

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    After listening to all of your stories about Walgreens I think I might have them looks at my prescriptions and tell me how much mine would cost vs Sams. I have a Walgreens rewards card and between Charlie and I we have a lot of prescriptions. So how many reward points does it take to get a dollar in reward bucks? They are the only ones who I can know I can find my generic T-sal shampoo for my psoriasis and in their add I saw that they had the Kashi go lean crunch for $2.50 which is about $.50 cheaper than what I usually buy it for. Also the generic Tsal was on sale. I bought a 16 oz bottle for the same price that Tsal was and you get only 4.5 oz.

    Michelle sent me a text today asking for Charlie to go over this weekend and help her pick out some diversion tubing or whatever to connect her down spouts to. She went from 1 to 4 down spouts!!! He sat here and said that although he could help her he knew she would be able to do the same thing and really didn't need his help. I convinced him to call anyway. He had to leave a text and so when she called I got on the phone with him. I'm glad I did because I kind of took over the conversation and asked what time she wanted us over so we could all look at it together and go shopping. He wanted to do it and then go straight to suppper. I don't know what he has about wanting her to go out to supper. I guess it's a dad thing wanting to make sure he provides for his daughter. But after supper she takes the dogs to the dog park. So I suggested that we go over at 1:30, plan, go shopping and then have time to go back to her house and put it all in. She doesn't need our help. She is intelligent enough to do it. She needs our companionship. Simple, she just wants us, nothing monetary, just us. I wish I could get him to see it.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • martilucci
    martilucci Posts: 4 Member
    hello atlanta! is that a book? anatomy of food addictions? marti
  • martilucci
    martilucci Posts: 4 Member
    i loved your post just now. wed. was my birthday, now i'm 53. you have given me hope that there is still much more to life. thanks, marti in NY
  • NenaC
    NenaC Posts: 21 Member
    Good evening ya'll! :love: We did get rain here in Texas and I was in heaven:happy: . Every since I was a little girl I have loved the sound of rain beating on the roof of the house. My Mom and I did not have air condidtioning so the windows were always open and that fresh air that would sweep in just soothed my soul. Since last Sunday all the way up to lunch to day we got about 7 inches. It sure helps the deficit:smile::smile: but it gave such peace....silly me:laugh: I set a goal not to turn my air on before June 1st and I think I might make it. Nite temps are in the 60s still and the breeze is still cool.

    I worked on the floor all day and have about 3 feet left. My yard is overgrown and the weeds are peeking thru:cry:The to do list is off the chart. Time to sign off for the day. My calorie count is too low but I only had two meals today and too tired to eat anything now.
    Sweet dreams to everyone.:yawn: May the sun shine brightly in your back yard tomorrow.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Nena from the back roads of Texas:bigsmile:
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Hi ladies! Just wanted to let you know that I'm still alive. Exhausted, but alive. Still working on the house. Kind of in a log jam right now--painting in progress but hit a snag with wallpaper not wanting to leave (finally ordered paintable wallpaper to cover it) and my handyman's daughter contracting pneumonia. He's been taking care of her and her two little ones round the clock. I can't do the stuff I feel like needs to come next (deep cleaning) so I've been getting CHEAP decorating stuff so that I will be ready to stage the house as soon as painting and cleaning is done.

    The boy child has had to unload trucks at work both last night and tonight. I'm afraid this is going to be another 2 a.m. pick up call night. I'm in yoga pants, T-shirt, and sports bra so that I'm comfortable enough to sleep but I can get right up and go when he calls. A nap is calling me...

    Good night!

    Carol in NC
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,661 Member
    hi all

    just a couple of comments - Our library is 100 years old and tonight was a celebration - I went, it was really nice, I dressed up a bit - a pair of nice black pants that have not fit in a long time, and a top that never looked as good as it did :) kinda like finding a new wardrobe in your own closet...

    I have been so busy that Levi and I have missed our evening walk (we are doing the morning one) for about 4 days now; and I am really missing it - both the routine, and a few extra calories. Am trying to not go over tonight but have the munchies - a glass of wine at the library reception - grr...

    Brenda – Good Catch!!! Sorry you are so bruised up – hope hiking is not too much on your beat up body !!

    Sylvia – what a day ; Excellent NSV with all the stairs; hope DH’s results are all good.

    Kim in N. California
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    DeeDee: I’ve been wondering about Tere lately. I’m so sorry to hear that her son is having such a hard time with his heart. They are both in my prayers. Thanks for letting us know.:heart::flowerforyou:

    Lola: Welcome. I’m sorry to hear about your mom. You can change your own health. It just takes persistence. This group is wonderful and filled with wisdom. Stick around.:flowerforyou:

    Joyce: I hope your weather is moderate enough for your comfort and health. :flowerforyou:

    Meg: You get to carry on about your daughter as long as you need to let off steam. It is a tough situation and hard for your whole family.:flowerforyou:

    Kim: I know that CA is having really serious drought problems, but am surprised that people aren’t allowed to plant food producing plants. Watering lawns is a waste when water is in short supply, but I’m stunned about the no planting rule. Enjoy your blueberries from the market.:flowerforyou:

    Brenda: You’ve had all the falls and bruises you’re allowed for a good long while. Take care.:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: You’ve had a busy day. Rest well.:flowerforyou:

    Barbie: Thanks for the contact information for Tere.:flowerforyou:

    BJ: If you have access to a food pesticide app, I’d love to know about it.:flowerforyou:

    This has been a good day. DH enjoyed himself working on his fishing boat. I mostly knit and did quiet things. I made a mistake in my baby blanket and had to back out about 10 rows to get to the mistake and redo all of them. It was tedious but worth the trouble.

    For the Newbies in the group, we start a new thread at the beginning of each month and also whenever we reach 500 posts. It looks to me like we may reach 500, get a new thread going, and then it will be June and we’ll have another new thread. Look at the bottom of the last post for the link to the new thread.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    May Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least two glasses of water daily.
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning guys,

    DeeDee: is the tile done? How far along are you in the renovations? Thanks for the update on Tere.
    Katla: volunteers; my aunt used to say that too. Sounds so friendly.
    Meg: thinking of you still (DD). And with the writing. I’m an editor, so I understand the process. The result is worth it, though. :smile:
    BJ: my dog is the sweetest ever, but because he is vision-impaired I keep him away from young children. Their sudden movements can startle him. (In fact, he usually comes and sits next to me if there are young children close by; very smart.)
    Robin: how is Bodi doing?
    Kayzoola: I described my arrhythmia as a bird fluttering in my chest, but your “migrating salmon” made me chuckle.:bigsmile: Maybe I’ll try that one when I go to the cardiologist. You know, I have encountered magnesium advice here and there while researching this on the internet. I may try it.
    Sylvia: you had quite the day yesterday. Good idea to do some exercise and what a great feeling not to be winded!
    Carol: hope you got some sleep.

    Appointment with the cardiologist re arrhythmia is June 17. I have a lot of questions, mostly about the necessity of the beta blocker. Have consulted with my GP and trainer about training with beta blockers (since the heart rate won’t go up far); both suggested doing what I’ve been doing but maybe taking it a little easier. I will ask the cardiologist about this as well (and about the magnesium).

    Yesterday afternoon my horse colicked; for those unfamiliar with this it means she had a bellyache. It can look very dramatic very quickly, because they're in a lot of pain. The cause is the important thing; it can range from gas (yes) to twisted intestines, and because of that last possibility it's always treated as an emergency, meaning an immediate call to the vet. Nice and expensive, especially because, like kids, they always get sick at night or on the weekend. She turned out to have the gas kind, which is the easiest to fix, but it does mean going out there about every four hours to check on her after the treatment, and gradually increasing her food intake after an initial waiting period of several hours. Luckily it's only ten minutes by bike. She's doing fine this morning, but I'm tired. Will sit in the sun later (SPF 30) as a treat.

    Hope everybody has a good Saturday.
    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Sorry I`ve not been very chatty lately, I`ve just been super busy, and it`s starting to get to me:frown: ! Between the renovations, my house being turned upside down and inside out, and having the dang tooth problem (I am so not good with pain:sad: ), by the time nighttime gets here I`m falling into bed exhausted:yawn: !

    I have 7 colors of paint on my kitchen wall:noway: , and I dislike them all:grumble: , today will be another day to go to the paint store, I have 4 other colors picked out, am so hoping one of them will be a winner!!!! I`m about ready to tell my painter to pick out a color and I`ll just live with it:frown: ! I never dreamed it would be so hard to find a color I like:ohwell: ! The tile is finished and it`s gorgeous. I have wires hanging out from under my cabinets, the lights haven`t come in yet, will be glad when that`s done! The appliances will be installed Monday:happy: !!! I`ve not had a cooktop in awhile, of course it will be new and I`ll not want to use it:tongue: . I got an induction cooktop, so it will be interesting to see how it does. I had to buy new pots and pans for it too:grumble: ! The painters will be here this coming Wed. , I`m going to get them to start upstairs, when they finish there I can have the carpet installed while they`re painting the main level. Then I can have the new furniture delivered, that will be the fun part! Anyhow, I have been crazy!

    Hope everyone is doing okay! Sending out hugs and prayers!!!

    Have a wonderful day ladies! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food (even though I`ve missed a few days of food logging:embarassed: )!

    DeeDee in gorgeous NC
  • bjkidfun
    bjkidfun Posts: 377 Member
    Dee Dee- yrs ago I was looking for paint in yellow, I had a terrible time
    Finding the right shade. Finally I went to a craft store and bought little
    bottles of paint and mixed them. When I thought I had the right Color
    I painted poster board and taped them around the room. When I found
    the right color I took it to the paint store and they made a perfect match.
    I have been doing that ever since. Oops someone's at the door.
    Brenda from Md
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,099 Member
    Good Morning,

    Welcome newcomers:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Deedee I know it is hard to pick a paint color. I hope the process goes well for you. It is hard to have your home torn apart. It will be gorgeous when it is done. I am sorry the tooth still hurts. I had a deep filling down last fall, and it did take a while for my mouth to adjust. :drinker:

    Cynthia hope your visit to the cardiologist answers your questions. Good news it wasn’t more serious with your horse.

    Carol busy time for you. Hope you can get a breather soon.:flowerforyou:

    BJ like your suggestion about the paint. Yes good paint is not cheap. For me it also all the time and hassle of painting too. So I like to get it right the first time.

    Barbie thanks for the link.:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia agree a tiring day for you.:yawn:

    Heather glad you had a wonderful time with grandchildren.

    Meg my son is looking in the insurance field. He has been fortunate to find jobs, unfortunately his health gets in his way of keeping them. His health comes first without it. it keeps him from living the life he wants.

    Thanks for all the uplifting comments on my picture. A great no calorie booster. It was fun to see all the other outfits people came up with for their 70’s look. Bell bottoms ruled the day.

    Enjoyed helping out at the Peace Walk at one of the schools I sub in quite a bit. They had many cooperative games they played and a lovely opening ceremony. As a school they made a peace symbol using all the students and staff at Cowern Elementary. One of the most poignant activities is we decorated peace doves and dedicated them to two students who died this year. Jonathan who died from cancer and Mourisha who died from an asthma attack. The doves were hung from a blooming crabapple tree. A reminder to hug all we love.

    Today is errand day.
    Today I will log what I eat and watch portion size, so I wake to a healthier tomorrow.
    2014 word: contentment
  • caroldurham18
    caroldurham18 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello.Lynn your not alone I started last week,really finding some success in the program.stay strong &KEEP Postive thoughts ????u can do this ..
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,661 Member
    Katla - you are a knitter! Wow, I am always so impressed by that skill – I have tried, taken lessons even and just can’t seem to get the hang of it.:ohwell: The water rules are crazy - and the fees and charges are enough to make you tremble – they just set up a web link where we can monitor our own water use, the meters are all hooked to a wifi network so within a few hours of using water it shows on a web page; that will help me a lot, I am keeping the plants in the front alive and letting the grass die. With the plan that in the fall I will redo the front in drought tolerant planting, but the back I want to keep looking ok. Not lush but ok… there is some hardscape stuff to do in the front, and I am hoping to do that this summer so it is ready to go in the fall.

    Cynthia – take care of your big fur baby (horse) they are all part of the fabric of our families! :smile:

    DeeDee – you are basically getting a whole new house! Wow – sounds wonderful – you have heard all our paint stories, so I think taking your time and being sure you get the right color is worth it… you could have them mix a color to match something too….

    Margaret – I love the idea of a peace walk and peace celebration! :bigsmile:

    looks like it will be beautiful weather here today, Levi and I took a long (1 1/2 hour) walk this morning and I am enjoying a slow cup of coffee - I like on at least one day of the week to have a slower morning and have brunch - I can have some of the more calorie high breakfast foods I love and if it is counted as breakfast and lunch it is easier to make work.

    Hope all have a great weekend!

    Kim in N. California
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Happy Saturday! It is my weekend to work and sounds like we are to get some rain. My DBIL is to move in with us this evening. He is from Kansas and starts a job here Monday. Until he gets started and a paycheck he will be staying with us. So DH and I got the basement ready. It has a bedroom, family room and bathroom.
    Last evening we went with a friend of DH to go cart races. It was interesting as his 11 year daughter is the racer. She has been racing since she was 5. The money these parents put out for the cars, trailers, supplies and then traveling several evenings a week is crazy. This group starts at 4 years old and goes up to 16. We were part of the pit crew and that was interesting. As DH says we are trying new things out of our comfort zone. I just know last year I would never been able to do this let alone be out in the heat.
    Can't believe tomorrow is the first of June already. Time is just flying by.

    Meg--Yes I work at the hospital and we are part of CHI and I know several hospitals in Omaha have joined CHI also. Can not say the changes since we joined have been for the best or made sense, but they say we are saving money.


    yanniejannie--I understand your feelings about insurance. After phone calls and two trips to the office I thought we had things straight. Then yesterday we get the new paperwork and the dates on the cards are 3-15-2015 to 3-22-2015. So have to go back to the office on Monday as I did not get the mail before they closed yesterday. I told DH I think we need to do some checking around and maybe go somewhere else.

    DeeDee--thanks for letting us know about Tere's son. Sending prayers. DeeDee sounds like you will have a new house when you are done.

    Brenda--Hugs and hope the sorness is gone soon.

    Sylvia--congratulations on doing all the stairs. Do hope DH gets good new on his test results.

    Cynthia--glad to hear the horse is going to be fine and only had gas.

    Called the library and got my name on the list for the new Janet Evanovich book, Top Secret Twenty-One. I love her books and is an easy read. Well ladies enjoy your day and remember we are not in this alone. love each of you.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,826 Member
    Vicki, I got as for as 15 on the Janet evonivich books,but oh they are great arent they.. Lula is the best...
    If you can get at least one of the books on audio,I listened to one many years ago, the girl who reads them, I think her name is Loralie something, has the voices down.. I had to listen to it with headphones where I worked.. people were giving me the strangest looks because I was laughing so hard :laugh:
    I have to get caught up on the books...
    hope evreyones weekend is going well...
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Hello lovely ladies. Is it almost June!? Say it ain't so. I have not been able to keep up. DD is due mid-June and she has been having a time with fatigue. Of course, living with a toddler is not conducive to much rest. Oh well, this too will pass. The quest for rest; I remember it well.

    Gotto go, have toddler on my lap and he would like to see some train pictures.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :flowerforyou: Thanks for the reminder of the Janet Evanovich books……I read as far as 13 and then moved on and haven’t gone back.

    :bigsmile: I got up super early this morning so I was able to walk Brandy for an hour before sunrise and Sasha for an hour after sunrise……it was very early so we saw no people and no cars but lots of birds…the baby quail are starting to run around in the grass so I have to be vigilant so the dogs don’t go after them.

    :flowerforyou: My current computer project is to sort, label, organize, and discard photos…..we have been lazy for a long time and have just downloaded all the photos from the camera or phone and not taken the time to do any organization and the memory on the computer is starting to get strained…..there also seem to be a lot of pictures on both the desktop and the laptop and it’s cumbersome to keep comparing and deciding where to sort the pictures….it’s especially frustrating because I strictly limit my sitting down time.

    :bigsmile: Katla, thanks for letting everyone know that there will be a new thread when we get to 500 post and another new thread just before my bedtime (for the month of June)…..look at the bottom of the last post for the link to the new thread.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Sat!
    Got up and my daughter texted me,knew something was up.She`s sure she`s pregnant.The boyfriend isn`t the guy I would choose for her.She`s a single mom of 2 and struggles.I`m asking for prayers.I feel so helpless,I live a state away.
    Temps in the 80`s.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    About the magnesium issue. When my husband had his episode of atrial fibrillation this February, irregular heart rate, They found out his magnesium was low. after several IV infusions of magnesium and the correct beta blocker which is more specific for atrail fib, they finally got it under control. But he has to take a daily magnesium supplement. I know there are several over the counter but the one the doctor ordered was kept behind the counter, Slow mag. I am on a beta blocker for fast heart rate. My particular kind of fast heart rate is called PAT for paraxsysmal atrial tachycardia which just basically means that they can't find a cause for the fast heart rate but have deemed it be be non-consequential because of where the electrical stimulus to initiate comes form the right place or the upper chamber and not the lower chamber. It would be very dangerous if it comes from there.

    We went to Home Depot with Michelle and got what we think will work. It's not the way Charlie would want it to be done but it is in her budget and she knows that she needs something for right now to help the drainage issue and then will work on making a nice yard later when she has the money and her basement is dry. Since it is so hot we just bought the material, got it home and will do it when it's a little cooler. Main problem is that tomorrow is her last day of vacation. She needs to get this drainage tubing buried to keep it away from her dogs. Oh the things they can do with anything rubber. She needs to rent a tiller but the ones at Home Depot to rent were to wide. So they are going to try to dig it just using a shovel. But the area it will be going in Michelle has tried to keep it bolstered through the years with rock, and sand. So it's not just digging a trench, it's digging through rock. Both of them are going to have to bite the dust and get up early morning to do it. She works until midnight, stays up until around 3 or 4 and sleeps until noon. So getting up early would be a miracle for her.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,372 Member
    Well, am I no 500?

    Had a quiet day just sorting out the garden and a little bit of cooking. Fresh tuna for dinner and more of our amazingly prolific broadbeans!

    Kim - the pesto crust is just panko mixed with pesto from a jar and some lemon juice. I season and drizzle the fillets with lemon juice and then press the crust on the fillets. Bake. I usually use thick cod or hake fillets.

    Did quite a lot of exercise this morning then read the paper.

    Love to all who are struggling.:heart:

    Heather in Hampshire UK