The peanut butter must go



  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    Toast and Jelly.
  • lemonandhoney
    I have peanut butter most mornings. The wholenut kind. It is the only thing that keeps me from snacking till lunch. I often just have one tsp on a banana for breakfast to give a break from bread. it's so good!
  • LifeWithPie
    LifeWithPie Posts: 552 Member
    Am I the only one who thinks PB2 is absolutely disgusting?
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    No way I'm giving up my peanut butter

  • Straitlover1965
    Straitlover1965 Posts: 39 Member
    If you toast the bread/muffin/whatever, the heat melts the PB and you can get away w/ using less. Well, I can. :) I like a thin coating more than big globs. Occasionally I will top it w/ a few thin slices of fruit (banana, apple, pear, etc).

    Instead of weighing the bread before and after, I weigh the jar before and after. That way, I count what I lick off the knife after spreading, LOL.
  • Lorrainell
    Lorrainell Posts: 14 Member
    I make fresh almond butter at any food store that offers the nut grinder. I have one cup of baby carrots or celery and dip them into two tablespoons of my almond butter. Great healthy snack or as an add on to my lunch. Use apples, pears etc. you are getting a combination of your daily protien, carb and fats.
  • marialynn2014
    marialynn2014 Posts: 89 Member
    So, in 2 months, you've lost 44lbs and only have a goal of losing 13 more (if I did kg to lbs correctly) and you think your weight loss is slow because of peanut butter? I think you have done an amazing job and you should keep plugging away, doing exactly what you are doing with the foods you love. You've lost a tremendous amount in a short amount of time and have had excellent success thus far! Don't give up a staple in your diet and expect to keep the weight off when you just decide one day that you can't live without it. Best of luck!
  • ximenia
    ximenia Posts: 62 Member
    You could try fitnutz, it's a peanut butter alternative powder that's only like 60 calories per serving, you can use it in smoothies and stuff and add water to turn it into peanut butter.
  • rainbow198
    rainbow198 Posts: 2,245 Member
    I think you've done an amazing job with your weight loss so far OP!

    I eat a little natural pb almost every day with an apple, banana or celery for the healthy fats. mmmm

    I also PB2 in my protein shakes when I want someone chocolatey and peanut buttery without the extra calories.

    Have you tried eating natural peanut butter? It can be an acquired if you're used to the sweetness of regular pb, but it's pretty good. There are also other varies of butter like cashew butter, almond butter? I make almond butter from scratch from time to time.

    I can understand not feeling in control. Good luck to you!
  • lindamartin423
    lindamartin423 Posts: 3 Member
    I just discovered PB2, as well. I add 2 tablespoons to 4 oz. nonfat greek yogurt and 2 tablespoons of Polaner all-fruit. Voila! PB&J yogurt! Creamy, peanutty, jelly-y and tastes decadent. (If you consider pb&j decadent).
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Could not read this thread. Too depressing. I actually think you should be banned for even suggesting cutting out PB. ;)
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,412 Member
    For breakfast scrambled eggs and avocado
    For lunch sliced turkey and avocado

    In both cases add in whatever other veggies make you happy - lettuce, tomato, cucumber, peppers, etc. etc.

    Also I love and still eat peanut butter, sometimes on a sandwich but usually with an apple... as far as PB2 is concerned I would never eat it as it has lost all or most of the nutritional value.

    From the Food Babe - 'The beauty of a peanut is that it contains all of the nutrients nature intended. It has a healthy dose of fat, protein and vitamins. PB2 extracts almost all of the essential monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, leaching the vitamin E content which is fat soluble, therefore reducing the nutritional content of the whole food. The fat is what keeps you satisfied and reduces cravings making just a tablespoon of real peanut butter so satisfying. This powdered form looks pretty clean when you review the ingredients, but it’s just another way for manufacturers to trick you into thinking less calories is better for you. They have to add a mixture of sugar and salt into the powder to make it taste better without the fat. I know I’d rather have the fat vs. the sugar and salt!'
  • fallingtrees
    fallingtrees Posts: 220 Member
    I am eating peanut butter right now. On a banana. This is my daily protein/carb pick-me-up snack, and I budget for it.

    Sometimes I make oatmeal cookies, using peanut butter as the fat instead of butter or shortening.

    I also eat avocados.

    Both are calorie-dense, but they are good fat and protein calories. I weigh them out to keep from overdoing it.
  • feliscatus84
    feliscatus84 Posts: 80 Member
    Oh man I don't think I could ever give up peanut butter. It's a staple! Good luck with that.
  • natstar26
    natstar26 Posts: 130 Member
    haha I eat it everyday but just one tbsp. though... even the natural stuff has same calories just less fat but the taste of natural is gross lol just have more self control girl!! you CAN do it. I love Nutella and if I want some I just have some but keep within my macros ect mmm I love that new Chocolate Philadelphia too! Test your will power have 1 tbsp and put the jar away.
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    I personally eat peanut butter once a day for breakfast because it has many good health benefits not just protein... You need carbs (that comes from the bread) and you need the fat (peanut oil) If i was you i would go to an all-natural peanut butter... (100% peanuts).

    Also you need to get some Willpower when it comes to your eating this awesome food from the gods....^^

    I have NO willpower around PB. None. I cannot keep it in the house.
  • Chris_Pierce
    Chris_Pierce Posts: 267 Member

    For the win
  • greenmonstergirl
    greenmonstergirl Posts: 619 Member
    Keep the PB and quit eating bread :)
  • sfbaumgarten
    sfbaumgarten Posts: 912 Member
    I eat toast with sugar free jam. I'm boring.
  • MirandaDeCrane
    MirandaDeCrane Posts: 78 Member
    I have been using whipped peanut butter. It is lighter and spreads an airy layer versus a thick coating...I have 1T-ish on a piece of wheat toast in the mornings :)