn't hesitate to make the soup de jour gluten free, but seeing that the study proves long held beliefs i've had about these people then i'll keep thickening my soups with bread or roux, if the GF people don't like it, tough crap on them they can order something else, i'm not going to degrade food quality based on somebody's fake medical diagnosis that is stuck in their head

    instead of coddling these people they should be called out on their b/s and pointed in the right direction for their sake
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    is there a rule i'm not aware of as to the length of threads or are you just being "funny" about this?

    Something special happens in 34 posts...

    ...well, now 33.

    30 now

    Another thread with some interesting back and forth with some reasonable people pushing towards the middle has been completely hijacked. SOP on MFP
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    research the low FODMAP diet for the sake of their own health and to quit being a pain in the *kitten* in general (but most for the sake of their own health)

    all in all if the study would have gone the other way i wouldn't hesitate to make the soup de jour gluten free, but seeing that the study proves long held beliefs i've had about these people then i'll keep thickening my soups with bread or roux, if the GF people don't like it, tough crap on them they can order something else, i'm not going to degrade food quality based on somebody's fake medical diagnosis that is stuck in their head

    instead of coddling these people they should be called out on their b/s and pointed in the right direction for their sake

    I say with all sincerity that I hope you get your wish and people begin commanding your servers to ensure their food is in line with low FODMAP protocol. :flowerforyou:

    I don't think there is any reason you should degrade your food quality for people, gluten sensitivity being legit or not. People will go where they find food they can eat. All the restaurants I go to (by choice) are chosen ahead of time for having a selection I can eat, and when someone else chooses, I know I can get a salad worst case scenario. It's not the restaurant's fault that I don't eat what's on their menu. :huh:
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member

    as for vegetarians and vegans i'll refer you to anthony bourdain's kitchen confidential, its a great book (i think its on amazon's list of "must read" books) and something that is quite common in my line of work

    The fact you look down on people for their own ethical choices guarantees I won't be reading anything you recommend, in fear of catching something.

    thats fine but i think the topic was gluten sensitivity and whether it exists or whether its a bunch of b/s, i'm afraid i went off topic for a bit but i don't expect you to understand, and if reading anthony bourdain's work means you'll catch something that by all means read as much of his stuff as you can

    its clear you don't know who he is but i assure you he's quite famous and for a good reason

    As someone with celiacs who has worked for years as both a chef and baker, I fully understand the frustrations of both dietary restrictions AND catering for them. However, if someone is willing to pay, I am willing to accommodate. I particularly enjoy having a job, which I can only have if customers return because they're treated well. And yes, I know Anthony Bourdain is. I recommend not making assumptions around here, it only makes you look foolish.

    then i'm surprised you feel that way and you working the pastry side should understand how much b/s this gluten sensitivity is (you're a celiac so your medical needs are legitimate)

    one more thing to add about this GF trend, when is more research going to be done as to the health effects of GF alternatives and whether they are good for you or not, if you can point me to that direction i'd love to read it, just because i feel and think this way now doesn't mean i can't change my view point of there is scientific proof to show otherwise

    my viewpoint isn't set in stone, but as the science is showing now the vast majority of this GF stuff is bologna to begin with, i'm sure research in the future may make a believer out of me but based on what science tells me now its kind of hard to play ball with this GF trend

    and as far as accomodating their requests i've worked in places where policy is to accomodate every request and also in places where no special requests are to be\considered unless its a health concern (i.e allergy) or if its a religious dietary rule (i.e halal or kosher), its all relative to where you work/dine


  • as for vegetarians and vegans i'll refer you to anthony bourdain's kitchen confidential, its a great book (i think its on amazon's list of "must read" books) and something that is quite common in my line of work

    The fact you look down on people for their own ethical choices guarantees I won't be reading anything you recommend, in fear of catching something.

    thats fine but i think the topic was gluten sensitivity and whether it exists or whether its a bunch of b/s, i'm afraid i went off topic for a bit but i don't expect you to understand, and if reading anthony bourdain's work means you'll catch something that by all means read as much of his stuff as you can

    its clear you don't know who he is but i assure you he's quite famous and for a good reason

    As someone with celiacs who has worked for years as both a chef and baker, I fully understand the frustrations of both dietary restrictions AND catering for them. However, if someone is willing to pay, I am willing to accommodate. I particularly enjoy having a job, which I can only have if customers return because they're treated well. And yes, I know Anthony Bourdain is. I recommend not making assumptions around here, it only makes you look foolish.

    then i'm surprised you feel that way and you working the pastry side should understand how much b/s this gluten sensitivity is (you're a celiac so your medical needs are legitimate)

    one more thing to add about this GF trend, when is more research going to be done as to the health effects of GF alternatives and whether they are good for you or not, if you can point me to that direction i'd love to read it, just because i feel and think this way now doesn't mean i can't change my view point of there is scientific proof to show otherwise

    my viewpoint isn't set in stone, but as the science is showing now the vast majority of this GF stuff is bologna to begin with, i'm sure research in the future may make a believer out of me but based on what science tells me now its kind of hard to play ball with this GF trend

    and as far as accomodating their requests i've worked in places where policy is to accomodate every request and also in places where no special requests are to be\considered unless its a health concern (i.e allergy) or if its a religious dietary rule (i.e halal or kosher), its all relative to where you work/dine


    cute, use of memes shows lack of brain cells at work, where did you learn that by the way, but please keep it up, i'm not the one who all of a sudden grew stupider and people agree with me, if you don't like that, have a coke, a smile and just shut up
  • amywise10
    amywise10 Posts: 33 Member
    What happens at 500 posts? Is the thread locked or something?

    I have enjoyed reading through all the comments, watching everyone call everyone else stupid per usual.

    I have three friends/family members who eat GF, and so far I haven't seen any of them cause problems at restaurants. They tend to stick to what I'm going to call "safe foods", and order the same stuff when we go out. No hassling waiters or asking what the pastas are made with, etc.

    I still don't understand why so many people have a problem with someone else choosing to eliminate something from his/her diet.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    What happens at 500 posts? Is the thread locked or something?

    I have enjoyed reading through all the comments, watching everyone call everyone else stupid per usual.

    I have three friends/family members who eat GF, and so far I haven't seen any of them cause problems at restaurants. They tend to stick to what I'm going to call "safe foods", and order the same stuff when we go out. No hassling waiters or asking what the pastas are made with, etc.

    I still don't understand why so many people have a problem with someone else choosing to eliminate something from his/her diet.

    At 500 posts it 'rolls'. This one gets locked and a new one started. The new one will not show up in your news feed unless you post to it.
  • What happens at 500 posts? Is the thread locked or something?

    I have enjoyed reading through all the comments, watching everyone call everyone else stupid per usual.

    I have three friends/family members who eat GF, and so far I haven't seen any of them cause problems at restaurants. They tend to stick to what I'm going to call "safe foods", and order the same stuff when we go out. No hassling waiters or asking what the pastas are made with, etc.

    I still don't understand why so many people have a problem with someone else choosing to eliminate something from his/her diet.

    dont know what happens at 500 posts but its me against everybody else on this thread, its me calling everybody else stupid and they simple return the favor lol

    the issue for me is how the growth of the GF industry doesn't match up with the population of people who actually suffer from celiacs disease, and i think i'm the only one with enough balls to call out GF as a fad and a lie while everybody else here seems to believe everything they are told about the subject regardless of what the science says about it

    other issues are at hand how recent scientific evidence points to a carb being the culprit not the actual gluten itself but be careful not to call it out, people here don't like it when you call gluten sensitivity/tolerance into question, its the equivalent of racial slurs in this thread lol
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    What happens at 500 posts? Is the thread locked or something?

    I have enjoyed reading through all the comments, watching everyone call everyone else stupid per usual.

    I have three friends/family members who eat GF, and so far I haven't seen any of them cause problems at restaurants. They tend to stick to what I'm going to call "safe foods", and order the same stuff when we go out. No hassling waiters or asking what the pastas are made with, etc.

    I still don't understand why so many people have a problem with someone else choosing to eliminate something from his/her diet.

    23 . . .

  • What happens at 500 posts? Is the thread locked or something?

    I have enjoyed reading through all the comments, watching everyone call everyone else stupid per usual.

    I have three friends/family members who eat GF, and so far I haven't seen any of them cause problems at restaurants. They tend to stick to what I'm going to call "safe foods", and order the same stuff when we go out. No hassling waiters or asking what the pastas are made with, etc.

    I still don't understand why so many people have a problem with someone else choosing to eliminate something from his/her diet.

    24 . . .
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member

    as for vegetarians and vegans i'll refer you to anthony bourdain's kitchen confidential, its a great book (i think its on amazon's list of "must read" books) and something that is quite common in my line of work

    The fact you look down on people for their own ethical choices guarantees I won't be reading anything you recommend, in fear of catching something.

    thats fine but i think the topic was gluten sensitivity and whether it exists or whether its a bunch of b/s, i'm afraid i went off topic for a bit but i don't expect you to understand, and if reading anthony bourdain's work means you'll catch something that by all means read as much of his stuff as you can

    its clear you don't know who he is but i assure you he's quite famous and for a good reason

    As someone with celiacs who has worked for years as both a chef and baker, I fully understand the frustrations of both dietary restrictions AND catering for them. However, if someone is willing to pay, I am willing to accommodate. I particularly enjoy having a job, which I can only have if customers return because they're treated well. And yes, I know Anthony Bourdain is. I recommend not making assumptions around here, it only makes you look foolish.

    then i'm surprised you feel that way and you working the pastry side should understand how much b/s this gluten sensitivity is (you're a celiac so your medical needs are legitimate)

    one more thing to add about this GF trend, when is more research going to be done as to the health effects of GF alternatives and whether they are good for you or not, if you can point me to that direction i'd love to read it, just because i feel and think this way now doesn't mean i can't change my view point of there is scientific proof to show otherwise

    my viewpoint isn't set in stone, but as the science is showing now the vast majority of this GF stuff is bologna to begin with, i'm sure research in the future may make a believer out of me but based on what science tells me now its kind of hard to play ball with this GF trend

    and as far as accomodating their requests i've worked in places where policy is to accomodate every request and also in places where no special requests are to be\considered unless its a health concern (i.e allergy) or if its a religious dietary rule (i.e halal or kosher), its all relative to where you work/dine


    cute, use of memes shows lack of brain cells at work, where did you learn that by the way, but please keep it up, i'm not the one who all of a sudden grew stupider and people agree with me, if you don't like that, have a coke, a smile and just shut up

    I've had that meme saved for the perfect occasion. This was it.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    What happens at 500 posts? Is the thread locked or something?

    I have enjoyed reading through all the comments, watching everyone call everyone else stupid per usual.

    I have three friends/family members who eat GF, and so far I haven't seen any of them cause problems at restaurants. They tend to stick to what I'm going to call "safe foods", and order the same stuff when we go out. No hassling waiters or asking what the pastas are made with, etc.

    I still don't understand why so many people have a problem with someone else choosing to eliminate something from his/her diet.

    24 . . .


  • as for vegetarians and vegans i'll refer you to anthony bourdain's kitchen confidential, its a great book (i think its on amazon's list of "must read" books) and something that is quite common in my line of work

    The fact you look down on people for their own ethical choices guarantees I won't be reading anything you recommend, in fear of catching something.

    thats fine but i think the topic was gluten sensitivity and whether it exists or whether its a bunch of b/s, i'm afraid i went off topic for a bit but i don't expect you to understand, and if reading anthony bourdain's work means you'll catch something that by all means read as much of his stuff as you can

    its clear you don't know who he is but i assure you he's quite famous and for a good reason

    As someone with celiacs who has worked for years as both a chef and baker, I fully understand the frustrations of both dietary restrictions AND catering for them. However, if someone is willing to pay, I am willing to accommodate. I particularly enjoy having a job, which I can only have if customers return because they're treated well. And yes, I know Anthony Bourdain is. I recommend not making assumptions around here, it only makes you look foolish.

    then i'm surprised you feel that way and you working the pastry side should understand how much b/s this gluten sensitivity is (you're a celiac so your medical needs are legitimate)

    one more thing to add about this GF trend, when is more research going to be done as to the health effects of GF alternatives and whether they are good for you or not, if you can point me to that direction i'd love to read it, just because i feel and think this way now doesn't mean i can't change my view point of there is scientific proof to show otherwise

    my viewpoint isn't set in stone, but as the science is showing now the vast majority of this GF stuff is bologna to begin with, i'm sure research in the future may make a believer out of me but based on what science tells me now its kind of hard to play ball with this GF trend

    and as far as accomodating their requests i've worked in places where policy is to accomodate every request and also in places where no special requests are to be\considered unless its a health concern (i.e allergy) or if its a religious dietary rule (i.e halal or kosher), its all relative to where you work/dine


    cute, use of memes shows lack of brain cells at work, where did you learn that by the way, but please keep it up, i'm not the one who all of a sudden grew stupider and people agree with me, if you don't like that, have a coke, a smile and just shut up

    I've had that meme saved for the perfect occasion. This was it.

    well aren't you special then, if you're going to insult me at least make a worthy effort to offend me, thats the insulting equivalent of a sand flavored lollipop, both being quite useless, much like your thoughts on the matter so lets speed this up
