

  • Twhitehead7
    Twhitehead7 Posts: 41 Member
    Good morning from CT! I am not new to fitness pal, but am new to this portion. Was doing well, then after spring break lost all motivation. Know I need like minded people to help me with this journey.
    Mind if I join you ladies?
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member

    Went to my first minor league baseball game last night. We had free tickets and took some friends along. Interesting, enjoyed people watching and time with our friends. Now that was something that wasn't on my bucket list of things to do but at least I can say I've gone to a baseball game.

    Out to do errands. Hope everyone has a good day!

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    We are sitting in a semi-quiet waiting area at the heart center waiting for hubby's appointment. We got up at 4:30 this morning to drive up here and got here more than an hour early. Still, we like to leave a little extra time just in case. He's having a stress test and some other tests this morning, then a 3 hour break, then more tests this afternoon.

    Michele, it's part of the Walgreens customer loyalty card. When you sign up you get a card like at the grocery store. You get 500 points every time you get a prescription filled, and with all my meds and the three hubby takes, it adds up pretty quickly. It works well with their app on my ipad too, and it lets you get coupons on your smart phone and other stuff. Of course, you have to be careful because their prices on stuff are higher than at Walmart, but sometimes it works out. This BP machine was $58 at Walmart and on sale at Walgreens for $64, but after I used $20 worth of my bonus points it still came out cheaper at Walgreens.

    More later,

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,660 Member
    Heather – glad you had a safe, fun visit with the grandkids – Beets as the spawn of the devil had me LOL:bigsmile: :laugh: :bigsmile: – I had fresh beets for the first time a couple of years ago and like them, prior to that had only had the pickled pink disks that are called beets yuck!

    Yanniejannie - What a long day!

    Meg – so sorry that DD#1 is not able to face and tell the truth; she is in a bad place… Love the purple (blueberry) house and brothel pink bed room! :laugh: So what color are they now?

    Jen – welcome home from vacation - when I was in the corporate world I hated management change; it seemed the lease skilled best kissup always got promoted.

    Joyce – excellent vent! I tended to not be able to ask for help, wasn’t until I was alone with a 80lb dog after knee surgery – came home in a taxi, and had to try to survive alone, that I learned to ask for help – I could not drive, had to walk on crutches – it was awful; but taught me a lot! I have a great group of friends ones I get help from and give help to… One of the things that even now makes me feel better about asking for help is if it is a “trade” so maybe you and your daughter could “ trade” you or dad could help in her yard if she will ?? help you do some heavy cleaning?? Or ??

    Twhitehead7 – welcome!

    Sylvia – sending good thoughts for hubby!

    Yesterday's calories got way out of control - I could not even figure it out - so gave up and am starting again this morning. Friday is my check in day and even with yesterday's mess I lost 1/2 a lb. so am happy with that. Well my desk is covered with paper work. better get to it! Happy Friday everyone!

    Kim in N. California
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good morning,

    I will be back on the phone trying to straighten some very frustrating medical billings out. Months and months ago DD had plantar warts removed in the dr. office from the bottom of her foot............yes, the bottom of her foot; not only did they make walking painful but part of the way she was at college was on a running scholarship.........Optima (yes, I'm naming names!!!!) is refusing to pay!!!

    I tried to pay house taxes.............and they moved the office; with no directions to the new one. Found it, after stopping at a library for directions.

    Car insurance due; it went up when we allowed DD to take a car to Va. Tech for her research job last summer (expected and OK), then she had it at her own college for senior year..........it went up again, they said because the area was so rural, that was their reason, now she has it at the horse breeding and training business (which is really in the middle of nowhere and she WALKS to her job as she boards there but not too far from an interstate) and they have raised it yet again because that zip code is considered "congested" (????????!!!!!!!) so, good-bye GEICO............your commercials are cute but I'm done paying for them. Silent screams!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    AND Gwen had a vehicle incident with a very troubling reaction on her part; spoke with her dr. this am and it looks like the process to pull her license is being started; this is a very big relief to me as I was extremely concerned and not happy about it when her sister arrived in April and promptly got her started driving again. But I do feel bad for her. Right now it is at a garage and I spoke with the guy--I know him--and told him to work SLOW!!!

    Right now, I want to run away..........but, it's back to the phone for me.

    Best to all,
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Jane: I hope your testing went well. Thinking of you!:flowerforyou:

    Heather: I need a granddaughter fix, but won’t get one in the near future. I’m a bit envious. :sick: (This green icon is for sick with envy.) Congratulations on your blessings.:flowerforyou:

    Meg: Sorry your paint choices turned out so differently than you’d expected. They’d probably be lovely on a quaint old Victorian house. We all need to have colors around us that please us. I hope you end up with something you'll enjoy.:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: I love the horse joke. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Joyce: I hope you’re feeling more upbeat soon. Sunshine helps me with my mood. :flowerforyou:

    Michele: I hope you get your rest and feel great. You do more daily than I even imagine doing.:flowerforyou:

    Kayzoola: Your magnesium treatment is a miracle. You were lucky to get the right doctor who knew what to do.:flowerforyou:

    Twhitehead: Welcome. Where are you from?:flowerforyou:

    Yesterday we went and bought two new blueberry plants. One is a Blueberry Sunshine Blue, which is what I wanted but is too small to produce this year. The other is Blueberry Bountiful Blue. Both require low chill hours to produce, and Bountiful Blue is a good cross pollinator for Sunshine Blue. DH has gone blueberry crazy and would plant several more if I let him. I think this will be plenty for now.

    DS is having neck trouble and is going to the doctor to discuss possible surgery. I'm hoping he is permitted to get a second opinion from a non Army doctor. Please put him in your prayers.

    It looks like a beautiful day today, and I plan to enjoy it!

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    May Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least two glasses of water daily.
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good afternoon beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    I only have a minute but wanted to share, if you remember our friend Tere Williams who posts here some, her son is not doing very well:sad: , she said he`s getting shock treatments for his heart, for those of you who pray I`m sure she would appreciate all the prayers she can get:heart: ! Thanks ladies, I consider you all my friends:heart: !

  • Lola0718
    Lola0718 Posts: 2
    Good Afternoon Everyone!

    I'm new around these parts...joined forever ago to get some calorie counts, but never did a thing with the site.

    I have been a yo-yo kind of girl for the last 28 of my 53 years. Former WW leader, mom, grandma. About 80 pounds to lose.

    I'll be 53 in a few weeks, and just had a glimpse of my future. My mother is bedridden at somewhere around 400 pounds. She can no longer walk, or get herself to the bathroom. This has created a tremendous burden on her children and grandchildren, because her demanding nature has burned many bridges with those who were her friends. I live in fear that there will be a fire and she will not be able to get out of the house.

    I have made myself a promise that I will not be that burden to my children.

    So, here I go. One more time.

    Wish me luck! :embarassed:
  • NenaC
    NenaC Posts: 21 Member
    Happy Friday Everyone:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Real quick I am running so far behind:noway: What was I thinking last night. Still awake when it was time to wake up....goodness me:yawn:

    Got to log in my list I did see there were many who do need prayers so I shall be offering those up. Welcome to the new members :flowerforyou:


    Nena from the wildeness of Texas:laugh:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Kim, my daughter knows that both her Dad and I would help her but we both have our own physical limitations. I havemy MS and a good part of that is the heat.If it were spring or fall I would be able to work outdoors longer but the summer time heat is pretty much impossible. If we do anything in the summer like go to an amusement park or zoo I have to rent a power chair or some one pushes me in my wheel chair. I do do work outside but it can only be a few minutes at a time. I also have a back that 'goes out; frequently. My husband, even though he think s he is invincible and would help her all day long without stopping has had a heart attack, angina, atrial fibrillation which is currently under control. He also has the kind of back that he can make just one bad move, that might not even be bad, and his back goes out on him. Both of us can just turn or bend the wrong way and we are dow for a couple of weeks. So she doesn't want to be the one to cause problems for her Dad. She knows if she asks he will say yes so she just doesn't ask. She calls the lady yesterday at Lowes her angel for guiding her in knowing that for right now she needs to focus on improving her yards drainage before putting in sod. Her dogs and ex husband have kind of destroyed some of the drywall in her house and she knows that her Dad can help with that so at some point they will tackle that. She lives in an old two story house that has a fairly narrow enclosed stairwell tot he upstairs where the bedrooms are. So moving a queen size bed and all the furniture kind of put some holes in the stairwell. She is getting new guttering done today. Currently she only has one downspout connected to her gutter so she is getting several downspouts. She will divert them away from her tiny yard to the alley, and the sidewalk so the yard and the basement doesn't get so wet. Then her and her Dad will try to do what they can to waterproof her basement. When we had our worst rains this spring, 7 inches in an hour, her poor basement was quite flooded. She has built up protection around her washer dryer, hot water heater and furnace so the water doesn't affect them. She has done all this on her own and even thought up how to do it, never even asked us for advice or let us know that she had that problem. That's just the kind of woman she is, do it her own without even asking for help first. She may or not even choose to let us know she has a problem. I think sometimes she doesn't want us to know how bad she is doing because we will worry or attempt to give her money. You seem her sister frequently does and it drives Michele crazy that her sister knows that their Dad will do it.

    I hope I never have to buy anymore paint anymore for our house. Well, not at least the gallons. I will always buy the little sample cans. I bought a top on line that had a color called portabello. I had no idea what it was but I liked what it looked like on the little picture on the internet. So when I got it, it was this awful shade of brown. I do wear it but it is one of those tops that I know is in the back of my closet and I know I need to laundry and there isn't anything else to wear I have this ugly shirt to wear. So it's not my favorite color but don't throw away perfectly good clothes.

    Watching Extreme weight loss on my DVR since the rains are interrupting our sattelite. I have no idea how this lady lost 75 pounds in 3 months, her goal was 85 pounds. I mean how many calories does she eat to do that. I know that they live and breath exercise all day in the boot camp but is it something that they can live with? I know the next step is to move home and continue to lose weight in her own home enviroment meaning job, being Mom. OK, now I am watching them wight the guy. He starrted at 480 pounds and had to lose 130 pounds in 90 days. He lost 129 and is disappointed.

    Got a two for one coupon for Bod Evans tonight. Looking forward to my wildfire chicken salad

    Have a good day, Joyce, Indiana
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    TGIF~~Well I talk to my mom every Fri.After last week,I was nervous to call.Did call,she thought I was mad at her.We talked for awhile and things are good.Thanks for all the support.I still would have done it again,if I had to do it over.
    HUGS:heart::heart: :heart:
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hello to my vitamin F pals. Holy cow is it hot and humid today! I went for a walk and only lasted 25 minutes and I was dripping with sweat! I did a few edits on chapters and worked on the budget and finished the book I have been reading for months…Red Rabbit by Tom Clancy. It’s an older one but I had never read it. Interesting as are all his books. I’m also reading Women, food, and God while I’m on the elliptical.

    Jen; hope you had a lovely vacation and hmmmm maybe you should think about that position!

    Barbie: I am planted in front of the tv now waiting for jeopardy! as well. Nice seeing a woman doing so well!

    Sylvia: hilarious joke! I agree about walmart. I always feel bad complaining about spending so much money there each week when the employees make minimum wage and generally don’t have benefits.

    Michele: more river rock! Om goodness

    Kayzoola: magnesium! I always had horrible muscle cramps every time I moved and started taking magnesium….they went away and I can tell if I forgot it because they come right back!

    Heather; sounds like you had a wonderful visit with your DGD! Those babies do bounce don’t they?

    Twhitehead : welcome aboard. We always like to have new members!

    Cindy: we love our local AAA baseball team; they have been national champions two years in a row. First it was too cold to go now it’s way too hot. Can’t win, but I love baseball games!

    Kim: now the outside of our house is blueberry blue…quite pretty and unusual and the inside is “sand dollar” a kind of pinkish beige..soft and soothing.

    Yanniejannie: my you have had a frustrating day! Sending peaceful thoughts your way.

    Katla: sending hugs and prayers for hubby!

    DeeDee: thanks for sharing the information about Tere. Let her know I am thinking of her and sending prayers for her son.

    Lola: welcome to our group! You have some great motivation

    Nena: are you getting the floods?

    Jane: you just keep doing what you have been doing…you are a kind and caring person.

    Well it will be interesting to see what DH has to say about DD#2 when he gets home. She has not answered texts or emails for 3 days so he texted her this afternoon and said he would call the police to check on her if she doesn’t answer. I think she is not answering because she has been lying about the adoption agency. GAAA I think I said that yesterday! I need to stop carrying on about this! Take care all Meg from steamy Omaha!
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,660 Member
    Yanniejannie – good heads up on the car insurance, it is time to put mine out to bid. Glad Gwen will not be allowed to drive.. I will hate it when it is time to give up my license but you have to put safety first. :smile:

    Katla – I love blueberries too!!! Would love to grow my own, I’ll look into that next year – our town has made it illegal to plant anything new until October… drought issues! But the market has 11 oz containers of blueberries for $1.99 (which for us is an excellent price) I bought 3 this morning! :tongue:

    DeeDee – thanks for passing on the info on Tere, I had missed her… so scary to hear about her son, sending good thoughts!!

    Lola – Welcome; sad to hear about your mom, but an excellent motivation!

    Joyce - Wish I was closer, she and I could work on house projects together!

    Heather --- if you see this soon; any chance you could tell me about the pesto crusted fish you fix? The store was having a managers sale while I was there is morning and I got a pound of red snapper for $2.90 - thinking dinner tonight :laugh: if not I'll do my standard panko/nut crusted - pesto just sounded good.

    smiles Kim in N. California
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,822 Member
    I am going through fitbit withdrawl,i charged it last night, and it didnt charge, tried charging it all day, didnt charge, finally got the other charger out and it is finally charging. :grumble:
    glad I didnt need to get another one...
    I am keeping Tere's son in my prayers..
    have been stressing out today(to much candy):sad:
    tomorrow is another day...
  • bjkidfun
    bjkidfun Posts: 377 Member
    Hello Everyone,
    Yesterday, I had put one of my day care kids in time out. It's the bottom step of the stairs
    going up. We have a split level, so as he was sitting on the bottom step he got up and started
    coming in the room, when he saw me he started backing up to go back to his step but he
    was backing up to the top of the steps going to the downstairs, he's only 2 so I knew if I
    tried to stop him he would panic and keep going, so just as his heel hit the edge of the top step,
    I threw myself and grabbed him just before he fell and I landed on my elbows. In one swoop
    I pulled him back and grabbed the railing to keep myself from going down the stairs. I had a nice
    bruise on my one elbow and skinned the other elbow and took the skin off my hand.

    If that wasn't enough excitement, today I was in my step class and 10 minutes into the class I
    mistepped and fell over the step and landed flat on the floor. Talk about embarrassing, I picked
    myself up off the floor and kept going. My knee hurt so bad I wanted to cry. I just kept pushing
    through the pain. Eventually it stopped hurting so I finished the class and was able to do my body
    pump class. My left knee and elbow is bruised and even my ribs hurt. I decided to take it easy tonight.

    Tomorrow I'm going hiking with a friend so I'm taking my hiking poles and I hope I have better footing
    than today. Have a Good weekend everyone.
    Brenda from Md
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    We just got home from our day in Kansas City. Boy, it was a long day! Hubby had a whole battery of tests, and only because his sleep studies indicated some kind of electrical blockage. The cardiologist didn't think it was anything to worry about but decided to run these tests just to make sure. Hopefully it will be all ok. While he was getting tested I spent a lot of time sitting in the waiting room, so I decided to go walking and I climbed the stairs to the second floor (hey, they are really tall stairs), and I did four trips up and down without stopping. Pretty proud of that! I wasn't even winded at the end. Hubby had a break at lunchtime, but he still wasn't allowed to eat, so he went with me to the cafeteria and watched me eat a black angus burger. It was plain and unseasoned, but I added tomato and it was really good. It was the first hamburger I've had in a year! I'm always surprised at how much unhealthy food they serve in hospital cafeterias. At least the burger wasn't salted.

    After he was finished we got all the way back to the car in the parking garage and remembered that we didn't get the parking stub validated. So, I hustled back in to do that and came back up three flights of stairs just for fun. Still, not out of breath.

    Then we went to Ruby Tuesday where he had fish and I had two plates of salad from the salad bar. (The salad plates are smaller than they used to be.) It's not as bad as it sounds, because I don't use salad dressing or nuts or bacon or potato salad or macaroni salad. I did however have several of their delicious pumpernickel croutons. Boy, those things are yummy! I also added a small amount of cheese, but mostly it was lettuce, tomatoes, carrots, hard boiled eggs, and raw peas. In all though, I probably went over on calories for the day, but not by much. The stairs should have offset that.

    We drove through a storm and got home to find a dead bird in the driveway. This is the 4th one this spring. I think they are hitting the glass backboard to the basketball hoop we never use. I was still processing that when hubby closed the garage door and we got out of the car to find the neighbor's dog inside our garage. He must have gotten in when we left this morning because it was obvious he had been there for a while. He was really thirsty. After tending to the poor little guy and sending him home, we went in the house to find our sweet precious Molly sitting on the white carpet with yet ANOTHER dead bird. Or what was left of it, anyway. Hubby had to wrestle it away from her. Then we walked the dogs and I'm pooped. Hubby is outside throwing frisbees. I'm going to bed early.

    Later, ladies!

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Tere, if you are reading this, I'm thinking about you and hoping your son gets better real fast. Hang in there and let us know how things are going.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,994 Member
    In case Tere isn't reading this thread right now, here is the link to her profile page so you can send her a personal message

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did an hour of the deep water class. But first I took my aluminum to the Humane Society, the container we put it in was geting full. Tomorrow I'm planning to do more of that Supreme 90 Day Challenge DVD set, we shall see how many DVD's I need to do in order for my workout to be about an hour long.

    kayzoola - good for you losing!

    twhitehead - welcome!

    Went to see the play LesMiserables last night. I'm surprised at how much local talent there is, but in a way I do wish there wasn't as much singing

    Sylvia - one of the things I've found at WalGreen is that if they have something on sale at a good price, sometimes I can use my coupon, many times even expired coupons. WalMart will price match their prices, too. They're usually good on their price of milk.

    Got the last load of riverrock today. Actually, the driver made a mistake, we were supposed to get one delivery of two different sizes of rocks, he thought we were getting two deliveries. He had to go back, get the other rocks, and then deliver them. Bad thing is that a lot of them went on the grass even tho we put down a tarp. Oh well, as soon as this is shoveled, it's done...completed...finished.....no more, get my drift? We wired up 5 of the landscape lights in the front, I dug a trench from the first light to the transformer at the house for the wire. Fortunately, Vince didn't feel we needed to bury this wire, just where the connection is which isn't much at all. Tomorrow we'll probably start putting down the landscape fabric and some rock, just to remind ourselves how good it'll look. After working outside, I went in the pool for a bit. To me, that is just so very relaxing. I don't mind getting all sweaty because I know that my reward is coming. Did a load of laundry -- rinsed out our work clothes and my bathing suit and Vince's. This time I used some detergent. Many times when I'm just rinsing out our clothes, I don't even bother with detergent all the time, just every few times.

    yanniejannie - I've had plantar warts and they can be ever so painful. I've had them use the liquid nitrogen and cut them out, but I've also had them use these microwaves to kill them. The last time I went to the MD he said he didn't think the microwaves were good, but they lasted quite a few years for me.

    DeeDee - tell Tere that her son is in my thoughts and prayers

    Lola - welcome! You have great motivation. Keep coming in here often

    Joyce - I never watch those Extreme Weightloss shows. To me, it's not a real good environment. They do well on that ranch where everything is regulated, but what about real life?

    Brenda - good thinking about that boy. I remember when Jessica was little. The absolute worst thing I could do (and sometimes I had to do this) was to put her in time out in the one bathroom apart from the rest of the house. She's a gregarious person, always was, and it just about killed her not to be with everyone.

    Sylvia - great way to make use of your time at the hosp. Isn't it amazing how much unhealthy food is served in hosp. cafeterias? I do have to say, tho, that at the hosp. in FL they don't. But that's THE ONLY hosp that doesn't. You made some great choices

    Michele in NC
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    To the MFP vitamin F's: hope you had a Fantastic Friday, and will have a good weekend.

    The weather held here in SWOnt, and we are finally getting late April weather…… thank goodness, my outdoor carpet was finally cleaned and we are waiting for it to dry to get our outdoor act together, the fountain, flower pots, etc. Will be lovely when done. I use the gazebo space a lot in good weather... and I have missed it these last few days. Perhaps tomorrow aft. Going Organic shopping tomorrow, we are experimenting, but I like what we have had…..feel much better about the pesticides.

    If anyone is looking for an app for pesticide assessments in foods like veggies and fruits... (USDA I think), let me know.

    Yannie – and everyone I confused: we do not discuss the royals much, but when we do, weuse many fun short forms. Just leftover British humour, but black, like the great Canadian comedy traditions. That is why Stewart and Colbert have such high Canadian audience numbers!

    Meg – hope you can breathe deeply and keep your soul calm; you have such stressors, but I know you are strong and commited; you have been on MFP since I joined!

    Dee – and To all those who are painting…..( I hope to do so next summer)…..there is no such thing as a shade of colour…it all depends on the light conditions, and often on who is looking. My suggestion is to take a plain piece of paintable wallpaper,
    Buy a small small pot of the colour, paint and hang up in the space on the different walls to see how the colour will turn out during the different daylight hours, evening hours, lighting. Saved lots of repainting that way…..
    Even if I had 5 sheets of colours on the wall and it all looked silly for a while. Paint is expensive!

    Barbie – I admire your willingness to board the pooches; ours would do badly, so we import dogsitters, usually one of our uni students. I am not yet sure he will tolerate the babies when they become full toddlers…..so it is yet to be seen. If they can throw anything, he will chase it; which may be the saving grace…. but you probably have two that chase anything….. ours can barely see the rabbit eating our garden….but he is good on squirrels!

    Robin – go Bodi, I have always loved his picture!

    Molly – I see you have the same recommendations for paint ing; keep the jokes coming!

    Joyce – Your Cat story reminded me that the cat in Breakfast at Tiffany’s was called “CAT”. It all worked out well for the character in the movie….who was also in the wrong marriage….and the stray kitty. Here is some hope for your special girl.

    Twhitehead – welcome!

    Lola – welcome too….just keep logging your food, even if you cannot do anything else. I use it to plan, and find that I stick better to a plan in place than trying to remember later……this is a lovely group.

    My best to all, even if you are not mentioned, I appreciate your presence and support, and give mine back to you...
    BJ, SWOnt.