A question for the Ladies



  • I3righti3lue24
    I3righti3lue24 Posts: 40 Member
    Nope I don't, I still count my calories and try and stay within my goals. No point in setting my self up for failure once a month
  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member
    I don't use anything as an excuse to reach my goals. Women have been having periods for centuries. Make room for your cravings and you won't go over.


    Wait, periods are not a recent invention? *blink* Blink*
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I don't use anything as an excuse to reach my goals. Women have been having periods for centuries. Make room for your cravings and you won't go over.


    Wait, periods are not a recent invention? *blink* Blink*

    I know right? Mind blowing...

  • radiantsunshine40
    radiantsunshine40 Posts: 48 Member
    Actually I just started back exercise and slowly implementing eating healthy!
    I basic eat want I want but try my best to cut my portions down to a serving size! (smile) I am a SERIOUS SWEET LOVER!!
    I love fresh baked cakes and cookies and home made desserts.
    This week I started my menstrual cycle and I walked 2 miles Tuesday morning came home and did 3-10 seconds planks ......did 45 squats and 105 kettle bell swings that evening.
    Wednesday evening (yesterday) I walked 3 miles.
    Starting with a 5 minute warm up then continued walking the first mile (my body seemingly is ready for intensity after the first mile) LOL
    Then I alternated with a 1 minute jog/3 minute speed walk for the remainder of my workout with a 5 minute cool down.

    This morning I only did a mile in 17 minutes!

    SAID ALL OF THAT TO SAY.........I am on the rag NOW...not a lot cramping but MEANNESS! I take IBUPROFEN (800mg) before starting....while on the rag.....around the clock.....at least TWICE A DAY!

    JUST STAY SEXY......

  • pseudomuffin
    pseudomuffin Posts: 1,058 Member
    I don't use it as an excuse, though I do tend to eat more snacky stuff during the day. I try to keep it in my calories for the day.

    If you're having a lot of cramps, try drinking parsley tea :) It's not tasty but it is a mild emmenagogue, which basically means it increases blood flow to the pelvis and will help stimulate menstruation and eases cramping.
  • kirili3
    kirili3 Posts: 244 Member
    I've seen several people advise that calories for the week overall are what's important.

    I'm not sure, but if you just need to go over one or two days, maybe you can balance it (without going below 1200) on the other days of that week?

    Another way could be to find low-calorie treats, for example the great three ingredient brownie recipe posted some days ago.

    In summary, it was 122 g applesauce, 30 g hershey's unsweetened natural cocoa powder (though 10g does it for me) plus sweetner and a little baking powder. Heat it up, really nice treat with a low number of calories. Recipe thanks to andresconejo!

  • pishposh12
    pishposh12 Posts: 28 Member
    i am constantly hungry around my TOM, so i do eat during that time. sometimes i will have a REALLY unsatisfying salad if i'm hungry. but i go for really a few squares of really dark chocolate with a serving of peanut butter (i'm usually craving things associated with protein). i know that if i don't eat if i feel hungry, then it is only going to get worse. there is no sense in starving myself.

    like some of the other posters, i walk a little bit more and i definitely have to push myself to throw in an extra yoga session. in my eyes, i don't think it's unrealistic to not give in to some of my favorite foods (that's how binges happen).
  • GameGirl777
    GameGirl777 Posts: 60 Member
    I give in to the cravings in moderation and try to stay within my calorie limit. Walking is a good exercise for TOM and I enjoy sitting in the sauna at the gym - helps with the extra water weight.

    The last thing you want to do is a double negative - sit on the couch and eat ice cream! Don't use it as an excuse to binge :smokin:
  • ThatMouse
    ThatMouse Posts: 229 Member
    I usually lose my appetite during shark week, actually. But I find that unless my cramps are horrid (which they usually aren't), I still get to the gym. It makes me feel... cleaner?... somehow? But I feel more empowered and more strong.

    So what if I bleed? Why would I use that as an excuse? It's frustrating, and sometimes the cravings threaten to pull me further away from my goals. You know what I do when I'm frustrated? Lift. Or flip tires. Or go and wail on a punching bag. Or work on pull ups.

    Also because I've noticed I tend to retain water weight and other things before shark week, I try to make sure I train during it. When I do my weigh in after, I drop a ton of weight (I know it's namely water), and it makes me feel like a superhero. Then I go flip more tires.
  • pishposh12
    pishposh12 Posts: 28 Member
    I usually lose my appetite during shark week

    LOL at "shark week." I've never heard that one before!
  • sublimedelirium
    sublimedelirium Posts: 2 Member
    Honestly, I find that going out on a good run helps allieviate my cramping and is a good way to banish that nasty, bloated feel I get around that TOM. Also beats the depression which I tend to get around then too - what with the good endorphins. I get the chocolate cravings but I just make room for it, or if I want a LOT of chocolate, I just go for a longer run. Best of both worlds. I feel better afterwards, and I get to eat more chocolate. :)
  • DanniB423
    DanniB423 Posts: 777 Member
    I keep more fruits and veggies on hand that week than usual at that time! Baby carrots.. cucumber slices.. grapes.. Because for me it isn't really about cravings so much as just an impulse to snack on anything! I am like a deranged impulsive snacker during that time. I try to grab healthier options and daydream that it is Doritos :laugh: :wink:
  • DanniB423
    DanniB423 Posts: 777 Member
    haha shark week...LOVE it.
  • 1Cor1510
    1Cor1510 Posts: 413 Member
    There are days when I could eat the house and all it's contents. I log everything and make sure not to go over maintenence those days. I only get that about once every 2-3 months, don't get TOM due to hyst.
  • I totally sympathize with you! When it's my time of the month, I want to go live in a hole of chocolate cakes and no gyms. Alas, I know this will hurt me more than help me in the long run, and I get my butt to the gym, and stay below my calorie limits. No, the cravings to go to Starbucks for a sugary caramel frap don't go away, but I've actually found that exercise (and a midol or two) actually HELP the cramping (TMI alert: I'm on day 3 of the dreaded red wave, and I just did an hour of cardio and I feel better than before I worked out). Just keep going. You will be happy you did afterword.
  • Lindzpnc
    Lindzpnc Posts: 98 Member
    IM so glad someone posted on this topic... seriously I got my first cycle after 14 months and man it came back full force and worse than I can ever remember... ok that might be a slight exaggeration but still.... and the moment It was here it was like a switch
    I WANT CHOCOLATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I too feel like since im miserable than I should be able to eat whatever I WANT but its only been a few hours so I don't know how I am going to manage this first time around.

    it was weird however yesterday I had almost no urge to snack..
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    I could really make an excuse for any and everything, but I don't (usually). I'm not perfect, but I don't want to be either.
  • Lindzpnc
    Lindzpnc Posts: 98 Member
    The day I stopped having excuses was the day I started seeing results.

    so you are absolutely always at or below goal and you never mess up?

    wow that's willpower... almost perfection
  • marisarinde
    marisarinde Posts: 54
    Oh, I most definitely use it as an excuse. I have endometriosis so my periods are especially painful. I still try to eat healthy (chocolate and strawberries, anyone? Haha) but I definitely don't exercise. It sucks because it's like a week lost in regards to exercise, but I literally can't because of the pain. Hope no one has to relate to this!
  • marisarinde
    marisarinde Posts: 54
    I don't use anything as an excuse to reach my goals. Women have been having periods for centuries. Make room for your cravings and you won't go over.


    Wait, periods are not a recent invention? *blink* Blink*

    I know right? Mind blowing...


    You both are hilariously sarcastic haha my kind of people!