

  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good evening! I think I may have torn the meniscus in my other knee. Fingers crossed that it is just joint pain--like the rest of my body has today. The last time I did a major clean and purge of my house is when I messed up my right knee. I don't know what I do to myself!

    I have almost everything I need to stage the house. Now I just need to get the painting and minor repair stuff done so the remainder of the deep clean can be done! I like the decorating bit. :tongue: I am thinking of hiring a cleaning service to do some of it. I'm afraid that I am going to injure myself both physically and mentally if I try to do it all by myself. I don't have the money but I can't afford to be sick or injured either. My ex MIL offered to help me and I might take her up on it.

    So, my bathroom and hallway are now pale yellow, the boy child's bathroom is gray, and the foyer is soon to be green. The gray bathroom is my fun project! The wall tile is white and the floor tile is white with gray streaks and gray grout. The cabinet is going to be painted a glossy black and I got new stylish knobs and pulls in brushed nickel. I have a red jar sort of thing that I'm going to put black bamboo limbs in to go on the back corner of the counter. I bought a large 16x20 picture frame that is black and has been matted to 8x10 that I will put a piece of red, black, gray, white, and yellow scrapbook paper in instead of a photo (modern art at its cheapest). I have a red rug and gray and black towels. I planned the colors for it and then realized that those are the colors in my son's bedding!

    My food and exercise have been terrible this week so Monday is the crackdown! I will food shop tomorrow to be sure that I have appropriate food for the week and pre-plan and pre-prepare as much as I can. Prayers that my knee will be okay for walking!

    BTW, I have been getting maybe five hours of sleep on a good night so you can imagine the luggage I am carrying beneath my eyes! I plan on taking more care with that, too, by carefully planning my errands and house stuff so that I have a few minutes of down time before bedtime each night.

    Tomorrow is my daughter's 24th birthday and graduate recognition Sunday at church. I put the flowers in the chancel in honor of her birthday and all of the graduates. I actually bought a large pot full of petuntias and some other flower that also has a grass for height in the middle. The plants are my daughter's birthday gift so she will have something blooming on her balcony.

    My (sort of) humor for the week has been watching my best female friend and my handyman develop a budding romance this week while both of them were working in the house.

    So, now y'all are mostly caught up with my life. Y'all are probably ready for a nap now!!

    Carol in sunny and hot NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    :flowerforyou: Carol, Jake and I have sold several houses during our marriage and I remember how much work it was to get the house ready and that was with two of us working and not doing nearly the cleaning and decorating that you're doing.....you'll have to be a planning wizard to get everything done, eat healthy, exercise, and get enough sleep....don't forget what Heather says "Don't let perfect be the enemy of the good"....do what you can and don't kick yourself for not being perfect.

    :heart: Barbie

    I thought I'd never get this written because Bernie, the cat, was all over my lap and the keyboard demanding my attention....then after being so pushy, he suddenly jumped down and went to bed:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi ladies. Fun day today. We went to the farmers’ market early this morning. We started with breakfast at my favorite dive café….usually someone gets arrested on the sidewalk in front and most of the employees are either on parole or on leave from the halfway house if you know what I mean. LOL. It’s my kind of place. I do love going to nice restaurants and dressing up, but in places like this the people are real and sincere. I had a breakfast quesadilla and had no idea how to log it, so I’m not sure I got it right, but at least it’s there! Then we puttered around the yard for a while after a LOOOONG nap! I even managed to edit four more test bank chapters and now I am just watching a baseball game.

    Kim: now I’m hungry again reading your post about blueberries and red snapper. We hardly even have snapper around here

    Alison: that’s right each day is a new opportunity to start anew

    Brenda: wow you probably really saved that kid from a bad injury! I used to go to step class (the Y doesn’t have it anymore) and I fell more times than I care to remember. When there were new people in class, the teacher would point to me and say “don’t watch her”! Of course she said it with a smile. It was a contact sport for me!

    Sylvia: what a day you had! Hoping hubby’s tests come out ok. Congrats on all those stairs!!!

    Bjmcq: Yes I’ve been here nearly 2 years now but on my status page I just hit 5 days in a row again LOL. I would nove to eat more organic but it’s so expensive here!

    Nena: what part of TX are you in?

    Katla :thanks for the reminder about the new thread. I always forget!

    Cynthia: my best friend breeds Arabians and I have helped her many times with colicky horses. And you’re right; it’s always on the weekend or right after the vet went home.

    DeeDee: it sounds like you are incredibly busy but you will be glad when it’s over and your house is gorgeous

    Margaret: that’s too bad your son is limited and must be frustrating for him.

    Vicki: it’s too bad health care is now just the bottom number isn’t it? All those kid activities amaze me…the cost, the time, the travel. I could never do it. I’m not holding my breath for rain; it keep clouding up and then the clouds just fade away.

    Renny: are you excited about a new grandbaby?

    Carol: I hope you find some time to rest!

    Well I’ll take Katla’s lead and say to all you newbies….there’s a new thread starting tomorrow because it is the first of the month! Don’t lose us!

    OK I’m off. Sweet dreams to all! Meg from Omaha where I wish it would rain.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Hi everybody! Today I went to the art museum with two of my friends. I had SOOOOOO much fun! We got there really early and went walking on the beautiful art path, which led to the old downtown Bentonville where a fantastic farmers market was going on. I bought some homemade cheese, made from very special cows who the lady said all have names and live very happy lives treated more like pets than livestock. Not sure how true it was, but it was a cute story and hubby likes cheese. I also bought a small loaf of Lemon Sweet Bread, after the lady swore it did not have salt and gave me a sample. It was delicious. Hubby likes it too, so it won't last long.

    Then we walked back and toured the exhibit from the Paley Modernist Collection. It was a great show. Then we went through the permanent exhibits, which we have all seen before but you always see something different that we missed before. It was a really fun time but my feet are killing me from all the walking and stairs.

    I'm pooped. Think I'm going to bed early.

    I hope you are all having a great weekend.

  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 471 Member
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Good eve. Haven't read any posts this wk & not sure I could even find them.

    DH came home this afternoon.Don't know who was happier :love: They tried everything to find out why the upper chambers of his heart was beating too fast. They tried diff meds,to no avail.He was in surgical ? Not sure what it's called,where they put a tube down the throat to the back of his heart,then shocked the heart.Didn't work,so they did it again & no dice.The longer we waited,the scarier
    It was.

    Basically ,they don't know what causes it,nor did anything help.He has my Dr,one we both like.

    Has been a long day for sure.Just about bedtime. Too sleepy to write more. Pat in Ohio
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Meg: We went to a local farmer’s market today, too. :bigsmile: We got a new fuchsia, fresh strawberries and snow peas. The fuchsia’s name is David. :laugh: Pretty plant and yummy berries. I haven’t used the snow peas yet. We also got a new handcrafted cribbage board for our son and DDIL. It is bigger than the one we have, but I think they’ll like it. This is a handmade box/gameboard with space for cards and pegs inside and is nicely done and pretty. :flowerforyou:

    Patceoh: I’m keeping your DH in my prayers. I hope this heart issue is resolved soon.:flowerforyou:

    I made a new dish for dinner, new for me anyway. It was Shrimp Etouffee on Dirty Rice. I found low sodium recipes that have a spice level that I can cope with, and the flavor was very good. We’ll see if acid develops over the night, and I hope it doesn’t. DH really liked it and the calories were reasonable.

    I hope to see you all again tomorrow on the next new thread. :wink: :bigsmile:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    May Goals report:

    1. Log every bite and swallow. I got this done.

    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Did good here, too. I’m developing good habits.

    3. Have fun every day. :-D

    4. Drink at least two glasses of water daily. At this level, I get the water done. I know that I’m a piker compared to many of you, but this seems to be about the best I can do consistently.

    New goals tomorrow, and they’ll be quite familiar.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    :bigsmile: Here is the link to the new thread for June


    It is already June for some of our members and it's bedtime for me.:yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Bump to mark the new thread....

    I haven't even lurked since getting back from our trip -- just have spent loads of time working, including yesterday and maybe today, too. We'll see.

    The last page mentioned heart things for more than one person, I think. Having gone through that and had valve replacement it caught my attention. In my case the aortic valve had a common birth defect - two leaflets to close the opening, instead of three. Over time and aging it had to be addressed surgically, but initially was diagnosed as SVT - supraventricular tachicardia.

    My description of the sensations was a musical one: if a quarter note represents a normal heartbeat, mine would speed up and go to eighth notes, then sixteenths, thirty-second notes, etc. Finally there would be a good whole or half note (or two), and the rhythm would reset. It went on for the longest time before they diagnosed, even with wearing a variety of monitors. At one point I just manually triggered the monitor and transmitted the data, since it never seemed to go on its own. (Then they said, after transmission, "Are you home alone?" Weirdly, drying my hair seemed to be a trigger. ANYWAY, they had me on digitek for a time, then was weaned off without incident and took no meds for a number of years.

    Now I have a pig valve and take a beta blocker plus a statin. They want 'heart' patients' cholesterol below 150, and even with exercise and diet I just couldn't get there. But I am taking half the lowest statin dose in experiment. (With the doc's knowledge - blood test next week. If the number still satisfies her I can stay at the lower dose.)

    Need to feed the dog... she came home from boarding with 'stress colitis'. It was so bad we took her to the vet to figure out the problem. I was scrubbing walls, cleaning carpets, etc., wherever she was -- poor thing was miserable for several days. She is on the mend now.

    Gail, metro ATL
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Good Morning All, It has been a good 5 days since I've been on here. I hope all is well, thoughts and prayers to those struggling.
    Week-ends go way to fast. Friday night two friends came over, we had a work-out session and then sat around and talked for a couple of hours. Saturday DD, DGK's and I went to the Krohn Conservatory to see the butterfly show. The kids are 4 and 2 and they loved it. The loved the butterflies, there were beautiful birds, and a waterfall and cave they could run through. The flowers and folige was awesome and I found lots of plants I want for my yard. Don't know if I can find them or grow them outdoors but I sure would like to try. I ran up to DD's yesterday to play with the kids and give DD a chance to take a nap. She was really tired and is counting days for the new babies arrival. Other than that I cleaned, mowed, did laundry, and prepared for the week. It was actually a very productive and relaxing day.

    Carol, I know what you’re going through with the house. I’m thinking of trying to sell mine and after reading your post I don’t know if I’m up for the challenge.

    Sylvia, The art show sounded like great fun.

    Pat, Prayers for your husband, I hope you find some answers.

    Gail, glad the dog is doing better.

    I didn't go back to the old posts so I hope all are doing well.
    Have a happy and good health day.
    Patty, Cincinnati OH
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Yikes,forgit my goals for June.
    13,000 steps a day
    Try new ways to increase cardio without worsening the knee.

  • LKM54
    LKM54 Posts: 48 Member
    I want to do lower carbs what is everyone doing? I tried really low carbs like 25 a day and that was not going to work, I felt SICK. I think carbs are a killer as I get older. I see a lot of people only do 1300 or 1500 calories. There is no way I can or am wiling to do that. I think 1800 to 1900 is much more realistic for me. Is anyone else doing a higher calorie count and finding success? Thanks..Have a great day!:drinker:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    :bigsmile: Here is the link to the new thread for June

  • DarMC
    DarMC Posts: 78 Member
    Hello all... I am from the Reno area! Please feel free to add me.