RANT POST: I am NOT too skinny!



  • natstar26
    natstar26 Posts: 130 Member
    just jealous they are still fat and you are looking smashing, that's all it is lol
  • crohnsfighter
    crohnsfighter Posts: 689 Member
    Since you aren't underweight the only thing I can assume is that it's code language for either "stop getting hotter" or "I am the sort of person that reflects on my own failure when someone else has success rather than being inspired by it"

    Either way it's not you it's them, they are projecting their insecurities on you and there's not alot you can do, apart from to say I'm not "skinny" I'm just getting healthier.

    Or since they are using the word "skinny" which sounds like a body shaming insult to me compared to saying slim or trim tell them to eff off. lol ;P

    I agree with this :)
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    You look great, and it doesn't matter what they think, it matters what you think!
  • thatjosiegirl
    thatjosiegirl Posts: 362 Member
    I think it's meant to be a (misguided) validation, not an insult. Many people associate things like exercise or counting calories as being a negative or painful thing, not something that they themselves would enjoy doing.

    Sooooo...they incorrectly assume that if you are doing these painful/negative things that you must really dislike your body or have self esteem issues.

    So when they give you permission to stop exercising/dieting, because you are too skinny...they are really trying to say "I'm sorry that you do this crazy thing, I really think you look great! You can stop punishing yourself now."

    So, just smile and say "Thanks! But I really enjoy my gym time, it gives me confidence, I feel so much better....ect, ect, ect," I guarantee you they will say "Well I could never do what you do!"
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    I've lost 65 pounds since September, {242-177} so there is a pretty drastic change in my appearance. Several of my customers, older ladies for the most part, have ask if I was sick, was that the reason for the weight loss. After the first couple of times I always say I was sick of being fat. Then I go on to tell them how hard I have worked at it. After that they tell me how good I look. But with these ladies I think they were truly concerned. They just don't know many people who eat less and exercise on purpose.
  • tracydr
    tracydr Posts: 528 Member
    Unless you're an obsessive exerciser or severely restrict calories your new thin body is so much healthier. Not many people die from being thin alone, unless they actually have an eating disorder. Healthy thin is,well, healthy!
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I just need to vent a little. I am soooooo DAMN tired of ppl telling me I need to stop working out because I am already skinny. I am 176 lbs and 6 feet tall. It took me so long to be OK with myself and my "skinny" size when my entire family was big. There was something always wrong with me because I can't gain or keep weight on. These people are sounding like I am a size 0. I went from a size 12 to almost an 8. I am loving the fact that I see abs coming out, I see my core and arms are stronger. My calf is not jiggly and my Butt... my butt is uplifted. WHAT does these ppl want from me!. I am doing this for me not for them......... Grrrrrrr! (continuing rant offline)
    It doesn't matter what other people think. Let it go and just be happy with you.
  • PinkCupcakes84
    PinkCupcakes84 Posts: 235 Member
    I can see where that would be annoying. You got to look at the source where the comments are coming from. If the people that are saying this is overweight then there you go.
  • 6yuu
    6yuu Posts: 30 Member
    I literally can relate to this on so many levels. I am a little underweight but far from living an active lifestyle, and I'm trying eat as well as possible.I get kinda irritated when people are like "why are you eating a salad? you're sooooo skinny you could eat whatever you want" like I just don't even bother explaining myself anymore. People can be so nosy, and think you're almost like not allowed to be fit and healthy because you're already at a good weight. It can get annoying for sure!
  • 6yuu
    6yuu Posts: 30 Member
    I think it's meant to be a (misguided) validation, not an insult. Many people associate things like exercise or counting calories as being a negative or painful thing, not something that they themselves would enjoy doing.

    Sooooo...they incorrectly assume that if you are doing these painful/negative things that you must really dislike your body or have self esteem issues.

    So when they give you permission to stop exercising/dieting, because you are too skinny...they are really trying to say "I'm sorry that you do this crazy thing, I really think you look great! You can stop punishing yourself now."

    So, just smile and say "Thanks! But I really enjoy my gym time, it gives me confidence, I feel so much better....ect, ect, ect," I guarantee you they will say "Well I could never do what you do!"

    So true, this is actually helpful!
  • 6yuu
    6yuu Posts: 30 Member
    Since you aren't underweight the only thing I can assume is that it's code language for either "stop getting hotter" or "I am the sort of person that reflects on my own failure when someone else has success rather than being inspired by it"

    Either way it's not you it's them, they are projecting their insecurities on you and there's not alot you can do, apart from to say I'm not "skinny" I'm just getting healthier.

    Or since they are using the word "skinny" which sounds like a body shaming insult to me compared to saying slim or trim tell them to eff off. lol ;P

    I agree with this :)
    Same! It makes so much sense
  • eslcity
    eslcity Posts: 323 Member
    I have had a few people who have told me to stop dieting... and I did... I started working out...

    Weight lifting and now I eat more... but I am getting the classic V shape.. and i'm starting to have to wear bigger shirts because of my arms...

    Maybe... they are trying to tell you to stop doing so much cardio and start becoming stronger... and grow bigger muscles.
  • conqueringsquidlette
    conqueringsquidlette Posts: 383 Member
    I wonder if it's because 3/4 of everybody else they see is fat, and people just have no idea what healthy looks like anymore?
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    stop caring so much what other people think!

    ^yeah exactly.. o_0

    if anything tell them your hoping they get healthy themselves.
  • halfpintpeggy
    halfpintpeggy Posts: 64 Member
    Personally, I think these are probably the types of friends who would love to sabotage your weight loss efforts. I have a couple of friends like this....they'd be happier if I was still sitting around with them chowing down on mozzarella sticks and pie!
  • SomeNights246
    SomeNights246 Posts: 807 Member
    Some people just don't know how to convey a compliment appropriately, there is no need to be upset.

    To be fair "stop working out you're too skinny" isn't really a clumsy compliment, it's a guilt trip/accusation as much as "stop eating, you're too heavy" would be.

    "you look skinny" or "wow look at you twiggy" or "work those curves" are more clumsy compliments. She's got fair reason to be pee'd off and MFP forums is an appropriate place to vent. *shrugs*

    Exactly. It's no different than saying "Go eat a cheeseburger". If it or what the OP hears are 'compliments', they're backhanded ones.
  • avibachar
    avibachar Posts: 47
    I'd just tell them, "I'd rather not be fat, like you."

    Hey, if they think they can insult you, give it back to them.

    THIS!!!! They're just haters...there's no need to be polite to them when they obviously are not being polite or respectful to you!
  • Jennkies
    Jennkies Posts: 382 Member
    I tend to run into this problem, too when I get close to my goal weight. I carry my weight in a way that makes me look "too thin" when in fact I still have a lot of work to do in the midsection and other areas.

    Just forget what they think. They may not be used to the "new you"... Give it some time and no one will think anything about it.
  • 1kimchris
    1kimchris Posts: 2
  • stkhmpa
    stkhmpa Posts: 1
    Not even getting into why they have to say what they say.

    What matters is you are healthy and happy with your body, your doctor gives you a clean bill of health.

    Just tell them that and maybe suggest they take a trip to the doctor to check their fat/cholesterol/fitness levels because the ideal weight they think is healthy may not be that healthy after all.