Calorie deficit not the answer?



  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    Mercola? Seriously?

    He's not incapable of writing summary articles. The cites are the same regardless of Mercola or someone else you respect more writes up the summary. It's not like he did the actual studies. So, how about focus on the content of the message rather than the one delivering through summary.

    Or you could do just a little of your own research rather than asking others on a website to spoonfeed it to you.

    I wouldn't trust Mercola to write a "summary article" on the containment properties of a wet paper bag. That being said, if you make assertions, expect people to ask you to back them up.

    And I did. You don't trust the summary article author, then fine, go find your own. Or read the underlying studies and those scientists instead of being dismissive of those studies because you don't like the summary author. But I guess that would require actual effort. I found the article helpful because it had actual links to those studies, so people could read them for themselves.

    It's really not that hard -- these aren't esoteric subjects. They take only simple google searches. But some people on this site are soooo lazy, then have the audacity to complain that someone else's quick searches aren't up to their standards. Stop being so intellectually lazy and then complain about others' attempts to help when you've provided ZERO effort yourself.

    It's no one's duty on this site to do all the work for you, or anyone else. It's just sharing of information, not a symposium.
  • LoupGarouTFTs
    LoupGarouTFTs Posts: 916 Member
    Mercola? Seriously?

    He's not incapable of writing summary articles. The cites are the same regardless of Mercola or someone else you respect more writes up the summary. It's not like he did the actual studies. So, how about focus on the content of the message rather than the one delivering through summary.

    Or you could do just a little of your own research rather than asking others on a website to spoonfeed it to you.

    I wouldn't trust Mercola to write a "summary article" on the containment properties of a wet paper bag. That being said, if you make assertions, expect people to ask you to back them up.

    And I did. You don't trust the summary article author, then fine, go find your own. Or read the underlying studies and those scientists instead of being dismissive of those studies because you don't like the summary author. But I guess that would require actual effort. I found the article helpful because it had actual links to those studies, so people could read them for themselves.

    It's really not that hard -- these aren't esoteric subjects. They take only simple google searches. But some people on this site are soooo lazy, then have the audacity to complain that someone else's quick searches aren't up to their standards. Stop being so intellectually lazy and then complain about others' attempts to help when you've provided ZERO effort yourself.

    It's no one's duty on this site to do all the work for you, or anyone else. It's just sharing of information, not a symposium.

    Burden of Proof fallacy
    Ad hominem fallacy
    Proof by assertion

    In any case, when people ask for proof, in general they are asking for legitimate sources. Mercola is not generally recognized as a legitimate source.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    Mercola? Seriously?

    He's not incapable of writing summary articles. The cites are the same regardless of Mercola or someone else you respect more writes up the summary. It's not like he did the actual studies. So, how about focus on the content of the message rather than the one delivering through summary.

    Or you could do just a little of your own research rather than asking others on a website to spoonfeed it to you.

    I wouldn't trust Mercola to write a "summary article" on the containment properties of a wet paper bag. That being said, if you make assertions, expect people to ask you to back them up.

    And I did. You don't trust the summary article author, then fine, go find your own. Or read the underlying studies and those scientists instead of being dismissive of those studies because you don't like the summary author. But I guess that would require actual effort. I found the article helpful because it had actual links to those studies, so people could read them for themselves.

    It's really not that hard -- these aren't esoteric subjects. They take only simple google searches. But some people on this site are soooo lazy, then have the audacity to complain that someone else's quick searches aren't up to their standards. Stop being so intellectually lazy and then complain about others' attempts to help when you've provided ZERO effort yourself.

    It's no one's duty on this site to do all the work for you, or anyone else. It's just sharing of information, not a symposium.

    Well said.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member

    I just ran the numbers based on the data given. Male, 45, sedentary, 6'1", 230 lbs. BMR calculates to 2500. He's eating 1500. Deficit = 1000 cal per day = 2 lbs per week.

    If he is saying he is losing 0 lbs per week, then the data must be wrong somewhere. If the 1500 cal per day intake is incorrect, then of course the whole equation just goes to hell. If the 1500 cal per day intake IS correct, and he is losing 0 lbs per week, then he needs to see a physician to rule out some kind of metabolic disorder.

    The thing is, he has little to no idea how many calories he's actually consuming because he hasn't been tracking it.

    OP - You've got the right idea to start. It's probably still ok to drink some diet soda, but a good idea to replace some of it with water. Once you've got a really good handle on what you're actually consuming, you should be able to see what needs to happen next (or, get better guidance from the community if you're lost :wink:)
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    what is going on here?
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I don't log my calories.

    I eat 6 meals a day. (evenly spaced 3hrs apart)

    I eat 8000 cals to maintain my weight at 85kg.

    I know this without counting because I just know.

    See how dumb that sounds?
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    Although I don't count calories (I know many of you are going to say that I'm eating more than i think), i'm quite confident that I never exceed my daily maintenance number. I say this because I do not eat anything throughout the entire day and only drink diet coke. At dinner I eat varied meals with family from healthy to pizza and may have a beer or glass of wine. To the point, I believe my body has learned to compensate by slowing my metabolism, such that I don't gain or lose, despite being under calorie recommendations. I'm 6'1" and 230lbs and estimate eating 1500 calls per day... lifestyle is sitting behind a desk in home office.

    Advice anyone? I would like to drop 30lbs before building muscle. Could it really be as simple as eating more often and cleaner calories in the 2500 per day range along with walking or jogging 3 days per week???
    I estimate that you are not 6'1" and I am quite confident that you have lost 75 pounds in the last week.

    Who needs measuring when you can just estimate and claim to be confident instead?
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    what is going on here?

    Not sure but I'm going to stick around for a while to find out
  • incantarix
    incantarix Posts: 35
    You would be really surprised how fast 1500 calories adds up. I also have no idea how you go through the entire day just drinking diet coke, without being absolutely starving.

    If it's working for you, though, good luck.