
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,695 Member
    Patty – how great you are meeting your neighbors – I live alone too and love that I know most of my neighbors; I feel like it adds a level of security.

    Heather - I think I need to try doing pasta with you and hubby!

    Katla - it is amazing the is as much hunger in america as there is; and amazing that there is so little understanding of it... Although I think that there is a group of folks who get it better since the economic down turn and they were closer to it themselves....

    Carol - glad the work in the house is going well - even if it is a bit of upheaval. Glad your DD is doing so well.

    well off to garden - wear off some calories and earn some $$

    Smiles Kim
    N. California
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Today's joke of the day:

    A suggestion from a Human Resources Manager:


    1. Put 400 bricks in a closed room.

    2. Put your new hires in the room and close the door.

    3. Leave them alone and come back after 6 hours.

    4. Then analyze the situation:

    a. If they are counting the bricks, put them in the Accounting Department.

    b. If they are recounting them, put them in Auditing.

    c. If they have messed up the whole place with the bricks, put them in Engineering.

    d. If they are arranging the bricks in some strange order, put them in Planning.

    e. If they are throwing the bricks at each other, put them in Operations.

    f. If they are sleeping, put them in Security.

    g. If they have broken the bricks into pieces, put them in Information Technology.

    h. If they are sitting idle, put them in Human Resources.

    i. If they say they have tried different combinations, they are looking for more, yet not a brick has been moved, put them in Sales.

    j. If they have already left for the day, put them in Management.

    k. If they are staring out of the window, put them in Strategic Planning.

    l. If they are talking to each other, and not a single brick has been moved, congratulate them and put them in Top Management.

    m. Finally, if they have surrounded themselves with bricks in such a way that they can neither be seen nor heard from, put them in congress.

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Good morning!!
    Rain is suppose to come in.Violet,has other plans after school-pool.
    Think gram is gonna get a lot of pool time this year.
    Hugs to all.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :flowerforyou: Jake likes to barbecue on holidays so he bought a small steak for himself and I made a turkey burger for myself…..we grilled them on the new George Forman electric grill along with corn on the cob. We cooked indoors because it was drizzling outside. I made spinach in the microwave and we found out that we can’t use the grill in the kitchen and the microwave at the same time because it overloaded the breaker. After lunch we all took a nap.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: The weather here has been so pleasant----just the right temperature and lots of good spring smells and thing growing that the dogs can sniff and nibble and lot of birds running and flying about. The first signs of light in the sky begin at 4 AM and the dogs have been eager to walk. For the last four days I’ve had no morning commitments so I have been able to walk the dogs almost as long as they wanted. That meant 60 minutes for Sasha and 10 minutes for Brandy before breakfast and a little more than an hour for each dog after breakfast. Today I had over 17,000 steps on my pedometer by the time I got home at 8:15 for my morning conversation with Jake.

    :bigsmile: Robin, I am so glad Bodi is home even with the challenges of keeping him from being too active.

    :flowerforyou: Kim, I remember getting together with a group of friends who hadn’t’ seen me in ages and even though I’d lost 60 pounds, the only thing anyone said was “are you wearing your hair different?” I have a lot of guesses about why no one said anything, but then I realized that I’d lost weight for my own health and happiness and not to impress anyone else.

    :flowerforyou: Vicki in Nebraska, sorry to hear about your glasses and that your trip to Omaha didn’t turn out……yes, you need a passport to go to Canada……when I renewed mine last year it cost $110.00 plus the cost of the photos (about $6.00 at Costco) plus postage ($5.60 for Priority Mail). In Washington you can get an enhanced drivers’ license to travel to Canada that’s not so expensive but it can’t be used to travel to Canada by air.

    :heart: Pat in Ohio…..best wishes for your DH and his health challenge

    :bigsmile: Katla, how great that your boat adventure was a success for both of you

    :bigsmile: Sylvia, congrats to you for getting rid of your “too big” clothes. I cried when I did that with mine and for a long time I had a wardrobe that probably could have fit into a suitcase……now I have a few more clothes but they are all in smaller sizes….I love the story about your new jammies and your hubby singing “Send in the Clowns”…..he seems like a great guy

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington

    “If it’s important to you then you will find a way, if it’s not you’ll find an excuse.”

    It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop. ~Confucius
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 540 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I hope you had a nice holiday weekend. We are still getting much needed rain. :smile: I am so thankful for it!

    Sylvia, I worked in Human Resources for over 30 years. I LOVED your joke. :laugh: It reminded me of the joys of hiring!

    I hope Bodi is getting better.

    Hubby and I will be out of town for a few days. We are seeing Derek and Julianne Hough's show. We are taking our little old pug girl. She is getting to be so slow and confused. Not looking forward to travel with her but we can't board her or leave her with anyone because she needs so much care. Hubby is the main caregiver, but I still worry about her. It is hard to watch our pets age.

    I hope you all have a good week. I'm not sure I will get to log in much while we are gone. I will be watching portions but don't plan to try to figure out calories. I will be back at it on Sunday.

    Best wishes to all of you,

    Cindy in OK
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Charlie's tooth is out, we survived getting up that early. Our dentist office had called us with the appointment with the oral surgeon and they said 7:30. I was looking at the website to see exactly where it was and was reading some of the other info there and they said for new patients to get there 30 minutes early. So for a 7:30 appointment we get there at 7:00! So we get there. walk up to the door and it's locked, hours says office hours 8 AM. Say what?????? So the office had told him to get there at 7:30 because the actual appointment was at 8. The site hurts more now than it has ever and eh called the office and the doctor says it's because of the infection still in there. Didn't understand it but he is feeling better as the day has gone by. He is looking forward to having a milkshake tonight.

    Sylvia I was once a clown. Our church went to a clown clinic to start a clown ministry at our church. I was never to good at the make up part but had a face I tried to make sure I painted on the same each time.My childhood name was Joycie for Joyce. My brothers couldn't say that so they called me Doydie. So I had as my clown name Noydie, a combination of Doydie and naughty. I was the mischevious clown, never bad but liked to play tricks, had things up my sleeve. And with my costume literally had tings up my sleeves. We did things for church picnics, bible school events, etc. It was fun. Nursing homes love for groups like that and just say hi and interact with the patients. I put my costume together from Goodwill and yard sale finds.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,866 Member
    Good Morning ladies. We broke down last evening and turned the AC on. Sure slept better. Did alot of motorcycle riding the last 3 days and do think I am doing better. DH is ordering a new seat and that should help as the passager seat on there now has very little padding and is small. Weigh in this morning was good as down 4 pounds, been drinking alot of water and working in the yard.

    Michele--you are alot like me, I get myself all worked up when I know company is coming. I want everything to be perfect. I hope you are having a good visit.

    Cindy--welcome and keep coming back. I am still learning and the support here is great.

    Joyce--glad your sister and you will be able to enjoy shopping again. I know before I lost weight I would have to use the power chairs if I went shopping. Most the time I would just stay in the car and let DH shop.

    Pat--prayers for DH and you. Sure hope they figure out what is going on. Men sometimes they think it will just go away if they ignore it. Do take care of you at this time also.

    Sylvia--congrates on getting the closet cleaned out. First time I did it was near panick as afraid I would gain back and have nothing to wear. Now that I have my fitbit to wear I gave my last two big pairs of pants to the lady at work. I kept wearing them for the pockets as carried my pedometer. Sounds like DH makes you happy. I know laughing is important and I am trying to relax and enjoy more and not be so uptight.

    Patty--I have lived in my house for 11 years this month and for awhile I knew all the people in our block and we would visit back and forth. But then people started moving and new ones are busy and don't say Hi. We try and welcome each one when they moved in with cookies or a pizza. Still have three house that we watch out for each other and exchange Hi's. Sure not like the old days when neighbors were friendly. I sure miss it.

    Joyce--sounds like you were a fun clown.

    It is sure warming up outside. I do think summer has arrived. Take care ladies and enjoy your day.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hello to all. I survived my book writing marathon. I literally spent every minute up til 12 today at the computer; my family was actually feeding and watering me at the computer. The only thing I have done since Friday besides write was lunch with DD#1. But I got it done and turned in on time. Next time I will assess the project better so I don't get caught off guard again.

    DD#1 has now decided (for the moment) that she wants to keep the baby and go on welfare. Fabulous. She doesn't see anything wrong with this plan. I asked her what she could do for a career without an education and she doesn't know. I just had to say she will never be able to get a better paying job without education, so does she plan to be on welfare for the rest of her life? Yes, of course she does. She cant get into college other than the local community college and she already quit because they won't let her out of the ESL classes. She thinks they're stupid and doesn't understand how bad her English really is. She also has no idea where "welfare" comes from...she thinks the government just mysteriously has money. At least the BF is trying to get her to adopt. supposedly she has an appointment with the adoption agency tonight. I doubt it though...she first said it was Sunday and now it's a 8 tonight at some Starbucks because the agency is actually closed at 6.

    Very confusing because she keeps texting DH about being mad she can't keep the baby. OMG

    Bodi...a late welcome home. So glad you are back where you belong. Be a good puppy patient and let Ritter do all your running around for you for now, Benny Beagle sends his best.

    Welcome new ladies and come back often!

    Hugs and high fives all around. I do NOT plan to be this busy every again! Take care Meg from Omaha where the sun is shining!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    So another mom story.My sister called at 530 to call her and her phone is busy.Guess she does`t want to talk to anyone.
    Had a nice time with Violet at the pool.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Very strange thing happened to me today. This morning, I finally took my big clothes to the Salvation Army and they were very happy to get them. The manager said they were collecting clothing for a family who lost their home to a fire over the weekend. A single mother and three kids. They had clothes for the kids, but none for the mom, who is large. I said do you know what size she wears? They said 24-26 pants. I said that every one of those pants are 24-26. It was spooky. I had chills go up my spine! Why those clothes sat there for a year and I FINALLY decided to take them in on the very day they were needed so badly. It took two grocery carts to haul all those clothes inside. Funny how things work out. I should start listening to the local news. I hadn't even heard about that fire.

    I called my doctors office and got a referral to a cardiologist in Joplin. My appointment is June 24th. Not sure what to do in the meantime, but today my BP was a little better. Bottom number was 71, so that's not too bad.

    I made baby back ribs in the crock pot for supper tonight, and they were really good, but so tender they just fell off the bone. I cooked them on high for 4 hours, then put the sauce on and baked them in the oven for 30 minutes or so. Hubby's had regular bbq sauce and mine had my homemade low-salt sauce. Yummy.

    Meg, your daughter sounds very confused. I'm sorry you have had so much stress over it.

    Vicki, 4 pounds! Yay!

    Joyce, your career as a clown sounds like fun.

    Good night everybody.

  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    It is a terrific Tuesday, hope yours was grand too!

    Kim, Sylvia, - sorry, we do take our royals seriously, but at times we must also be lighthearted about them! Especially when Charles puts his royal foot in it! As we say, “Betty was probably on the blower” about that gaffe about Russia. Just like his father, that one.

    Thanks for the welcome back Vicki, it has been a long while…and I missed being here! I have to say, it is harder to keep up with the posts though, there are so many wonderful correspondents now! But it is summer, so I have more time.

    Cindidrama, how wonderful you found this topic…and while I have just returned, I can attest to the strength of this group from past experience. You will find the support you need here!

    Cityjane, - I love watercress, and it is harder and harder to find here in Ontario (Can). I made a wonderful salad with it in Feb, and was hit of the dinnerparty –
    So I am very jealous of your easy access.

    I am inspired by Mollywhippet’s great jokes to tell you that my dog,
    also a standard poodle, has let the two baby graddaughters pet him….
    (under my guidance), and I have been surprised by his patience.

    However, there is a catch…..as they crawl along the floor, he walks over them, and drops his toy in front for them to throw….OR, as they are mouthing an arrowroot cookie, he sits up and tries to shake their hands for his piece of biscuit!

    In addition to crawling and walking, I am sure they will soon be trained by the master poodle to respond to his requests to play,,,,fetch the ball and eat the cookie!

    Hope everyone is doing well, we had a hot and humid day, with late thunderstorms,
    No surprise, since this town gets the second most thunderstorms in Canada.

    Fair weather for all!

    BJ, SWOnt....
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Sylvia I would call the cardiologist office and ask to be put on their cancellation list.
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,695 Member
    Sylvia – LOLOLOL – great joke, but do you have a doctor appointment?????:noway: – were you hoping we’d forget? Later – Glad you got a Dr. appt:wink: … almost a month away:grumble: --- Joyce had a good suggestion; a cancel list!!:bigsmile:

    Jane – enjoy the pool – remember your sun screen! :glasses:

    Barbie – glad you had a great weekend - I am amazed that folks did not notice at -60 lbs… I don’t know who I am doing this for, but it is certainly partially to get some positive feedback. :happy:

    Cindy – enjoy your week

    Joyce – Glad Charlie is on the mend, if there is still infection he should be on an antibiotic…

    Meg – congrats on the book - sounds like DD #1 is super confused, here is hoping she sees a better choice.

    Vicki – congrats on releasing 4 lbs.

    BJ – love the poodle story!

    I gardened for 3 1/2 hours today and about 1 1/2 hours were moving dirt, shovel into a bucket, haul, dump repeat. I earned those calories! So I had pasta for dinner! I love pasta and find most of the time the "appropriate" helping is just a tease - so have been saving it for days I have extra - and between gardening and walking I earned over 1,000 extra calories - I'll only eat back some of them -- but fresh (not homemade) butternut squash ravioli - my favorite!

    Well it is quiet here; and I think Levi, me and a glass of ice tea are headed out to watch dusk come on the back patio - I have a family of Barn owls and I love watching them overhead.

    Kim in N. Cal
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Gail, metro ATL
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,695 Member
    Ok I am sorry - I was at a garden tour and my picture got taken - I don't look any thinner - except to me... I changed my profile pic. but to put it here is some thing about a hosting site... I don't know what that is, so will try to find a kid to help me.

    I really thought it would show. :cry:

    Kim in N. Cal

    with help --- here goes!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I made a lot of comments and was getting ready to post them, but made a bad keystroke and lost everything. I only remember one of my comments, and here it is:

    Kim you look lovely in blue! I hope you're doing all of this work to get healthy so you can enjoy your life.:flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    I'll try again tomorrow for those I missed.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Kim, great picture. And you do look happy, who wouldn't with the success you have had.

    I was reading somewhere tonight that most people think that the main things that most people think you have to have to lose weight is diet and exercise. But this person said that there is one more component that some people don't even consider and it is a huge part of the success. It's simple, have a friend. So it looks like we are doing well my friends!!!!

    charlie is still on his antibiotic, I think he has 4 days left. He started it last Thursday. He is feeling better tonight. I offered to make something at home tonight and he said that he would master eating out and still having to eat very gently. I knew that Dennys had some real good broccoli cheddar soup and he wanted a milkshake. Not the most nutritious for a man but it would do. But today ws not broccoli soup day:cry: So he got the chicken noodle and he found it easy to eat. And the chocolate milkshake went very well with it! So he went home happy. I changed up what I usually have and got the grilled chicken crandberry apple salad. I have told him that meal time is such a rut for me. Monday night Hacienda and the only thing I can find on the menu is the shredded beef wet burrito without the enchilda sauce. Chicken is way to salty so it's out plus it is almost unpalatable it is so dry. I've tried the seafood ones and don't like them. But Hacienda has to be every Monday. Wednesday has to be texas Roadhouse for him because he can get an 8 oz sirloin. I can only get the grilled chicken salad keeping off fatty items, Friday is Dennys where he always gets his grillled chicken, big plate of macoroni and cheese and potatos, rolls slathered in utter and strawberry jam. All the other nights are the same places just different nights each week. BORING!!! So at least this week Dennys was on a Tuesday and we both didn't have grilled chicken. I have never been a good cook and the things I did cook were far from healthy.

    OK, my gripe for today is over. I'm looking forward to weighing tomorrow morning,sure hope it shows even a couple of tenths off my weight. It will at least give me a little emotional boost.

    I am hoping that tomorrow morning Charlie doesn't wake p in severe pain. I think the reason he had such severe pain when he woke up form his nap is that he slept flat right after the procedure and there was swelling. After Advil and ice bag for several hours it felt better.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Slargus
    Slargus Posts: 2
    Hi there everyone..I just started today. Was slim all my life, but was a smoker, and when I quit two years ago I gained about 40 lbs! I have tried everything diet wise, and I kayak, walk and use the elliptical machine, but so far nothing has worked to get those pounds off this post- menopausal body! I sure hope I can do this...Any first few days tips for a busy executive with stressful job and apparently stalled metabolism?
  • Slargus
    Slargus Posts: 2
    Hi Karen, I am new too, just started today, have gained and lost the same ten pounds many times the last two years....and have 40 pounds to lose! Maybe we can help each other?
    REENSTATI Posts: 2
    I am just starting as well and would also love to lose 40 pounds, though I really need to lose 50. Motivation is a big problem for me. So I have tried to set a goal. I live overseas, not in North America, but am planning to be in Canada for a family get-together in October. Does anyone believe that's a reasonable target ?