Nerds Unite!



  • yellowlemoned
    yellowlemoned Posts: 335 Member
    Any room on this thread for old nerds? I grew up during the Lost in Space, Star Trek TOS, Johnny Quest and Twilight Zone era so I would completely understand if you need to port me over to a geriatric thread.

    Too funny!! Am I the only Harry potter obsessed person on here? What about crafty people? I love BBT and the walking dead and hope to get to a small enough size to be able to cosplay one day. I'm also obsessed with anything to do with Jim Henson.

    Jim Henson is one of my idols!
  • KierstenBoBiersten
    KierstenBoBiersten Posts: 10 Member
    I've been trying to add everyone.
    I got really annoyed by page 3 :'(
  • Yagisama
    Yagisama Posts: 595 Member
    All: I'm getting tired of clicking, it'd be easier if you just add me. :wink:
  • segovm
    segovm Posts: 512 Member
    I've been trying to add everyone.
    I got really annoyed by page 3 :'(

    I think there might be some scientific link between sitting in front of a computer for 8 hours at a time while drinking Mt. Dew and eating pizza and folks that need to lose weight.

    Not sure what the connection is but I'm sure it's out there.
  • linka411
    linka411 Posts: 101 Member
    p.s. anyone else use It's kinda fun to earn dragons and potions for working out/making the bed every day.

    This is genius.

    Just joined it after hearing about it here. Looking forward to using it to keep my other habits in check!
  • LadyGhostDuchess
    LadyGhostDuchess Posts: 894 Member
    I've been trying to add everyone.
    I got really annoyed by page 3 :'(

    We spawn... HA
    I was actually ANTI WoW for a while...and then someone gave it to me for free to try and yeah...That was back in 2006? I think...I don't remember lol
  • I am a fellow nerd trying to lose weight as well. I am into many different games and video games. I also like Harry Potter and LOTR. However, my big fan fanatic would be Indiana Jones. I like to craft and garden as well. Most people say I am a old women stuck in a young woman's body. Whatever. Crocheting a piranha plant scarf for my Mario Bros. friends screams fun for me!
  • littlefoot612
    littlefoot612 Posts: 156 Member
    Nerd mom here...and the apple didn't fall far from the tree. Taking my son to Niagara Falls Comic-Con this coming weekend. Is that nerdy enough for you? (btw he cosplays classic Doctor Who and I help make his costumes)
  • Brainiak20
    Brainiak20 Posts: 26 Member
    Hello fellow nerds!

    I'm Jen. 37 years old with a lot to lose. Trying to set "mini goals" up for myself...lose 25 first...then shoot for another 25. If I look at the big picture...maybe 75lbs would be "ideal."

    I am a nerd, but my husband calls me a dork. I love 80s metal, I think playing with legos is fun, I use to be an advid WOW player until we had kids, I love reading dystopian type novels (with the occasional Flower in the Attic type thrown in for good measure), I like to crochet, and the icing on the cake is I am an Electrical Controls Engineer. Yes....I do machine/automation and HMI programming and I LIKE IT.

    Looking forward to getting to know other fellow nerds and supporting eachother. If you are local to the Buffalo, NY area...I love to meet other walking/workout buddies!
  • ChriJMitch
    ChriJMitch Posts: 70 Member
    Closet nerd here. I have been gaming since I was old enough to pick up a controller. Played a couple MMO's for a while but that died when my excessive free time did during college. I did also play MtG for a while, but it was just too expensive keeping up with every new expansion.

    Most people have no idea how hardcore into gaming I am based on my appearance. Its kind of hilarious to drop it on them.
  • littlefoot612
    littlefoot612 Posts: 156 Member
    I'm a Brit Mystery fan too and also read Child, Connelly, Cornwell, Cussler, Baldacci and too many more to name. Add me as a friend if you want.
  • Dregg
    Dregg Posts: 66 Member
    habitrpg sounds pretty awesome. I am going to have fun.....never heard of it before today.
  • LadyGhostDuchess
    LadyGhostDuchess Posts: 894 Member

    I noticed there is a lot of talk about gaming on here so I am going to branch away from it now lol.
    OTHER than gaming what do you like that is nerdy?

    I personally:
    I crochet

    I draw (my art)

    I am a HUGE Ren Junky - I actually have enough books and blue prints to properly construct a castle. I also have a recipe for boar's head.

    I am one of the BIGGEST (and I don't mean weight) Titanic nerds out there!

    I am a NaNoWriMo Winner (the book was a Titanic book go figure lol)

    I am a writer (anything and everything I can do!)

    I LOVE reading (which was a new year's resolution a few years ago to do, prior too I did not pick up a book). I read Cozy Mystery, Historical Fiction, YA. I have ALL of Christopher Moore's books. I have many books in my collection signed by authors. I am also a Beta-Reader for a few authors.

    I love Geology...Rocks, Dinosaurs, Volcanoes...omg It is like a party for me!

    I adore the X-Men

    COSTUMES! I love Period costumes...OMG now here is my movie nerd:
    I own all of: Game of Thrones, Community, Big Bang Theory, Pretty Little Liars, Downton Abbey, Futurama, Pushing Daisies, Once Upon A Time, Cleaveland Show, Dead Like Me, Harry Potter, Twilight (don't kill me), High School Musical (don't kill me), Bring it on (don't kill me), Jurassic Park, 3 Ninjas.
    I almost have every season of: Chuck, True Blood, Lost
    My favor actors: Sam Neill and Jorge Garcia (known for some pretty nerdy movies/shows)

    I collect:
    Water Mammals (manatee, otter, walrus, sea lion..etc)

    THERE WE GO! :) I got more...I know it lol
    Feel free to add me as a friend! :drinker:
  • Savemyshannon
    Savemyshannon Posts: 334 Member
    habitrpg sounds pretty awesome. I am going to have fun.....never heard of it before today.

    About to sign up, myself! Looks right up my alley :)
  • segovm
    segovm Posts: 512 Member

    I noticed there is a lot of talk about gaming on here so I am going to branch away from it now lol.
    OTHER than gaming what do you like that is nerdy?

    I personally:
    I crochet

    I draw (my art)

    I am a HUGE Ren Junky - I actually have enough books and blue prints to properly construct a castle. I also have a recipe for boar's head.

    I am one of the BIGGEST (and I don't mean weight) Titanic nerds out there!

    I am a NaNoWriMo Winner (the book was a Titanic book go figure lol)

    I am a writer (anything and everything I can do!)

    I LOVE reading (which was a new year's resolution a few years ago to do, prior too I did not pick up a book). I read Cozy Mystery, Historical Fiction, YA. I have ALL of Christopher Moore's books. I have many books in my collection signed by authors. I am also a Beta-Reader for a few authors.

    I love Geology...Rocks, Dinosaurs, Volcanoes...omg It is like a party for me!

    I adore the X-Men

    COSTUMES! I love Period costumes...OMG now here is my movie nerd:
    I own all of: Game of Thrones, Community, Big Bang Theory, Pretty Little Liars, Downton Abbey, Futurama, Pushing Daisies, Once Upon A Time, Cleaveland Show, Dead Like Me, Harry Potter, Twilight (don't kill me), High School Musical (don't kill me), Bring it on (don't kill me), Jurassic Park, 3 Ninjas.
    I almost have every season of: Chuck, True Blood, Lost
    My favor actors: Sam Neill and Jorge Garcia (known for some pretty nerdy movies/shows)

    I collect:
    Water Mammals (manatee, otter, walrus, sea lion..etc)

    THERE WE GO! :) I got more...I know it lol
    Feel free to add me as a friend! :drinker:

    Seen a few writers on here. I think that's sort of a trend (myself included) among introverts. We don't spend as much time socializing as some other folks and sort of live in our heads. I wrote for about 5 years straight once, came up with some insanely oddball stuff (a trilogy about mutant bunnies from outer space as an example and a half finished volume on Atlantis that I got way too into).

    I wonder how many other folks like me just have a collection of writings that they sort of keep to themselves or very close friends?
  • Ulwaz
    Ulwaz Posts: 380 Member
    hello fellow nerds :D

    true blood, pokemon, anime, manga, doctor who, ps3, final fantasy, kingdom hearts, list is endless :D

    add me <3
  • LadyGhostDuchess
    LadyGhostDuchess Posts: 894 Member
    Seen a few writers on here. I think that's sort of a trend (myself included) among introverts. We don't spend as much time socializing as some other folks and sort of live in our heads. I wrote for about 5 years straight once, came up with some insanely oddball stuff (a trilogy about mutant bunnies from outer space as an example and a half finished volume on Atlantis that I got way too into).

    I wonder how many other folks like me just have a collection of writings that they sort of keep to themselves or very close friends?

    I am actually a social butterfly LOL
    I talk A LOT when I get into things. I love having friends and being engulfed in the world.
    When the characters in my head start talking is when I start getting worried HA. I love to share my stuff when ti comes to writing. I have posted a few blogs with my writing here actually.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    I'm a writer. My focus is mostly writing about moral gray areas with an emphasis on dystopian futures via fiction. I love it. Probably am not any good at it, but that won't stop me!

    Also, do we have a group on here yet?
  • LadyGhostDuchess
    LadyGhostDuchess Posts: 894 Member
    I'm a writer. My focus is mostly writing about moral gray areas with an emphasis on dystopian futures via fiction. I love it. Probably am not any good at it, but that won't stop me!

    Also, do we have a group on here yet?

    Maybe we should have one!
  • cyberbobcity
    cyberbobcity Posts: 1 Member
    Any Carcassonne players on iOS? It's my favorite table top game!! I'm pretty ruthless though and mean in it... (but it's the only way to "really" play)