Game of Thrones - I Need Therapy - Spoiler Alert



  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    This is making me want to re-read the series. Again.
  • akaMrsmojo
    akaMrsmojo Posts: 762 Member
    Eddard's beheading definitely set the tone for the books as well as the show. He wasn't the first (well, Robert was first I guess) main character to die and wasn't the last to be sure.

    What I really enjoy doing is throwing out fake spoilers on my Facebook just minutes before the new episodes air so all my friends who haven't read the books, which is ALL of them, get pissed off at me. Take last night for example. 8:55 pm I posted "Can't wait for the trial by combat and the way Tyrion dies horrifically at the end!" I got a lot of hate-posts for that one.

    Haha, must remember that for the finale! I don't have much sympathy for people who get upset about GoT spoilers. The first book was published nearly 20 years ago, and the book that this season is based on was published 14 years ago...

    I said something on twitter about Joffrey finally getting his and someone flipped out. I was like dude, that was in the book AND the show already. STFU.

    I have the sense to stay off all social media until I watch the episode.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    I have the sense to stay off all social media until I watch the episode.

    Bless you.
  • conqueringsquidlette
    conqueringsquidlette Posts: 383 Member
    Eddard's beheading definitely set the tone for the books as well as the show. He wasn't the first (well, Robert was first I guess) main character to die and wasn't the last to be sure.

    What I really enjoy doing is throwing out fake spoilers on my Facebook just minutes before the new episodes air so all my friends who haven't read the books, which is ALL of them, get pissed off at me. Take last night for example. 8:55 pm I posted "Can't wait for the trial by combat and the way Tyrion dies horrifically at the end!" I got a lot of hate-posts for that one.

    Haha, must remember that for the finale! I don't have much sympathy for people who get upset about GoT spoilers. The first book was published nearly 20 years ago, and the book that this season is based on was published 14 years ago...

    I said something on twitter about Joffrey finally getting his and someone flipped out. I was like dude, that was in the book AND the show already. STFU.

    I have the sense to stay off all social media until I watch the episode.

    Good on ya.
  • sugarandspice27
    sugarandspice27 Posts: 521 Member
    Sansa is quickly growing on me! She really distinguished herself in last night's episode and went from a girl to a young woman. I feel like she and Petyer are going to be the power couple and a force to reckon with.

    Also, I liked outfit upgrade and the nod to the House of Baelish sigil, a black mockingbird. I'm happy to see that she's finally developing as a character and as a woman.
  • Menecairiel
    Menecairiel Posts: 164 Member
    As a book reader I knew it was coming. But seeing it...ouch.

    I think Martin would just name a character after you, make them really likable and then kill them as revenge for that bill.

    Love the Jaime/Tyrion interaction! Jaime Lannister is one of my favourite characters....I know, me bad. But he rocks. Sansa can do a running jump as far as I am concerned though.

    this is what I mean, since you read the book and already knew what would happen, did you really need to see it? also could not the point have been inferred?

    I just don't know what happened to withheld image in storytelling and film. Sometimes does it not seem gratuitous, or just for shock value as hinted above? Does that ever just turn you off to a show? To me it often does.

    I'm just wondering if any of you think withheld image would have been a better tool in this scene?

    Quick answer, personally? No. The shock and horror and sheer brutality of it is part of the story and the books. The gore of it suits it; the theme of it, the darkness. I mean, I am watching something based on George RR Martin's books. If I wanted a lighter version, I'd see if Robin Hobb had something cooked up from her books. (Kudos to anyone getting that reference!).

    You learn things from ASOIAF and GoT.

    The world is a brutal place.

    Also, I am never ever getting married.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    Sansa is quickly growing on me! She really distinguished herself in last night's episode and went from a girl to a young woman. I feel like she and Petyer are going to be the power couple and a force to reckon with.

    Also, I liked outfit upgrade and the nod to the House of Baelish sigil, a black mockingbird. I'm happy to see that she's finally developing as a character and as a woman.

    Okay, so are they going to bang? I'm so confused about the two of them and I can't get a good feel for where it's going. At first it felt like father/daughter, but now it's like sexy time could come at any second.
  • sugarandspice27
    sugarandspice27 Posts: 521 Member
    Sansa is quickly growing on me! She really distinguished herself in last night's episode and went from a girl to a young woman. I feel like she and Petyer are going to be the power couple and a force to reckon with.

    Also, I liked outfit upgrade and the nod to the House of Baelish sigil, a black mockingbird. I'm happy to see that she's finally developing as a character and as a woman.

    Okay, so are they going to bang? I'm so confused about the two of them and I can't get a good feel for where it's going. At first it felt like father/daughter, but now it's like sexy time could come at any second.

    Baelish has always seen Sansa, I think, as his redemption -- the way to relive his lost youth, his lost love of Catelyn. Let's not forget, he's a creeper, he's basically a pimp, he's the most morally dubious character on the show, perhaps. Is it any surprise that he's been taking her under his wing in a Woody Allen - Soon Yi- type relationship, only waiting for her to blossom and come of age? It's also not surprising that Sana might find herself attracted to a "daddy" figure because he's been her protector and provider. He's been good to her and cared for her when she's lost everyone and everything she's ever cared about.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    Eddard's beheading definitely set the tone for the books as well as the show. He wasn't the first (well, Robert was first I guess) main character to die and wasn't the last to be sure.

    What I really enjoy doing is throwing out fake spoilers on my Facebook just minutes before the new episodes air so all my friends who haven't read the books, which is ALL of them, get pissed off at me. Take last night for example. 8:55 pm I posted "Can't wait for the trial by combat and the way Tyrion dies horrifically at the end!" I got a lot of hate-posts for that one.

    Haha, must remember that for the finale! I don't have much sympathy for people who get upset about GoT spoilers. The first book was published nearly 20 years ago, and the book that this season is based on was published 14 years ago...

    I said something on twitter about Joffrey finally getting his and someone flipped out. I was like dude, that was in the book AND the show already. STFU.

    I have the sense to stay off all social media until I watch the episode.

    Yes. We actually don't have satellite tv, we have to download all episodes a few minutes after they're done airing. I stay off my phone and the computer until the latest is downloaded and watched.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    Sansa is quickly growing on me! She really distinguished herself in last night's episode and went from a girl to a young woman. I feel like she and Petyer are going to be the power couple and a force to reckon with.

    Also, I liked outfit upgrade and the nod to the House of Baelish sigil, a black mockingbird. I'm happy to see that she's finally developing as a character and as a woman.

    Okay, so are they going to bang? I'm so confused about the two of them and I can't get a good feel for where it's going. At first it felt like father/daughter, but now it's like sexy time could come at any second.

    Baelish has always seen Sansa, I think, as his redemption -- the way to relive his lost youth, his lost love of Catelyn. Let's not forget, he's a creeper, he's basically a pimp, he's the most morally dubious character on the show, perhaps. Is it any surprise that he's been taking her under his wing in a Woody Allen - Soon Yi- type relationship, only waiting for her to blossom and come of age? It's also not surprising that Sana might find herself attracted to a "daddy" figure because he's been her protector and provider. He's been good to her and cared for her when she's lost everyone and everything she's ever cared about.

    That makes a lot of sense. I really wish the hook up wouldn't happen, but I can see it now. He's a pretty terrible person and she's pretty naive or is in the books anyhow). She thinks he did all of this for her, when I think it's all for him. I wish there had been more from her point of view in book 5.

    It'll be interesting to see if she remains a victim or becomes......."bad".
  • KiiiAttitude
    Last night's episode was a 3-dimensional mind screw. My heart sank.

    ^^^ This
  • rsjessen92
    rsjessen92 Posts: 52 Member
    Book reader here, too, and I get off on my husband's shock when stuff like that happens in the show.

    Do I need therapy for that? lol

    I hope not because I do exactly the same with my friends, having read the books as well :)
  • ziggyc
    ziggyc Posts: 191 Member
    Last night was intense!! I turned my head away right when The Mountain popped Oberyn's head like a water balloon. I couldn't look. I loved the episode as a whole. They always go waaay too fast.
    And seriously, can Sansa and Arya please meet up?? Can we please have a Stark reunion soon?? Cuz it's killing me! If The Hound & Arya move on without finding Sansa, I don't even know what I'll do with myself...
  • ziggyc
    ziggyc Posts: 191 Member
    I will miss that actor. He did such a good job.

    And he's hot. :-P

    for real.
  • Kimdbro
    Kimdbro Posts: 922 Member
    While reading the books, in my head that was not Oberyn's voice, so all I kept thinking was...

    OMG I was the same!!! hahahaha.
  • Mr_Excitement
    Mr_Excitement Posts: 833 Member
    I'd read the book, but the scene still shocked me. :P You never hear the cool, heroic character let out a blood curdling scream of terror and agony, you know? It was seriously disturbing.
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    This is making me want to re-read the series. Again.

    I feel the same way...
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    I've read the books...but there is just something about seeing it...Like the red wedding I knew it was coming but I watched it with my mouth open the whole time..I'm glad dinner was still cooking while I was watching the battle...geez this show likes to mess with you..And after reading the last book I need serious therapy,
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    Book reader here, too, and I get off on my husband's shock when stuff like that happens in the show.

    Do I need therapy for that? lol

    I hope not because I do exactly the same with my friends, having read the books as well :)

    Me too!

    I was rather deflated last night though, after the episode I asked my husband what he thought might happen next and he guessed the next two major events correctly. I hate losing my edge ;)