How far do you go on cheat days?



  • jesserunsfree
    jesserunsfree Posts: 194 Member
    I allow cheat days once a week. Last week I was very ill so I cheated 4 days. Mostly because I could only get a few things down. However I never allow myself to go over my calorie count! Ever.
  • jesserunsfree
    jesserunsfree Posts: 194 Member
    As for why a cheat day. My mom said a long time ago. You can't eliminate completely the foods you love or you will never fully be ale to enjoy your diet. I.E. wedding cake slice at my friends wedding or hot dog in Fourth of July. I budget those days in. So I can have fun but stay healthy.
  • knityoupants
    knityoupants Posts: 76 Member
    Instead of "cheat days," I try to only let my guard down for special occasions... and still log. I end up enjoying myself more and feeling less guilty when I approach it like that :)
  • giveMEbeauty
    giveMEbeauty Posts: 192
    Bump x
  • pageantchica
    I disagree with just about everyone on this thread. A "cheat day" is where you let your guard down for a whole day and eat whatever you please. It tricks your body and can help break a plateau. It SERIOUSLY works too, if you figure out how to do it right (whatever works best for you body/metabolism). My cheat days are every Saturday. And I don't take them lightly. (But I don't binge either) I eat whatever (WHATEVER) I want. Sometimes these days can easily rack up to about 5,000 calories. BUT THAT'S OKAY. It skyrockets my metabolism. And it doesn't undo the whole week either. One Friday I weighed in at about 113 lbs. I had my cheat day Saturday, then stuck to my diet the rest of the week (Sun-Fri). That Friday I weighed in at about 110 lbs (I'm petite). Btw, I don't count calories on my "diet" during the week. I just eat smaller portions and meals and stick to serving sizes. I know this wouldn't work for everyone, but it works for me. It blows my mind that most of you think that going 500 calories above you daily budget is considered a cheat. Sounds like you guys are scared to death of food...
  • joshspringfield98
    There is nothing wrong with cheat days. Most people will think that it is just putting unnecessary "bad" calories into your system but this is a MYTH. Having a cheat day will cure your cravings for the week and help boost up your metabolism if you have been low calorie/low carb/ low fat dieting. Personally I have my cheat day on a Saturday after training my legs for 1.5+ hours. That way I know I will have burnt most of those calories off. I have a low calories breakfast before working out, then cheat the rest of the day after the workout. The following Sunday, I fast for 16 hours (from the time i go to bed until 12pm-1pm) and usually have a rest day, or if I have already rested, I will train cardio and either back or chest. Do not worry about those guilty feelings after cheating, it is good for you. Just relax and eat all you like (as long as it is in portions).
  • sarafischbach9
    sarafischbach9 Posts: 466 Member
    I eat a few more hundred calories than normal ( Maybe like 1600 calories. ) If I don't do that I might just have a cheat meal like go to fast food or to Chipotle or something. If I do that, I will usually still be within my calorie means, but I had something yummy that I have not had in a while.

    I don't have cheat days too often. Maybe I ate 1500 calories or more once this month so far?

    So far, a cheat to me is not working out for a day, or relaxing. I always feel like i have to exercise.
  • TillyFrog
    The whole point of a cheat day or 'blow out' is to loose weight faster... And to help stop falling of your progress.
    If you limit yourself to a constant healthy diet, your cravings will get worse and worse and you will risk going on a binge and giving up on your diet all together, but if you look forward to treating yourself to tempting foods on the same day once a week you're less likely to fall off course.. And with that, your body gets use to the low calorie intake of a healthy diet, once your body realizes that its taking in less calories that you're burning off, it will take a sit back and hold onto the calories that you take in, so by having a blow out/cheat day and just going over your usual daily amount it will kick start your metabolism into burning them off more again.
  • ianwukitsch
    ianwukitsch Posts: 1 Member
    I was skeptical at first about my cheat days, but I have found that it does me no harm. I usually have 2 cheat days a month with no cheat meals in between. I find that I have no cravings after my cheat days and my workouts the next couple of days are awesome. I usually eat well over 3000 calories on these days and my weight loss has still been great, down to 200 pounds after starting at about 240 in September. I also am a college athlete who works out about 2 hours everyday in addition to practice/ games, alot of cardio before and after workouts as well, and take in 1800 calories a day regularly. So Id say go all out on cheat days.
  • shawmutt
    shawmutt Posts: 74 Member
    I used to have cheat days, and they inevitably led to my failure. I would have a bad morning, say “f” it, and go on an absurd binge.

    My new plan is to have 90% "moderate" meals instead of days. I have 93 meals this month, 90% of that is 84 “good” meals (my daily goal / 3 = 550-650 calories per “moderate” meal). I am trying to spread the big meals out as evenly as possible over the month while trying to maintain and extra one for that inevitable “oops” moment.
  • Riddickcz
    Riddickcz Posts: 2
    There is no difference between cheat meal and cheat day.
    Definition of a cheat meal is any meal that pushes you above your desired daily caloric goal.

    If you are in caloric deficit its a meal that brings you to maintenance calories or in caloric surplus.
    If you are bulking and in caloric surplus to start with, its a meal that pushes you in a significant caloric surplus.
    If you are maintaining, its a meal that pushes you in caloric surplus.

    Either way, you are not achieving your caloric goal for the day, meaning its a cheat day. If you eat some pizza or burger or whatever "unheatlhy" (hate that term...) but manage to fit it in your caloric intake for the day, you just made your diet flexible, but didnt cheat because at the end of the day you still managed to hit your caloric goal for the day.

    Thats my few cents here.
  • Ortax
    Ortax Posts: 98
    I "cheat" on Saturdays by eating whatever I want and as much as I want. Yesterday I had some pizza, ice cream, and popcorn. I'm still losing weight by doing this because I'm in such a massive calorie deficit all 6 other days of the week. I'm down 24 lbs total (10 of which I lost from switching from regular coke to diet coke; the other 14 I've lost in about a month from cutting calories) I still need to lose 40 more lbs until I'm happy.
  • KateK8LoseW8
    KateK8LoseW8 Posts: 824 Member
    I used to do cheat days, and then I managed to develop bulimia. So no cheat days for me. Always between 1850-2300, dessert every day.
  • _KitKat_
    _KitKat_ Posts: 1,066 Member
    I view this whole logging thing as a lifestyle change. I log so I have the data I need to make decisions and hold myself accountable. "Cheating" gives too much power to food. Last night was the last weekend night my in-laws are in town, we went to the casino (didn't win) and had dinner at the buffet. I had no way to properly log this. I ate what I wanted, surprisingly my portions were on the small side and my choices were healthy except the slice of chocolate cake. I came home, logged it as a food, listed what I ate and put about 1000 calories. It may have been over that (most likely not...salmon, veggies, rice), why worry but I am also not going to do that often because I do not like wiping out any of my weeks works if I can help it. I think "cheat meals/days" are excuses to binge, if this is a sustainable change than eat what you want within your calories and if you go over life happens. When I was thin I just ate, sometimes a lot but other times barely anything and I never thought of weight, its how the week/month look not just a day.
  • shawmutt
    shawmutt Posts: 74 Member
    So far I can't have "cheat days" anymore :laugh: I stick with cheat meals. I'm trying to stick to being 90% good, which equates to about 9 cheat meals for the month.

    I have 1 left...
  • ohiotubagal
    ohiotubagal Posts: 190 Member
    I don't do cheat days or cheat meals. I usually eat out on Saturday and Sunday, but I don't think of it as "cheating" because then it would mean I'm dieting, which I'm not. I'm changing my lifestyle, so for me that means I can eat out when I choose, and then fit the food into my allotment for the day. If I allow myself to "diet" and "cheat", I set myself up for failure. That doesn't mean I don't occasionally go over, but I try not to.

    Yes! This is very well put and exactly how I have been approaching this process. In the past, I had "red light" foods and cheat meals/days...and it never worked out very well. One piece of wisdom I like to remember is "everything is permissible, but not everything is beneficial". Just knowing that I *can* eat whatever I like actually reduces the desire to overeat, at least for me.
  • SkittlesMeLove
    I call it my treat day. I still workout b/c I don't want to break that habit... but I go over my calorie limit. If it's only for a day.... I don't see the problem with it. Just make sure you hope back on track the next day :)
  • dmenchac
    dmenchac Posts: 447 Member
    I have to agree with this. I call it my treat day. I still workout b/c I don't want to break that habit... but I go over my calorie limit. If it's only for a day.... I don't see the problem with it. Just make sure you hope back on track the next day :)

    Old thread. And the reason to not do it is because you can blow your entire week in one day.

    I can easily pound down 3500 calories over maintenance on a "cheat day" thus rendering all my hard work for the week completely useless.

    Have a cheat meal, not a day.
  • MaryGrace1965
    MaryGrace1965 Posts: 92 Member
    I do a cheat "meal", usually dinner, a week. My husband and I go out on Friday nights and I enjoy eating what I want but I try hard not to go to crazy. Ice cream is my downfall and that usually pushed me over.
  • _KitKat_
    _KitKat_ Posts: 1,066 Member
    I have never understood, the "Cheat" meal/day. For me I am logging to be mindful of my consumption, I have a daily, weekly calorie deficient that I prefer to maintain but if I go over, then I go over. It all evens out and even if I go over I have never went over maintenance a for the day or over my goal deficient for the week. I need to change things that started the last 3 years that caused my weight gain, being mindful of my actions helps keep be accountable. "Cheating" would imply an emotion and mean my diet (not "diet" but diet like intake) has a power over me. If I want a sustainable lifestyle change, I have to accept that there are days I eat more and days I eat less....logging gives me the tools to make informed decisions, like realizing having a milkshake with a meal I could not comprehend being over 1000 calories already would have been insane and not worth it, but that doesn't mean on a different day I don't have the milkshake on its own.

    No judgment to those that have cheat days, it seems it is an emotional break for some. Just for me cheating would be guilt and I refuse to have guilt for what I eat.