I don't lose weight- scientific miracle?



  • AllyBlue77
    AllyBlue77 Posts: 58
    Nobody here is an MD so you won't get any consistent and accurate advice.

    Um... You do understand that even MDs have inconsistent and inaccurate advice right? You know like Dr. Adkins, Dr. Agatston, and Dr. Joel Fuhrman just to name a few... Very inconsistent and if they're very inconsistent it means at least 2 of 3 are inaccurate.

    An MD is always better than those of us without the proper training.....right?
    You know? like, they go to school for like a lot of years...?

    And yes there are bad MD's and there are good ones..... I didn't mean to upset you by my comment. I just think that an MD will have perhaps more insight into what's going on physically...
    I still stand by what i said before OP needs to go to a medical doctor rather than diet "gurus" who are opinionated and judgmental....(which MD's can also be.... not arguing there)

    There are a variety of reasons why seeing a doctor or a nutritionist makes sense - however, it doesn't negate the value of also seeking complimentary information and education from other. One can do both and use that differential engine we evolved with.

    And even better than any MD is self-awareness. Which the OP is trying to get. While I agree that it is useful for people to seek professional advice, let's not silence the ongoing conversations - proactive caveat emptor.


    i agree, i still think that the number one step is to consult a professional. op seems to be pretty aware of her situation, she's stated she has suffered from an ED and I bet she's heard all of it.
    didn't mean to imply to stop this enlightened thread :-) I just really was trying to reach out to op. not anybody else ( but then again I don't think they're even reading :-)

    Peace :-)
  • AllyBlue77
    AllyBlue77 Posts: 58
    An MD is always better than those of us without the proper training.....right?
    You know? like, they go to school for like a lot of years...?
    When it comes to nutritional advice no. A MD only receives little, if any, formal education on nutrition. The majority of nutritional programs are also funded by the food industry as well.

    I've seen plenty of nutritionist and doctors give some horrendous advice. For example, a doctor once told a woman who was hypoglycemic and pregnant she should be eating Snickers and drinking Gatorade to keep her blood sugar up. That advice is asinine for many reasons. Many nutritionists still caution against fruit intake even though fruit intake has an inverse relationship with both obesity and diabetes.
    And yes there are bad MD's and there are good ones..... I didn't mean to upset you by my comment. I just think that an MD will have perhaps more insight into what's going on physically...
    I still stand by what i said before OP needs to go to a medical doctor rather than diet "gurus" who are opinionated and judgmental....(which MD's can also be.... not arguing there)

    You didn't upset me, I'm just pointing out how absurd your comment was. And my point still stands that MDs give very conflicting, inaccurate advice on nutrition.

    are you implying that OP and or I have no common sense? lol come on get real. sneakers and Gatorade? hell! I heard stories before luckily I was blessed with a brain and I can make the executive decision to change doctors ASAP!! if you read my og post I said there Are many MDs who are reluctant to further test tsh levels so I said go to an Endocrinologist!
  • AllyBlue77
    AllyBlue77 Posts: 58
    are you implying that OP and or I have no common sense? lol come on get real. sneakers and Gatorade? hell! I heard stories before luckily I was blessed with a brain and I can make the executive decision to change doctors ASAP!! if you read my og post I said there Are many MDs who are reluctant to further test tsh levels so I said go to an Endocrinologist!

    In this particular case this is real story but obviously exaggerated illustration of the point. The trouble comes when you have advice that "makes sense" yet isn't scientifically validated. The three doctors I mentioned are the proponents to the Atkin's diet, the South Beach Diet, and the Eat to Live diet (a whole foods, vegetable based vegan diet). Each of these three doctors would have given conflicting advice to solve weight loss woes. Which one is right?

    totally get you. I've read all those books and I would agree that they're somewhat conflicting ... we could go on and on BUT my main concern was OP because she has suffered from an ED so her system is not perhaps optimal and hence any of our advice might cause more harm than good. I dunno maybe I'm just all wrong'
    I'm going back to work now!
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,271 Member
    ....open your diary!

    I wish I could get this as an animated tattoo
  • albertabeefy
    albertabeefy Posts: 1,169 Member
    No offense, but do you even science?

    The term 'ketogenic' cannot be misapplied to a diet in the sciences. To be ketogenic requires a macronutrient ratio that involves ketosis, and you can't get into ketosis without severe carbohydrate restriction. Therefore, a modest-deficit "reduced carbohydrate" diet could never be a ketogenic diet from a research standpoint, and no research I've ever seen confuses the two.

    Ketogenic diets are never confused as anything BUT what they are. To suggest it might be shows your lack of understanding.
    First off your starting sentence makes no sense.
    I guess you don't spend much time on the internet then ... it's a not-uncommon internet meme ...
    Second off you cannot enter into ketosis while consuming adequate protein due to gluconeogenesis. That is why a very low carbohydrate diet that still has high protein is not a ketogenic diet. That's how they're confused. The original ketogenic diet was a 0/15/85 ratio.

    I'm not trying to be rude, but check your facts before you go ranting about something with new information.
    LOL at suggesting I check my facts. There is NOTHING in anything I've written that isn't factual. You cannot say the same.

    Trust me when I say that I do know more about ketosis than you can likely imagine. It's very obvious you've not studied either biochemistry or medicine.

    FYI your statement on ketosis is completely wrong. You absolutely enter ketosis consuming adequate protein - you only have difficulty when consuming excess. Adequate protein will vary depending on age, gender, activity/exercise levels, etc. For most women 15% is a good starting point. Those that are more active can usually do well with 20%.

    Most men can start with about 20%. I'm an active exerciser and I can eat more. With my exercise levels I have no problems entering ketosis quite quickly on a 5/25/70 level. I maintain nutritional ketosis with <10 / 20-30 / 60-75.
    Also of note, studies lasting 6 months of just 30% carbohydrate diets (as opposed to ketogenic) show incredible improvement in SEVERE diabetics. http://www.nutritionandmetabolism.com/content/6/1/21
    I'm not sure if you saw this, but I actually referenced this study earlier. The problem is you're confusing incredible improvement with reversing the condition. After 6 months the participants still had A1C levels at diabetic levels. The mean was 7.4% and diabetes is considered to be 6.5% and above.
    ... and I'll point out the study was NOT of a ketogenic diet. It was "low-carbohydrate" but at 30% of calories from carbohydrate, which is anywhere from THREE to SIX times the maximum carbohydrate to be ketogenic. But the fact remains that even with it NOT being ketogenic, HbA1c levels decreased sharply in these SEVERE diabetics from a baseline of 10.9 ± 1.6% to 7.8 ± 1.5% at 3 months That's a 30% improvement, and it wasn't even ketogenic.

    The study you referenced was not of severe diabetics, they averaged an HbA1c of 7.4% at baseline. They only improved to 6.0% at 8 weeks. This is only a 19% improvement. It may be considered a "reversal" for those individuals, but it's actually LESS effective than the ketogenic diet referenced above.

    FYI studies of true ketogenic diets also improve levels dramatically, in as little as a few days. http://www.nutritionandmetabolism.com/content/5/1/9/figure/F1

    You've shown nothing to suggest I'm incorrect. There simply is NO need to adopt a VLED when a VLCKD is obviously much safer overall, easier to adhere to, doesn't require continual medical supervision and just as effective at glycemic control for diabetics.
    Studies of shorter duration of true ketogenic dieters show incredible improvement in only a FEW DAYS. I've personally read HUNDREDS of studies on diabetes, and dozens on intervention with ketogenic diets, and you are either severely misinformed or you're willfully spreading some rather dubious propaganda.
    Keep working at trying to show me up because you haven't done it yet. I'd love to see a study you think supports this that actually does.
    I have no desire nor need to "show you up". What are you, 12 years old? You are certainly acting like it, and you're failing to understand studies, apparently.

    Feel free to reference the above study, or the multitude of literature available on the subject. Your attempt to disprove me by referencing a study that isn't even on a ketogenic diet is extremely illogical.

    The science is clear that ketogenic diets, even in a moderate caloric deficit, are every-bit as effective at glycemic control to any VLED.
    The fact remains you WILL be developing a nutrient deficiency. It's better to prevent one that have to recover from a self-imposed one.

    You are actually suggesting people self-impose a nutrient deficiency. I'm stunned this thread isn't locked yet.
    What? That makes no sense. How can you create a deficiency if you never become deficient in it? The definition of a nutrient deficiency is lacking in a particular nutrient, but I established that even after months of deprivation of a particular nutrient you still have enough stores to not be in a deficiency. If you were to simply eat some more after a span of months you will never have or approach deficiency.
    Different nutrient stores deplete faster than others. Not to mention you're suggesting to people go on this diet WITHOUT medical supervision (when it calls for it) and as such, the dieter wouldn't even know if they are deficient or near-deficient to begin with. As such the deficiency could develop even faster.

    To think you can "simply eat more after a span of months" shows you have very little understanding of the topic at-hand.
  • ravenstar25
    ravenstar25 Posts: 126 Member
    Hello, i searched the boards but i am not finding exactly what i am looking for (as everyone's experience is different, of course). I have been changing my eating over the course of years but during all of my adult life, my weight has stayed the same. I just saw a post wherein someone said 'if you create a calorie deficit you WILL lose'.....but what if you don't. ever. lose? i have been a vegetarian for 23 years, I gave up diet soda 10 years ago, i became a vegan about 4 yrs ago(i occasionally eat cheese but PARSE it out but NO other dairy), i eat a plant based diet that i supplement with two protein bars a day (they have whey but they are the only low carb, low sugar, tasty ones i liked), i drink water all day, eat little meals- try to eat every three hours or so. i don't snack, i don't binge, i don't eat out. i work out but inconsistently (like everyday for a month, then not for two weeks, then again for 3 weeks, etc and this has been the case since i was 20- i am now 44). i have logged my calories to be 1200 to 1400 cals a day. I am rarely hungry. I went to a nutritionist because i started to GAIN- she said i was eating too little, so i ate a little more.....and my weight is still the same. i been around 160 exactly my whole adult life (i am 5'4"- so yes, i am decidedly overweight and no, i am no big boned. i was a chubby kid and teen for reference BUT i ate JUNK JUNK JUNK until i was about 23 and had an ED until i was 28. now i eat like a monk and no change. my blood panel was totally normal. i take no medications (except starting this week Qsymia, which i know gets no love on this site). i have been thin at two points in my life (ha!) post breakup in which i basically became manically obsessed and all i did (LITERALLY) was work out all day and drink protein shakes. Science and MFP tells me nobody should have to live this way to lose some weight. (but it illustrates it IS possible for me- just not sustainable). I am not vying for the role of Wolverine in Xmen.
    so, any suggestions that i haven't heard ? has ANYONE else experience this? Made massive lifestyle changes and experience NO weight loss?

    Go to a doctor. And if they won't take you seriously, go to another one. Don't listen to the people on this board, they will tell you that you're lying or worse.

    My suspicion from the little bit of info you've given here is that you have a metabolism disorder like PCOS - likely triggered by the ED and worsened by veganism.
  • albertabeefy
    albertabeefy Posts: 1,169 Member
    Adequate in both of our usages is undefined. In my case I'm using it to define enough protein to support gluconeogenesis and in your case you mean an amount that is at least low enough to sustain ketosis.
    No, if you have enough protein to cause gluconeogenesis to happen in a way that prevents ketosis, that's not ADEQUATE protein by definition of the word, it's excess. Think about it. What you're saying has nothing to do with the definition of the word ADEQUATE.
    To sustain ketosis with 30% protein intake you pretty much have to be eating at a caloric deficit as well which is a secondary requirement. Ketosis has more to do with total protein intake and less to do with ratios.
    Actually, I don't need to be in a deficit. I haven't run a deficit the past two weeks and I'm still in fairly deep nutritional ketosis - verified by blood ketone meter. I'm a 48 year old heavy-exerciser (6 days a week - 3 days of lifting, 3 days of HIIT and a couple other bouts of steady-state cardio) and require anywhere from 20-30% in a day depending on what I do.
    You don't get reference ranges. Once you're in a designated reference range (or out of) that's the real importance. For example, you cannot assume that insulin sensitivity is proportional to reference fasting glucose ranges (i.e. having a fasting glucose of 70 mg/dL does not mean you have better insulin sensitivity than someone with 90 mg/dL). You're also defining effective in the way that suits you best where as my definition is what is actually reversing the condition. I do acknowledge their starting numbers are different but they had 6 months...
    The only number one need look at for overall glycemic control is the HbA1c. (That, BTW, is the "reversal" you are talking about - the HbA1c number - which YOU brought up.) We're not talking insulin sensitivity, we're talking about improvements in HbA1c. When "low-carb" (30%) diets statistically-improve HbA1c better than your VLED, you really have no ground to start from.

    Show me a study with VLED's on severe diabetics if you think it reverses the condition. I assure you there are NONE where severe diabetics (HbA1c over 10%) are "reversed" by a VLED.
    Your attempt to disprove me by referencing a study that isn't even on a ketogenic diet is extremely illogical.

    Here's a better example to illustrate my point http://www.nutritionandmetabolism.com/content/2/1/34, but yes I was speaking in generalities about the mislabeling of ketogenic diets. That study calls some of the diets ketogenic with 20% carbohydrate intake and they have lesser results with a similar group.
    I'm guessing you didn't read it. It does not, anywhere in the full text of the study call any diet "ketogenic" that had a 20% carbohydrate intake.

    You're either lying outright or misunderstanding because you're skimming articles quickly in an attempt to look correct. The study you mentioned referenced the 20% diet as 'carbohydrate restricted' - NOT ketogenic. "Recently, four studies have re-examined the effect of carbohydrate restriction on type 2 diabetes. "
    Meanwhile it's not like you're pulling out any studies that actually support your point.
    BTW the study you erroneously think proves your point actually proves my point. The mean HbA1c went from 7.4% to 6.3%, and over 1/3rd of the study participants were under 6.0%.
    Different nutrient stores deplete faster than others. Not to mention you're suggesting to people go on this diet WITHOUT medical supervision (when it calls for it) and as such, the dieter wouldn't even know if they are deficient or near-deficient to begin with. As such the deficiency could develop even faster.
    That's a complete straw man argument.
    No, it's not. A straw man is a fallacy based on the misrepresentation of the original topic. You said that a VLED doesn't create a nutrient deficiency. I outlined how it can, and I was medically correct.

    BTW, leaving out the rest of the comment I posted to try to make a "straw man" out of a very-sound and medically-correct statement is VERY telling ...
  • albertabeefy
    albertabeefy Posts: 1,169 Member
    "During the study, only 27 of 151 urine ketone measurements were greater than trace, with one participant accounting for all 7 occurrences of the highest urine ketone reading (large160)."

    So on in that regard only a small percentage of participants were actually in ketosis. Now argue what you will, but if you're not in ketosis you're not on a ketogenic diet especially when the ratios aren't near any standard ketogenic diet such as classic or Atkins induction phase.
    Again, you show you don't understand ketosis and urine ketone readings. It's well-known that urine ketone readings REDUCE to trace as people keto-adapt. That's why at the end they are all practically at 'trace' instead of 'greater than trace', and earlier on more were at 'greater than trace'.

    Of the three types of ketones (acetate, acetoacetate, and beta-hydroxybutyrate) produced by your body, ketostix only measure acetoacetate. This is extremely important to understand, because it turns out that your body produces different quantities of these different types of ketones depending on how long you’ve been in ketosis. If you’ve been in ketosis for a while, you’re going to see a reduction in the “intensity” of what you register on your ketostix ... (Sources: Precision Xtra Ketone Test Strips, Ketostix, Volek/Phinney: The Art and Science of Low-Carbohydrate Living)

    Regarding the ratio of carbohydrate, yes it was 12% at week two but under 10% at the end of the study. And all intervals showed the total CHO to be under 50g (44.6g was the maximum mean, and it went down to 33.8 by study end) - which virtually all experts agree WILL get you into ketosis. (Reference, "The Ketogenic Diet, Lyle McDonald"). To suggest they weren't in ketosis simply because the ratio isn't 'optimum' is completely incorrect.
    At any rate I give up... You're obviously defensive, but if you opened up just a little you might be able to make more progress on your goals. Good luck.
    I'm not defensive - I'm simply correcting obviously-incorrect information from someone who posts opinion from poorly-understood studies and/or articles. If you were correct there'd be no issue.
  • ereck44
    ereck44 Posts: 1,170 Member
    To the OP, you are eating the same things every day? Bleh!
    Also we don't know how long you have tried to lose weight. One month, one year? 20 years?
    As the body ages, it loses the ability to store proteins. Not sure if you are having decreased hormone levels or other factors that might inhibit your weight loss? Are you active? Do you use assist devices?
    Are you on any medicine that might help inhibit weight loss, ie. steroids like prednisone, or antibiotics?
    Have you been on a low calorie diet for a long time? have you been a yo-yo dieter?
    One day of logging makes it difficult for the average mfp friend to see what is really going on. Can't believe that you don't eat out once in a while or have family gatherings/birthdays where other food is available.
    just a few questions for starters.

    My advice for starting out is to get a kitchen scale and weigh everything that you put in your mouth in grams and cross reference with the mfp library. Log for a few months, check protein levels and sodium levels. then report to us how you are doing.

    Good luck.
  • littlecrystal
    littlecrystal Posts: 110 Member
    I have not read all the arguments post the original post, but 2 things spring into my mind:

    1. If you dieted for a long time and ate consistenly low calories, your body may have gone into slow metabolism and just tries ot accumulate all fat while you eat more. I would try to up the calories (consistently) and would generally keep about 200kcal below your TDEE level.
    2. With all the vegan stuff, it is very easy to uncerestimate seeds and nuts and dried fruits without even noticing. Perhaps this?

    I wish you best of luck!
  • fullercorp
    fullercorp Posts: 37 Member
    hi, me again. all the keto talk, head spinning. I even tried THAT for a while. you can't believe how hard it is for a human to avoid carbs completely but anyway......
    ravenstar- went to doc, completely normal blood panel, no thyroid issue, low Vit D but typical for most adults
    Ereck - I don't take any medications, I have changed my diet over time and my ED was really too long ago to still impact me all these years later (16 yrs ago). clearly my metabolism is slow BUT (and this is why I jokingly called my post 'miracle') I haven't known anyone (personally) who changed their diet, cut calories and didn't lose. (and know that people that know me- like my boss- who see what I eat have said 'yeah, that is weird you aren't thinner'). additionally, my cube mate started eating JUST like me and dropped 50 pounds over 7 months this past fall which was ....great.
    Honestly, I felt crazy and probably wasted a lot of time telling myself what a lot of people on here and elsewhere say: I eat more than I think. So I did a spreadsheet only to discover, nope, I really am eating low calorie. (and no I don't use a food scale and that may be a gigantic error but I didn't think if you were vegetable based, you needed to. If I eat a medium artichoke vs a medium large artichoke, am I going to be way off?) so I went to a nutritionist who said your blood panel doesn't indicate a thyroid condition but you should go get Synthroid because you have indeterminate metabolic issues (because most people WOULD be losing weight). My GP did a broader blood panel and said you don't have a thyroid issue and (responsibly) we aren't giving you Synthroid. (I didn't want the drugs for the record)
    Once you rule out a medical condition, it HAS to be too many calories, even IF that is 1300 or 1400 calories? THAT, I guess is my question to those of you on here who have tried different things.
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    1) This is accurate. Staying in a calorie deficit makes weight loss possible.

    2) Being a vegan, a vegetarian, giving up soda, eating low carb, low sugar, etc. does not mean you are in a calorie deficit.

    3) Drinking water all day is okay - if you're that thirsty.

    4) Meal timing, size, etc. are not needed - you just need to have a calorie deficit for the day. You can eat out, eat a large meal, and snack - as long as you stay in your calorie deficit for the day.

    5) Working out is really good for staying healthy, but not necessary to lose weight. It helps some people keep their deficit.

    6) Logging is a good start. Do you weigh with a scale & measure with measuring cups/spoons all the food you eat?

    ETA: Making "massive lifestyle changes" will certainly improve your health - but doesn't mean you're in a calorie deficit.


    This post is money, take her advice.
  • lrmall01
    lrmall01 Posts: 377 Member
    (and no I don't use a food scale and that may be a gigantic error but I didn't think if you were vegetable based, you needed to. If I eat a medium artichoke vs a medium large artichoke, am I going to be way off?)

    IMHO, yes you can still be way off.

    For example - this website says 1 med artichoke (120g) = 64 calories. http://nutritiondata.self.com/facts/vegetables-and-vegetable-products/2308/2

    This one says 1 large artichoke (162g) = 76 calories. http://caloriecount.about.com/calories-artichokes-i11007

    So if you are logging the first artichoke but eating the second artichoke, there is about a 18% error. If you think you are eating 1300 calories, but have an 18% error you could be eating up to 1530 calories in reality.

    The only way to accurately know is to weigh how many grams of artichokes you are eating and log the calories associated with that number of grams.

    If you really want to know how much you are eating, get a digital food scale and measure everything for 1 month. I'm willing to bet that you'd lose weight.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    (and no I don't use a food scale and that may be a gigantic error but I didn't think if you were vegetable based, you needed to. If I eat a medium artichoke vs a medium large artichoke, am I going to be way off?)

    IMHO, yes you can still be way off.

    For example - this website says 1 med artichoke (120g) = 64 calories. http://nutritiondata.self.com/facts/vegetables-and-vegetable-products/2308/2

    This one says 1 large artichoke (162g) = 76 calories. http://caloriecount.about.com/calories-artichokes-i11007

    So if you are logging the first artichoke but eating the second artichoke, there is about a 18% error. If you think you are eating 1300 calories, but have an 18% error you could be eating up to 1530 calories in reality.

    The only way to accurately know is to weigh how many grams of artichokes you are eating and log the calories associated with that number of grams.

    If you really want to know how much you are eating, get a digital food scale and measure everything for 1 month. I'm willing to bet that you'd lose weight.
    This is excellent advice. One of the best decisions I made was getting a food scale. I even carry a small one in my purse to weight my fruit at my desk because....well....all the pears I eat each afternoon look like they are the same size to me, but they really are not.

    Same with those bananas that all look to be the same size, and anything else we eat.
  • fullercorp
    fullercorp Posts: 37 Member
    i see an Ozeri digital scale on Amazon- is that fine? and then i need a book to reference with calorie counts? (see, this is why i eat as little as possible, food is so un-fun). i just want a tube of goo like an astronaut
  • albertabeefy
    albertabeefy Posts: 1,169 Member
    You know what also happens when you go on caloric restrictive diets? Your BMR adapts by decreasing...
    You mean like on the < 800 kcal per day diet that you're recommending? BMR drops tremendously on that - and not NEAR as much on any diet with a moderate deficit.
    therefore reducing the demand for glucose which consequently reduces the need for ketogenesis. BMR reduction is clearly marked in these participants by an 8% reduction in resting heart rate. To suggest that ketosis occurred in diabetics without blood sugar dropping significantly (which is kinda a big deal in ketosis) or any significant traces of ketones in urine during 16 weeks of a 10/30/60 diet is freakin absurd.
    I have NO idea what you're rambling on about now. Are you saying that ketosis didn't occur in these participants? Because if you are suggesting that, you're absolutely incorrect - as evidenced by the urine ketone measurements throughout the study. They were eating under 50g of carbohydrate per day, they were obviously in ketosis (based on the urine samples) and blood sugar levels did drop significantly.

    FYI all it takes is TRACE ketones on urine samples to be in ketosis. Most start with higher levels, and it slowly drops. This is the way it works. Also of note, several research studies have shown that fat-loss often increases as urine ketone levels drop to trace.

    Please read the literature on the subject before making wild assumptions not based on evidence or fact.
  • albertabeefy
    albertabeefy Posts: 1,169 Member
    i see an Ozeri digital scale on Amazon- is that fine? and then i need a book to reference with calorie counts? (see, this is why i eat as little as possible, food is so un-fun). i just want a tube of goo like an astronaut
    That's a pretty good scale from all accounts. It's much more-precise than the old [very analog] one I use ... and if an old, outdated model worked well for me, this should work well for you.
  • lrmall01
    lrmall01 Posts: 377 Member
    and then i need a book to reference with calorie counts?

    MFP, as well as several other websites, have the calorie counts for you. You don't need a book unless you aren't going to use a computer or phone app to look up your foods.

    Here is a good read about how to do this: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1234699-logging-accurately-step-by-step-guide

    Good luck!
  • in_the_stars
    in_the_stars Posts: 1,395 Member
    "During the study, only 27 of 151 urine ketone measurements were greater than trace, with one participant accounting for all 7 occurrences of the highest urine ketone reading (large160)."

    So on in that regard only a small percentage of participants were actually in ketosis. Now argue what you will, but if you're not in ketosis you're not on a ketogenic diet especially when the ratios aren't near any standard ketogenic diet such as classic or Atkins induction phase.
    Again, you show you don't understand ketosis and urine ketone readings. It's well-known that urine ketone readings REDUCE to trace as people keto-adapt. That's why at the end they are all practically at 'trace' instead of 'greater than trace', and earlier on more were at 'greater than trace'.

    Of the three types of ketones (acetate, acetoacetate, and beta-hydroxybutyrate) produced by your body, ketostix only measure acetoacetate. This is extremely important to understand, because it turns out that your body produces different quantities of these different types of ketones depending on how long you’ve been in ketosis. If you’ve been in ketosis for a while, you’re going to see a reduction in the “intensity” of what you register on your ketostix ... (Sources: Precision Xtra Ketone Test Strips, Ketostix, Volek/Phinney: The Art and Science of Low-Carbohydrate Living)

    Regarding the ratio of carbohydrate, yes it was 12% at week two but under 10% at the end of the study. And all intervals showed the total CHO to be under 50g (44.6g was the maximum mean, and it went down to 33.8 by study end) - which virtually all experts agree WILL get you into ketosis. (Reference, "The Ketogenic Diet, Lyle McDonald"). To suggest they weren't in ketosis simply because the ratio isn't 'optimum' is completely incorrect.
    At any rate I give up... You're obviously defensive, but if you opened up just a little you might be able to make more progress on your goals. Good luck.
    I'm not defensive - I'm simply correcting obviously-incorrect information from someone who posts opinion from poorly-understood studies and/or articles. If you were correct there'd be no issue.

    Might be.
    Preconceived notions are the locks on the door to wisdom.
    ~ Merry Browne
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,654 Member
    hi, me again. all the keto talk, head spinning. I even tried THAT for a while. you can't believe how hard it is for a human to avoid carbs completely but anyway......
    ravenstar- went to doc, completely normal blood panel, no thyroid issue, low Vit D but typical for most adults
    Ereck - I don't take any medications, I have changed my diet over time and my ED was really too long ago to still impact me all these years later (16 yrs ago). clearly my metabolism is slow BUT (and this is why I jokingly called my post 'miracle') I haven't known anyone (personally) who changed their diet, cut calories and didn't lose. (and know that people that know me- like my boss- who see what I eat have said 'yeah, that is weird you aren't thinner'). additionally, my cube mate started eating JUST like me and dropped 50 pounds over 7 months this past fall which was ....great.
    Honestly, I felt crazy and probably wasted a lot of time telling myself what a lot of people on here and elsewhere say: I eat more than I think. So I did a spreadsheet only to discover, nope, I really am eating low calorie. (and no I don't use a food scale and that may be a gigantic error but I didn't think if you were vegetable based, you needed to. If I eat a medium artichoke vs a medium large artichoke, am I going to be way off?) so I went to a nutritionist who said your blood panel doesn't indicate a thyroid condition but you should go get Synthroid because you have indeterminate metabolic issues (because most people WOULD be losing weight). My GP did a broader blood panel and said you don't have a thyroid issue and (responsibly) we aren't giving you Synthroid. (I didn't want the drugs for the record)
    Once you rule out a medical condition, it HAS to be too many calories, even IF that is 1300 or 1400 calories? THAT, I guess is my question to those of you on here who have tried different things.

    I understand your frustration completely. When I was 50 pounds heavier, I knew I didn't eat perfectly, but 1600-1800 cals a day should NOT have resulted in gaining 10 pounds in a year. My husband saw how much less I ate than he, and was baffled as well why I continued to gain.

    After almost 2 years on here I have discovered some FACTS about my particular situation.
    1. At 50 yrs old, I must eat much less than I did at 30.
    2. Since I am partially disabled, I am not as active as others, therefore burn much fewer calories.
    3 Since I have PCOS, and am insulin resistant, I do not process carbs like a normal person.

    I did manage to lose over 50 lbs. It took a long time.
    I could only lose consistently if I keep my calories below the suggested limit on here and keep my total carbs below 40-50g. Keeping my carbs lower helps keep my hunger in check, so that I can stay below my calorie limit.
    Any carb-fest that I would have, like over the holidays, would result in a few pounds gained and several weeks of strict adherence to lose the gained weight.

    I plateaued for awhile, while eating around 1400 and moderate carb levels. Several months showed me that this was apparently my new maintenance level. I dropped down to 1200 again, and was able to get the extra 4 pounds that I had gained off. But then the weight loss stopped. Nothing for another month.

    I was able to lose another 5 lbs by doing the 5:2 intermittent fasting. I just couldn't mentally commit to lowering my every day calories as low as I needed to do to lose weight again, but I could manage to pick 2 days to eat at 500 calories, which gave me a necessary calorie deficit.

    A lot of life stress has been going on with me for the past 6 months, and I haven't been mentally able to do the 5:2 lately, but I know that if I can get back into that again, I can lose some more weight. I just need to find a way to deal with the current stress better, since it looks like it will be around for awhile.

    I do NOT suggest that anyone eat under the limit that MFP suggests, without checking with your doctor first. My doctors were fine with my limit and they all even said that I could go even lower.

    So, there is my story. You may find something that sounds like your situation, and hope that I have helped in some way.

    If you carry your extra weight in your midsection, you might have PCOS, or be insulin resistant and not realize it. Especially if you notice that in times that your carbs are higher, you gain weight, even if your calories are not higher.
    I haven't read all the comments, since this post was hijacked by the Keto argument, so someone may have already given you this suggestion.

    Just wanted to let you know that you aren't crazy if you find you aren't losing on 1300-1400 calories. There are plenty of us women out there than can't either. Despite what online calculators may tell you.

    Hang in there and listen to your body. You will figure it out.