Nerds Unite!



  • notreallychris
    notreallychris Posts: 501 Member
    Do console gamers and MST3K nerds count? If so, I'm in!
  • Go_Mizzou99
    Go_Mizzou99 Posts: 2,628 Member
    I am a certified nerd as I am a licensed professional engineer that works in construction. :tongue:

    My only weakness in the gaming community is Clash Of Clans. Currently level 109. I go by Uncle.Eddie and I am a member of the Dragon Lords (black/white checkered - sort of - shield). 1,500 trophy minimum and maxed archers to get in. We are farming atm.

    Other than that I am big into golfing, cycling, hunting, fishing, trail riding in my Polaris Ranger, chili cooking contests, and smoking all sorts of I am actually an outdoors-man that happens to have a nerdy streak.
  • Menix8
    Menix8 Posts: 210 Member
    Hi nerds.

    I'm Anna, 25 years old, trying to lose the last 15 lbs and get below 20% body fat.

    I enjoy Star Wars, Star Trek TNG, Lord of the Rings, Sandman, all things science, fitness/nutrition, acapella choirs, and once upon a time I was a giant Harry Potter dork who couldn't get enough of Super Smash Bros. I've cosplayed as Wonder Woman once at Geek Girl Con, and love the idea of getting shredded and going as She Hulk.

    When I grow up I want to be Samus. :)
  • katmustbeskinny
    Hello Nerd! I'm Kathrine. I was a nerd at birth. A book reading type a nerd. I always have a book with me. Also, the reason why I'm commenting, I think you will love the vlogbrothers (you know, the YouTube guys that created VidCon). They call themselves and their followers nerdfighters (to stand up and fight for nerds). I have been a nerdfighter since 2010. They are really amazing people and they have vlogs about pretty much anything from fandoms to politics. They are really interesting to watch and I highly recommend them.

    DFTBA (Don't Forget To Be Awesome),
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    Hello Nerd! I'm Kathrine. I was a nerd at birth. A book reading type a nerd. I always have a book with me. Also, the reason why I'm commenting, I think you will love the vlogbrothers (you know, the YouTube guys that created VidCon). They call themselves and their followers nerdfighters (to stand up and fight for nerds). I have been a nerdfighter since 2010. They are really amazing people and they have vlogs about pretty much anything from fandoms to politics. They are really interesting to watch and I highly recommend them.

    DFTBA (Don't Forget To Be Awesome),

    John Green is one of my favorite people on the planet.
  • threnjen
    threnjen Posts: 687 Member
    p.s. anyone else use It's kinda fun to earn dragons and potions for working out/making the bed every day.


    I had to use a lot of caps to express my emotions which are so deep .....
    Seriously I am so excited to install this
  • threnjen
    threnjen Posts: 687 Member
    Nerd mom here...and the apple didn't fall far from the tree. Taking my son to Niagara Falls Comic-Con this coming weekend. Is that nerdy enough for you? (btw he cosplays classic Doctor Who and I help make his costumes)
    I bet that is SO CUTE
  • Menix8
    Menix8 Posts: 210 Member
    p.s. anyone else use It's kinda fun to earn dragons and potions for working out/making the bed every day.


    I had to use a lot of caps to express my emotions which are so deep .....
    Seriously I am so excited to install this

    Wait, what's this... OMG THIS LOOKS AWESOME.
  • newcs
    newcs Posts: 717 Member
    I guess I'm more academically/domestically nerdy than other types of nerdy. I've been on MFP for a little over 2yrs. I hit my goal weight a year ago, hurt my back and ended up almost back at square one. I just did a DietBet (and won!) and have around 10 more pounds to lost to be back at my goal weight so I'm back to counting calories and currently switching between 30 Day Shred and some other workouts.

    On to the nerdy stuff...I really like math (I'm an accountant but my favorite job of all time was tutoring high level college math). I like science but I'm awful at it, so I really just like reading academic papers and experiment results. I love researching things - everything from the most effective varroa mite treatments for my honeybee hive to the coolest hole in the wall places to visit on my next vacation. I like growing my own food and I'm helping to start a cooperatively owned grocery store. I knit and bake for fun (and sometimes crochet or create micro origami). Trying to teach myself to sew as well since I've got most of the other crafts under my belt.
  • JeffInJax
    JeffInJax Posts: 232 Member
    Nerd Reporting in!

    Well im 29 currently, learned how to read because my father wouldnt let me play Final Fantasy 1 for NES until i did, got big into video games and books and the occasional anime, love comics and all the marvel/dc/anything fantasy or fictionally based. I work in the IT Field as a Oracle Database Admin, and a few years back i was at my heaviest weight of 380 pounds, I am currently down to 256 with an end goal of 225 and would really like talking to similar people.

    Right now when i have free time i buy games on STEAM ill likely never play, and spend time ranking up accounts on league of legends, working on my 7th diamond account for friends. Started with everquest for almost 6 years but after that i tend to get to max level super fast in mmos then sell my account because i lose interest, honestly not sure why i play them anymore lol.

    Feel free to add me!
  • TrippelDubbel
    TrippelDubbel Posts: 2 Member
    I hope I qualify. :laugh: /sarcastic

    1. I'm a chemical engineer, so that means I've done lots of science and math stuff. In college, I took paleontology and archaeology as electives.

    2. I played Everquest & Quake for years. (Gave up MMORPG's afterward I quit EQ because I decided I spent too much of my life in front of a computer. So I quit before WoW.)

    3. I love Star Wars, TNG, LOTR, MST3K, Monty Python, Indiana Jones, Back to the Future, and most Pixar films. Also all of the Douglas Adams and Narnia books.

    4. I won a state-level medal in Science Olympiad in middle school. Concurrent with practice leading up to this, I was bullied regularly.

    5. I used to play the Star Trek equivalent to D&D as a kid. I also played an IRC-based Star Trek RPG for a while.

    6. Started using computers in 1984 when my parents brought home a Commodore 64. Started dialing up to bulletin boards in the early 90's. Was one of the first users of an archaic email system set up by a teacher at the local high school. Used it to email back and forth with a friend who moved away. Recently built a home-theater PC myself after researching it for a couple years.

    7. I played trumpet in marching, concert & jazz bands from 6th grade through my sophomore year in college. So I'm also a band geek.

    8. Don't know if this is a qualification, but I was in Boy Scouts from elementary school through the end of high school and I'm an Eagle Scout. At least when I was in high school, this wasn't a real popular thing.

    9. I love craft beer to the point that I log all the beers I try just to keep track. Spreadsheets & automatic RSS pulls of Untappd data FTW.

    Now that I've got a wife and a couple of kids, like others have said before, they leave little time for my nerdy pursuits. That is, other than my job, of course.
    I'm also a homebrewer nerd and am building a full electric brewery in my basement (that gets in the way of the fitness thing).

    @mbauer013, that brewing system sounds right up my alley. I love craft beer and have dreamed of someday doing something similar given that my career is designing processing systems that are WAY bigger than homebrewing. Might have to send a friend request based on your comment.
  • threnjen
    threnjen Posts: 687 Member
    Any Carcassonne players on iOS? It's my favorite table top game!! I'm pretty ruthless though and mean in it... (but it's the only way to "really" play)
    I didn't know they had it on iOS.

    We love Carcassone, although I haven't played it in a few years. I just acquired a copy of "Kids of Carcassone" for a somewhat exorbitant amount (it's out of print). It's supposed to be one of the very best German-style games for kids and I want them to love board games as much as we do. I was pleasantly surprised to find the copy was brand new in shrink wrap. I hope I can sell it in a few years for what I paid when they graduate to adult Carcassone :)
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    Nerd Reporting in!

    Well im 29 currently, learned how to read because my father wouldnt let me play Final Fantasy 1 for NES until i did, got big into video games and books and the occasional anime, love comics and all the marvel/dc/anything fantasy or fictionally based. I work in the IT Field as a Oracle Database Admin, and a few years back i was at my heaviest weight of 380 pounds, I am currently down to 256 with an end goal of 225 and would really like talking to similar people.

    Right now when i have free time i buy games on STEAM ill likely never play, and spend time ranking up accounts on league of legends, working on my 7th diamond account for friends. Started with everquest for almost 6 years but after that i tend to get to max level super fast in mmos then sell my account because i lose interest, honestly not sure why i play them anymore lol.

    Feel free to add me!

    I used to play LoL. Despite being really decent at my video games I've played - I was so absolutely terrible at this one.

    I used to play RuneScape way back in the day - anyone remember that one? I also kicked some serious rear at Evony. Not an rpg, but more a strat game.
  • mbauer013
    mbauer013 Posts: 34 Member
    I'm also a homebrewer nerd and am building a full electric brewery in my basement (that gets in the way of the fitness thing).

    @mbauer013, that brewing system sounds right up my alley. I love craft beer and have dreamed of someday doing something similar given that my career is designing processing systems that are WAY bigger than homebrewing. Might have to send a friend request based on your comment.

    I'm always up for talking about beer! I've been brewing for about a decade now, most of my homebrewer friends are engineers too.
  • MaraOfNaamah
    MaraOfNaamah Posts: 133 Member
    Hi! I'm Cyn, and I am super nerdy - and love every minute of it.

    I am HARDCORE into board games - my husband even proposed with the card game Innovation, since it is my absolute favorite! I love to play tabletop, though I don't get the chance nearly as often as I like (mainly at GenCon these days, due to scheduling). I am recently getting into MTG and play with friends, who have all played for years.

    I love to read, and the Kushiel's Legacy serious is my favorite. After the classic Pride and Prejudice that is... which actually reminds me... I got a new card game from a KickStarter campaign a couple of months ago - Marrying Mr. Darcy - I love it!

    As for TV I love Numb3rs, NCIS, Firefly, Once Upon a Time, Grimm, Sherlock, and Dr. Who for recent things. I also adored Star Trek - Especially Next Generation when I was growing up.

    I am not only nerdy in my hobbies though, I am a mathlete in my professional career as a staff accountant. I LOVE it, and eventually want to go into senior accounting a/o forensic accounting a/o auditing. :-)
  • threnjen
    threnjen Posts: 687 Member

    I noticed there is a lot of talk about gaming on here so I am going to branch away from it now lol.
    OTHER than gaming what do you like that is nerdy?

    Cute art! I am seeing a lot of WoW in there :P I bookmarked to look at in-depth later.

    My non-nerd (or nerdy in a different way) stuff is:

    Aquariums (I have 4 in different sizes and they are awesome)
    Disney (my two kids have a lot of influence on this)
    Reading (fantasy, sci-fi, general fiction, YA)

    My line of work is as a doll eye dealer. So if anyone on the thread happens to be a BJD collector we have probably encountered each other elsewhere. But I am not a doll collector myself.
  • threnjen
    threnjen Posts: 687 Member
    I just went through another round of adding friends but I got tired. Just add me lol.
  • PinkyFett
    PinkyFett Posts: 842 Member

    But, I was actually thin when I played 8 straight hours of wow. All I did was sit, get drunk, and raid/pvp

    Good ol days.

    *sniff* Memories...

    For REAL. Damn real life now.. :grumble:
  • ximenia
    ximenia Posts: 62 Member
    I added a bunch of you, but there's just too many pages, I will get back to it later, but in the meantime feel free to add me.
  • Grumpsandwich
    Grumpsandwich Posts: 368 Member
    Ive been playing MMo's since the late 90s ( Asherons Call /Everquest ) and dozens since ( Yes wow too for a bit ) Rift and now Elder Scrolls.

    I grew up on Star Trek and watched Hulk tv series every week, RELIGIOUSLY
    Ive seen every Star wars movie on release day at a drive in since I was 3.
    Other notables

    I sub to the idea, Batman is NOT a super hero as i myself think the lack of a super power makes him well less super. An action hero but not super hero. ( Sorry Tony Stark, you too but although not super but your arc reactor is pretty cool :P)

    I subscribe to lootcrate for epic loots

    I have 2 20 sided dice on my desk

    <3 Pvp but im not an *kitten* pvper

    Obsessed with Dc comic cartoons ( Justice League was my all time fav growing up ) , he-man, voltron and transformers.
    This is who i grew into

    When not wearing my awesome wonder woman / Various loot crate T's ect. Even wear them to belly dance class :D

    Although Im more of a geek/ dork in the truest sense of the word as i did horrible in science and math.
    I was a band geek