

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    So I stayed home from work yesterday with Bodi. My management hadn't decided on my alternative work schedule yet and it was my birthday. He rested pretty good. This morning he had peed himself a bit but we have been getting better at expressing him.

    He is making progress, today he was pushing agianst me as I was working his legs in his therapy. Then when Doug took over and I came into work he was playing with his feet (part of his therapy) and he got t reaction of Bodi pulling his foot away. Up to that point Bodi didn't even act like he knew you were playing with his foot. And then this afternoon Doug took him out to express his bladder and after the first squeeze Bodi took over peeing by himself. :bigsmile: Who knew I would get so excited that my dog could pee by himself. It is slow baby steps but he is improving. I feel much hope.

    I owe a lot of the hope to you wonderful ladies who have continued to send good things his way. Healing, happy hopeful energy works miracles. Thank you all.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter

    Hugs to those of you that need it
    Huzzahs for those of you that acheived
    Keep on truckin' to those of us who keep on keepin on.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,368 Member
    Kim - forgot to say I loved your photo!:flowerforyou: You have gorgeous thick hair - I am jealous! Also lovely arms - very enviable! I do think though that you might be able to wear more figure fitting clothes to show off that 19 lbs lost. :drinker:

    Lucy - so sorry about the baby. I had a still birth 36 years ago. A little girl named Kate. At 40 and with no other children to help ease the pain it is a true tragedy. :brokenheart:

    I've downloaded a couple of programmes about the Australian coast to watch on the train tomorrow. Hope I sleep tonight. Last night I made the mistake of starting research for our projected next holiday late at night. Of course then I didn't sleep well at all. Silly me.:huh:
    I had the idea of taking a driving tour of Industrial Heritage sites in the north of England, calling in on my son and DH'S twin sister on our way. I don't know whether it will materialise, but it's a good idea. DH is on board, but it would take a bit of organising.

    Love to all. I will have to set my alarm to wake up in time to get my exercise done before we leave for the train.

    Heather in chilly Hampshire UK
  • Mollybesweet
    Mollybesweet Posts: 80 Member
    Happy Hump day :heart:
    I haven't be active much if at all.
    The wind was just knocked out of my sails.:sad:

    My baby girl (she is 25) is very ill and I have been travelling
    back and forth between my place and hers (5 hrs up ,5 hrs back)

    It is her heart -to be so young and have this .
    It feels surreal and it is heartbreaking for me.

    dieting wise I have kept some control-just not that hungry lately.
    My goal now is to drop 10 pounds in 3 weeks.

    I'll catch up with you all soon.

    {{{{hugs}}}}:heart::smooched: :smooched:

    Molly in beautiful WV and warm NC
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Molly,prayers for your baby.
    Lucy,sorry about your niece,how sad.
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,658 Member
    Bodi - great job peeing by yourself!!!! you go pup! Levi went "swimming" today in a bird bath when he was chasing a bird for you... I don't think he knew he was jumping up on a water filled bowl. too funny! Please say Happy Birthday to your mommy!

    Molly - so sad, scary, sending good thoughts to you and your daughter.

    Heather - thanks for the compliments, the shirt is a camp shirt style and last summer did not button; so while it may not be that flattering it is a cheerful thing for me to wear :laugh: Clothing is a challenge for me - I know you all have faced this - what size ? what style? for how many weeks? when is it worth the $$? But this will get figured out in time.

    I made 1/2 of the rolls for tomorrow BBQ - the house smells so good - Oh my, are there calories in the smell of fresh bread?

    Kim in N. California
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Oh Lucy, my heart just is so broken now reading about your family. She must be devastated. Just love on her and let her get through this on her own time.

    Our community is real good at providing grants for feeding the kids during the school breaks. We have several schools scheduled to be feeding centers both for breakfast and lunch, any child can eat free and their family can come and if they can, give a donation. we used to 3 hospitals here in town, one right down town which is a rather seedy place to live, one not far from there that is just an OK area and then one on the east side which was where all the nice places, shopping, eating areas etc. The one right downtown was eventually bought out by the east side one and part of the contract was to keep the Er open for a certain period of time. after that time it completely closed. This hospital was a Baptist hospital and very religous oriented. So what the owners have gotten for it they give out each year in grants. They have enough for many more years to come. So I think they are a big contributer to this.

    Charlie is doing well today, going to try his steak tonight. One good thing with his teeth the way they are, he has to take much smaller bites and eat a lot slower.

    I am hurting inside for my youngest daughter tonight. I think it is really hitting her this week that she is divorced, a single woman trying to take care of an old house that has routine 'issues' due to the abuse 3 big dogs give it. She is trying a big landscaping project to make her pitiful postage stamp yard look nice but be bale to withstand the abuse these active dogs give it. She is on a very tight budget and has spent a lot of money to completely till her yard, place rock in the area right in front of the fence where the dogs run the most and then lay sod on the rest of it. Whether she or he wants it, my husband is going to need to help her. He hates being outside doing work and was going to help her inside. If she was married her husband who is very strong would be helping her. Also as a member of the National Guard they would have had a lot fo buddies. But she is all alone. She is trying to quit smoking.

    OK, I'm back! Just got back from supper. Funny thing happened. We saw some friends. He sings karaoke with my husband all the time so Charlie said he wasn't going to over and say hi since he was going to see him in about an hour. So I did. So after Charlie finished his coke he went over there. So i sat and sat and waited. The one remaining roll was just sitting in the basket and staring at me. It was terrible. so I looked over there and he was gone!. But where was he. He doesn't like to go to bathrooms out so I knew he wasn't there. Only other thing was he was out in the car. So I asked the waitress if he had paid and she said yes. So I started to walk to the entrance and he was just coming in and just looking and looking for me. he said when he had finished talking with Jim he looked over to my table and I wasn't there so he left. Well he later said he looked at the wrong booth. We had been sitting in the bar so I don't know how he could have missed me. So I told him I have something to hold up against him. He literally left me at the bar! He said he was wondering if I had even decided to walk home cause I was mad at him for talking to long. I could have done the walk but it is to humid.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi ladies. I had a nice quiet day here; did some gardening, took a nap, went to the nursing home and picked up DD#2 from her last day of school.

    Sylvia: what an interesting coincidence~ Yes what about that doctor’s appointment?

    Bjmcq; so nice to see you back again! The little ones and the dog sound cute; the dog probably wonders where are their fur went!

    Kim: dinner sounds grand and well earned! What a beautiful picture!!!

    Joyce: I can see why you complain about dinner! But I am glad Charlie found something to eat with his tooth! Woo hoo on the weight loss!

    Slargus: welcome aboard. My advice always is to make is to make one small change that you can manage for a couple of weeks before you add another change.

    Reenstati: welcome to you too! That’s a big goal especially if motivation is a problem. But it is possible

    Alison: I need to change things up here too. I’m hoping having my time off and taking some new classes at the Y will help!

    Cyclingbonnie: I am so sorry to hear of mil. Such a hard time for all. Sending you healing and peaceful thoughts. She was lucky to have people in her life who cared so much.

    Tammy: I have a thing about retiring….I can’t fathom moving away from where I have established ties and have friends to help me. My dad was in the navy and when they retired they moved to Arkansas and it was always so stressful for me and my brother because neither of us lives near there. I am glad I finally convinced them to come back here. But you will make the decision that is right for you.

    Katla: ooooh fresh blueberries! yUM! Hoping hubby feels better soon!

    Heather: you are so right about all that gardening costs a ton!

    Lucy: OM gosh what a horrible thing to happen. I am so very sorry…what a shock. I can’t imagine and so all I can do is send prayers to all involved. I’m glad things may be settling down for Milo.

    Nena: what a wonderful life full of memories you have! I’d love to see the Agean sea. That was not my first book. I have a book on Emergency Nursing out there and I am the “workhorse” for test banks for my publisher. I do about 4-6 a year. Test banks go with text books so faculty do not have to write their own test questions. I am also a new editor on a large nursing textbook.

    Margaret: I’m glad to hear parents are taking action about the quick stores

    Vicki: do you think you have a blood clot in your leg??? Take care of yourself. Glad your weight is looking good! Next time you plan to bike to Omaha, let me know and we can go eat so you have the energy to get back!

    Robin: Hooray for pee! We nurses say we always get excited over the strangest stuff…pee….poo….gas LOL You are an honorary nurse for providing such good care for Bodi. I’m sure the other nurses here will agree!

    Molly: I’m so sorry to hear your daughter is so ill. Sending healing thoughts to all of you

    Kim: you know what Jimmy John’s says….”Free smells” that means no money OR calories!

    MMMM dinner is ready….grilled salmon and a cooling cucumber salad! Take care to all, Meg from hot and humid Omaha where spring doesn’t really last more than 2 days
  • NenaC
    NenaC Posts: 21 Member
    Oh dear Lucy my heart is so heavy for you and the family. Truly the loss of a child ranks up there with the deepest of pains. We do not know what the future holds for sure and our greatest hope is that all tears here on earth are recorded in heaven. Peace, hope and love to all of you:heart::heart: :heart:

    Life is our rich blessing and having family to share in it is the gift to treasure. I had started to see my grandson tonight and got half way to where they live and had to turn around and go back home. The state trooper said it would be at least two hours before they could clear the road. While I sat there (before I decided to just go home) I watched to rescue helicopters circling to pick up bodies. Life can change in a split second.

    Bodi you rock!!!:wink: So happy for the progress.

    Oh Wales would be great too:blushing:

    Back to work. Two hours before sunset here:flowerforyou:

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,658 Member
    Had to tell you all what my darling Levi did - the bread must have smelled good, he took one of the loaves out of the basket on the counter and was carryng it around chewing on it - I thought it was a rawhide, but something looked wrong so I stopped and took it from him and knew it was not a rawhide... he smiled and was so proud - he loves mom's cooking - LOLOL - I got mad and told him off (but it was pretty funny) In the 14 months he has lived here it is the first time he has ever taken anything off a counter...

    Well, company in 50 min.. better finish up !

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,779 Member
    Heather ... good advice!
    Sylvia ... not coincidence, but providence ...
    Lucy ... some things in this life just defy understanding ... so sorry ...

  • bjkidfun
    bjkidfun Posts: 377 Member
    Well I need to vent, I'm feeling a little better about my dd moving to Colorado with gs. But I'm struggling with
    Emotional eating. I'm having trouble staying within my 1200 cal. Today I messed up, I locked my keys in my car when
    I got to the YMCA. I took my gs with me, so a lady from my body-pump class brought me home to very extra keys and
    I had to leave GS at the YMCA because I had no car seat. By the time I got back to the YMCA it was after 12:30, so we
    both were starved so I went to burgerking and got us each a cheeseburger kids meal. I did get water instead of soda, but it cost me 550 cal. So tonight I did a 3.6 mile walk to cover the cal. I don't know if I can keep this up. To top it off I have been doing
    pretty well considering my emotions and I haven't lost any wght for 3 wks now so that makes me want to blow all the hard work
    I've done. Ok I'm done venting.
    Brenda from Md
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    Hi ladies...it has been awhile since I posted and I do miss this thread...have not really caught up but will go forward from here...my son is back safely (body and soul) from Afghanistan, he spent a week with us and almost two weeks with girlfriend...she is sooo good for him, I hope they continue to be happy...and good news, he will not be re-enlisting with the Marines...it has been a life changer for him, but not a career:happy:

    I joined a fitness challenge tonight...squats, leg raises and abs...I think it is designed for the twenty or thirty something's..not the fifty something's....but will give it a try:laugh:

    Stay well..will try to be a participant again:flowerforyou:

    Jen from the mid Hudson valley in NY, where yesterday it was summer and today was like March...:noway:
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    This picture is from the retro rama event I went to a couple of weeks ago. I am wearing the outfit my mom wore when she volunteered at the bloodmobile in the 60's and 70's.
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    @ Lucy - I am so very sorry to hear of your family tragedy. It is tough when life throws things at us that are beyond comprehension. I wish you comfort in this time of sorrow.

    I had promised my DD that I was going to drop by her place after work tonight, and it totally slipped my mind. Darn!!! Her little toddler and husband are both sick and she is about to give birth to baby #2. My forgetfulness was likely because my day was extremely busy and my poor old mind is incapable of containing information beyond established borders. I should have put it on my calendar as soon as I thought of it and I did not. Blasted!

    On the other hand, I had a good babysitting experience at my DS and DDIL place last night. Our little granddaughter (10 months) is an absolute delight, plus, she ended up sleeping through the night last night. I do believe Oma's presence (that's me) had something to do with that. No?

    Today was sunny but very windy. Weather is supposed to get more lovely as the week goes by.

    Vancouver Island, BC
  • richo59
    richo59 Posts: 25 Member
    Good morning ladies. Just thought I would jump in and say Hi from Australia. It is winter time here in a couple of days, and it is strange to read your comments about the warm weather.Good luck to you all with your weight loss. I am hoping that by the time our summer comes around I will be a fit, healthy and buff "Nanna".
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Lucy, there are no words to describe the sorrow of hearing what happened to your niece. I hope she can recover soon, but I know she will never get completely over it. I'm so very sorry.

    Good boy Bodi! Trying to pee on his own and moving his feet! Yippee!

    Bad boy Levi! Taking mom's bread is a very naughty thing to do. I hope she let you finish it.

    Tonight Hubby took me out on a date. Well, not exactly, but it was a wonderful, magical night. The college is having a chamber music festival and there is a free event every night this week. Tonight it was on the lawn behind the president's house. The musicians were on a beautiful circular stone patio. We were all sitting around in lawn chairs. The weather was absolutely perfect! The music was good, and there were even fireflies! Hubby's favorite part though was that it was free. I'm a very cheap date!

    There are two older male professors that always go to the musical performances on campus. They are from Serbia and Romania. I thought they were a gay couple at first, but hubby said they both have wives. Well, the invitations tonight said to bring our lawn chairs, but the first guy, the Romanian, arrived carrying a tiny little folding step stool and proceeded to perch his portly butt on it. It's like the stool that my grandson uses to reach the sink. It was hilarious, and he looked so uncomfortable that I made hubby go over to the stage area and get him a folding chair. I had just about recovered from that sight when the Serbian showed up carrying a thin chair pad. The kind you tie to a wooden chair. He put it down on top of the other guys tiny step stool and sat down on it. I nearly fell out of my lawn chair. It was really, really hard not to laugh.

    Here's today's joke:


    The boss was concerned that his employees weren’t giving him enough respect, so he tried and old fashioned method of persuasion: He brought in a sign that said “I’m the Boss” and taped it to his door. After lunch, he noticed someone had taped another note under his. “Your wife called. She wants her sign back!”


    Goodnight all!

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,658 Member
    Brenda - really doing 550 calories at B.King is very good :smile: – and walking it off is awesome;:happy: someone described a plateau as practice for maintenance. And right now with all that is going on for you and for some others of our group “practicing for maintenance” is an amazing accomplishment :love: – just a few months ago we all would have just eaten or drank (or both) what ever in hopes of feeling better; now we are choosing a stop in maintenance while we deal with the *&^% life is handing us!! Yeah for Brenda!!!

    Jen – welcome back to you – and WELCOME home safe to your son and thank him for his service…:bigsmile:

    Margaret – cute pic!

    Renny – of course Oma’s presence is the answer!

    Sylvia – Levi says " no mom was really mad and took the rest away from me". The joke was great!!! And I think a cheap date night is great- love the word picture of the professors!

    Our book club read and watched "Breakfast at Tiffany's" all agreed that it was an allstar cast; but no one really liked the movie or the book - kinda weird as it is considered a classic -- it did not age well; and by that I don't mean the quality of the film; but some of the morays of the time are very jarring in today's world.

    Next month is The Husband's Secret by Liane Moriarty - I have already read it; and if you are looking for a light easy summer read with a secret that I did not guess- but that is very interesting this is a must read. Some "beach reads" are fun and light but you never need to turn your brain on - this one is everything fun, light and yet has a turn your brain on thought teaser.

    Kim in N. California
  • grasgal
    grasgal Posts: 9 Member
    Hi ...I'm new to MFP. I found this app in order to easily log everything that went in my mouth. Additionally, the other tools have turned out to be very helpful. I love see the "extra credit" you get for exercising. I'm averaging 1 1/2 hrs. a day.... sometimes at the gym, sometimes outdoors walking, or working out at taiko drumming (my passion). In January I had surgery for a severe meniscus tear .... two months later went on a tour of NYC and was in pain most of the time. Ladies.... this just won't do. I finally am retired and I want to travel. I have a trip planned for Asia in the fall and I do not want to carry around a 50 lb suitcase strapped to my body. I've been on MFP for 13 days now and have lost 7 lbs and gained some welcome muscle...especially in my knee area. Yahooo!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Joyce: Congratulations on your recent losses. You are doing great!:drinker: :bigsmile:

    Lucy: I’m so sorry for your niece’s loss. I hope she will rally and move ahead. She can try again, or perhaps adopt. My mother and my daughter both had miscarriages before having a baby. To come so far and lose the baby at the last moment is heartbreaking.:brokenheart: :flowerforyou:

    Nena: I love the quotation, “Winners are people…who just never quit.”:flowerforyou:

    Margaretturk: Your new picture is lovely and reminds me of Doris Day.:flowerforyou:

    Robin: It sounds like Bodi is making progress! You are all in my thoughts.:flowerforyou:

    Molly: I’m hoping your daughter’s heart can be treated and she will live a long and happy life. Sending virtual hugs to you in this stressful time.:flowerforyou: :heart:

    Sylvia: I love your jokes and today’s is priceless!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    It is time to take myself off to bed. Sorry to those I missed.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    May Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least two glasses of water daily.
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning, everyone!

    Joyce: I hate being anywhere that early, too. Glad Charlie is doing better. Your daughter’s dogs may cause wear and tear, but she’s probably glad to have their company and love.
    Meg: I think I missed something: what kind of book have you been writing? Lots of confusion with your daughter; I hope you can keep some kind of equanimity during all this.
    Sylvia: perfect timing with your clothes donation!
    Kim: right with you on the pasta; the “helping” is just a tease. :huh: Your pic is cute! As for Levi…once I bought a pound of truffle cheese as a treat for us. I went to check my e-mail and came back to find my dog under the table polishing off the last of the cheese. That was also the only time he took something from the counter. I was so glad he didn’t get sick (and a little p***ed that our treat was gone).
    Alison: hope you have a fun time with your friend. You are right NOT to touch the asbestos. There’s a reason there are specialized removal companies whose employees wear protective clothing!
    Bonnie: condolences on the loss of your mother-in-law. Hope you both will give yourselves time to adjust.
    Carol: don’t forget to breathe. :flowerforyou:
    Katla: hope the blood sugar issue is getting better.
    Lucy: sounds like you’re doing well with Milo. Does he have one of those “moving” lines so he has some freedom of movement out there? So sorry about your niece. Hope she can take her time and not feel pressured about “trying again” or whatever. She’ll need to deal with this first.
    Vicki: you are doing so well!
    Robin: so glad Bodi’s still improving!
    Molly: sending good wishes for you and your daughter.

    I had a bit of a scare the day before yesterday; long story, but it turned out to be a heart rhythm problem. Am now on a beta blocker I don't want to be on, waiting for an appointment for an ultrasound of the heart. Apparently this kind of thing is normally benign, but I want to know for sure. And I don't like weird feelings in my chest.

    Hope everyone has a good day.

    Cynthia :flowerforyou: