Anyone else have meltdowns/throw fits?



  • Anonycatgirl
    Anonycatgirl Posts: 502 Member
    This has happened to me a couple of times. Once I calm down I realize it's a combination of hormones and trying to stockpile my calories for dessert or drinks after dinner so by mid-afternoon I'm a hungry bear.

    And man, do I feel like an idiot afterward.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Not about that. I have had meltdowns before. It is from ptsd. But, I work very much to manage, reduce, pay attention to how I can prevent it. It helps to work through and face strong and very difficult emotions that got bottled up (because when I had them I was not allowed to express it), that way they don't get triggered into an overflow in which I can no longer hold them in. It rarely happens anymore, but if it does I can manage and get myself out of it.
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    If I am going to have a meltdown it is going to be over something that matters.

  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    This is one of many reasons why I don't weigh every little thing I put in my mouth.

    How can you be sure that you aren't going over your calorie goal?
  • fittoday14
    fittoday14 Posts: 128
    YES! But not lately..

    In the past, when I would be making breakfast, I'd measure out the potatoes/eggs/bread/etc and separate them. Then, when everything was done and measured and I was ready to eat after cooking, if someone tried to touch 'my' plate, I'd snap at them. LOL Nowadays I just cook for myself, that solves the situation quite nicely. If I make a pot of food, I also measure and make portion sizes all equal to the same amount, so if anyone wants a serving, I serve them. LOL
  • fooninie
    fooninie Posts: 291 Member
    I've never had one like that, but yes, I've had moments that are lined up on the "wall of shame" in my life. My advice is to apologize for throwing a hissy fit (because really, that's what it is) and carry on, while trying to determine the triggers to avoid future episodes. For me, when I get my daily does of exercise, "angry mom" (as my hubby and daughter like to call it) stays at bay. Hang in there!!
  • corgarian
    corgarian Posts: 366 Member
    I almost had one this weekend.
    So lets start with the fact that im a vegetarian.
    I was a bridesmaid this weekend and while in the bridal suite for 4 hours there was NO food, and then at the reception all the food either had meat or was made with meat stock. All they had with no meat was shredded lettuce and tomatoes. So, by the time dinner was over at the reception I was getting pretty hangry. I was literally close tears when my boyfriend decided it was time for me to go. He then took me to this burger place I love that has a great veggi burger.
  • feliscatus84
    feliscatus84 Posts: 80 Member
    Sometimes I get frustrated with weighing. He knows when a meltdown is coming and stays out of my way. Sometimes he'll say "You're measuring that?!" **I look down at my measly dollop of peanut butter weighed perfectly in grams** then I go into my rant about how I MUST weigh every morsel that passes my lips and about how beneficial it is citing all these things from MFP. That's usually when he walks away and let's me do my thing in the kitchen. Then when I leave he goes and dishes up his food LOL.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Oh, i get frustrated when husband or the kids want a bite or whatever of my snack. I'm like, "You KNOW I have to weigh this crap out, go get your own!" :laugh:

    I love sharing food with my kids. They either hate it and never bother me for a taste again, or I'm a few bites under my goal which helps my plan to over estimate my calories and under estimate calorie burn.

    Haha, this happens to me too. My toddler wants a bite of whatever I'm eating, so I naturally overestimate my calories. Bonus is, I have to try to make my snacks as healthy as possible so the bite of whatever she eats is healthy too.
  • thickerella
    thickerella Posts: 154 Member
    I have had these kinds of meltdowns...and it has ALWAYS been because I wasn't eating enough to be satisfied. Enough calories, enough protein, enough SOMETHING. If you're not satisfied and happy, it's time to take look at what you're eating and figure out what can change.

    Food restriction shouldn't make you miserable. If it does, you're going to have a much harder time sticking to it.
  • ninav1980
    ninav1980 Posts: 514 Member
    Lastnight I did! I was just so frustrated with always weighing and measuring and tracking.....and lastnight we made pizza pitas and I had my 15 turkey pepperoni on the counter and noticed my husband was taking those for his and not from the package! I threw a fit :( very pathetic I know but I just wanted to cry! I had a "poor pitty me moment" here's this guy who just eats whatever and I have to count and measure and he's taking mine that I already counted out....LOL I'm laughing now as I type this but at the moment it was a sad and pathetic situation. Anyone else have meltdowns like this?

    I cant say that I have BUT, Im glad you posted this because your dinner sounds yummy! lol, gonna have to look into getting this next time I am out! Thanks for the tips :)
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    OP, how many calories are you eating? Perhaps you're having mood swings from undereating? Or the obsession with measuring and weighing is perhaps too much for you right now?

    Anytime I've had something like a fit or meltdown, it's been related to some sort of psychological or medical issue.

    Like BP, I've had meltdowns related to PTSD. Constant therapy has helped this greatly. They were very specifically triggered, as is.

    I also had some emotional breakdowns when I was in thyroidtoxicosis. The obvious hormone answer there. I occasionally have breakdowns regarding food because I struggle with an ED.

    A meltdown/fit isn't exactly a normal thing. There's an underlying cause that should be treated so they don't happen again. This isn't to say that just crying after being under prolonged stress isn't wrong, or that having a meltdown isn't a healthy form of release now and then... but anger/sadness that gets extreme to the point of a "fit" is something to worry about.
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member

    sounds like youre making this a bit more difficult than it needs to be.

    ^^This. I mean this (tough) lovingly, DON'T sweat it, but it's OK to be honest and frank about it after the fact. So, he ate your pepperonis. I log meticulously, but if something gets a wee screwed up (oops, I dropped some cottage cheese on the floor, or whatever), I'm not going to start over again, or remeasure. If someone snatched a few pepperonis on me, I'd just grab a couple more, or substitute a food with similar macros (oops, pepperoni all gone? I'll grab a pinch of shredded cheese to replace it).

    This is exactly why I log EVERYTHING, so that when the oopsies or spills, or kids or husband want a bite happens (or, umm, I lick the spoon and forget), I know for sure I'm still "close".
  • calibriintx
    calibriintx Posts: 1,741 Member
    Is it possible you're hangry? You're diary is closed so we can't tell if you're on a VLCD or something. Make sure you're eating enough. If you're sure that you are, maybe it's PMS or stress at work just carrying over. Good luck!
  • Cycle4Life99
    Lastnight I did! I was just so frustrated with always weighing and measuring and tracking.....and lastnight we made pizza pitas and I had my 15 turkey pepperoni on the counter and noticed my husband was taking those for his and not from the package! I threw a fit :( very pathetic I know but I just wanted to cry! I had a "poor pitty me moment" here's this guy who just eats whatever and I have to count and measure and he's taking mine that I already counted out....LOL I'm laughing now as I type this but at the moment it was a sad and pathetic situation. Anyone else have meltdowns like this?

    Your husband will eventually have to learn to weigh, measure, and count or he will gain weight. Speedy metabolisms don't last forever.
  • brynnsmom
    brynnsmom Posts: 945 Member
    OMG 3 yo...

    Mine too, exactly what I was thinking!
  • taranbatt
    taranbatt Posts: 18 Member
    My diary is now open.....hangry..maybe??? I started earlier that day too so hormones...maybe????
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Nah, not really. I do get 'hangry' occasionally though. The worst I can remember was when my husband and I were on a trip and I was super hungry and he wasn't (which NEVER happens) and I wound up buying M&Ms from a vending machine and scarfing them, very irritated. I have since rethought that situation...really should have just got a taco or something, and carried on.
  • _AwesomeSauce_
    I have a meltdowns and throw fits whenever it's my wife's TOM. Does that count?
  • One_Last_Time
    Yes, all the time. Dieting makes us crazy.